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2016-01-11 1:12 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by marysia83 To Steve: I wish you only healthy days and a quick, peaceful recover. I know you are very strong and will manage to be in a great running shape very soon. You have always been so supportive, motivating, and inspiring, especially to beginners. You are such an experienced and knowledgeable triathlete, and you never let beginners to think they are just super silly. You've always had plenty of respect to everyone on this forum, who was lost in training and seeking an advice. I am very thankful to be a part of this forum with you. Get better soon!!!

Thank you for your kind words.

Interesting turn of events.  I got a call last night from my oncologist.  As an alternative to surgery there is a new drug approved by the FDA to fight other types of cancer that has been approved for clinical trials for what I have.  Problem is that some folks in the trial get a placebo.  If it does grow by 20% and you were on a placebo they will then put you on the drug.  Another benefit is that it attacks the tumor(s) at a microscopic level so if there is something in there as yet undetected it will work against that too. I can afford to let the thing grow a little bit before surgery is required so I am considering this option though we do not really know how much growth before it starts to interfere with functions.  Kind of a crap shoot and not really sure what to do at this point. 

Also, since I am currently resting up for surgery I am not doing any training.  If that surgery is no longer on the immediate horizon I can get off the DL.  

Oh interesting! I think anything to avoid surgery is a pretty good option. Or at least something worth further investigating. 

2016-01-11 1:20 PM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by johnthecat
Originally posted by amd723

Happy Monday Manatees!  Hope everyone had a good one!  Winter seems to have finally arrived to all of the states, including Florida!  Of course, our winter is a bit different from what Mary ran through this weekend.  Man, that is some seriously cold weather, good job getting out there!

In other news, I had a really fun race.  For those with time on their hands, here's the race report!  

Nice race report. What's the deal with this Freeman?

Thanks!  I should ask him what his deal is! Really, I just think he's clueless!!

2016-01-11 1:39 PM
in reply to: amd723

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by johnthecat
Originally posted by amd723

Happy Monday Manatees!  Hope everyone had a good one!  Winter seems to have finally arrived to all of the states, including Florida!  Of course, our winter is a bit different from what Mary ran through this weekend.  Man, that is some seriously cold weather, good job getting out there!

In other news, I had a really fun race.  For those with time on their hands, here's the race report!  

Nice race report. What's the deal with this Freeman?

Thanks!  I should ask him what his deal is! Really, I just think he's clueless!!

Definitely bring this up with him some time. Easy to clip feet and send you tumbling. Really doesn't take much to do it. Especially in a trail race, give some space. People move and see the course differently. That bothered me enough on the road when some guy kept hanging on my heels in a 10k. I was able to gap and just outrun him. Glad you were able to enjoy it otherwise!

2016-01-11 1:45 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by marysia83 To Steve: I wish you only healthy days and a quick, peaceful recover. I know you are very strong and will manage to be in a great running shape very soon. You have always been so supportive, motivating, and inspiring, especially to beginners. You are such an experienced and knowledgeable triathlete, and you never let beginners to think they are just super silly. You've always had plenty of respect to everyone on this forum, who was lost in training and seeking an advice. I am very thankful to be a part of this forum with you. Get better soon!!!

Thank you for your kind words.

Interesting turn of events.  I got a call last night from my oncologist.  As an alternative to surgery there is a new drug approved by the FDA to fight other types of cancer that has been approved for clinical trials for what I have.  Problem is that some folks in the trial get a placebo.  If it does grow by 20% and you were on a placebo they will then put you on the drug.  Another benefit is that it attacks the tumor(s) at a microscopic level so if there is something in there as yet undetected it will work against that too. I can afford to let the thing grow a little bit before surgery is required so I am considering this option though we do not really know how much growth before it starts to interfere with functions.  Kind of a crap shoot and not really sure what to do at this point. 

Also, since I am currently resting up for surgery I am not doing any training.  If that surgery is no longer on the immediate horizon I can get off the DL.  

Tough decision!!!! I hope which ever you choose works 100% for you.

2016-01-11 1:45 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by lisac957


With a few caveats... need to wear an ankle brace, start slow, very low volume, etc. My log today has all the details but I think I'm going to stick with the AMT elliptical until my range of motion returns, etc. etc. etc. - but this is such a huge step in my recovery. HAPPY GIRL 

That's great! 


2016-01-11 1:51 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by johnthecat
Originally posted by amd723

Happy Monday Manatees!  Hope everyone had a good one!  Winter seems to have finally arrived to all of the states, including Florida!  Of course, our winter is a bit different from what Mary ran through this weekend.  Man, that is some seriously cold weather, good job getting out there!

In other news, I had a really fun race.  For those with time on their hands, here's the race report!  

Nice race report. What's the deal with this Freeman?

Thanks!  I should ask him what his deal is! Really, I just think he's clueless!!

Definitely bring this up with him some time. Easy to clip feet and send you tumbling. Really doesn't take much to do it. Especially in a trail race, give some space. People move and see the course differently. That bothered me enough on the road when some guy kept hanging on my heels in a 10k. I was able to gap and just outrun him. Glad you were able to enjoy it otherwise!

Thanks and good point, if he shows up at another race with me I will tell him to back off a bit.   

2016-01-11 1:54 PM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by johnthecat

Ok, I signed up for the half marathon. Katy Half. Sean I hope you come out there and cheer me on since it's in your neighborhood .

The only time I've done an official race longer than a 5k was in 1998 and that was a 10k. I ran that one with no prep whatsoever and I was hurting bad for a week (I wish I could come close to the pace I ran that one with training these days, oh well).

I swore that I would never run anything further than that 10 k for the rest of my life. I guess some promises are just meant to be broken and I'm following the Manatee advise and I'm going to "DOOOOOO EEEETTTTTTTT".

I will if I can work it into this ironman training! Weekends are going to get real short real quick I have a feeling. Good job signing up!
2016-01-11 1:55 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by lisac957


With a few caveats... need to wear an ankle brace, start slow, very low volume, etc. My log today has all the details but I think I'm going to stick with the AMT elliptical until my range of motion returns, etc. etc. etc. - but this is such a huge step in my recovery. HAPPY GIRL 

Awesome, congrats!
2016-01-11 1:57 PM
in reply to: Atlantia

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by Atlantia

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by marysia83 To Steve: I wish you only healthy days and a quick, peaceful recover. I know you are very strong and will manage to be in a great running shape very soon. You have always been so supportive, motivating, and inspiring, especially to beginners. You are such an experienced and knowledgeable triathlete, and you never let beginners to think they are just super silly. You've always had plenty of respect to everyone on this forum, who was lost in training and seeking an advice. I am very thankful to be a part of this forum with you. Get better soon!!!

Thank you for your kind words.

Interesting turn of events.  I got a call last night from my oncologist.  As an alternative to surgery there is a new drug approved by the FDA to fight other types of cancer that has been approved for clinical trials for what I have.  Problem is that some folks in the trial get a placebo.  If it does grow by 20% and you were on a placebo they will then put you on the drug.  Another benefit is that it attacks the tumor(s) at a microscopic level so if there is something in there as yet undetected it will work against that too. I can afford to let the thing grow a little bit before surgery is required so I am considering this option though we do not really know how much growth before it starts to interfere with functions.  Kind of a crap shoot and not really sure what to do at this point. 

Also, since I am currently resting up for surgery I am not doing any training.  If that surgery is no longer on the immediate horizon I can get off the DL.  

Steve you are very wise, and whatever decision you make will undoubtedly be the right one. :-)

Agreed, strength to you brother.
2016-01-11 2:13 PM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
I can't keep up.. This thread moves on so quickly..

Who's been out today for a blast? I've managed to get a Tri coach and hes given me a programme so today was an 'easy 35 min run' tomorrow will be Sufferfest with a run after it, Wed is a rest day, Thurs is a 10km x-country race and then we are moving into the weekend

Happy Monday people.
2016-01-11 2:30 PM
in reply to: awm007

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by awm007


Advice needed from some of the more experienced members on here. Short version: To what extent do you stick with a training plan vs modify depending on contingencies?

Longer version: I started with Tri last summer and trained in a pretty unsystematic way. This year I have signed up for an HIM and have found a much more systematic plan (Fink's plan provided in the "IronFit Secrets for the Half Iron-Distance..." book). I'm assuming the authors set up the plan based on a periodization schedule - for instance not training the same intensity and sports on consecutive days, allowing rest time, etc.

While sticking to the letter of the plan would seem best, and there injuries and illness that necessitate the occasional change. However, my question relates to what extent do others on here modify for things such as weather, training with friends, etc. For instance, if I have a bike day scheduled for Wed but it's supposed to be rainy and 35 degrees that day, would you swap that with Tuesday's swim day when it is expected to be sunny and 60 degrees? Or would you slog it out in the bad weather or trainer to stick with the plan?

Just curious as to what others do. I don't want to be one of those persons that comment on online cooking recipes where they substitute half the ingredients then complain that the resulting dish doesn't taste good. On the other hand, if I can get outside rather than ride the trainer by switching days, I'd rather do that.

Thanks in advance Manatees!

I write my own plan so that probably makes me more flexible from the get go, but I wouldn't ever worry about moving stuff around as needed. Definitely swapping days is no big deal. I would try to keep weekly goals/schedules as close to plan as possible, but moving days around within the week isn't a big deal.

2016-01-11 2:45 PM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by awm007 For instance, if I have a bike day scheduled for Wed but it's supposed to be rainy and 35 degrees that day, would you swap that with Tuesday's swim day when it is expected to be sunny and 60 degrees? Or would you slog it out in the bad weather or trainer to stick with the plan? Just curious as to what others do. I don't want to be one of those persons that comment on online cooking recipes where they substitute half the ingredients then complain that the resulting dish doesn't taste good. On the other hand, if I can get outside rather than ride the trainer by switching days, I'd rather do that. Thanks in advance Manatees!
I write my own plan so that probably makes me more flexible from the get go, but I wouldn't ever worry about moving stuff around as needed. Definitely swapping days is no big deal. I would try to keep weekly goals/schedules as close to plan as possible, but moving days around within the week isn't a big deal.

Totally agree. When I paid big bucks for a personal tri coach, even he said as long as I got in each week's workout within the week, I could re-arrange the workouts and days to my heart's content. With the exception of putting super long stuff back-to-back, or if there was a very specific reason to have workouts in proximity to each other (which was rare). 

2016-01-11 3:31 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Happy Monday!  I managed to read through the last couple of pages today, and that was after spending time online doing other stuff.  Maybe I'm getting better?  Have a bit of a headache, though, so I need to sign off soon.  I wanted to check in here with my favorite people before I do.

Steve, I know you'll make the choice that's right for you.  Sending *lots* of positive thoughts your way.

Lisa, YAHOOOOO!!!  It's about time!!  Have fun and be careful for heaven's sake.

While I'm no expert on the subject, I agree with Sean and Lisa about just getting in the workouts for the week however you manage it and trying to avoid doing two hard days in a row.  I try not to do back to back days of the same discipline, but that could just be personal preference.  Not sure that it really makes that much difference.

Mary, I was out there yesterday in very similar conditions.  We had a team run and of the 18 people who signed up, only 7 showed.  We, the hard core, rocked it while the others stayed home in their cozy beds.    It was 12* when I started my 7-mi. run.  It did warm up a few degrees by the end because the sun was shining.  I should have taken a few pictures.  All the trees and grasses were covered with a layer of hoar-frost and it was so beautiful!!  I found somebody to run with, which made the miles go a lot faster.  We did an out-and-back that resulted in getting back to the store at about 6 mi.  My buddy pushed me to do another 1/2 mile out and back; I definitely wouldn't have done it without him.  The trail was snowy and mostly had one packed track so our pace was pretty slow.  Didn't matter, though.  We had a good conversation and I got in the planned miles.  21.5 miles this week!!!!

Mary and Markus, I'm training for my first HM too.  It's in mid-March and runs along the edge of Zion National Park in Utah.  I can't believe I'm gonna do this. Back in 2014, one of the Manatees (maybe Ann-Marie??) mentioned wanting to do this race, which made me decide to do it in Spring 2015.  I had to roll it over to this year because of injury.  This race has become really important to me.  Because of my current situation, my training is something that keeps me focused on goals and gets me out of the house and away from the self-pity that sometimes sets in.  I've been hurting lately but can control the pain with massage and using my foam roller.  I'm sick and tired of injuries keeping me from doing what I want to do so I've decided that I'm not going to let it stop me from doing this race!! 

I'm sorry I can't keep up with all the topics and that I have to keep posting these novels.  Doing my best to stay connected though.  You folks are a wonderful touchstone for me and are always in my thoughts even when I can't be here participating!!

Enjoy your day, even if it is Monday.  For that matter, it's after noon on Monday--even better.  Darren, I know that means it's your Wednesday so happy more-than-half-over-week to you.

See ya later.


2016-01-11 3:32 PM
in reply to: Superfunkyfresh

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Superfunkyfresh I can't keep up.. This thread moves on so quickly.. Who's been out today for a blast? I've managed to get a Tri coach and hes given me a programme so today was an 'easy 35 min run' tomorrow will be Sufferfest with a run after it, Wed is a rest day, Thurs is a 10km x-country race and then we are moving into the weekend Happy Monday people.

I like the way you think!

2016-01-11 3:49 PM
in reply to: lisac957

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by awm007 For instance, if I have a bike day scheduled for Wed but it's supposed to be rainy and 35 degrees that day, would you swap that with Tuesday's swim day when it is expected to be sunny and 60 degrees? Or would you slog it out in the bad weather or trainer to stick with the plan? Just curious as to what others do. I don't want to be one of those persons that comment on online cooking recipes where they substitute half the ingredients then complain that the resulting dish doesn't taste good. On the other hand, if I can get outside rather than ride the trainer by switching days, I'd rather do that. Thanks in advance Manatees!
I write my own plan so that probably makes me more flexible from the get go, but I wouldn't ever worry about moving stuff around as needed. Definitely swapping days is no big deal. I would try to keep weekly goals/schedules as close to plan as possible, but moving days around within the week isn't a big deal.

Totally agree. When I paid big bucks for a personal tri coach, even he said as long as I got in each week's workout within the week, I could re-arrange the workouts and days to my heart's content. With the exception of putting super long stuff back-to-back, or if there was a very specific reason to have workouts in proximity to each other (which was rare). 

Curious about the intensity for each of you? Could see it working more like this when more of the workouts are at an easier effort.

2016-01-11 3:55 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by awm007 For instance, if I have a bike day scheduled for Wed but it's supposed to be rainy and 35 degrees that day, would you swap that with Tuesday's swim day when it is expected to be sunny and 60 degrees? Or would you slog it out in the bad weather or trainer to stick with the plan? Just curious as to what others do. I don't want to be one of those persons that comment on online cooking recipes where they substitute half the ingredients then complain that the resulting dish doesn't taste good. On the other hand, if I can get outside rather than ride the trainer by switching days, I'd rather do that. Thanks in advance Manatees!
I write my own plan so that probably makes me more flexible from the get go, but I wouldn't ever worry about moving stuff around as needed. Definitely swapping days is no big deal. I would try to keep weekly goals/schedules as close to plan as possible, but moving days around within the week isn't a big deal.

Totally agree. When I paid big bucks for a personal tri coach, even he said as long as I got in each week's workout within the week, I could re-arrange the workouts and days to my heart's content. With the exception of putting super long stuff back-to-back, or if there was a very specific reason to have workouts in proximity to each other (which was rare). 

Curious about the intensity for each of you? Could see it working more like this when more of the workouts are at an easier effort.

I was training for my first Ironman, so the workouts ranged from 10 minutes recovery to all out time trials and everything inbetween. In general, I wouldn't stress about it too much, as long as you're getting your workouts in (especially the long stuff). If the weather or your body or life is telling you that your run is probably better suited for Saturday than Sunday... have at it

2016-01-11 4:02 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by lisac957


With a few caveats... need to wear an ankle brace, start slow, very low volume, etc. My log today has all the details but I think I'm going to stick with the AMT elliptical until my range of motion returns, etc. etc. etc. - but this is such a huge step in my recovery. HAPPY GIRL 

Awesome, just take it slow and easy.

2016-01-11 4:08 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by lisac957


With a few caveats... need to wear an ankle brace, start slow, very low volume, etc. My log today has all the details but I think I'm going to stick with the AMT elliptical until my range of motion returns, etc. etc. etc. - but this is such a huge step in my recovery. HAPPY GIRL 

thats fantastic news. Enjoy yourself.
2016-01-11 4:13 PM
in reply to: Superfunkyfresh

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by Superfunkyfresh

I can't keep up.. This thread moves on so quickly..

Who's been out today for a blast? I've managed to get a Tri coach and hes given me a programme so today was an 'easy 35 min run' tomorrow will be Sufferfest with a run after it, Wed is a rest day, Thurs is a 10km x-country race and then we are moving into the weekend

Happy Monday people.

How'd you go about finding your coach? Do you have a personal relationship with them or is everything done through emails/phone?
2016-01-11 4:13 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by marysia83 To Steve: I wish you only healthy days and a quick, peaceful recover. I know you are very strong and will manage to be in a great running shape very soon. You have always been so supportive, motivating, and inspiring, especially to beginners. You are such an experienced and knowledgeable triathlete, and you never let beginners to think they are just super silly. You've always had plenty of respect to everyone on this forum, who was lost in training and seeking an advice. I am very thankful to be a part of this forum with you. Get better soon!!!

Thank you for your kind words.

Interesting turn of events.  I got a call last night from my oncologist.  As an alternative to surgery there is a new drug approved by the FDA to fight other types of cancer that has been approved for clinical trials for what I have.  Problem is that some folks in the trial get a placebo.  If it does grow by 20% and you were on a placebo they will then put you on the drug.  Another benefit is that it attacks the tumor(s) at a microscopic level so if there is something in there as yet undetected it will work against that too. I can afford to let the thing grow a little bit before surgery is required so I am considering this option though we do not really know how much growth before it starts to interfere with functions.  Kind of a crap shoot and not really sure what to do at this point. 

Also, since I am currently resting up for surgery I am not doing any training.  If that surgery is no longer on the immediate horizon I can get off the DL.  

Wow, that is a tough decision.  The only thing I can offer is prayers and good thoughts for you.  

Amen to what Hands said

Oh man how do you decide what to do? Are there any nasty side effects from the drug? If you do go ahead with it I pray you get the real thing and that it works great.
2016-01-11 4:16 PM
in reply to: lisac957

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by lisac957

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by awm007 For instance, if I have a bike day scheduled for Wed but it's supposed to be rainy and 35 degrees that day, would you swap that with Tuesday's swim day when it is expected to be sunny and 60 degrees? Or would you slog it out in the bad weather or trainer to stick with the plan? Just curious as to what others do. I don't want to be one of those persons that comment on online cooking recipes where they substitute half the ingredients then complain that the resulting dish doesn't taste good. On the other hand, if I can get outside rather than ride the trainer by switching days, I'd rather do that. Thanks in advance Manatees!
I write my own plan so that probably makes me more flexible from the get go, but I wouldn't ever worry about moving stuff around as needed. Definitely swapping days is no big deal. I would try to keep weekly goals/schedules as close to plan as possible, but moving days around within the week isn't a big deal.

Totally agree. When I paid big bucks for a personal tri coach, even he said as long as I got in each week's workout within the week, I could re-arrange the workouts and days to my heart's content. With the exception of putting super long stuff back-to-back, or if there was a very specific reason to have workouts in proximity to each other (which was rare). 

Curious about the intensity for each of you? Could see it working more like this when more of the workouts are at an easier effort.

I was training for my first Ironman, so the workouts ranged from 10 minutes recovery to all out time trials and everything inbetween. In general, I wouldn't stress about it too much, as long as you're getting your workouts in (especially the long stuff). If the weather or your body or life is telling you that your run is probably better suited for Saturday than Sunday... have at it

Mostly looking at how others viewed or identified their longer/harder workouts. Trying to help with prioritizing things, which ones to keep spread out more. Then the rest is more like you said, not a big deal. I've seen where coaches may have like 3 levels of workouts to prioritize. No schedule, just get them in, but had some things to work with. The red (or highest) would be the ones to spread out as best they can. These would be the long workouts or high intensity ones. Then some yellow or moderate ones, then some green. Figure out which ones are red and the rest doesn't matter so much. If there are fewer red type workouts, then the schedule as a whole may be more flexible.

The frequency of such workouts can vary some too. When training more, I'll have several time trial intensity level workouts a week. so I'm always watching out for these. Others may not have so much and then have more flexibility with them.

2016-01-11 4:24 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by laffinrock

Happy Monday!  I managed to read through the last couple of pages today, and that was after spending time online doing other stuff.  Maybe I'm getting better?  Have a bit of a headache, though, so I need to sign off soon.  I wanted to check in here with my favorite people before I do.

Steve, I know you'll make the choice that's right for you.  Sending *lots* of positive thoughts your way.

Lisa, YAHOOOOO!!!  It's about time!!  Have fun and be careful for heaven's sake.

While I'm no expert on the subject, I agree with Sean and Lisa about just getting in the workouts for the week however you manage it and trying to avoid doing two hard days in a row.  I try not to do back to back days of the same discipline, but that could just be personal preference.  Not sure that it really makes that much difference.

Mary, I was out there yesterday in very similar conditions.  We had a team run and of the 18 people who signed up, only 7 showed.  We, the hard core, rocked it while the others stayed home in their cozy beds.    It was 12* when I started my 7-mi. run.  It did warm up a few degrees by the end because the sun was shining.  I should have taken a few pictures.  All the trees and grasses were covered with a layer of hoar-frost and it was so beautiful!!  I found somebody to run with, which made the miles go a lot faster.  We did an out-and-back that resulted in getting back to the store at about 6 mi.  My buddy pushed me to do another 1/2 mile out and back; I definitely wouldn't have done it without him.  The trail was snowy and mostly had one packed track so our pace was pretty slow.  Didn't matter, though.  We had a good conversation and I got in the planned miles.  21.5 miles this week!!!!

Mary and Markus, I'm training for my first HM too.  It's in mid-March and runs along the edge of Zion National Park in Utah.  I can't believe I'm gonna do this. Back in 2014, one of the Manatees (maybe Ann-Marie??) mentioned wanting to do this race, which made me decide to do it in Spring 2015.  I had to roll it over to this year because of injury.  This race has become really important to me.  Because of my current situation, my training is something that keeps me focused on goals and gets me out of the house and away from the self-pity that sometimes sets in.  I've been hurting lately but can control the pain with massage and using my foam roller.  I'm sick and tired of injuries keeping me from doing what I want to do so I've decided that I'm not going to let it stop me from doing this race!! 

I'm sorry I can't keep up with all the topics and that I have to keep posting these novels.  Doing my best to stay connected though.  You folks are a wonderful touchstone for me and are always in my thoughts even when I can't be here participating!!

Enjoy your day, even if it is Monday.  For that matter, it's after noon on Monday--even better.  Darren, I know that means it's your Wednesday so happy more-than-half-over-week to you.

See ya later.


don't worry about your "novels" Mary we are just glad that you are getting better and are well enough to drop in every now and then.
2016-01-11 4:34 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by brigby1Mostly looking at how others viewed or identified their longer/harder workouts. Trying to help with prioritizing things, which ones to keep spread out more. Then the rest is more like you said, not a big deal. I've seen where coaches may have like 3 levels of workouts to prioritize. No schedule, just get them in, but had some things to work with. The red (or highest) would be the ones to spread out as best they can. These would be the long workouts or high intensity ones. Then some yellow or moderate ones, then some green. Figure out which ones are red and the rest doesn't matter so much. If there are fewer red type workouts, then the schedule as a whole may be more flexible.

The frequency of such workouts can vary some too. When training more, I'll have several time trial intensity level workouts a week. so I'm always watching out for these. Others may not have so much and then have more flexibility with them.

I can't handle too many quote loops lol.

I generally schedule my weeks around my availability and the spreading out of the hard workouts, if I can. If for whatever reason I cannot spread out the hard workouts that week, then they may just not be as hard. I'd rather get the volume in at lower intensity than not at all. To be honest I'm not far enough down the pointy end to where it matters.
2016-01-11 4:35 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
To add to some good news (kind of) - A Fire Update

They have the massive brushfire contained (but not yet controlled). They believe that it will most likely smoulder for months, with flare ups being a problem for months until we get some good soaking rain. It came within less than a mile of destroying a second town but they managed to stop it.

In the not so good news it destroyed at least 140 properties, killed 2 elderly gentlemen and destroyed an entire town. It burnt an area bigger than the city of Sydney.
2016-01-11 4:50 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
No fair! You guys get to post at work but I can't at school. This thread moves way too fast during weekdays and slower when I have time to post on the weekends. Anyway...

Lisa- That's awesome! I wish you the best in getting back into the swing of things.

Mary- Not 13 degrees Celsius, right? I've yet to experience below 40 here in Texas this year, but I've run in subzero temperatures in New York. I hated the feeling of ( or not feeling of) my hands and feet going completely numb.
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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.