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2015-01-31 1:31 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by BrotherTri So I did the 5' test at 329w then 2 days later did the 20' test at 288w. I put those in GC and my CP is 274 and my W' 16 but what is my FTP?  

For the purposes of training, FTP and CP are essentially the same thing.  They have slightly different definitions (I might not get this quite right, correct me if I'm wrong).  FTP is the power that you could sustain for an hour while CP is the power that you could sustain for a long time (and thus Marc's comment that it is a few watts lower than FTP).  

If your workout says 90% of FTP, you can do 90% of CP.

So here is the thing...... The 3 protocols I know for FTP number are: 20' test only take 92% of the 20' = FTP 5' blowout recover then 20' test take 95% of the 20' = FTP 1hr test = FTP I did the "Power Thread" 5' & 20' on two different days. So if I take the 20' test 288w @92% then my FTP is 265w. If I do workouts @ 90% of that (FTP 265) would be 90% = 238w. That would be way to ez and not challenging at all. Can you see my confusion? Right now I am do stuff at estimate FTP 280. Even the 2x20' yesterday at 90-95% 280 FTP was on the Threshold scale but seamed more Tempo. I even averaged 268w per each 20'. Very confused....... I going to do a Vo2 trainer session tomorrow AM that will include 6x4' @325w w/2' ri or for the % it would be 6x4' @116% w/2' ri (based on 280 FTP).

James, from what you post, you sound a lot like me -- you want to analyze everything and make sure your FTP is exact to the watt.  Sometimes you just can't do that.  

From some of the workouts you've posted (like the one the other day where you did 70' of riding, accumulated 110 TSS, and did 4x8' VO2 intervals with only 2' rest), I suspect your FTP is set too low.  Long(er) intervals with short(ish) rest are typically more in the threshold range....VO2 intervals tend to have rest intervals closer to 50-100% of the working interval (for an 8' VO2 interval, I would think 4' rest would be more appropriate).  

Honestly, my bet is that your FTP is probably in the 300-310W range.  If I were you, I'd probably artificially bump up my FTP (without retesting) until you start feeling like that 2x20' feels more threshold and less tempo....and an 8' VO2 interval makes you want to cry and take 4' of recovery (less than 225W!).  

Just my $0.02....and if Marc/Ben/Arend/Chris/Rusty/whoever disagrees, listen to them over me -- they have more experience training and racing with power than I do, but I've worked hard to understand what makes sense and what doesn't. 

I think his FTP is somewhere between the 274 that the 5'/20' test gives and 280. He did a MAP test a while back and that indicates around 270-280.
If it is 280, that means his 60min is 1.03x his 20min. Not likely as well. 1.05x would make more sense and would be 274 for the 1hr. I think 275 is pretty close

It's not 300. If you can only hold 288 for 20', it's not likely 300 for an hour :-)

Doing 2x20 at 90% is not very hard. Do them at 100%, that should be harder. If he is doing 2x20 at 280 and finds it easy, his FTP is over 280.

Edited by marcag 2015-01-31 1:52 PM

2015-01-31 1:38 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR "U"

Maybe he falls into the "sprinter" category because his shorter intervals seem to indicate that he's quite a bit stronger than his FTP would indicate (4x8' @ 300-310W on 2' recovery -- that sounds more like a threshold ride than a VO2 ride to me....high threshold range, but still more threshold than VO2).

You're right, though, 90% intervals do feel quite a lot easier than 95-100% intervals.  I wasn't paying attention -- I was thinking the 2x20' intervals were at threshold and felt like tempo....didn't realize that they were sweet spot, which makes sense to not feel like threshold

2015-01-31 1:39 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by BrotherTri So I did the 5' test at 329w then 2 days later did the 20' test at 288w. I put those in GC and my CP is 274 and my W' 16 but what is my FTP?  

For the purposes of training, FTP and CP are essentially the same thing.  They have slightly different definitions (I might not get this quite right, correct me if I'm wrong).  FTP is the power that you could sustain for an hour while CP is the power that you could sustain for a long time (and thus Marc's comment that it is a few watts lower than FTP).  

If your workout says 90% of FTP, you can do 90% of CP.

So here is the thing...... The 3 protocols I know for FTP number are: 20' test only take 92% of the 20' = FTP 5' blowout recover then 20' test take 95% of the 20' = FTP 1hr test = FTP I did the "Power Thread" 5' & 20' on two different days. So if I take the 20' test 288w @92% then my FTP is 265w. If I do workouts @ 90% of that (FTP 265) would be 90% = 238w. That would be way to ez and not challenging at all. Can you see my confusion? Right now I am do stuff at estimate FTP 280. Even the 2x20' yesterday at 90-95% 280 FTP was on the Threshold scale but seamed more Tempo. I even averaged 268w per each 20'. Very confused....... I going to do a Vo2 trainer session tomorrow AM that will include 6x4' @325w w/2' ri or for the % it would be 6x4' @116% w/2' ri (based on 280 FTP).

James, from what you post, you sound a lot like me -- you want to analyze everything and make sure your FTP is exact to the watt.  Sometimes you just can't do that.  

From some of the workouts you've posted (like the one the other day where you did 70' of riding, accumulated 110 TSS, and did 4x8' VO2 intervals with only 2' rest), I suspect your FTP is set too low.  Long(er) intervals with short(ish) rest are typically more in the threshold range....VO2 intervals tend to have rest intervals closer to 50-100% of the working interval (for an 8' VO2 interval, I would think 4' rest would be more appropriate).  

Honestly, my bet is that your FTP is probably in the 300-310W range.  If I were you, I'd probably artificially bump up my FTP (without retesting) until you start feeling like that 2x20' feels more threshold and less tempo....and an 8' VO2 interval makes you want to cry and take 4' of recovery (less than 225W!).  

Just my $0.02....and if Marc/Ben/Arend/Chris/Rusty/whoever disagrees, listen to them over me -- they have more experience training and racing with power than I do, but I've worked hard to understand what makes sense and what doesn't. 

Thanks Nicole sounds like good advice. I just started ride 3x a week last week so things a changing quickly.

2015-01-31 1:53 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by BrotherTri So I did the 5' test at 329w then 2 days later did the 20' test at 288w. I put those in GC and my CP is 274 and my W' 16 but what is my FTP?  

For the purposes of training, FTP and CP are essentially the same thing.  They have slightly different definitions (I might not get this quite right, correct me if I'm wrong).  FTP is the power that you could sustain for an hour while CP is the power that you could sustain for a long time (and thus Marc's comment that it is a few watts lower than FTP).  

If your workout says 90% of FTP, you can do 90% of CP.

So here is the thing...... The 3 protocols I know for FTP number are: 20' test only take 92% of the 20' = FTP 5' blowout recover then 20' test take 95% of the 20' = FTP 1hr test = FTP I did the "Power Thread" 5' & 20' on two different days. So if I take the 20' test 288w @92% then my FTP is 265w. If I do workouts @ 90% of that (FTP 265) would be 90% = 238w. That would be way to ez and not challenging at all. Can you see my confusion? Right now I am do stuff at estimate FTP 280. Even the 2x20' yesterday at 90-95% 280 FTP was on the Threshold scale but seamed more Tempo. I even averaged 268w per each 20'. Very confused....... I going to do a Vo2 trainer session tomorrow AM that will include 6x4' @325w w/2' ri or for the % it would be 6x4' @116% w/2' ri (based on 280 FTP).

James, from what you post, you sound a lot like me -- you want to analyze everything and make sure your FTP is exact to the watt.  Sometimes you just can't do that.  

From some of the workouts you've posted (like the one the other day where you did 70' of riding, accumulated 110 TSS, and did 4x8' VO2 intervals with only 2' rest), I suspect your FTP is set too low.  Long(er) intervals with short(ish) rest are typically more in the threshold range....VO2 intervals tend to have rest intervals closer to 50-100% of the working interval (for an 8' VO2 interval, I would think 4' rest would be more appropriate).  

Honestly, my bet is that your FTP is probably in the 300-310W range.  If I were you, I'd probably artificially bump up my FTP (without retesting) until you start feeling like that 2x20' feels more threshold and less tempo....and an 8' VO2 interval makes you want to cry and take 4' of recovery (less than 225W!).  

Just my $0.02....and if Marc/Ben/Arend/Chris/Rusty/whoever disagrees, listen to them over me -- they have more experience training and racing with power than I do, but I've worked hard to understand what makes sense and what doesn't. 

I think his FTP is somewhere between the 271 that the 5'/20' test gives and 280. He did a MAP test a while back and that indicates around 270-280.

It's not 300. If you can only hold 288 for 20', it's not likely 300 for an hour :-)

Doing 2x20 at 90% is not very hard. Do them at 100%, that should be harder. If he is doing 2x20 at 280 and finds it easy, his FTP is over 280.

Marc those last 2 2x20' I did a 268w avg per each 20'. My avg HR for the whole ride was 146 which is not a problem for 1hr 'ish workouts. I do agree my FTP is not in the 300w range. I'll probable just keep it at 280 and base the workout around that for now. If the 6x4' are ez to ez i'll know more. Those will definitely be Vo2 max stuff . My next Threshold will be looking at 3x20' or maybe 2x40'.

2015-01-31 2:56 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR "U"

Originally posted by BrotherTri Marc those last 2 2x20' I did a 268w avg per each 20'. My avg HR for the whole ride was 146 which is not a problem for 1hr 'ish workouts. I do agree my FTP is not in the 300w range. I'll probable just keep it at 280 and base the workout around that for now. If the 6x4' are ez to ez i'll know more. Those will definitely be Vo2 max stuff . My next Threshold will be looking at 3x20' or maybe 2x40'.

I'd be inclined to stick to the 2x20' and aim for 275-280w rather than go longer.  That will give you a better idea of whether or not the 280 is right.

2015-01-31 7:30 PM
in reply to: axteraa

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR "U"

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by BrotherTri Marc those last 2 2x20' I did a 268w avg per each 20'. My avg HR for the whole ride was 146 which is not a problem for 1hr 'ish workouts. I do agree my FTP is not in the 300w range. I'll probable just keep it at 280 and base the workout around that for now. If the 6x4' are ez to ez i'll know more. Those will definitely be Vo2 max stuff . My next Threshold will be looking at 3x20' or maybe 2x40'.

I'd be inclined to stick to the 2x20' and aim for 275-280w rather than go longer.  That will give you a better idea of whether or not the 280 is right.

For 2 x 20', I've liked ~95-98%. Going to 100% regularly was a bit much for me, but that could have also been due to not going quite easy enough the other days. I've had a tendency to try pushing too much in all 3 at once sometimes. Maybe with a better balanced schedule than I was doing. It's possible to do more than 2 of them as well, or longer sets, but I'd try to keep it up here. When I was doing more like 90% it was because I was too tired or had more of a focus on some other part of training.

2015-01-31 7:47 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR "U"

Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by BrotherTri I going to do a Vo2 trainer session tomorrow AM that will include 6x4' @325w w/2' ri or for the % it would be 6x4' @116% w/2' ri (based on 280 FTP).
That will be a tough workout but if you make it through I can guarantee your FTP is over 265 :-)
I think the thing will make this tough is the 2' ri. I am making a erg file for it. The GC lap feature does not work for my CS ver 1.6. Any suggestions on the build. I was thinking 10' wu 5x30s max then 10' tempo'ish going into 6x4' @325w w/2' ri and hold on..... any thoughts?
I would get to those 6x4 as fresh as possible. The 5x30 is to wake up the legs, you don't need to do 400watts IMO.
I hear you its going to be tough. I take a bit to warm I'll make some trims....

I haven't done the exact workout, but think Sufferfest's A Very Dark Place is close with a lighter tempo for a few minutes, and then 2 x 30" for the warm-up. That goes into 5 x 4' on 3' recovery. I'll vary the 30" intervals depending on what I think I need for the day. That's what a warm-up is for. Not a set number perform, but a series of work to get you ready for the main set. Considering that I typically have worked this in the 370-400 watt range for  the main set, *I* would be 400+ for the 30". Could be 420-450. Could be over 500. Sometimes I would be ramping them up throughout, probably hitting the second harder and hopefully flatter than the first. And like Marc said, not trying to make yourself really work with these, just trying to be ready to work from the get go on some very hard intervals. If I did 5 of them, I might not go quite as high as I have done on some.

2015-01-31 7:54 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR "U"

Originally posted by ligersandtions

Maybe he falls into the "sprinter" category because his shorter intervals seem to indicate that he's quite a bit stronger than his FTP would indicate (4x8' @ 300-310W on 2' recovery -- that sounds more like a threshold ride than a VO2 ride to me....high threshold range, but still more threshold than VO2).

You're right, though, 90% intervals do feel quite a lot easier than 95-100% intervals.  I wasn't paying attention -- I was thinking the 2x20' intervals were at threshold and felt like tempo....didn't realize that they were sweet spot, which makes sense to not feel like threshold

I'm wondering too as the current workout will be 6 x 4' @116-118% on only 2' recovery. The 8' intervals are falling into 107-110%, so are in Z5. Some very strong work. I'm thinking to just stick with a number like 275-280 or so for now. Get used to things for a few weeks and then reassess. Trying to analyze so much with every single workout will drive anyone nuts. I don't think there is any question that the work being done is at least "pretty good" as far as appropriateness for his fitness level. Something that is very common with more & newer data is to try doing too much with too little. 

2015-01-31 11:41 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Ok...starting to have my own power headaches. For me its suspicion that my quarq is suddenly reading low. Offset number has now drifted into the -750 range during today's ride. Started at -709, and went all the way up ( or down) to -759). 50 points is supposed to be acceptable...except that it has moved around 200 points in the past few weeks from the -550 range. Funny thing is though that Marc suggested a lower number should be over reporting watts. I just did a hill climb 32 seconds faster than I did 2 weeks ago on 11 less watts. Normally for that climb, 11 watts is like a 60-70 second net, I was about 100-110 seconds faster than I should have been given my wattage. 266 watts for 27:10 is pretty pathetic for me...even at this time of year...but that time is right about where I should be for this climb. I would have expected around 280-285 watts for that time. My Hr was pegged...and no, wind or aerodynamics is not a major factor. I also didn't lose any weight...if anything i was heavier today with an extra bottle on board.
2015-02-01 2:12 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Geez...Maybe I'm lucky I don't have a power meter. All I'd do would be agonize about it. Right now all RPE until I can pick up a new HR monitor strap when I go home in a few weeks. (Maybe will take a look at low-end meters in the bike shops and Craigslist as well--I MIGHT be willing to go to $500 on one.) I have just been doing the bike workouts in Shane's plan by RPE, but for the third workout doing either Jorge's long ride or a modified version of the "sweet spot" ride with more easy/moderate riding at the start. Feel like I need to get in that time on my bike, and also adapt to the gradually increasing heat and humidity. I've ridden my road bike for the last two rides, in running shoes, as the tri bike doesn't have a computer on it and I want to re-accustom myself for a few weeks to riding on the road (I didn't July-December) before taking it out. My old pedals don't fit with the new cleats on my tri shoes (that now fit with the Cervelo's pedals) and my other shoes are in the US--kind of a mess.

That being said, has anyone had the experience of tight/sore low back/hamstrings/glutes after starting to ride a tri bike? No sure what to attribute this to. I rode the P2 maybe five times before winter break, all on the trainer at low-moderate effort, and don't recall any issues then. If anything, the one or two brick runs I did went really well. But since coming back I've been suffering on my runs, especially long ones. This started on a few short beach runs I did on vacation (after a 12-day bike tour on a hybrid that felt pretty comfortable while riding, but wasn't my own bike) and has persisted now that I'm back and doing tri training. Except for the long rides, that's all been with the P2 on the trainer. I stay in aero most of the time. My long rides have either been MTB rides (on my own bike) or with the road bike on the road. Again, with the latter, I'm in aero probably 75-80% of the time, wherever it's safe. I've ridden a road bike with aerobars for several years and had very few issues with back, neck, or other soreness. But maybe position on a tri bike is different? How long should I try to get used to it before I take it back to the fitter? (I did have a professional fit, as much as is possible locally--no fancy equipment but the guy is a certified fitter and we took about three hours tweaking everything; it included lots of measurements, testing strength balance of different muscles, trying out different positions of the bars, different saddles, etc.)

I can't think of anything else I've changed about training except maybe doing more intensity on the bike. I always do a lot of stretching for those areas, as well as strength/core work recommended by a PT, as I suffered from chronic hamstring/piriformis injuries for years. This isn't at that level, at least yet, but it worries me.

Edited by Hot Runner 2015-02-01 2:14 AM
2015-02-01 7:57 AM
in reply to: Jason N

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Originally posted by Jason N

Ok...starting to have my own power headaches. For me its suspicion that my quarq is suddenly reading low. Offset number has now drifted into the -750 range during today's ride. Started at -709, and went all the way up ( or down) to -759). 50 points is supposed to be acceptable...except that it has moved around 200 points in the past few weeks from the -550 range. Funny thing is though that Marc suggested a lower number should be over reporting watts. I just did a hill climb 32 seconds faster than I did 2 weeks ago on 11 less watts. Normally for that climb, 11 watts is like a 60-70 second net, I was about 100-110 seconds faster than I should have been given my wattage. 266 watts for 27:10 is pretty pathetic for me...even at this time of year...but that time is right about where I should be for this climb. I would have expected around 280-285 watts for that time. My Hr was pegged...and no, wind or aerodynamics is not a major factor. I also didn't lose any weight...if anything i was heavier today with an extra bottle on board.

I see a Quarq upgrade on the horizon :-)

I would loosen and re-torque the chain ring bolts. Also run the Qalvin diagnostics and if you can do a stomp test.

Or I would try aerolab on a big climb.

2015-02-01 8:01 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Originally posted by Hot Runner

I can't think of anything else I've changed about training except maybe doing more intensity on the bike. I always do a lot of stretching for those areas, as well as strength/core work recommended by a PT, as I suffered from chronic hamstring/piriformis injuries for years. This isn't at that level, at least yet, but it worries me.

I wish I could help. A huge part of my injuries and problems are related to tightness, partially in the glutes and I have not yet figured it out. However I suspect my problems are more related to my run than my bike.
2015-02-01 9:31 AM
in reply to: Jason N

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Ok my 6x4' @116% is done and that hurt. First 2x4' was avg over 116% (325+w) last 4x4' were not and more like 107% avg (300w). Erg mode on the Computrainer is providing the load and is constant in the peddle stroke. over 280w for me gets tough in this erg mode. I will adjust my erg file an bit and repeat this later. Here are some screen shots

(summery 6x4.JPG)



summery 6x4.JPG (102KB - 2 downloads)
6x4b.png (41KB - 2 downloads)
6x4.png (82KB - 2 downloads)
2015-02-01 9:43 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
first of all, congratulations on a good ride

what was your erg file programmed for ? If 116% for all intervals, how did it do 338 in the first and 300 in the last ?

if I run erg, I will get within 1 watt what it's programmed for. Did you adjust it mid interval ?

is this measured by the CT or the PT ?

your intervals are not typical of what Erg mode would give

Also, turn on Normalized Power on the summary screen. A normalized power close to your FTP for 1hr is a sign :-)

Edited by marcag 2015-02-01 9:47 AM
2015-02-01 10:04 AM
in reply to: marcag

User image

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
erg file on the computrainer was providing the load the and was calibrated. The Garmin 910xt captured the Powertap G3 output as shown in GC.

Here is the erg file

DESCRIPTION = golden cheetah
FILE NAME = Vo2 6x4x325w.erg
0 150
1 150
1 200
5 200
5 280
10 280
10 200
15 200
15 325
19 325
19 200
21 200
21 325
25 325
25 200
27 200
27 325
31 325
31 200
33 200
33 325
37 325
37 200
39 200
39 325
43 325
43 200
45 200
45 325
49 325
49 200
55 200
55 250
65 250
65 200
70 200
2015-02-01 10:07 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Thanks Marc

NP screen shot


6x4c.png (46KB - 3 downloads)

2015-02-01 10:15 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Originally posted by BrotherTri

Thanks Marc

NP screen shot

Sorry, I meant NP on the summary screen, where you have the value for xpower...

There is something very weird in your setup. It's not normal that you are saying "ride 325 watts" in Erg mode and it's fluctuating between 338 and 300.
It's not normal that you get those dips in the middle of the intervals.
2015-02-01 10:37 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR "U"

You know, I'm kind of PO'd at all this power talk.  You're making me want to do a bike focus!    Thanks all for the discussion, as I'm learning a lot just following along.

Quick digression.  The Garmin 920 has a VO2 max calculator function (I know it's not particularly accurate, and is only part of Vdot even it it were, and the only way to really measure it is to test, etc. - not where I'm going).  I've been trying to find how they calculate it through some creative googling and trolling the Garmin site, but can't find much (just one reference to a method that yields nothing when itself googled).

Anyone know how they estimate this?  I figure that whatever they're measuring might be good metrics on their own (even if in combination don't give you quite a VO2 max accurately).  

Same question on their "Recovery Check," about which I can turn up nothing except that it exists!  Thought I'd ask you all before I actually call Garmin out of curiosity...


Now back to your regularly scheduled PM discussions!


2015-02-01 11:04 AM
in reply to: marcag

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR "U"

Nice work James, that is one tough workout!  I agree with Marc that it's odd how much the numbers jump around like that, did you feel a change in the effort during the later intervals?  Comparing the HR graph to the power graph, it sort of seems like it maybe - the last one has power up higher then it dips down and the HR graph stops climbing for a bit and then when the power goes back up, HR climbs again.

Also, look at the graph for stress with watts.  It has a line at the bottom with your current CP and W' settings and then says your minimum CP for that workout to be possible (note you went way negative on W') is 292w.  More likely is that you need to set W' to a higher value, I would think?

2015-02-01 11:23 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR "U"

normally CT intervals in Erg mode look more like this : very flat

Edited by marcag 2015-02-01 11:25 AM


ct.jpg (144KB - 2 downloads)
2015-02-01 11:46 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

You know, I'm kind of PO'd at all this power talk.  You're making me want to do a bike focus!    Thanks all for the discussion, as I'm learning a lot just following along.

Quick digression.  The Garmin 920 has a VO2 max calculator function (I know it's not particularly accurate, and is only part of Vdot even it it were, and the only way to really measure it is to test, etc. - not where I'm going).  I've been trying to find how they calculate it through some creative googling and trolling the Garmin site, but can't find much (just one reference to a method that yields nothing when itself googled).

Anyone know how they estimate this?  I figure that whatever they're measuring might be good metrics on their own (even if in combination don't give you quite a VO2 max accurately).  

Same question on their "Recovery Check," about which I can turn up nothing except that it exists!  Thought I'd ask you all before I actually call Garmin out of curiosity...


Now back to your regularly scheduled PM discussions!


I am not sure how they do it
They use HRV, HR and speed.

Add 17% to your VDOT and compare it to the number they give. How do they compare ?

Edited by marcag 2015-02-01 12:01 PM

2015-02-01 12:12 PM
in reply to: marcag

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
2015-02-01 12:33 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by BrotherTri

Thanks Marc

NP screen shot

Sorry, I meant NP on the summary screen, where you have the value for xpower...

There is something very weird in your setup. It's not normal that you are saying "ride 325 watts" in Erg mode and it's fluctuating between 338 and 300.
It's not normal that you get those dips in the middle of the intervals.

Marc the erg mode provides the load I have to maintain the watts. If it should stay at a flat line I don't know how to set it other than peddling with more force.

To me what is obvious is: 1. The WU at 280w in the erg file killed me. 2. I went to hard on the 1st and 2nd intervals so pacing in a problem for me. 3. The recovery watts at 2' was way to high at 200w. Yeah I could peddle but was bogged down same as wu. 4. The goal was Vo2 max for the intervals I meet that just couldn't maintain the watts.

I really appreciate all the feeback. This was one of the toughest Vo2 max workouts I have done. It gave me a real good understanding on my limits. If and this just might my opinion Vo2 should be a failing effort or just about. Now I don't want to fail at all but the body will not respond to the almost stimulus if done all the time.

Keep the feedback coming its what I need to crack this egg. Ben, Nicole, Jason and Arend thank you for feedback. I am listening and trying to understand.
2015-02-01 12:37 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR "U"
Originally posted by marcag

normally CT intervals in Erg mode look more like this : very flat

Let me ask you this are you changing gear? Should I stay in the same gear for the duration on the interval?

2015-02-01 12:43 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: SBR "U"

Originally posted by marcag first of all, congratulations on a good ride what was your erg file programmed for ? If 116% for all intervals, how did it do 338 in the first and 300 in the last ? if I run erg, I will get within 1 watt what it's programmed for. Did you adjust it mid interval ? is this measured by the CT or the PT ? your intervals are not typical of what Erg mode would give Also, turn on Normalized Power on the summary screen. A normalized power close to your FTP for 1hr is a sign :-)

What sign might that be?  I stand by my earlier conclusion that I think James's FTP is set lower than it actually is.  Also, as Arend noted, the W' went quite negative and thinks his minimum CP is 292W, rather than 280W.


Strong ride, James!  Those power numbers are mind boggling  

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