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2006-01-10 6:57 PM
in reply to: #320590

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Subject: RE: Explain your nick

When i was about 15 I discovered hotmail and finding a name that wasnt used was hard...but i had a greek guy in my class and he was trying to translate everyones names to greek (because we thought that was fun) so i took that and blended it with my real name for my hotmail address:

Catherine = kaqphin and it stuck, i use it everywhere online now so when I was signing up I figured no one would be using it since Ive never come across it anywhere!

2006-01-10 7:23 PM
in reply to: #320590

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Subject: RE: Explain your nick
My first nickname (COVEREDWITHZITS) wasn't really popular. So I changed it to SMELLIKEAFART. But that didn't work to well either.
Then I noticed everyone else had cool sporty names, or real manly-man names, so I thought to myself, "What name screen name could I us, that once read, would just scream Triathlon or Endurance sports?" So here are a few I came up with:
SHRINKAGE-BOY (I stole that one from Seinfeld, but I think most guys can relate)
But none of those really got me, so.....I decided to use Falls-Runner, since I run and ride alot near a Amicalola Falls.

Great Thread!

2006-01-10 7:32 PM
in reply to: #320590

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Explain your nick
I didn't really give any thought to my name, since I was just visiting the BT site looking for a friend's log.  So, I guess I am inadvertantly welcoming the stalkers, too, since I have given up way too much personal information on this site.  If I had to do it over again, I would probably pick broccoli, my nickname playing water polo at Rice.  There I go again, with the personal information...
2006-01-10 7:39 PM
in reply to: #320978

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Subject: RE: Explain your nick
I'm sure you won't have any problem with anyone asking for personal information if you use one of my discarded screen names. Trust me. Feel free!
2006-01-10 7:52 PM
in reply to: #320978

Subject: RE: Explain your nick
emilyindallas - 2006-01-10 7:32 PM
So, I guess I am inadvertantly welcoming the stalkers, too, since I have given up way too much personal information on this site. 
Well, at least your avatar isn't a picture with you showing cleavage or anythi--- oh, wait...
2006-01-10 7:58 PM
in reply to: #320590

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Subject: RE: Explain your nick

I am tech_geezer because I am a geezerly student at Georgia Tech.  To update my status from when I chose the name, I am now a part-time student and almost finished.



2006-01-10 8:09 PM
in reply to: #320590

Las Vegas
Subject: RE: Explain your nick
pilot in command is the term use for the pilot that's in charge of the plane. 172 refers to a cessna 172 which is the type of airplane i fly at the moment.
2006-01-10 8:13 PM
in reply to: #320950

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Explain your nick
max - 2006-01-10 6:28 PM

Mine is a nickname to separate me from my Dad who has the same name. It was infuriating growing up and having my Mom yell and not knowing if it was my fault this time or what!!

The "MaxPower" in my email address came from Homer Simson.

"Max Power...nice name!"
"Thanks, I got it off a hair dryer."

Easy, it should ALWAYS be your dad that Mom is yelling at! He'll insist it is you.
2006-01-10 8:25 PM
in reply to: #320590

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Explain your nick

I am full-blooded Cajun and proud of where I've come from.  I just wanted a unique nick.

(I have TONS of Hebert's in my family, so Bear and I may be distant cousins! )

2006-01-10 8:27 PM
in reply to: #320590

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Explain your nick

So everyone's aware, you can have your username changed if you feel the need.
Just send a message via the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of any page.


2006-01-10 9:05 PM
in reply to: #320955

Subject: RE: Explain your nick
possum - 2006-01-10 7:37 PM

(hey max, one of our top male name choices for our unconcieved son is Wallace!  I say after Wallace Stevens, Kathryn says after Wallace Stegner, and the pooches say after W and Gromit! just seems like a big name for a baby, so maybe he will end up max!)

Possum, not to get off topic but I have to tell you that the late Wallace Stegner was a cool author. I really got into his stuff on researching the history of the Donner Party!

OK...back on topic, carry on!

2006-01-10 9:30 PM
in reply to: #320590

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: Explain your nick
Mine is kinda boring.. Elly is just a nick name I have had my whole life.  Its usually taken, so I was surprised when I actually got it to work on BT.
2006-01-10 9:51 PM
in reply to: #320590

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Explain your nick
Mine's simple -

Lauren is my first name; SU is the college I went to (Susquehanna University); 02 is the year I graduated from college.

I created it as a screen name for something during my freshman year of college and I just use it for everything that requires a screen name now.
2006-01-11 3:54 AM
in reply to: #320590

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Explain your nick

I think was reading the book All Corvettes are Red at the time I picked my name.  I've loved Corvettes since I was ten years old and first saw a new '63 split window coupe sitting in the dealer's showroom in Auburn, Indiana where I grew up.

After twenty some years of raising kids, paying mortgages, etc, I finally bought my first one six years ago.  I love to tinker with it out in the garage on the weekends and it's great for cruising along the beach at sunset with the top off. Oh, yeah, it's RedAnd yes, it's fast...

2006-01-11 6:16 AM
in reply to: #320590

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Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow
Subject: RE: Explain your nick
Phoenix- I am obsessed with the story of the phoenix. It is sort of a "totem" animal for me. The ability to rise from nothing and burn brightly...its a symbol of strength.
Azul- spanish for blue. I love spanish, but blue is the color of courage, a color of hope, and has meaning to my sorority affiliation. so there ya go.
2006-01-11 6:25 AM
in reply to: #320590

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Extreme Veteran
Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Explain your nick
Well, I was a police officer/Detective for 15 years. KRASH is, or was the name of the LA Sheriff's Gang Unit (Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums), and 187 is the CA penal code for Homicide.
I used to watch the movie Colors w/Sean Penn and Robert Duvall, so my co-workers gave me the name, and it just stuck.

2006-01-11 6:40 AM
in reply to: #320590

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Subject: RE: Explain your nick
Mine's an overly complex combination of my first name and last initial.
2006-01-11 7:29 AM
in reply to: #320880

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Muskego, WI
Subject: RE: Explain your nick
kimta - 2006-01-10 4:32 PM

Darn!  I want a cool name!  I guess I didn't give mine much thought because I thought I was just logging in to get a little information initially and never thought it would blossom into a full-fledged addiction (to BT and to Tri).

Ditto. But, if anyone is wondering, my name is Dan Morrissey, and a certain group of friends in college called me morey. Then, for laughs, when I got married they started calling my wife Denise morey2, and me morey1. Fortunately Denise is OK with the no. 2 rating, though I routinely remind her she's in charge and I'll do whatever she says. :)

Edited by morey1 2006-01-11 7:30 AM
2006-01-11 7:41 AM
in reply to: #320590

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Subject: RE: Explain your nick

Celeb = silver
Ithil = moon

In case anyone was wondering, it's in the beautiful language of Sindarin, a form of Elvish

2006-01-11 8:23 AM
in reply to: #320590

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Two seat rocket plane
Subject: RE: Explain your nick

Because it's funny, that's why.

Really, there is a long and involved story involving monkeys, rum, a stolen sailboat, a pink strip club and the (former) dictator of a small central American nation.....but I digress

2006-01-11 9:04 AM
in reply to: #320684

Subject: RE: Explain your nick

nbo10 - 2006-01-10 2:17 PMnb -- NiobiumO -- Oxygen10 -- the Number of Oxygennbo10 short for NbSr2RuCu2O10, the first superconductor that I synthesized during grad school. But, does that sound geeky.

Holy Cow!  I almost used the same name.  Wouldn't THAT have been embarassing...

Stake was my call sign back in my flying days.

Edited by Stake 2006-01-11 9:06 AM

2006-01-11 9:27 AM
in reply to: #320590

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The Original
Subject: RE: Explain your nick

"runner"- because I run and "girl" because I'm a girl.  29 is my age!

2006-01-11 9:28 AM
in reply to: #321364

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Subject: RE: Explain your nick

I don't get it. 


runnergirl29 - 2006-01-11 10:27 AM

"runner"- because I run and "girl" because I'm a girl. 29 is my age!

2006-01-11 9:37 AM
in reply to: #321367

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The Original
Subject: RE: Explain your nick
run4yrlif - 2006-01-11 10:28 AM

I don't get it. 


runnergirl29 - 2006-01-11 10:27 AM

"runner"- because I run and "girl" because I'm a girl. 29 is my age!

Only the bright ones will get it Jim  Don't worry- maybe someday you'll undersatand the complexity of my username!

2006-01-11 9:59 AM
in reply to: #320590

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: Explain your nick

Well, mine is school related.  Graduates of Texas A&M are not called "alumni."  We are called "former students" or "old ags."

I graduated in 1992, so I am Old Ag 92.

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