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2015-01-06 10:38 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Any thoughts on following a swimming training plan vs. swimming with a masters group?  My masters group meets for 1.5 hour sessions.  I usually do a couple a week.

Wish I knew, as I'm thinking about trying a masters group but never have.  I'd **imagine** that it depends both on what motivates you (can you hit workout targets on your own, or do you do better with the competition/encouragement of others in the pool with you) and the types of workouts that masters group does.

If their workouts are close to what you need, I could see it being very helpful (swimming with swimmers, running with runners, riding with cyclists - all tend to up one's game).  However, if you have a few things that you need to work on (and know what they are and how to do that - or have a coach, etc.), then it's time not spent on those things.

All in, I'm going to give it a go and see what happens, I think.  For me, I've found that I need to get some long intervals in weekly (I know that this goes against the received wisdom for how to swim, but it has helped me racing), so I'll probably mix some masters with some longer, solo OWS.

How was that for not particularly helpful?!? 

Would love to hear others' thoughts.



I do like swimming with other people.  Triathlon can be such a solo sport.  A year ago when I was very consistent with the group, I was moving up the lanes with the group, and we have some very fast swimmer swimmers.  I made the mistake of not swimming with the group this summer and didn't end up swimming at all. That was quite detrimental to my swim fitness, as you would imagine.

I think what you're saying makes sense.  I know I would like to toss in some 1000y or 1500y sets on a Sunday to make sure that I'm doing the long interval stuff.  Though I will say that in the summer our group does 30 min sets in a 50m pool.  Those are awesome.

Swimming with the group is good, I just always question my need to do other strokes.  I know it helps all around fitness, but I have NO desire to swim fly at all. Whatsoever.  But I do go further and faster than if I were by myself.

Maybe I just miss being in the gym pool and being the fastest person there.  Swimming with swimmers is humbling.

I was going to ask about what the swimmers and coaching are like in that particular group.

I think you answered your own question

You would be hard pressed to find a good coach who DOESN'T think medley (strokes) is good for open water swimmers. Fly sucks. I hear you. Even flyers think fly sucks. But you will build more swim-specific strength that relates directly to freestyle even doing a really crappy fly than you will endless laps of free.

This post goes into more detail:

Just IMO--long interval stuff every week isn't necessary. Maybe every month. And with as many Olys as you plan to race

And if I haven't already flogged this horse enough (and been flogged, come to think of it), Sheila's new book:

The underwater arm position and how it propels you is essentially the same in all four competitive strokes.

First, I have to admit that when I was a kid 200 fly was my favorite event. 400 IM would have been except I hated backstroke. When the team would get in trouble our coach would make everyone do fly except me. My punishment was backstroke. This was in the days that group punishment was the norm. Yes, I'm a sick individual.

I was swimming with the masters group at the local gym and loved it. However, the coach changed my stroke and I developed a shoulder issue. It was so bad that I couldn't lift my arm out of the water for the recovery and I couldn't scoop ice cream. I had my husband video my swim and we sent it to my tri coach and he saw what I was doing and corrected the problem before I did damage.

Now to keep me going in the right direction, my coach is having me do a lot of band work, 1-armed fly, and dolphin kick, etc. to get my rhythm back and my pull back under me. (Masters coach was having my enter too far out and pull outside my shoulders). I'm also doing some backstroke and breaststroke in easy 200s and in cool downs. I like backstroke in cool downs because it stretches out my arms. I'm not a fast swimmer, but I think this combo that I'm doing now is helping with my pull. I should add that while I am doing some kick sets we do limit them because of my foot and ankle injury.

I do miss swimming with the masters group, but for me, at this time, swimming on my own is working. I think it's working because of my swim background and because my coach knows me and is designing my workouts just for me without having to worry about the masses like a masters coach does.

2015-01-06 10:41 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by StaceyK

If I recall correctly from my long ago time in the pool in high school

FLY = abs and Lats of steel.

A couple of us girls who used to 'specialise' in fly had better abs than most of the boys. Unfortunately after 20+ years of not swimming my abs up and moved somewhere and I am having trouble locating them! maybe it's time for some fly.

I used to look down at my abs and think I was fat. Now I look back at pictures and I wonder where that 6-pack of "fat" I used to have went. The things that go through teenage girls minds, lol!
2015-01-07 1:23 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by fortissimo

Originally posted by StaceyK

If I recall correctly from my long ago time in the pool in high school

FLY = abs and Lats of steel.

A couple of us girls who used to 'specialise' in fly had better abs than most of the boys. Unfortunately after 20+ years of not swimming my abs up and moved somewhere and I am having trouble locating them! maybe it's time for some fly.

I used to look down at my abs and think I was fat. Now I look back at pictures and I wonder where that 6-pack of "fat" I used to have went. The things that go through teenage girls minds, lol!
I use to think the same but I now know where my 6-pack is. It is being lovingly preserved under a layer of protective FAT!
2015-01-07 1:29 AM
in reply to: 0

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
3 more cyclists injured in Car v Bike incidents here on Monday. One of them was deliberately run over after an altercation with a driver at a set of traffic lights. Thankfully no major injuries and the driver has been charged with a number of offenses including causing grievous bodily harm. Further charges may be laid depending on the investigation. From the what cyclist said in the paper he did help to inflame the situation but still.

Please be careful out there people you may be in the right but it doesn't make you any less hurt or dead.

Edited by StaceyK 2015-01-07 1:30 AM
2015-01-07 3:14 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by StaceyK 3 more cyclists injured in Car v Bike incidents here on Monday. One of them was deliberately run over after an altercation with a driver at a set of traffic lights. Thankfully no major injuries and the driver has been charged with a number of offenses including causing grievous bodily harm. Further charges may be laid depending on the investigation. From the what cyclist said in the paper he did help to inflame the situation but still. Please be careful out there people you may be in the right but it doesn't make you any less hurt or dead.

This makes my chest seize up and I feel apopleptic.

Kingsley won't ride at all on the road anymore (other than the fact that he CAN'T SEE!) because of how agro Perth drivers have gotten.

He's very nearly banned me from riding on the road too, but I think I'm there myself already

2015-01-07 7:47 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by StaceyK 3 more cyclists injured in Car v Bike incidents here on Monday. One of them was deliberately run over after an altercation with a driver at a set of traffic lights. Thankfully no major injuries and the driver has been charged with a number of offenses including causing grievous bodily harm. Further charges may be laid depending on the investigation. From the what cyclist said in the paper he did help to inflame the situation but still. Please be careful out there people you may be in the right but it doesn't make you any less hurt or dead.

This makes my chest seize up and I feel apopleptic.

Kingsley won't ride at all on the road anymore (other than the fact that he CAN'T SEE!) because of how agro Perth drivers have gotten.

He's very nearly banned me from riding on the road too, but I think I'm there myself already

Yep Phil has all but banned me, he has made it very very clear to me that he is not at all happy about me riding on the road, so I'll stick with the trainer and bike tracks now. To be honest I don't feel that comfortable on the road anyway.

2015-01-07 8:18 AM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by ponderingfox

How many races is TOO many races?  I'm considering a six-race Oly series (of which I'll prob do five), as well as three or four Wednesday night short course races during the same time period.  I really love racing.

I'd say the A race, if any would be the last Oly.

(My spring A race is on the wedding day of a friend of mine.  She's getting married at 2 pm, the race is 4.5 hours away in Lansing, and I'm not sure of the start time.  Not sure if I can make it back in time.  That's a bummer, because I really like that sprint, and was hoping to improve on a top 10% finish last year.)

What are the downsides to a schedule like this, or does the ability to race a ton override that?


I recently read and article about racing a lot and I finally found it last night.  Unfortunately, the article is online in html-type format.  You can access it here: - Speed into Shape on page 46

2015-01-07 8:28 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by StaceyK 3 more cyclists injured in Car v Bike incidents here on Monday. One of them was deliberately run over after an altercation with a driver at a set of traffic lights. Thankfully no major injuries and the driver has been charged with a number of offenses including causing grievous bodily harm. Further charges may be laid depending on the investigation. From the what cyclist said in the paper he did help to inflame the situation but still. Please be careful out there people you may be in the right but it doesn't make you any less hurt or dead.

I'm so sorry to hear this.  {{hugs}}

2015-01-07 8:36 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by ponderingfox

How many races is TOO many races?  I'm considering a six-race Oly series (of which I'll prob do five), as well as three or four Wednesday night short course races during the same time period.  I really love racing.

I'd say the A race, if any would be the last Oly.

(My spring A race is on the wedding day of a friend of mine.  She's getting married at 2 pm, the race is 4.5 hours away in Lansing, and I'm not sure of the start time.  Not sure if I can make it back in time.  That's a bummer, because I really like that sprint, and was hoping to improve on a top 10% finish last year.)

What are the downsides to a schedule like this, or does the ability to race a ton override that?


I recently read and article about racing a lot and I finally found it last night.  Unfortunately, the article is online in html-type format.  You can access it here: - Speed into Shape on page 46

And also, I really like the shoe charm on page 15.

Oh!  I found it on etsy!

shoe charm

2015-01-07 8:49 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by StaceyK 3 more cyclists injured in Car v Bike incidents here on Monday. One of them was deliberately run over after an altercation with a driver at a set of traffic lights. Thankfully no major injuries and the driver has been charged with a number of offenses including causing grievous bodily harm. Further charges may be laid depending on the investigation. From the what cyclist said in the paper he did help to inflame the situation but still. Please be careful out there people you may be in the right but it doesn't make you any less hurt or dead.

This makes my chest seize up and I feel apopleptic.

Kingsley won't ride at all on the road anymore (other than the fact that he CAN'T SEE!) because of how agro Perth drivers have gotten.

He's very nearly banned me from riding on the road too, but I think I'm there myself already

As I spend more time on my bike, this is one thing I'm afraid of.  My fiance worries about it all the time too.  Usually I try to ride in groups if I ride outside.  Fortunately during the winter I spend a lot of time on the trainer or on the MTB trails.

2015-01-07 9:21 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by fortissimo
Originally posted by StaceyK If I recall correctly from my long ago time in the pool in high school FLY = abs and Lats of steel. A couple of us girls who used to 'specialise' in fly had better abs than most of the boys. Unfortunately after 20+ years of not swimming my abs up and moved somewhere and I am having trouble locating them! maybe it's time for some fly.
I used to look down at my abs and think I was fat. Now I look back at pictures and I wonder where that 6-pack of "fat" I used to have went. The things that go through teenage girls minds, lol!
I use to think the same but I now know where my 6-pack is. It is being lovingly preserved under a layer of protective FAT!

I like to think that my 6-pack is chilling on 10 lbs. of ice.

2015-01-07 9:24 AM
in reply to: msteiner

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
I've been in a seminar for the last 2 days - and I can't even begin to figure out what I missed here.

Who uses trainerroad? I just started using it and I took the ftp test a while a go and it gave me 152. Today and Monday I had NO chance of hitting my target power. My cadence and HR look good so now my teacher wants me to stay after class (coach wants to talk to me).

I'm thinking I'm just tired because I've been slacking pretty good since October and last week was my first week back at it. Any thoughts? THANKS


(let me know if you can't see it)
2015-01-07 9:40 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk I've been in a seminar for the last 2 days - and I can't even begin to figure out what I missed here. Who uses trainerroad? I just started using it and I took the ftp test a while a go and it gave me 152. Today and Monday I had NO chance of hitting my target power. My cadence and HR look good so now my teacher wants me to stay after class (coach wants to talk to me). I'm thinking I'm just tired because I've been slacking pretty good since October and last week was my first week back at it. Any thoughts? THANKS FYI me know if you can't see it)

I use TR regularly.  So you took the FTP test and couldn't hit your target power? How long ago did you do your FTP test? 

Are you doing TR in a class? What type of trainer setup do you have?

2015-01-07 9:43 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk I've been in a seminar for the last 2 days - and I can't even begin to figure out what I missed here. Who uses trainerroad? I just started using it and I took the ftp test a while a go and it gave me 152. Today and Monday I had NO chance of hitting my target power. My cadence and HR look good so now my teacher wants me to stay after class (coach wants to talk to me). I'm thinking I'm just tired because I've been slacking pretty good since October and last week was my first week back at it. Any thoughts? THANKS FYI me know if you can't see it)

Your career on TR has me kind of scratching my head.  Is that a virtual power curve you're using?  Maybe there's something going on with your trainer.  The drop off in power vs HR seems like there is more going on than just you being tired.

Are you using a different trainer now?  Has anything in your setup changed (tires, wheels, bike, etc.)?

Edited by msteiner 2015-01-07 9:44 AM
2015-01-07 9:52 AM
in reply to: msteiner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk I've been in a seminar for the last 2 days - and I can't even begin to figure out what I missed here. Who uses trainerroad? I just started using it and I took the ftp test a while a go and it gave me 152. Today and Monday I had NO chance of hitting my target power. My cadence and HR look good so now my teacher wants me to stay after class (coach wants to talk to me). I'm thinking I'm just tired because I've been slacking pretty good since October and last week was my first week back at it. Any thoughts? THANKS FYI me know if you can't see it)

Your career on TR has me kind of scratching my head.  Is that a virtual power curve you're using?  Maybe there's something going on with your trainer.  The drop off in power vs HR seems like there is more going on than just you being tired.

Are you using a different trainer now?  Has anything in your setup changed (tires, wheels, bike, etc.)?

Yes, your power history doesn't jive with struggling to meet a workout based on an FTP of 152.  I switched trainers recently and my old power history doesn't mean as much because of the difference between trainers.

2015-01-07 9:57 AM
in reply to: ponderingfox

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk I've been in a seminar for the last 2 days - and I can't even begin to figure out what I missed here. Who uses trainerroad? I just started using it and I took the ftp test a while a go and it gave me 152. Today and Monday I had NO chance of hitting my target power. My cadence and HR look good so now my teacher wants me to stay after class (coach wants to talk to me). I'm thinking I'm just tired because I've been slacking pretty good since October and last week was my first week back at it. Any thoughts? THANKS FYI me know if you can't see it)

Your career on TR has me kind of scratching my head.  Is that a virtual power curve you're using?  Maybe there's something going on with your trainer.  The drop off in power vs HR seems like there is more going on than just you being tired.

Are you using a different trainer now?  Has anything in your setup changed (tires, wheels, bike, etc.)?

Yes, your power history doesn't jive with struggling to meet a workout based on an FTP of 152.  I switched trainers recently and my old power history doesn't mean as much because of the difference between trainers.

I'm thinking recheck the entire setup too. Something is off with the power.

2015-01-07 9:59 AM
in reply to: 0

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk I've been in a seminar for the last 2 days - and I can't even begin to figure out what I missed here. Who uses trainerroad? I just started using it and I took the ftp test a while a go and it gave me 152. Today and Monday I had NO chance of hitting my target power. My cadence and HR look good so now my teacher wants me to stay after class (coach wants to talk to me). I'm thinking I'm just tired because I've been slacking pretty good since October and last week was my first week back at it. Any thoughts? THANKS FYI me know if you can't see it)

Your career on TR has me kind of scratching my head.  Is that a virtual power curve you're using?  Maybe there's something going on with your trainer.  The drop off in power vs HR seems like there is more going on than just you being tired.

Are you using a different trainer now?  Has anything in your setup changed (tires, wheels, bike, etc.)?

Yes, your power history doesn't jive with struggling to meet a workout based on an FTP of 152.  I switched trainers recently and my old power history doesn't mean as much because of the difference between trainers.

well I guess I should have mentioned that too - yes it's virtual power and in the beginning I had the wrong settings for my trainer but I thought I had figured it all out by the December 31 ride. Maybe I need to throw the whole thing out and start over.

ok well now I feel like an idiot

Thanks for helping me see what was probably in front of my face to begin with!

Edited by mtnbikerchk 2015-01-07 10:03 AM
2015-01-07 10:36 AM
in reply to: msteiner

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by StaceyK 3 more cyclists injured in Car v Bike incidents here on Monday. One of them was deliberately run over after an altercation with a driver at a set of traffic lights. Thankfully no major injuries and the driver has been charged with a number of offenses including causing grievous bodily harm. Further charges may be laid depending on the investigation. From the what cyclist said in the paper he did help to inflame the situation but still. Please be careful out there people you may be in the right but it doesn't make you any less hurt or dead.

This makes my chest seize up and I feel apopleptic.

Kingsley won't ride at all on the road anymore (other than the fact that he CAN'T SEE!) because of how agro Perth drivers have gotten.

He's very nearly banned me from riding on the road too, but I think I'm there myself already

As I spend more time on my bike, this is one thing I'm afraid of.  My fiance worries about it all the time too.  Usually I try to ride in groups if I ride outside.  Fortunately during the winter I spend a lot of time on the trainer or on the MTB trails.

I'm not sure who among us doesn't think about this.  There are crosses and "white bikes" (a shrine bike painted white - the equivalent of a cross - where a cyclist was killed) every few miles around here, it seems. 

Honestly, it makes cycling less appealing and tri somewhat harder.  I keep getting buzzed (recently about 2 feet away whilst going a bit over 40 - long downhill - by a car that crossed over the white line well into the shoulder to show me who's boss... they were going about 70).

Makes you think...


2015-01-07 10:46 AM
in reply to: msteiner

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by StaceyK 3 more cyclists injured in Car v Bike incidents here on Monday. One of them was deliberately run over after an altercation with a driver at a set of traffic lights. Thankfully no major injuries and the driver has been charged with a number of offenses including causing grievous bodily harm. Further charges may be laid depending on the investigation. From the what cyclist said in the paper he did help to inflame the situation but still. Please be careful out there people you may be in the right but it doesn't make you any less hurt or dead.

This makes my chest seize up and I feel apopleptic.

Kingsley won't ride at all on the road anymore (other than the fact that he CAN'T SEE!) because of how agro Perth drivers have gotten.

He's very nearly banned me from riding on the road too, but I think I'm there myself already

As I spend more time on my bike, this is one thing I'm afraid of.  My fiance worries about it all the time too.  Usually I try to ride in groups if I ride outside.  Fortunately during the winter I spend a lot of time on the trainer or on the MTB trails.

I saw the aftermath of an accident in which a car turned right and hit two cyclists who were going the same direction.  As I rode by, I saw one of the bikes under the car's front wheel.  If I'd been going the other direction and left the house a little earlier, it could have been me.  I can't understand how the car could have passed the cyclists, then turned in front of them.  I also saw my DH get clipped by a truck's rear view mirror as we were riding--in the bike lane--to work one day.  Luckily, he didn't even get a bruise but it scared the dickens out of me.  He frequently bike commutes and I try not to worry too much, but it's hard.  I'm pretty much doing trainer rides now and will probably continue that.

2015-01-07 11:08 AM
in reply to: msteiner

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by StaceyK 3 more cyclists injured in Car v Bike incidents here on Monday. One of them was deliberately run over after an altercation with a driver at a set of traffic lights. Thankfully no major injuries and the driver has been charged with a number of offenses including causing grievous bodily harm. Further charges may be laid depending on the investigation. From the what cyclist said in the paper he did help to inflame the situation but still. Please be careful out there people you may be in the right but it doesn't make you any less hurt or dead.

This makes my chest seize up and I feel apopleptic.

Kingsley won't ride at all on the road anymore (other than the fact that he CAN'T SEE!) because of how agro Perth drivers have gotten.

He's very nearly banned me from riding on the road too, but I think I'm there myself already

As I spend more time on my bike, this is one thing I'm afraid of.  My fiance worries about it all the time too.  Usually I try to ride in groups if I ride outside.  Fortunately during the winter I spend a lot of time on the trainer or on the MTB trails.

The trails are a great idea.  I too do most of my riding on my trainer though that too is not without peril {lol}.  There are some great rails to trails gravel paths that go for miles around here.  I bought a cyclocross bike to get more outdoor riding in while staying off the roads.  Too many nut cases on the roads.

2015-01-07 11:22 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by StaceyK 3 more cyclists injured in Car v Bike incidents here on Monday. One of them was deliberately run over after an altercation with a driver at a set of traffic lights. Thankfully no major injuries and the driver has been charged with a number of offenses including causing grievous bodily harm. Further charges may be laid depending on the investigation. From the what cyclist said in the paper he did help to inflame the situation but still. Please be careful out there people you may be in the right but it doesn't make you any less hurt or dead.

This makes my chest seize up and I feel apopleptic.

Kingsley won't ride at all on the road anymore (other than the fact that he CAN'T SEE!) because of how agro Perth drivers have gotten.

He's very nearly banned me from riding on the road too, but I think I'm there myself already

As I spend more time on my bike, this is one thing I'm afraid of.  My fiance worries about it all the time too.  Usually I try to ride in groups if I ride outside.  Fortunately during the winter I spend a lot of time on the trainer or on the MTB trails.

The trails are a great idea.  I too do most of my riding on my trainer though that too is not without peril {lol}.  There are some great rails to trails gravel paths that go for miles around here.  I bought a cyclocross bike to get more outdoor riding in while staying off the roads.  Too many nut cases on the roads.

MTB is a lot of fun and seems to work on handling a lot.  It's serving as a useful break from the monotony as well.

Edited by msteiner 2015-01-07 11:41 AM

2015-01-07 11:38 AM
in reply to: msteiner

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Random funny for the day from

Yanti, maybe Smoky could help out here?

2015-01-07 11:51 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

I'm not sure who among us doesn't think about this.  There are crosses and "white bikes" (a shrine bike painted white - the equivalent of a cross - where a cyclist was killed) every few miles around here, it seems. 

Honestly, it makes cycling less appealing and tri somewhat harder.  I keep getting buzzed (recently about 2 feet away whilst going a bit over 40 - long downhill - by a car that crossed over the white line well into the shoulder to show me who's boss... they were going about 70).

Makes you think...


Matt, you may want to sign up:

I'm not convinced that it will do any good or not, but at least someone is making an effort. After reading the reasons behind it, I made sure to sign up. I do believe that the biggest difference we make in life comes from the small things we do for one another.  If I can be a better member of the cycling community and look out for my fellow cyclists, then maybe I can make a difference and help someone when they have that kind of need.

2015-01-07 12:15 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Random funny for the day from

Yanti, maybe Smoky could help out here?

I'd eat 'em ... I had my coffee with baby formula today ... neeeed sleeep ... anyone else read Farley Mowat's Never Cry Wolf, the mouse recipe?

Speaking of Smoky ...

2015-01-07 12:38 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

I'm not sure who among us doesn't think about this.  There are crosses and "white bikes" (a shrine bike painted white - the equivalent of a cross - where a cyclist was killed) every few miles around here, it seems. 

Honestly, it makes cycling less appealing and tri somewhat harder.  I keep getting buzzed (recently about 2 feet away whilst going a bit over 40 - long downhill - by a car that crossed over the white line well into the shoulder to show me who's boss... they were going about 70).

Makes you think...


Matt, you may want to sign up:

I'm not convinced that it will do any good or not, but at least someone is making an effort. After reading the reasons behind it, I made sure to sign up. I do believe that the biggest difference we make in life comes from the small things we do for one another.  If I can be a better member of the cycling community and look out for my fellow cyclists, then maybe I can make a difference and help someone when they have that kind of need.

that's really cool! I'm signing up!
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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : March 12, 2014
author : TeamMPI
comments : 1
The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
comments : 4
MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
date : September 15, 2011
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Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
comments : 0
Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.