General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-01-24 8:51 AM
in reply to: ThatGirl

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Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Originally posted by ThatGirl

Originally posted by Shermbelle

Originally posted by ThatGirl

Well, training derailed slightly. I started the 30-week plan ... then my dog tripped me down the stairs. (I know - I need a better cover story!) Fractured the 4th and 5th metatarsals. Ortho says they're "good" breaks though (what does that mean?!) and he hopes to have me at least back in the pool and on the trainer in the next week or two. Walking boot for just 4 weeks, and he'll assess clearing me to run a few weeks after that.

So, slight setback, but as long as recovery doesn't stretch out too long, I think I have time to make a come-back Maybe it's a blessing in disguise - I'm kind of forced to focus on swimming and biking for the next little bit.

How is the recovery coming along?

Actually, pretty well! Today is my first day without "the boot." It's been five and a half weeks since I fell. I still feel some pain when walking barefoot, but no problems when I have shoes on. Still slight swelling across the top of my foot, but most of the bruising is gone as of last week.

I was back in the pool about 12 days after the fall, and back on my bike in early January (at 3ish weeks?). I was originally going to follow Don Fink's 30 week intermediate plan, so for the past two weeks I've been following just the swim and bike portions of it. When I'm able, I'll start working the running back in. Luckily, I have a running background, so time spent focusing on biking is truly not a bad thing for me.

I had originally planned to run the Paris Marathon on April 6 - I signed up a long time ago - even before registering for Challenge AC. Looks like that race is out of the cards. Even if I am able to run in early to mid-February, there is not enough time to safely work up to marathon distance by early April. So I'll find something else to do with that plane ticket and focus on Challenge AC training in the meantime.

How is everyone else's training going?

Training? Well, let's just say I'm nailing my nutrition.

2014-01-24 10:59 AM
in reply to: exnavydoc

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Lansdale, PA.
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Greetings to all!

OK, I was on the fence a long time but I signed up... 4x finisher, (first time non Ironman branded race). I have been off 2 years due to life demands and a major Achilles rupture but I am back to nearly full strength. Looking to do this race to put an exclamation point after my recovery once and for all.

I have not read all the previous posts but will try and get caught up ASAP.

Take care,
2014-02-10 1:08 PM
in reply to: sgillen

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Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Yeesh this thread moves slow!

Anyway I started my program last week. Did a two-hour trainer ride yesterday while watching my bball team lose. Good times.
2014-02-12 6:22 PM
in reply to: mr2tony

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Lansdale, PA.
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
I agree, I was actually starting to think that me joining the forum chased everyone away!

I suspect the crappy arctic weather has everyone thinking about nearly anything but triathlon.
2014-02-14 11:47 AM
in reply to: sgillen

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
I'm on the Fitzgerald 24 week plan. So far, so good. Weather has been brutal here in NJ...lots of time on the treadmill and trainer. Thank god for Netflix.

Hope everyone's training is going smooth.
2014-02-16 4:36 PM
in reply to: PanicTour

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New user

Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Saw you live in Haddonfield as do I.
I'm doing the bike leg of a relay with our tri club Team TRIumph.
Team TRiumph will be having our kick-off expo at Haddonefield Running Co store in Haddonfield on April 5th 2-5pm. Hope you can stop by and meet some of the crew.... free food and drinks and raffles for local races and such. We also do Sat group bike trainer rides there if your cost. Check us out on FaceBook Team TRIumph

Train safe

2014-02-17 8:40 AM
in reply to: BrianZ

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Originally posted by BrianZ

Saw you live in Haddonfield as do I.
I'm doing the bike leg of a relay with our tri club Team TRIumph.
Team TRiumph will be having our kick-off expo at Haddonefield Running Co store in Haddonfield on April 5th 2-5pm. Hope you can stop by and meet some of the crew.... free food and drinks and raffles for local races and such. We also do Sat group bike trainer rides there if your cost. Check us out on FaceBook Team TRIumph

Train safe

Brian -

Small world! I will try to make the kickoff/expo. I'm also going to send you a PM.

2014-02-18 1:22 PM
in reply to: PanicTour

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Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Originally posted by PanicTour

I'm on the Fitzgerald 24 week plan. So far, so good. Weather has been brutal here in NJ...lots of time on the treadmill and trainer. Thank god for Netflix.

Hope everyone's training is going smooth.

Yeah I did another 2.5 hours on the trainer (actually like 2.25 hours) on Sunday but actually managed to get outside for a one-hour run on Saturday! Miracle of miracles. It's 45 today -- supposed to be back to the teens next week in Chicago. Sigh. I hate winter.
2014-02-20 3:40 PM
in reply to: mr2tony

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New user
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
This winter can go... well, you know! I was so consistent in Jan, but Feb has been tough. I had an illness that took 10 days to get out of my system! I'm finally back on track this week and I have a half marathon this Sunday in Central Park! I originally was gunning for a PR, but having only done 3 runs in 10 days... yeah... we'll call this a fun run! I think I am going to get outside on the bike this Saturday - WOO! I'll be hitting up 9W if anyone's out! I'll be the gal with the pink camo bike!
2014-03-08 8:29 PM
in reply to: aggie21

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Liking that some things are starting to come together on this race.

Tribike transport was announced, they put out the registration list (glad to see close to 1000 already), swim sponsor secured.

I really want to see how great this event can be and give WTC a little more competition and make IM better for everyone.
2014-03-10 4:29 PM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Originally posted by Shermbelle

Liking that some things are starting to come together on this race.

Tribike transport was announced, they put out the registration list (glad to see close to 1000 already), swim sponsor secured.

I really want to see how great this event can be and give WTC a little more competition and make IM better for everyone.

I was VERY happy to see TBT get involved, that makes my life so much easier.

So it's a wave start -- wonder how that's going to work? 100 at a time for 60 minutes, like 4 minutes apart, or something? I'm actually OK with that since I suck at swimming!

And I see the cutoff for the bike is at 4pm, which is unusual. But then you get at least eight hours for the run!

2014-03-10 4:39 PM
in reply to: mr2tony

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Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
And I REALLY hope this race is wetsuit legal. I'm a nervous swimmer and I feel exposed without a wetsuit on in open water.
2014-03-11 1:31 PM
in reply to: mr2tony

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Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread

Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by Shermbelle Liking that some things are starting to come together on this race. Tribike transport was announced, they put out the registration list (glad to see close to 1000 already), swim sponsor secured. I really want to see how great this event can be and give WTC a little more competition and make IM better for everyone.
I was VERY happy to see TBT get involved, that makes my life so much easier. So it's a wave start -- wonder how that's going to work? 100 at a time for 60 minutes, like 4 minutes apart, or something? I'm actually OK with that since I suck at swimming! And I see the cutoff for the bike is at 4pm, which is unusual. But then you get at least eight hours for the run!


I am very certain it is wetsuit legal...water will be in mid 60's.   I believe the race starts at 6 am, 7 am like IM so the cutoff I believe is 11PM.......however on the page that has all the registrants it does make you believe it is 12 pm, but that would be 18 hrs to finish and I do not think that is the case.

2014-03-11 3:59 PM
in reply to: FELTGood

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Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Originally posted by FELTGood

Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by Shermbelle Liking that some things are starting to come together on this race. Tribike transport was announced, they put out the registration list (glad to see close to 1000 already), swim sponsor secured. I really want to see how great this event can be and give WTC a little more competition and make IM better for everyone.
I was VERY happy to see TBT get involved, that makes my life so much easier. So it's a wave start -- wonder how that's going to work? 100 at a time for 60 minutes, like 4 minutes apart, or something? I'm actually OK with that since I suck at swimming! And I see the cutoff for the bike is at 4pm, which is unusual. But then you get at least eight hours for the run!


I am very certain it is wetsuit legal...water will be in mid 60's.   I believe the race starts at 6 am, 7 am like IM so the cutoff I believe is 11PM.......however on the page that has all the registrants it does make you believe it is 12 pm, but that would be 18 hrs to finish and I do not think that is the case.

I dunno -- I think you have until midnight to finish the run, as long as you're off the bike by 4pm. That's how I read it anyway. Well, no matter, I am REALLY hoping I don't butt up against those time cutoffs!

I just about had a heart attack -- I couldn't find myself in the 35-39 category. I'm going to be 40 this year, which explains why.
2014-03-11 4:28 PM
in reply to: mr2tony

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Lansdale, PA.
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Don't even let the thought enter your mind. 140.6 is a mental game... "I wont have to worry about that time" is what you should tell yourself.

2014-04-18 1:11 PM
in reply to: mr2tony

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Originally posted by mr2tony

Originally posted by FELTGood

Originally posted by mr2tony
Originally posted by Shermbelle Liking that some things are starting to come together on this race. Tribike transport was announced, they put out the registration list (glad to see close to 1000 already), swim sponsor secured. I really want to see how great this event can be and give WTC a little more competition and make IM better for everyone.
I was VERY happy to see TBT get involved, that makes my life so much easier. So it's a wave start -- wonder how that's going to work? 100 at a time for 60 minutes, like 4 minutes apart, or something? I'm actually OK with that since I suck at swimming! And I see the cutoff for the bike is at 4pm, which is unusual. But then you get at least eight hours for the run!


I am very certain it is wetsuit legal...water will be in mid 60's.   I believe the race starts at 6 am, 7 am like IM so the cutoff I believe is 11PM.......however on the page that has all the registrants it does make you believe it is 12 pm, but that would be 18 hrs to finish and I do not think that is the case.

I dunno -- I think you have until midnight to finish the run, as long as you're off the bike by 4pm. That's how I read it anyway. Well, no matter, I am REALLY hoping I don't butt up against those time cutoffs!

I just about had a heart attack -- I couldn't find myself in the 35-39 category. I'm going to be 40 this year, which explains why.

Signing up for this race and doing the Aqua/Bike as a tune up for IMMT in August. I have 2 questions for the group that hopefully people have answers for:

1.) Water temp will be mid 60's I assume. Ok to wear a sleeveless you think? I dont have a full. I am not sure If I have ever been in water below 70 during an OWS

2.) I am a little worried about the bike cut off being at 4pm. Cycling is my weakest leg and I am probably realistically looking at a 7:30 bike split and I would be super excited. If all goes well, I would hope to be out of the water after 1:30-1:40 but With the wave start format of the swim (not knowing when my AG goes and what time) there seems to be the potential for me to have less then 8 hours on the bike course which in all honesty, scares me a little (wave goes off at 6:45 or so...). Does anyone else think this is an issue or will be an issue for people? I would hate to not make it back in time and be mentally crushed going into my last 10 weeks of training for IMMT where doing the math, I would have more time on the bike (5:30pm cutoff).

2014-04-18 2:31 PM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Race starts at 6am if I am thinking right, I cannot imagine it will take to long to get everyone in the water. Should give you at least a9:30 cushion more than likely more than that. I am thinking you are fairly safe.
2014-04-21 1:16 PM
in reply to: Shermbelle

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Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Originally posted by Shermbelle

Race starts at 6am if I am thinking right, I cannot imagine it will take to long to get everyone in the water. Should give you at least a9:30 cushion more than likely more than that. I am thinking you are fairly safe.

I'm still worried.

I finished my first IM in just under 12 and a half hours, but that race had a nice tailwind on the swim, which only took an hour. My second one took me 1:43 in the water!!! I'm not going to finish my swim near as fast as I did at the first one, and likely will come in closer to the time for the second one. So if they seed by projected swim time, I start closer to 7, take 2 hours to swim+T1, that puts me at 9am. That gives me seven hours to finish the bike. I don't completely suck at cycling and can probably do the course in about 6 hours, but if I have any sort of mechanical issue, it's going to be cutting it close. I don't like cutting it close.
2014-04-23 12:19 PM
in reply to: mr2tony

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Originally posted by mr2tony

Originally posted by Shermbelle

Race starts at 6am if I am thinking right, I cannot imagine it will take to long to get everyone in the water. Should give you at least a9:30 cushion more than likely more than that. I am thinking you are fairly safe.

I'm still worried.

I finished my first IM in just under 12 and a half hours, but that race had a nice tailwind on the swim, which only took an hour. My second one took me 1:43 in the water!!! I'm not going to finish my swim near as fast as I did at the first one, and likely will come in closer to the time for the second one. So if they seed by projected swim time, I start closer to 7, take 2 hours to swim+T1, that puts me at 9am. That gives me seven hours to finish the bike. I don't completely suck at cycling and can probably do the course in about 6 hours, but if I have any sort of mechanical issue, it's going to be cutting it close. I don't like cutting it close.

I am worried too. I am trying to get out of the water in 1:30-1:40 and I would like to have 8hrs to complete the bike portion. This will be my first time riding 112 (tune up for IMMT) and I have been training hills so never done a flat bike ride this long before. I am sure I will make it but one mechanical or bathroom break could make me miss finishing before 4pm. We shall see.
2014-05-22 9:16 AM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread

How is everyones training going?? Only like a month left people!

I know I am freaking out a bit
2014-05-22 3:00 PM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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New user
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
one word.... EEEK! had a 10 mile run before work today and my legs are toast from all this training! I just keep telling myself to suffer now so that I don't suffer on race day!

2014-06-05 12:56 PM
in reply to: aggie21

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
3 weeks left. How is everyone doing?
2014-06-05 1:30 PM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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Mandeville, la
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
Its had its ups and downs..but putting in the time. Trying not to focus on freaking out so much. :-)
2014-06-06 7:22 AM
in reply to: trinity2014

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Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread

Hi Everyone.  I'm looking to sign up for the Aquabike as a training day for IMMT.  Two questions hopefully someone can answer:  For spectators, anyone know if there is a "boardwalk" from Bader field to the boardwalk?  I have two young children and I am just wondering how safe walking from the Swim/Bike transition area back to the hotel on the boardwalk is.  

Lastly, is the stretch of beach there classic Jersey shore beach?  Meaning you can set up a towel and umbrella and have a nice day at the beach?  If so, I'm planning to stay an extra day with the family.  


2014-06-06 9:19 AM
in reply to: Dream Chaser

New user
Subject: RE: Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread
To the first question- You'll have to drive to Bader Field to the boardwalk.

To the second question- Yes you can. Not sure if you have to pay to get on the beach though.

Good luck!
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General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Challenge Atlantic City : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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date : March 15, 2012
author : USATriathlon
comments : 1
This USAT Rules Clinic will help you avoid penalties. Topics discussed will be rules of the transition area, drafting penalties, the drafting zone, challenging penalties and more.
date : January 14, 2008
author : dr_forbush
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In addition to writing your race number on each upper arm, they also wrote your age on your calf. This allowed me to see who was passing me by in the bike section of this race.
date : October 9, 2007
author : dr_forbush
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The boat was being tossed around. Someone noted that there were whitecaps on the waves. Another guy said, “This is going to be challenging.” I began to wonder what he meant by 'challenging'.
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Having three seasons under my belt I thought I knew what I was doing. That all changed with a few new challenges and a bunch of new friends.
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We were all there once, a beginner. Time to take the challenge and help a beginner triathlete!
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I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw:
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author : lv2teach
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It’s a challenge to push yourself a little harder and a little further. Be proud of every workout that is accomplished and every step-even the baby ones-that you take on this course to the finishline.
date : September 3, 2005
author : infosteward
comments : 0
The Boulder Peak bike course is legendary. It is, literally and named as such, one of the toughest bike legs in the country.