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2014-02-02 6:54 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Super Bowl XLVIII
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by k9car363

Alright, so this has NOTHING to do with Triathlon!

Anyone care that the Super Bowl is this afternoon?  If so, who are you rooting for?

Most of the season I have said, "I don't see anyone beating Seattle."  Then the 49'ers almost beat Seattle.  So now I am thinking it can be done.

Sorry Steve, I am pulling for Denver.

You and everyone else, Scott.

Not QUITE everyone

x 2. Disgruntled Pats fan here

2014-02-02 9:32 PM
in reply to: KOM

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Super Bowl XLVIII
Originally posted by KOM

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by k9car363

Alright, so this has NOTHING to do with Triathlon!

Anyone care that the Super Bowl is this afternoon?  If so, who are you rooting for?

Most of the season I have said, "I don't see anyone beating Seattle."  Then the 49'ers almost beat Seattle.  So now I am thinking it can be done.

Sorry Steve, I am pulling for Denver.

You and everyone else, Scott.

Not QUITE everyone

x 2. Disgruntled Pats fan here

SEAHAWKS. Legion of Boom!
2014-02-02 10:07 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Super Bowl XLVIII

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by KOM
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by k9car363

Alright, so this has NOTHING to do with Triathlon!

Anyone care that the Super Bowl is this afternoon?  If so, who are you rooting for?

Most of the season I have said, "I don't see anyone beating Seattle."  Then the 49'ers almost beat Seattle.  So now I am thinking it can be done.

Sorry Steve, I am pulling for Denver.

You and everyone else, Scott.

Not QUITE everyone

x 2. Disgruntled Pats fan here
SEAHAWKS. Legion of Boom!

OK, I am a believer.  Seattle 43 - Denver 8.  And it wasn't that close.  It wasn't so much that Denver lost as Seattle spanked them, on pretty much every play.

I do have one take-away from the game however.  I kept hearing that the Seattle players repeated the phrase, "Why not us?"  Then they interviewed Russell Wilson (Seattle QB) and he said his dad taught him the phrase, "Why not me?"

More often than not, athletic achievement begins and ends in the mind.  Once you believe it, you can achieve it.

So I ask, "Why not us?" and "Why not me?"

2014-02-03 6:26 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: New day, new week.

I had a great time yesterday evening. Mostly watching my friends faces as they watched the game.

However, I really, really wish the game was more of a game. Leaving after the first part of the 3rd quarter,  knowing who whas gonna win, is not what I expected of the Supurb Owl.

My stats for the week are fairly dismal:

12 training and

-10 for weight makes

2 points for the week.

"Why not Me?" The ball is 10000% in my court on that one. I need to own it and move on.

2014-02-03 7:24 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Weight/Nutrition/Cheating Question
Originally posted by k9car363

So my question for the group - How do YOU handle all things nutrition and weight?  Do you count every calorie and know the exact macro-nutrient ratios you take in?  Do you follow a strict diet or not so much?  Do you allow yourself a cheat day or meal?

Managing my weight has been an ongoing challenge. About two and a half years ago, I began tracking my food intake at a 2200 calorie per/day, 50/ 30/ 20 ratio of carbs/protein/fat. This equated to a target of 250g carb/150gprotein/45g fat per day (If my memory serves me). I also had one cheat day of 2700 calories per day built into my schedule. This intake level coupled with a six day workout schedule, (3 strength, 3 cardio) caused a calorie deficit that led to a steady weight loss.

After losing about 30 lbs, my weight loss stalled if I didn't adhere to this program closely.

As I shifted focus from simply wanting to look and feel healthier to training for running events, I went to a 4 day cardio/2 strength regimen, with a 2000 cal per day intake. Losing the next 20lbs took another fifteen months or so, since I didn't adhere to this program strictly and the scale moved slowly or not at all for months.

This past summer I moved to a five day cardio/ 1 day strength program with a 1950 calorie, 50/25/25 ratio, since my goal is to build endurance for longer races. Over the past 4 months I have struggled to maintain focus, so my weight is not moving down. My average intake has been closer to 23-2400 calories per day lately and apparently my body is very comfortable maintaining my current weight with this volume of food intake.

I guess the point of my post is to say that I have learned what foods and intake volumes allow me to lose weight. If I don't track intake fairly closely, my weight goes in the wrong direction.

2014-02-03 7:25 AM
in reply to: 0

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: Weight/Nutrition/Cheating Question

Originally posted by k9car363

I do well for a couple weeks and then I somehow sabotage myself and step back a couple weeks. 

I have the same issue.  I get to the point where I feel really GREAT and I know it is the combination of exercise and eating right.  Then all it takes in a few pretzels, bread, or whatever and I am back to not making very good decisions for a week or two (or more).  Of course, it takes so much longer to get back on track.

In general, we eat very little processed food and eat pretty healthy.  I just eat too much.

I do not track food.  I have tried but this makes me think about food even more so it hasn't worked very well for me.

Edited by hoffsquared 2014-02-03 7:28 AM

2014-02-03 7:55 AM
in reply to: Dogpaddle

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
Well, I was down 2lbs on Sunday am... but Monday morning... no change :-(

So, totals for this week:

420 minutes of training = 14 points
No change in weight = 5 points
Total = 19

Dang it... and that's exactly why I report on Monday... to give me incentive to behave over the weekend... well, sometimes it works ;-)

2014-02-03 7:57 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Weight/Nutrition/Cheating Question

In general, we eat very little processed food and eat pretty healthy.  I just eat too much.

That is my problem as well.

2014-02-03 8:28 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Subject: RE: Super Bowl XLVIII
Steve- Congratulations to your "Hawks". That was pretty impressive. Seattle certainly showed they are a complete team, but I have to say their Defensive is unbelievable.

Knee surgery scheduled for today. I am not looking forward to it but at the same time I want it done and over so I can focus on recovery and getting back to SBR. Hoping all goes well and will be back at it in 6-8 weeks. Hopefully back in the pool soon that that.

Anyway, Have a great week everyone!

2014-02-03 8:33 AM
in reply to: trytritryguy

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Super Bowl XLVIII

Originally posted by trytritryguy Steve- Congratulations to your "Hawks". That was pretty impressive. Seattle certainly showed they are a complete team, but I have to say their Defensive is unbelievable. Knee surgery scheduled for today. I am not looking forward to it but at the same time I want it done and over so I can focus on recovery and getting back to SBR. Hoping all goes well and will be back at it in 6-8 weeks. Hopefully back in the pool soon that that. Anyway, Have a great week everyone! Dave

Good luck on the surgery and hope you are in recovery mode ASAP!

2014-02-03 8:40 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Weight/Nutrition/Cheating Question
Originally posted by k9car363

So my question for the group - How do YOU handle all things nutrition and weight?  Do you count every calorie and know the exact macro-nutrient ratios you take in?  Do you follow a strict diet or not so much?  Do you allow yourself a cheat day or meal?  Last Tuesday, my wife and I sat down to watch 'Biggest Loser' and put a SERIOUS dent into a box of Ding-Dongs.  We felt pretty naughty doing it, and it was humorous at the time - right up to the moment I stepped on the scale.  Do you allow yourself that kind of indiscretion?  Where, or how, do you draw the line in the sand that you won't cross?

I do well for a couple weeks and then I somehow sabotage myself and step back a couple weeks.  Just wondering how everyone else deals with the day to day nutrition/weight struggle.

Having just screwed up royally last night, I believe I am eminently qualified to respond to this question :-) Seriously, what follows is strictly my own lessons learned - which I think is very much an individual thing once you have taken in the nutrition basics that I'm sure you have already fully "digested".

First to answer your questions:
1) I do not count every calories in / out. My eating issues are much more emotionally driven (stress, etc.), and counting tends to "fuel" the stress.
2) Drawing a line in the sand seems to be a problem for me that leads to bad cycles - e.g. I screwed up again, so who cares, eat another ding-dong, etc. I do best when I get into a healthy cycle that reinforces itself.
3) Cheat meals happen, but I don't consider them cheat meals. Again, for me, wrong message.

Some thoughts:
1) I think it is particularly difficult to "be good" when you are building training (as you are right now). It definitely creates a craving for food that often drives me to the wrong choices at the wrong time (e.g. night time snacking for me to make up for caloric deficit).
2) Although I do weigh myself daily out of habit, I'm not sure that's a good idea. I think weekly is probably what I should do. Regardless, I don't put much credence into daily fluctuations one way or another as most of that has to do with hydration, salt and swelling, not real progress (or lack of it in the case of last night's indiscretion).
3) For me, I find that having protein in the morning helps and also doing what I can to lower caffeine intake during the day (appetite stimulant). These are both kind of challenging for me, but I've made a little progress. Handful of nuts in the morning (unsalted) helps... but can't sit down with them... lol!
4) Environment - our brains are really hard wired and many of the habits that led us to our current state are not easy to overcome. I find it is easier to change my environment than to change the hard wired reactions to it. For example, if your challenge is sitting in front of the TV at night and eating poorly... find a different place to be. I've actually taken up some evening activities to keep me out of the house in the evenings. Also, don't let the Ding Dongs get into your house. If they are there, they will be gone, right? What happens at the grocery store is really important. Make a list and don't stray from it.
5) Food upgrades. Someone posted something in BT (maybe in last year's mentor group?) about taking things from one category and "upgrading" the nutritional value. I liked that concept, but couldn't find the link today. Things like upgrade from white rice to brown rice, etc.
6) Bread, pasta. My wife (and daughter) love them and thinks they are healthy, and I love them as well, so this is an on-going battle. But I think there's alot of low hanging fruit there for me :-)
7) I think there may be something to Atkins' idea of a 2 week period of detox from carbs. More sugars leads to more craving of sugars. Bad cycle. How to interrupt it? I don't subscribe to Atkins diet, but I think there might be something to be said for 2 weeks of only getting carbs from fresh fruit and veggies (and I don't mean potatoes). Haven't tried it myself yet, but I like the idea of trying to mess with some of our brain's hard wiring that way. I do think there is something in our corn-based processed foods that is akin to drug dependencies.

Okay... back to work for me. Thanks for prompting me to revisit some of this, Scott. Your workouts are looking great. You especially need the good foods for fuel right now!


2014-02-03 9:21 AM
in reply to: juneapple

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Weight loss
Back on track. Pretty aggressive training week for me as it was the first week at a higher volume/intensity in this cycle. Dropped most of the water weight that I put on last week. Fitness is starting to come around, but I've got a lot of ground to cover in the next 70 days.

Weight loss -2 to 166 , 20 points plus +5 bonus = 25
700 minutes workout = 23

Total for week 48

2014-02-03 9:23 AM
in reply to: trytritryguy

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Super Bowl XLVIII
Originally posted by trytritryguy

Steve- Congratulations to your "Hawks". That was pretty impressive. Seattle certainly showed they are a complete team, but I have to say their Defensive is unbelievable.

Knee surgery scheduled for today. I am not looking forward to it but at the same time I want it done and over so I can focus on recovery and getting back to SBR. Hoping all goes well and will be back at it in 6-8 weeks. Hopefully back in the pool soon that that.


Dave--good luck on the knee surgery. Hopefully you'll come through this with the ability and desire to get back into training again quickly.

2014-02-03 9:30 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Super Bowl XLVIII
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by KOM
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by k9car363

Alright, so this has NOTHING to do with Triathlon!

Anyone care that the Super Bowl is this afternoon?  If so, who are you rooting for?

Most of the season I have said, "I don't see anyone beating Seattle."  Then the 49'ers almost beat Seattle.  So now I am thinking it can be done.

Sorry Steve, I am pulling for Denver.

You and everyone else, Scott.

Not QUITE everyone

x 2. Disgruntled Pats fan here
SEAHAWKS. Legion of Boom!

OK, I am a believer.  Seattle 43 - Denver 8.  And it wasn't that close.  It wasn't so much that Denver lost as Seattle spanked them, on pretty much every play.

I do have one take-away from the game however.  I kept hearing that the Seattle players repeated the phrase, "Why not us?"  Then they interviewed Russell Wilson (Seattle QB) and he said his dad taught him the phrase, "Why not me?"

More often than not, athletic achievement begins and ends in the mind.  Once you believe it, you can achieve it.

So I ask, "Why not us?" and "Why not me?"

Absolutely right, Scott! Why not us? For me, it's so easy to get beat down by training, work, lack of sleep, travel requirements that my knee-jerk response is negative self talk; That little voice in my head saying "you can't do this, it's too hard, you need a break." Why not train our brains so that little voice is saying "you can do this, you've got it, you're doing just fine, relax and perform?"

Russel Wilson is right. Why not us?

2014-02-03 1:21 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Originally posted by soccermom15

A change in training plans plus a missed workout this week. 

no weight change - 5
200 mins workout - 4
total of 9 points for the week


I think I figured wrong on the workout minutes.  Should be 6.6 so actual total is 11.6 for the week.

2014-02-03 3:37 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Subject: RE: Challenge Update
dave ...good luck with your knee surgery recovery.

James i am negative five points this week.

I got news today at a PT eval that i need custom made orthotics.
It really doesnt matter if the PT is right/wrong.....i will need some time to justify spending my 401k money to continue my running career ( I am between jobs).....
I ended up buying a pair of Altra running shoes as a stopgap. I doubt it will work and likely I will end up getting the orthotics : (

Scott...I have basic dietary guidelines as follows:
1. Never go down the candy aisle in the grocery store.
2. Only eat whats good for me...not what taste good. If somethings "too" good..I quit buying it.
3. I do not eat out unless i am jammed for time and starving ( rarely happens).
4. I take half a big grocery sack of food with me from home if I am gonna be gone all day.
5. NEVER eat in front of the tv or standing up...I sit...and only eat and pay attention to ...well...eating.
6. Never go hungry unless its a rare emergency.
7. I have never been on "a diet"

I hope that does not sound snooty..not my intention...I am just saying what works for me. I realize it is kinna "out there"...but I only have one body...and I expect it to last me to the end.

2014-02-03 10:02 PM
in reply to: dustytrails

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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
A will of steel Steve - If that was my home team I would have at least gained 2 pounds in Super Bowl food - Great job!!!

(GGG 2-2-2014.jpg)

GGG 2-2-2014.jpg (161KB - 6 downloads)
2014-02-04 2:24 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
Originally posted by JREDFLY

A will of steel Steve - If that was my home team I would have at least gained 2 pounds in Super Bowl food - Great job!!!

I went gluten free as of January 1, so that knocked out many of my favorite game time food groups (beer, pretzels, donuts, pizza, etc.). So, it wasn't too bad...I just stuck mostly to lightly buttered popcorn washed down with some Perrier. Once the game was in check, I jumped over to a fine red wine.

Judi is looking back at the rest of us in this challenge in her rear view mirror and laughing. I've got a shot at catching her if I ramp my training up to 40 hours a week.
2014-02-05 10:36 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Dublin, Ohio
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
Hi guys! Just got back from skiing in Colorado with the family. So so much fun! After being in the mountains I seriously question why I live in Ohio....... I did a 12 mile run at 9300 feet and felt like I was going to pass out! So glad to be back in the land of oxygen!

Dave, hope your recovering well from surgery!

Welcome Charlotte!

As far as eating clean......I try to not buy any junk but it is really difficult with kids and being on the go all the time. I try to pack veggies, fruits, nuts and healthy bars. I try to brainwash the kids into healthy eating!
2014-02-06 11:45 AM
in reply to: wsummerhill

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

I signed up for a videotaped swim clinic nest month.  I did the clinic a few years ago and came away with a lot of good pointers.  Hoping that I have made improvements in my form from then--but really no signifigant speed improvements which makes me wonder if I am just destined to be sow?

2014-02-07 7:19 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Happy Friday everyone.  I really wish weigh-ins were on Fridays.  I'm good all week!  Then the weekend rolls around....well you know what I mean.  I'm going to try and be extra good tonight and tomorrow night so Sunday's weigh-in shows some progress.

Will be doing either a group ride on Saturday or a spin/trainer charity session w/ the local tri shop.  Not sure which one I'm leaning towards at the moment.

2014-02-07 10:08 AM
in reply to: hoffsquared

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
Originally posted by hoffsquared

Happy Friday everyone.  I really wish weigh-ins were on Fridays.  I'm good all week!  Then the weekend rolls around....well you know what I mean.  I'm going to try and be extra good tonight and tomorrow night so Sunday's weigh-in shows some progress.

Will be doing either a group ride on Saturday or a spin/trainer charity session w/ the local tri shop.  Not sure which one I'm leaning towards at the moment.

Precisely why I do my weigh-ins on Monday am. Just a little added incentive :-) Two celebratory dinners this weekend plus beer / dinner gig on Sunday. Hmmm... good thing I'm heading into the weekend with a good head start!

2014-02-07 10:27 AM
in reply to: juneapple

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Challenge Update
Originally posted by juneapple

Originally posted by hoffsquared

Happy Friday everyone.  I really wish weigh-ins were on Fridays.  I'm good all week!  Then the weekend rolls around....well you know what I mean.  I'm going to try and be extra good tonight and tomorrow night so Sunday's weigh-in shows some progress.

Will be doing either a group ride on Saturday or a spin/trainer charity session w/ the local tri shop.  Not sure which one I'm leaning towards at the moment.

Precisely why I do my weigh-ins on Monday am. Just a little added incentive :-) Two celebratory dinners this weekend plus beer / dinner gig on Sunday. Hmmm... good thing I'm heading into the weekend with a good head start!


You guys are making me very jealous. It's seven degrees here this morning. I don't even like running outside in weather like this. The good news--I've got a quick industry meeting in Las Vegas starting Sunday so I'm heading down tomorrow. I'll get in my morning weekend ride on my indoor trainer (2.5 hours) and then head for the airport. But my Sunday morning long run should be outdoors in 50 degree+ temps. Ahhhhh.

James--I'm back Monday night on the red eye so I'll shoot my weight to you from the home scale on Tuesday morning.

Happy training everyone!

2014-02-07 7:58 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Frustrated!

I am getting REALLY frustrated!

A couple weeks ago, our scale started acting up.  First, for clarification, I weigh myself every morning, same time, same location, etc., etc.  I then average the daily weights to arrive at an average weekly weight to mitigate the day to day fluctuations.  A couple weeks ago, I started seeing abnormal fluctuations from the scale - along the lines of 5-8 pounds day-to-day.  Then I started experimenting and found it was fluctuating hour-to-hour and then literally minute-to-minute.  I got to where I would weight myself 4 or 5 times and average the results to get my daily weight (yeah, I know, not the best method).  My interpretation was that our scale was dying.

Last Monday, I stepped on the scale and . . . poof! . . . it gave up the weighing ghost and died.  No big deal, I went and bought a new scale and now I don't have any more fluctuations that I can't explain (if I eat something, or drink a pot of coffee, I expect to see a change).

The problem is that the scale reads 10.3 pounds higher than the scale that died.  Body fat reads 5.2% higher. All of the metrics it measures are off by like 15-20%.  I have always been more concerned with precision than accuracy but would expect two scales to be within a couple percentage points of each other.  I know that Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis is not the most accurate way to measure body fat, etc., but there again, I would expect two scales to be within shouting distance of each other.

So now, I have absolutely no idea where I am at.  I don't know if I have been losing weight, gaining muscle mass, losing body fat.  Just guessing on all of it.  Then, as if that isn't enough.  I get test results back this morning from my annual physical.  Cholesterol is up, LDL is up, HDL is down.  Yes, I cheated during the Super Bowl, and had the Ding Dong binge, but not so sure that explains numbers going the wrong way given the exercise volume and the overall pretty health diet.


James, I have added up 58 points on my Workout Challenge total from weight loss.  Can you please remove those points from my total?  I can't with a clear conscience say that I have lost weight, or at least that much weight over the course of our workout challenge.

Dr. Kathy, (not looking for free medical advice, rather if you can point me in a direction), I wonder if you might have a suggestion?  First, should I get the lipid panel redone?  I understand that results can be inaccurate based on recent meals and/or exercise, plus I had only fasted for about 8 1/2 hours prior to the test.  Second,  I need to get with a nutritionist, or a sports dietician, or someone that can offer professional guidance on my nutrition needs.  Who (what type of professional) should I seek out?  Are there any good publications and/or web articles that you might recommend?  It is getting increasingly frustrating to be putting in the type or training volume I am putting in and losing muscle mass which, given fairly good lab results, is probably a direct result of improper nutrition.  Of course, that is somewhat based on a scale that has now been proven inaccurate so your guess is as good as mine.  Bottom line, if I truly want to get to Kona, it is time to take the step and get some professional nutrition help.

2014-02-07 8:00 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Challenge Update

Originally posted by lutzman

You guys are making me very jealous. It's seven degrees here this morning. I don't even like running outside in weather like this. The good news--I've got a quick industry meeting in Las Vegas starting Sunday so I'm heading down tomorrow. I'll get in my morning weekend ride on my indoor trainer (2.5 hours) and then head for the airport. But my Sunday morning long run should be outdoors in 50 degree+ temps. Ahhhhh.



If it's any consolation, it was 42 and raining when I ran this morning so I had to wear my tights to stay warm! 

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2014-04-02 11:34 AM lsousa
date : October 24, 2012
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 3
I didn’t used to like to run slow. You begin to recalibrate your needs and wants and if-only you could jog an easy two miles, three times per week. Running is a gift.
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She's back. We were able to interview Deanna Babcock, a triathlete who galvanized the forums over several months with her story of a tragic accident and subsequent recovery.
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No one likes to look like a fool, but it’s hard not to when you don’t know what you’re doing as a beginner, so if it helps, go ahead and pretend.
date : May 30, 2005
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Maintaining a positive attitude and a sense of priority will be my keys to success. Before summer fades into fall, I will be a Triathlete and eager to race again.
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He looked at us and flat out told us that he wouldn't accept any of us as his students at a technical diving level with the poor level of physical fitness we had.
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Get inspired to race a triathlon even if your older.