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2010-11-14 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Congrats to all of you in the Full.
After unfortunately having a DNF in the HIM I went home to lick my wounds (just emotional). It was inspiring to watch every single person on the Ironman run course. I was standing outside my rental just before the 4mi mark on the run course (some might remember the great job my neighbors did cheering you all on with thier green t shirts, bells, and clappers)
watching everybody gut out that run really got me choked up on more than once.
You all did something special yesterday. Huge Congrats.

2010-11-14 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

ok Double congrats

Edited by qrkid 2010-11-14 7:27 AM
2010-11-14 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

First and foremost let me say it was great meeting all of the BTers this week.  I continue to meet a class group of people at these races.  Martin (Livestrong191), Shellabree and her husband Scott, Dan and his wife(DanielG), Todd(Titeloops), TriBee all were people I met on this Tri with the exception of Todd who is in my mentor group.  It was a blast sharing stories, tips, tricks, and dinner.  I enjoyed the thread while getting ready for this race.


Now my race.  I am happy to say I am an Ironman this morning.  That feels great! I am also happy that I had a few challenges during the race I had to deal with that frustrated me and made me think of hanging it up and trying this again another day.  But I didn’t! 

I was very happy with my swim.  Not because of the time.  1 hour 38 minutes is slow. No this is the first swim I have done in a HIM or longer where I didn’t panic on the swim.  The swim we did Thursday with most of the people I mentioned above was very helpful.

So successful Swim.  Now on to my issues:


The bike.  Came out of the water got on the bike felt great took off and was in good shape going about 18.5 MPH to mile 25 right where you turn off of Hwy 421 on the way out.  I had a flat.  No problem with that it happens.  My problem was the spring from my skewer got lodged in the hub and I couldn’t get the wheel off.  Lost 40 minutes.  Tech car came by and fixed it for me.  I was upset but got back on the bike and got over it.  Kept telling myself to suck it up.  Get 12 miles down the road and guess what second flat.  Now I am in trouble because I don’t have a second spare.  I sit on the side the road and beg someone for a spare and a guy gives me his(remember this because I meet this guy again).  He leaves and I have 46 mm wheels and he has a regular stem valve.  Wont work can’t pump it up.  I am now stranded on the side of the road.  A person in a bus (a bus it was weird) pulls over and ask if I need help.  She gives me a phone number of a tech car and I call them.  They show up with a valve extender put it on the bike and I am up and running again after about 40 minutes.  I am now averaging 12 MPH on the bike! I am really down and thinking I am packing it in.  Again I tell my self I have lost 1 and 10 minutes or so suck it up and go.  I think to myself and don’t know that it is true, but I now focus and say would most people quit at this point.  So I use this as my motivation.  I get going again and running about 18-19.5 MPH and start passing the same people I have passed three times now.  I think to myself and again don’t know it is true but I tell myself these people are wondering how many times is this guy go to break down and keep on going. So I finish the bike from the 12 MPH avg to a whopping 15.3 or so. 


The run I knew was going to be an issue because of the IT band issues I have had during the 20 weeks of training.  I ran the first 13 miles and walked the last 13.  The pain in my knee was killing me and I struggled in my head again but fought thru it.  I start walking with another guy named Patrick who is having bad problems with his hamstring. We are talking and after about 7 miles later he makes the statement that he had to give this poor guy stranded on the road his spare.  I pause and tell him the story of a guy who gave me his spare and it turns out it is him!  That was cool and it perked me up.  I knew at that point it was destiny and I finished 15 hours and 29 mins.  I was a great day and I learned something about myself along the way. 

2010-11-14 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

Edited by [email protected] 2010-11-14 7:48 AM
2010-11-14 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

duplicate post.

Edited by [email protected] 2010-11-14 7:50 AM
2010-11-14 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

duplicate post

Edited by [email protected] 2010-11-14 7:48 AM

2010-11-14 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3210034

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Congratulations all!  I enjoyed the half very much and I also enjoyed cheering for the full participants on the run course! 

Great job everyone!
2010-11-14 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Does anyone else have a bruise all around the ankle where the timing chip strap was? I'm serious, a 1.5" bruise all the way around my ankle.
2010-11-14 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
To those who were cheering -- THANK YOU!  Honestly, the cheering downtown got me through the race.  It was a tough day.

Race report here.  I look forward to reading everyone's.
2010-11-14 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3210652

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Experior - 2010-11-14 9:15 PM

To those who were cheering -- THANK YOU!  Honestly, the cheering downtown got me through the race.  It was a tough day.

Race report here.  I look forward to reading everyone's.

Yup, I second the thanks for cheering crowds!

My RR's here:
Race Report DanielG
2010-11-14 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3210665

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Extreme Veteran
In front of computer when typing this.
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I agree- best spectator support in any race I have ever done! My RR is up too but I don't know how to link to it :-)

2010-11-14 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3210667

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
louiskie - 2010-11-14 9:23 PM I agree- best spectator support in any race I have ever done! My RR is up too but I don't know how to link to it :-)

Here you go!
2010-11-14 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3210641

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Extreme Veteran
In front of computer when typing this.
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-11-14 9:08 PM Does anyone else have a bruise all around the ankle where the timing chip strap was? I'm serious, a 1.5" bruise all the way around my ankle.

No, but my purple wristband chafed a bloody mess under it! Only noticed last night. Ouch.
2010-11-14 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

Ah yes I do sort of have a mark on my skin where the purple wristband was too. 

Congrats guys, you did great and it's great to read the stories.

I thought the swim was kind of slow, it was my slowest IM swim of 5, but only by a minute.  Many times I had no clue where we were going.  But still it wasn't too bad.  It was funny trying to climb the ladder with numb feet.

The headwind was annoying but I was sort of thankfully that it wasn't so bad that it was discouraging.  I don't know what the wind speed was but it wasn't horribly so.  It did make my bike slower than IMWI though, which is noteworthy because IMWI is supposed to be a tough hilly course (and it is).  Oh, and true to my gut, I overdressed for the bike.

The bike finish was kind of crazy, I had no clue where I was going before the finish and in transition.

The run was pretty nice, though I was a bit surprised with all the hills on the course. :-)

I pushed myself at the end and broke 13 hours by 33 seconds.

What I don't get though, is how people can walk around and function after they finish these races.  I was in that warming tent for 2 hours and I did not want to leave at all, much less gather 5 bags and my bike and go ride a boat back.

It's pretty impressive that they manage to pull off all these logistics.

Edited by kalalau 2010-11-14 10:10 PM
2010-11-15 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Hey folks, I got back to Raleigh last night and realized that I forgot my swim to bike transition bag.   Oh no! My wetsuit is in there. Need some BT help. Who can I contact to try and salvage my Xterra?
2010-11-15 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
titeloops, try emailing the RD, jad at

Did you have your name written on the inside? If so, you'll probably get it back. If not, you and how many others that left their xterra suits will have to duke it out!

2010-11-15 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3211072

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
TriBee - 2010-11-15 9:01 AM titeloops, try emailing the RD, jad at

Did you have your name written on the inside? If so, you'll probably get it back. If not, you and how many others that left their xterra suits will have to duke it out!

Yep, my name and phone number are in it.
2010-11-15 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
The crowds were awesome!

I had an accident just out of the water - I got dizzy and ran straight into the metal railing alongside the fresh water shower(I took out about half the shower set up; there was pcv tubing everywhere ) and banged up my ribs. Not much of a problem on the bike but the run was tough. 11:39:xx - not the day I was hoping for but that's ironman for you...

HUGE congrats to all who competed, especially the first timers! The conditions Saturday were no joke.. anyone who dealt with that chop/cold and then 80miles or so of headwind is a bona fide ironman!

Anyone else planning on going back next year?
2010-11-15 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2687568

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Well, I posted last night when I got back from Wrightsville, but that post seems to have gone off into some black, internet hole.... so I'll try again.

It was great to meet everyone. Dan, thanks for putting dinner together, and congrats--you are an ironman! It's funny you mentioned the "Fayetteville 64 miles" sign. I saw that same sign and thought to myself "glad I'm not going (that far) to Fayettesville" and then came the, uh oh, wait, I have to go further!

Brian, good to see you again on the awards cruise. Congrats not only on becoming an ironman, but on continuing despite the challenges!

It was a hard race for me. I'm going to take a few days to sort out what it means for my original plan of the aqua-bike this year, all three sports next year.

Overall, I thought the race was well done, but there were points where I expected better of Setup Events, as I've had great experience with some of their other races. Did anybody else think that:
--pre-race information could have been better? For instance, maps were outdated, no information on the bus shuttles, no cue sheet for the bike, and nothing about the green turn buoy on the swim. Info given at the pre-race meeting differed from that in the written book (eg, helmets and shoes were allowed on bike).
--they could have been more honest about the swim conditions? I mean come on, we're lined up to start and the kayakers are peddling backwards and objects floating out to sea--and the announcer says "don't worry, it will slack by the time the race starts?" Tidal current don't just "stop" without a creating swirl in the water.
--that there should have been a dedicated lane all the way from the end of the bridge to the bike finish? I ended up having to ride on the narrow shoulder, which was littered with glass, debris, and small animal carcasses in various states of decomposition because traffic was backed up in both lanes
--it was utter chaos at the bike finish? I found it downright dangerous. I had a scary, close call with a biker on one side, an (understandably so) oblivious runner right in front of me, and an oncoming U-Haul on the other side. No room to stop without the risk of sliding out in front of the U-Haul and possibly taking the other biker with me. I ended up yelling at the runner, who jumped out of the way (into the path of an oncoming runner). No crowd control anywhere, pedestrians and sherpas with bikes randomly crossing the course. You would think somebody would have figured out that bike finish for a half and a full, run in and out for a half and a full, a travel lane for support vehicles, and lines for bus shuttles can't all fit on one, narrow two-lane road with minimal (grass) shoulders. And when it was obvious it wasn't working, gotten some crew out there to at least get things under control.

And did anyone else feel a little pissed when they looked up and saw this big- PPD boat blocking the swim course? Having to swim around that monstrosity in the middle of a race didn't do anything to enamor me of their cause. Yep, I was grumpy at that point, having already had to stop to figure out where the turn was because instructions were "turn at the wiggly man" when in fact the turn was at the green buoy.

To Setup's credit, many aspects were handled well. I was very impressed with how well the bag system worked, and the volunteers at the aid stations were great! Aid stations were well stocked, too.

But again,  great races, folks. Hope we'll race together again.
2010-11-15 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3211147

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Toronto, Ontario
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

I think Setup did a great job, the info was absolutely good enough, I found the roads to be mostly smooth and I never saw that boat!!!

But the video on the B2B site sucks! It is not even the same race.

Had a great time!

Here is my humble report


2010-11-15 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3211340

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Extreme Veteran
In front of computer when typing this.
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
I am a mix of the above two posts. Overall, Setup did a great job, esp. given ALL the logistics. I didn't see the squiggly man either and he was NOT the turn on the swim, which I would never have assumed had Jeremey not explicitly said he was during out meeting. Anyway, the current is out of Setups control but on the B2B website there was significant chatter months ago about how slack tide would be at the time we started at the inlet, whereas Setup seemed to be using a different location for their guage. I don't understand it so never thought much about it but I think the guy who raised the question was spot on. Probably better for Setup to underpromise the swim speed rather than sell it as blazingly fast when it isn't always that way. Ride and run were fantastically well marshalled and supported. No complaints at all; in fact I was surprised at just how well that worked! The police were incredible blocking cars, etc. Now, it sucked for the cars, but that ain't our problem.

From a spectator standpoint, there is a lot to be desired on the island. The water taxi wait was long throughout the day, so my wife and kids missed me on the run during loop 1 because they waited in line for 45 mins. That sucks and could easily be resolved with another shuttle or two. And then the wait to get off the island at the end sucked, as did picking up the 4 bags of stuff from all over the place. But it is what it is. I waited 45 mins to get off the island, which at 9pm with a 4 and 6 year old, is not ideall. The kids actually fell asleep in line! Anyway, enough said.

The finish line: I thought this was a big disappointment. It was not well lit and was not really easy to get a good finish line pick. The clock was not easily visible, etc. Given that the finish line pic is such a important part for lots of people, it would have been nice to have a wide, flood-lit area (BRIGHT lights...not the semi-darkness that was there when I finished) for friends and family to see you come in. Anyway, I thought that was a bit unfortunate.

But overall, from a competitor standpoint, Setup definitely pulled it off. It is a logistical nightmare they rocked it.

2010-11-15 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3211470

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
louiskie - 2010-11-15 11:42 AM I am a mix of the above two posts. Overall, Setup did a great job, esp. given ALL the logistics. I didn't see the squiggly man either and he was NOT the turn on the swim, which I would never have assumed had Jeremey not explicitly said he was during out meeting. Anyway, the current is out of Setups control but on the B2B website there was significant chatter months ago about how slack tide would be at the time we started at the inlet, whereas Setup seemed to be using a different location for their guage. I don't understand it so never thought much about it but I think the guy who raised the question was spot on. Probably better for Setup to underpromise the swim speed rather than sell it as blazingly fast when it isn't always that way. Ride and run were fantastically well marshalled and supported. No complaints at all; in fact I was surprised at just how well that worked! The police were incredible blocking cars, etc. Now, it sucked for the cars, but that ain't our problem.

From a spectator standpoint, there is a lot to be desired on the island. The water taxi wait was long throughout the day, so my wife and kids missed me on the run during loop 1 because they waited in line for 45 mins. That sucks and could easily be resolved with another shuttle or two. And then the wait to get off the island at the end sucked, as did picking up the 4 bags of stuff from all over the place. But it is what it is. I waited 45 mins to get off the island, which at 9pm with a 4 and 6 year old, is not ideall. The kids actually fell asleep in line! Anyway, enough said.

The finish line: I thought this was a big disappointment. It was not well lit and was not really easy to get a good finish line pick. The clock was not easily visible, etc. Given that the finish line pic is such a important part for lots of people, it would have been nice to have a wide, flood-lit area (BRIGHT lights...not the semi-darkness that was there when I finished) for friends and family to see you come in. Anyway, I thought that was a bit unfortunate.

But overall, from a competitor standpoint, Setup definitely pulled it off. It is a logistical nightmare they rocked it.

2010-11-15 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3211498

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Setup did a great a job. Considering the logistical nightmare they hat off to them.
Really enjoyed the crowds downtown cheering everybody on. It was a real moral booster (that and the chicken broth)
Did anyone else think, that the run through the park was mentally tough?

I heard the water taxi took about 30 minutes one way. We ended up taking the shuttle back, no line, comfortable seats and warm.
2010-11-15 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2687568

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread
Hey! Little stupid thing. Check out the number on your finisher's medal ship. Last year I did the Half and the ship number was 70. This year my ship's number is 140. BWHAHAHA. I know, small things and small minds and all that but it's making me giggle.
2010-11-15 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2687568

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship Iron Distance : Official Thread

I had a great day-as I read through my post it sounds negative.

I agree with the comments have said.  I didn't think the volunteers in T2 were all that helpful.  I did the half last year and volunteers were right there to get your bike and easily directed you where to go. Not sure if last year the volunteers were better trained or had a different set up.

I got caught up in the bike finish mess w/animal carcasses and such.  One of the volunteers told me to stay left in the cones. Although I didn't go in the cones, I almost took out a runner (not running in the cones) who sweared at me.

 This year I was running through transition with my bike and had no idea where to go.  The T2 volunteers seemed mia.  Finally someone took my bike and there were a huddle of volunteers talking to each other while the volunteer who took my bike was yelling my number.  No one moved or pointed where I was supposed to go.  My nerves were already frazzled from the last mile or so coming in and then the T2 volunteers were clueless. 
My family/friends were outside the changing tent.  As we discussed the day, before I told them my T2 story, they mentioned how the T2 people were not trained/clueless/fill in the blank from a spectator's point of view.  My mom said if I do this race next year she is going to volunteer for T2

I agree the finish line celebration for the full was subpar and I was disappointed.  I also did not receive a finisher's shirt and didn't realize we even got one. I remember one person giving me a medal and another giving me a water and there was no person handing out t shirts.  I overheard Jeremy Davis say to e-mail him and he'd ship it out.  Well, I will be very upset if we have to pay for shipping.  As handing out the shirts at the finish line is something set up can/does control.

I got the last beer at 9:30. The massage people were gone and the pizza was cold.
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