BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022 Rss Feed  
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2022-01-07 2:44 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy Friday, everyone!

I have a little bit of Manatee business to discuss.

First off, we had some request for a 2022 JoGo. The sheet is available.  It's set up the same as last round in a choose or own adventure format with the following options.

  • Body Composition
  • Keep on Moving
  • Good Eats
  • Strength/Core/Yoga
  • Distance Traveled/Hours

If you are interested in participating, please sign up.  It starts on Monday the 10th and runs through Valentine's week.

Secondly, I was wondering if any of you are participating in the Tour de Zwift?  It has roughly one stage a week with a make up stages Feb 7-13.  I plan to complete stage on on Thursday.

Finally, we have a few missing Manatees: Curtis, Dwayne, Jason (who asked for the JoGo!), Nancy, and the Robins among them.  Feel free to reach out to them. Chris said that he will be joining us but probably will not be active until later in the year due to work obligations. I'll be updating the Active Manatee Roster next Friday.

Thanks for putting this together. I am definitely in. It has been a trying few weeks. Had the in-laws in town for a couple weeks over the holidays. There were concerns about flights being cancelled to get them out. And my father in law has asthma and was having some issues and thought they might not let him on the plane (some coughing, but COVID negative). We convinced them to go to the airport and at least try to get on because flights were getting pushed out for at least another week. Then we had awful weather, so the puddle jumper flight out of here got cancelled. So I began the drive with them at 5:30 p.m. and got them up to the city to catch their direct flight back to Denver. I got home at 1 a.m.

Also currently struggling with a really sore wrist. I had a cyst about 25 years ago in my left wrist that got taken out. My right wrist feels somewhat the same, maybe a few differences, but I have had a few bouts of some serious pain in the last week or so. Need to get into the doctor and see what's going on. I don't feel or see a lump like I did when I had a cyst, so maybe it's carpal tunnel? Not really sure but it's definitely causing some issues.

Happy new year to everyone.

2022-01-08 11:37 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

I"M HERE!!!!

NAME: Robin

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: I'm on Facebook, Strava and IG
STORY: I am an adult onset pseudo-athletee. I started 14 years ago from nothing and did a sprint ti. I love it but have very little interest in long distances. I was hoping to do a one-and-done 70.5 but covid and health issues got in the way. Since I started my arthritis has kicked in and I have had 7 surgeries in the past 10 years, 4 of them last year.
FAMILY STATUS: Married 25 years, 2 adult step-kids and one brand new grandchild. My 94 year old mom lives next door and we are primary care takers. Thank goodness she is still active both mentally and fairly physically. One dog- a border collie named Raven, 3 elderly cats all 14 years or better.

CURRENT TRAINING: Current training is starting from ground zero. Mostly doing my PT for hip and back surgery. I have clearance to get in the pool but that won't happen for a few weeks with Omicron closures going on.

THIS YEAR'S EVENTS: I have on Olympic, 2 sprint triathlons, and one multi day bike event that were postponed due to covid that are all scheduled. we will see which ones I am able to do. Last year I got a brand new gravel bike for Christmas and have yet to be able to ride it. It is sooooo lonely!

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: Camaraderie with other triathletes. Eugene is a big running town and has quite a few swimmers and bikers, but oddly no organized tri club. Admitting you're a triathlete tends to get you teased by the single-sport crowd.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I am unsure about my contribution assets, but I sure do like this group and its support! It quite literally kept me afloat this last year.

2022-01-08 4:55 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy Friday, everyone!

I have a little bit of Manatee business to discuss.

First off, we had some request for a 2022 JoGo. The sheet is available.  It's set up the same as last round in a choose or own adventure format with the following options.

  • Body Composition
  • Keep on Moving
  • Good Eats
  • Strength/Core/Yoga
  • Distance Traveled/Hours

If you are interested in participating, please sign up.  It starts on Monday the 10th and runs through Valentine's week.

Secondly, I was wondering if any of you are participating in the Tour de Zwift?  It has roughly one stage a week with a make up stages Feb 7-13.  I plan to complete stage on on Thursday.

Finally, we have a few missing Manatees: Curtis, Dwayne, Jason (who asked for the JoGo!), Nancy, and the Robins among them.  Feel free to reach out to them. Chris said that he will be joining us but probably will not be active until later in the year due to work obligations. I'll be updating the Active Manatee Roster next Friday.

Thanks for putting this together. I am definitely in. It has been a trying few weeks. Had the in-laws in town for a couple weeks over the holidays. There were concerns about flights being cancelled to get them out. And my father in law has asthma and was having some issues and thought they might not let him on the plane (some coughing, but COVID negative). We convinced them to go to the airport and at least try to get on because flights were getting pushed out for at least another week. Then we had awful weather, so the puddle jumper flight out of here got cancelled. So I began the drive with them at 5:30 p.m. and got them up to the city to catch their direct flight back to Denver. I got home at 1 a.m. Also currently struggling with a really sore wrist. I had a cyst about 25 years ago in my left wrist that got taken out. My right wrist feels somewhat the same, maybe a few differences, but I have had a few bouts of some serious pain in the last week or so. Need to get into the doctor and see what's going on. I don't feel or see a lump like I did when I had a cyst, so maybe it's carpal tunnel? Not really sure but it's definitely causing some issues. Happy new year to everyone.

Oh my goodness! This does sound like a hectic and stressful few weeks!

I hope the wrist issue turns out to have a simple solution. Fingers crossed...

2022-01-08 4:57 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Welcome back, Robin!  

Pfft. Of course you contribute!

2022-01-08 6:32 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Proof of life, or semblance thereof. I haven't been posting (or even training) much due to the inevitable hell at work. (I'm an elementary teacher, and we're attempting to continue in-person learning during a peak pandemic outbreak.) My teaching partner was diagnosed with Covid on Tuesday and I've been covering her classes (as it's much harder to get a sub for Chinese, and I'm bilingual) while also doing my own sub plans, with my classes being covered by a combo of our building principal and a "teacher on special assignment" who normally works in professional development and such for the district. At least my kiddos were in very experienced and familiar hands......

I'm not quarantined as am vaccinated, boosted, and haven't spend any unmasked time indoors with my partner (we have separate classrooms). Probably had much closer and prolonged exposure to some of my students who got Covid last year. Plus most of the kids don't wear really great masks--lots of cloth masks and (no fault of their own--most are a bit big for kid masks and a bit small for adult ones) ill-fitting disposable ones.

I'm back in my own room next week but probably still need to help out my colleague's sub with math and kid issues while an aide covers Chinese. Basically 1 1/2 jobs. Arrrgh! So far our pool has stayed open (it's outdoors). We shall see. Training is a mess--I've at least been consistent with swimming since this fall as I'm on a master's team and we pre-pay a monthly fee. Generally, if I've paid for it, I will show up. But if I can't get away from work before practice starts, then that's a moot point. Hoping things calm down eventually!
2022-01-09 6:24 AM
in reply to: 0

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Can you tell I copied Karen's format? Haaa. I put myself down for 2 parts of the GoJo challenge. I am keeping my expectations pretty low so far.

Edited by ceilidh 2022-01-09 6:25 AM

2022-01-09 8:42 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
NAME: Leanne

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: I'm on Facebook, Strava and IG (canadarn2001 & johnslers_kitchen)

STORY: I was a sport enthusiast growing up (hockey, ringette, baseball, soccer, golf, volleyball, track & field and cross country). In my late 20s I got back into running. Then I met my now husband who was training for an Ironman. I watched him finish IMFL in 2006 and decided that day I was going to do an Ironman. I started with short distances and finished my IMAZ in 2009 & 2011. During that time I also did numerous half ironman and started to run further distances. I am a runner at heart. I have completed many half marathons, 20+ marathons, a few 50 kms, two 50 milers and attempted 100 miles in 2019 only to DNF at mile 81.75. I have since developed Osteitis pubis (essentially arthritis the pubis symphysis area) which side lined me in 2020. I have learned that I benefit from cross training because my body does not LOVE to do all the running miles.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to Scott since 2007 (who is also an Ironman) but also an avid surfer and stand up paddle boarder. We got married in Kona, Hawaii, 3 days after the Ironman (Chrissy Wellington and Chris Mc Cormack won that year!) We have two cats (Tyrone and Bella) who are almost 15 years old!

CURRENT TRAINING: Current training for Umstead 100. I left that race in 2019 with unfinished business and I need to check it off my bucket list. I

THIS YEAR'S EVENTS: I am also bring triathlon back into my life this year. I have signed up for IMNC 70.3 in my hometown. My last triathlon was Chattanooga 70.3 in 2018. And...I have signed up for Kiawah Marathon in December 2022 (it's a tradition for myself and my girlfriends).

GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: My word of the year is "Joy". So...I have decided to do all things that truly bring me joy. Now that I am older I have figured this out. Joy for me is moving my body, setting and accomplishing my personal goals. I love doing anything outside that involves movement! Obviously my #1 goal for this year is finishing Umstead 100.

WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I love cheering others on and seeing people achieve their goals and become the best versions of themselves!
2022-01-09 8:54 AM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by canadarn2001NAME: LeanneOTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: I'm on Facebook, Strava and IG (canadarn2001 & johnslers_kitchen)STORY: I was a sport enthusiast growing up (hockey, ringette, baseball, soccer, golf, volleyball, track & field and cross country). In my late 20s I got back into running. Then I met my now husband who was training for an Ironman. I watched him finish IMFL in 2006 and decided that day I was going to do an Ironman. I started with short distances and finished my IMAZ in 2009 & 2011. During that time I also did numerous half ironman and started to run further distances. I am a runner at heart. I have completed many half marathons, 20+ marathons, a few 50 kms, two 50 milers and attempted 100 miles in 2019 only to DNF at mile 81.75. I have since developed Osteitis pubis (essentially arthritis the pubis symphysis area) which side lined me in 2020. I have learned that I benefit from cross training because my body does not LOVE to do all the running miles.FAMILY STATUS: Married to Scott since 2007 (who is also an Ironman) but also an avid surfer and stand up paddle boarder. We got married in Kona, Hawaii, 3 days after the Ironman (Chrissy Wellington and Chris Mc Cormack won that year!) We have two cats (Tyrone and Bella) who are almost 15 years old!CURRENT TRAINING: Current training for Umstead 100. I left that race in 2019 with unfinished business and I need to check it off my bucket list. ITHIS YEAR'S EVENTS: I am also bring triathlon back into my life this year. I have signed up for IMNC 70.3 in my hometown. My last triathlon was Chattanooga 70.3 in 2018. And...I have signed up for Kiawah Marathon in December 2022 (it's a tradition for myself and my girlfriends).GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: My word of the year is "Joy". So...I have decided to do all things that truly bring me joy. Now that I am older I have figured this out. Joy for me is moving my body, setting and accomplishing my personal goals. I love doing anything outside that involves movement! Obviously my #1 goal for this year is finishing Umstead 100.WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I love cheering others on and seeing people achieve their goals and become the best versions of themselves!
Hi Leanne! Welcome. What is ringette?
2022-01-09 11:58 AM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by canadarn2001 NAME: Leanne OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: I'm on Facebook, Strava and IG (canadarn2001 & johnslers_kitchen) STORY: I was a sport enthusiast growing up (hockey, ringette, baseball, soccer, golf, volleyball, track & field and cross country). In my late 20s I got back into running. Then I met my now husband who was training for an Ironman. I watched him finish IMFL in 2006 and decided that day I was going to do an Ironman. I started with short distances and finished my IMAZ in 2009 & 2011. During that time I also did numerous half ironman and started to run further distances. I am a runner at heart. I have completed many half marathons, 20+ marathons, a few 50 kms, two 50 milers and attempted 100 miles in 2019 only to DNF at mile 81.75. I have since developed Osteitis pubis (essentially arthritis the pubis symphysis area) which side lined me in 2020. I have learned that I benefit from cross training because my body does not LOVE to do all the running miles. FAMILY STATUS: Married to Scott since 2007 (who is also an Ironman) but also an avid surfer and stand up paddle boarder. We got married in Kona, Hawaii, 3 days after the Ironman (Chrissy Wellington and Chris Mc Cormack won that year!) We have two cats (Tyrone and Bella) who are almost 15 years old! CURRENT TRAINING: Current training for Umstead 100. I left that race in 2019 with unfinished business and I need to check it off my bucket list. I THIS YEAR'S EVENTS: I am also bring triathlon back into my life this year. I have signed up for IMNC 70.3 in my hometown. My last triathlon was Chattanooga 70.3 in 2018. And...I have signed up for Kiawah Marathon in December 2022 (it's a tradition for myself and my girlfriends). GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: My word of the year is "Joy". So...I have decided to do all things that truly bring me joy. Now that I am older I have figured this out. Joy for me is moving my body, setting and accomplishing my personal goals. I love doing anything outside that involves movement! Obviously my #1 goal for this year is finishing Umstead 100. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: I love cheering others on and seeing people achieve their goals and become the best versions of themselves!

Welcome aboard Leanne! I think you win the goal/objectives by doing all things that bring you Joy! REally, that is the perfect goal and I'm stealing it!

2022-01-09 3:53 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Name - cdban66/Chris



STORY: I had been somewhat athletic in High School, playing soccer, beach volleyball and basketball, but that was a long time ago. Marriage, two children, business ownership, and the general busyness of life just got in the way. A while back I did a family weight loss challenge and I started running. After that, I began riding and swimming. I am now primarily a bike rider, with a road, fixed gear, MTB, and gravel bike. I am on the board of our local off road cyclist club, as well, as a way to give back to the local cycling community.

STATUS: I am a 6’3”, 50+ yr old male and I've been married for nearly 35 years. I have 2 girls, both in their 30’s.  My wife, Ann or TW(THE Wife), is the most wonderful person a man could have in his life and has been very supportive of this addition to my lifestyle.  She occasionally joins me on rides as well.

CURRENT TRAINING: Training is a term I stay away from. I just ride.. 

LAST YEAR: Last year was gravel centric, ending with The Kings Road, Cross Florida Gravel in early December. 200 miles in two days. TBH, I did 175 miles, which I am fine with.

THIS YEAR: We are deep in a pretty intense project at work, so my abilities to ride are limited until May of the year. I will just ride where I can and figure out things after that.

BODY COMP:  I am almost down to a feasible weight. 

WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD MANATEE: I am not the fastest, but I am supportive, upbeat, and would like to be in better shape, mostly just for life. I have a bit of bike knowledge and a wealth of knowledge learned the hard way.  I read logs for info, laughs, and motivation, and I also post a bit on multiple social media platforms. I am trying to post a picture every day on IG throughout the year, so if you want mediocre pictures of fairly boring stuff, hey, I’m your guy!


2022-01-09 5:31 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by Hot Runner Proof of life, or semblance thereof. I haven't been posting (or even training) much due to the inevitable hell at work. (I'm an elementary teacher, and we're attempting to continue in-person learning during a peak pandemic outbreak.) My teaching partner was diagnosed with Covid on Tuesday and I've been covering her classes (as it's much harder to get a sub for Chinese, and I'm bilingual) while also doing my own sub plans, with my classes being covered by a combo of our building principal and a "teacher on special assignment" who normally works in professional development and such for the district. At least my kiddos were in very experienced and familiar hands...... I'm not quarantined as am vaccinated, boosted, and haven't spend any unmasked time indoors with my partner (we have separate classrooms). Probably had much closer and prolonged exposure to some of my students who got Covid last year. Plus most of the kids don't wear really great masks--lots of cloth masks and (no fault of their own--most are a bit big for kid masks and a bit small for adult ones) ill-fitting disposable ones. I'm back in my own room next week but probably still need to help out my colleague's sub with math and kid issues while an aide covers Chinese. Basically 1 1/2 jobs. Arrrgh! So far our pool has stayed open (it's outdoors). We shall see. Training is a mess--I've at least been consistent with swimming since this fall as I'm on a master's team and we pre-pay a monthly fee. Generally, if I've paid for it, I will show up. But if I can't get away from work before practice starts, then that's a moot point. Hoping things calm down eventually!

Ugh! That's really rough. I know some of my teacher friends are in a similar boat -- sick or exposed to covid, no subs, no bus drivers, etc.

I'm glad that you have your masters swim group -- even if it's outside in crap weather.

2022-01-09 5:32 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh Can you tell I copied Karen's format? Haaa. I put myself down for 2 parts of the GoJo challenge. I am keeping my expectations pretty low so far.

Hey, do what you can and certainly don't overdo it and cause a set back.

2022-01-09 5:41 PM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Welcome, Leanne!

You are not the only one here with unfinished business.  We certainly understand that!

I was going to invite you to the Manatees group on Strava but I'm having a hard time locating you.  You can request to join at  Mostly we use it as a way to find each other on Strava ;-)

2022-01-09 5:43 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Welcome back, Chris!  I'm hoping that we can gravel together this year :-(You too Robin and Ann-Marie and Anne and...)

2022-01-10 8:52 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Happy Monday, Manatees!

Today is the kick off to the JoGo Challenge. This is a sometimes event that was originated by a former Manatee, JoGo, who liked to use challenges as a form of motivation.  Feel free to sign up for any or all of the challenges.  It looks like we have four participates right now.  The challenge runs through Valentine's week.  I plan to post updates about once a week.

I'm using the Keep on Moving for my steps challenge. I've got a good streak going and I know that Jan/Feb can be tough months for meeting this goal.  I'm also doing Strength/Core/Yoga because I know that is what tends to fall off the bus for me. I get my SBR (OK, let's be honest, I no longer swim) but the supporting cast of strength/core/yoga are more difficult for me.

A few people have signed up for Good Eats and Distance/Hours.  No one signed up for Body Comp (yet) so I moved that tab to the far right.

2022-01-10 8:53 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Randee, when you get back to CT, I'd love to hear about the Disney half marathon! We want to see that castle picture!

2022-01-10 9:06 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Happy Monday Manatees!   A while ago there was a bit of a discussion about tri/bike shorts and which brands people favored.  I think people were looking for options. DeSoto seemed a real favorite, so I jumped on board and bought its Carrera tri short on a no-take-backs sale.  Bad choice for me as I didn't realize the shorts are designed to hug your hips and I like a higher waistband. So, I then purchased the full-price Riviera. They are ok, but not quite what I wanted. I kept them and the Carrera and will use them for trainer rides.  Since Desoto wasn't doing it for me I turned to Zoot. I bought its Core tri short at about 1/2 the price of the Riviera and they are awesome!  I used them for the first time on my longest bike ride in a long time ride and found them to be so comfortable. It can be so tricky to find a pair of shorts that works for you -I hadn't bought a new pair in more years than I care to say, so I am thrilled to have found this "inexpensive" short.  That's my ad for Zoot tri shorts. I promise I have not been paid for it 

2022-01-10 9:10 AM
in reply to: 0

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Happy Monday Manatees!   A while ago there was a bit of a discussion about tri/bike shorts and which brands people favored.  I think people were looking for options. DeSoto seemed a real favorite, so I jumped on board and bought its Carrera tri short on a no-take-backs sale.  Bad choice for me as I didn't realize the shorts are designed to hug your hips and I like a higher waistband. So, I then purchased the full-price Riviera. They are ok, but not quite what I wanted. I kept them and the Carrera and will use them for trainer rides.  Since Desoto wasn't doing it for me I turned to Zoot. I bought its Core tri short at about 1/2 the price of the Riviera and they are awesome!  I used them for the first time on my longest bike ride in a long time ride and found them to be so comfortable. It can be so tricky to find a pair of shorts that works for you -I hadn't bought a new pair in more years than I care to say, so I am thrilled to have found this "inexpensive" short.  That's my ad for Zoot tri shorts. I promise I have not been paid for it 

Oh, thanks for sharing! I have been using Terry Bella shorts for my long rides and have some very old cannot be seen in public tri shorts that I use for shorter trainer rides. I may look into the Zoot as replacements for them.  Any particular "model"?

Oh, you said Zoot Core. Doh!

Edited by jmkizer 2022-01-10 9:13 AM
2022-01-10 9:13 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy Monday, Manatees!

Today is the kick off to the JoGo Challenge. This is a sometimes event that was originated by a former Manatee, JoGo, who liked to use challenges as a form of motivation.  Feel free to sign up for any or all of the challenges.  It looks like we have four participates right now.  The challenge runs through Valentine's week.  I plan to post updates about once a week.

I'm using the Keep on Moving for my steps challenge. I've got a good streak going and I know that Jan/Feb can be tough months for meeting this goal.  I'm also doing Strength/Core/Yoga because I know that is what tends to fall off the bus for me. I get my SBR (OK, let's be honest, I no longer swim) but the supporting cast of strength/core/yoga are more difficult for me.

A few people have signed up for Good Eats and Distance/Hours.  No one signed up for Body Comp (yet) so I moved that tab to the far right.

ok, i put myself in the good eats challenge with the goal of getting 20 grams of protein /meal + 1 snack. I already missed that goal with breakfast

2022-01-10 9:15 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Happy Monday Manatees!   A while ago there was a bit of a discussion about tri/bike shorts and which brands people favored.  I think people were looking for options. DeSoto seemed a real favorite, so I jumped on board and bought its Carrera tri short on a no-take-backs sale.  Bad choice for me as I didn't realize the shorts are designed to hug your hips and I like a higher waistband. So, I then purchased the full-price Riviera. They are ok, but not quite what I wanted. I kept them and the Carrera and will use them for trainer rides.  Since Desoto wasn't doing it for me I turned to Zoot. I bought its Core tri short at about 1/2 the price of the Riviera and they are awesome!  I used them for the first time on my longest bike ride in a long time ride and found them to be so comfortable. It can be so tricky to find a pair of shorts that works for you -I hadn't bought a new pair in more years than I care to say, so I am thrilled to have found this "inexpensive" short.  That's my ad for Zoot tri shorts. I promise I have not been paid for it 

Oh, thanks for sharing! I have been using Terry Bella shorts for my long rides and have some very old cannot be seen in public tri shorts that I use for shorter trainer rides. I may look into the Zoot as replacements for them.  Any particular "model"?

Oh, you said Zoot Core. Doh!

Just remember I use tri shorts v bike, so if you like more padding the core may not work. I assume -haven't checked, that they have bike shorts too.

ETA: Just looked at the website and they have a core bike short as well as a core tri short.

Edited by amd723 2022-01-10 9:17 AM
2022-01-10 9:25 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Happy Monday Manatees!   A while ago there was a bit of a discussion about tri/bike shorts and which brands people favored.  I think people were looking for options. DeSoto seemed a real favorite, so I jumped on board and bought its Carrera tri short on a no-take-backs sale.  Bad choice for me as I didn't realize the shorts are designed to hug your hips and I like a higher waistband. So, I then purchased the full-price Riviera. They are ok, but not quite what I wanted. I kept them and the Carrera and will use them for trainer rides.  Since Desoto wasn't doing it for me I turned to Zoot. I bought its Core tri short at about 1/2 the price of the Riviera and they are awesome!  I used them for the first time on my longest bike ride in a long time ride and found them to be so comfortable. It can be so tricky to find a pair of shorts that works for you -I hadn't bought a new pair in more years than I care to say, so I am thrilled to have found this "inexpensive" short.  That's my ad for Zoot tri shorts. I promise I have not been paid for it 

Oh, thanks for sharing! I have been using Terry Bella shorts for my long rides and have some very old cannot be seen in public tri shorts that I use for shorter trainer rides. I may look into the Zoot as replacements for them.  Any particular "model"?

Oh, you said Zoot Core. Doh!

Just remember I use tri shorts v bike, so if you like more padding the core may not work. I assume -haven't checked, that they have bike shorts too.

ETA: Just looked at the website and they have a core bike short as well as a core tri short.

Yeah, the Terry shorts are bike shorts but I've been using tri shorts on my 1-1.5 hour trainer rides, mostly because that's what I had around and they seemed to be holding up OK.

2022-01-10 9:52 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Welcome, Leanne!!  Another hockey person, yay!!

I'm in for JoGo, I'll get my name on it shortly.  Thanks, Janyne, for reviving our challenge!

2022-01-10 10:15 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy Monday, Manatees!

Today is the kick off to the JoGo Challenge. This is a sometimes event that was originated by a former Manatee, JoGo, who liked to use challenges as a form of motivation.  Feel free to sign up for any or all of the challenges.  It looks like we have four participates right now.  The challenge runs through Valentine's week.  I plan to post updates about once a week.

I'm using the Keep on Moving for my steps challenge. I've got a good streak going and I know that Jan/Feb can be tough months for meeting this goal.  I'm also doing Strength/Core/Yoga because I know that is what tends to fall off the bus for me. I get my SBR (OK, let's be honest, I no longer swim) but the supporting cast of strength/core/yoga are more difficult for me.

A few people have signed up for Good Eats and Distance/Hours.  No one signed up for Body Comp (yet) so I moved that tab to the far right.

ok, i put myself in the good eats challenge with the goal of getting 20 grams of protein /meal + 1 snack. I already missed that goal with breakfast

I have the hardest time getting enough protein. Not eating meat makes it difficult. How do you get 20 geams for breakfast?
2022-01-10 10:39 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy Monday, Manatees!

Today is the kick off to the JoGo Challenge. This is a sometimes event that was originated by a former Manatee, JoGo, who liked to use challenges as a form of motivation.  Feel free to sign up for any or all of the challenges.  It looks like we have four participates right now.  The challenge runs through Valentine's week.  I plan to post updates about once a week.

I'm using the Keep on Moving for my steps challenge. I've got a good streak going and I know that Jan/Feb can be tough months for meeting this goal.  I'm also doing Strength/Core/Yoga because I know that is what tends to fall off the bus for me. I get my SBR (OK, let's be honest, I no longer swim) but the supporting cast of strength/core/yoga are more difficult for me.

A few people have signed up for Good Eats and Distance/Hours.  No one signed up for Body Comp (yet) so I moved that tab to the far right.

ok, i put myself in the good eats challenge with the goal of getting 20 grams of protein /meal + 1 snack. I already missed that goal with breakfast

I have the hardest time getting enough protein. Not eating meat makes it difficult. How do you get 20 geams for breakfast?

I don't think I knew you were vegetarian too! Getting 20 grams of protein has to be a combo of things -e.g.,:

2 eggs = 14 grams

.5 c quinoa 4 grams 

So that might be as close as I get with that meal. Of course, you could do a 3 egg omelet, and you are done.  The harder breakfasts are those without eggs. Kodiak cake protein pancakes have 14 grams per serving if you make them without eggs or milk (eg, just water).you can add and egg and that will give you enough. When i make them i use egg and almond milk, unless I'm cutting down on eggs. I ignore the amount of sugar they have!   I'm also trying to do overnight oats more often. If you add PB or protein powder you can get close.  

2022-01-10 10:47 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by melbo55

Welcome, Leanne!!  Another hockey person, yay!!

I'm in for JoGo, I'll get my name on it shortly.  Thanks, Janyne, for reviving our challenge!

haha! You saw hockey, I saw Chattanooga and Umstead

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