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2009-10-22 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2473768

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
trying1 - 2009-10-22 12:35 PM
TrevorC - 2009-10-22 12:19 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-22 10:07 AM
TrevorC - 2009-10-22 10:10 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-22 8:44 AM Trisports coupon. 

Order today through Thursday and receive 10% off your entire purchase - including sale items!  Plus, if your order equals $150.00 or more, you qualify for free standard shipping for orders shipped within the continental US.  Order using coupon code OCT10-E.  Please see below for full details.

I get that email as well. But if you are a performace member on BT we can get 15% off and free shipping. In Canada we dont get free shipping, but an equivalent value of US ground shipping taken off our order.

Now which pedals of the 2?

oh. ok. good to know thanks.

trisports recommendation is for heavier riders to go with the classic as its a bit stronger.  according to trisports, the spindle is a bit weaker than the axle, hence better suited for fatty's.

also the 4.5 degrees of play come from the cleat.  you have three option's.  grey, 4.5 degrees comes standard with the pedal.  they don't allow you to sub it out.  so if you wanted less or more you have to pay.  there are three option 0 degrees (black), 4.5 (grey), and 9 (red)  i use red.   cleats run in the 30 dollar range. 

not sure about the materials.  i have emails in to look-usa and look-france for clarification.  it says stainless in some areas and steel in others.  nowhere do i see CrMo for this pedal.  nor did the trisports rep.  i'll let you know what look says get the the look classic...Not with stainless steel spindle. Straight up Classic.
grey comes with pedal. I could upgrade to red later if i wanted ?
I think that is the way to go then.
Thanksfor the help...putting in the order in an hour or so.
Going to get some pedals, and buying a few of the old Kona Ironman DVD's. and we'll see what else I can find.

On the pedal note..  either way i don't think you need to worry about the durability.  I ride with a guy who played linebacker in college and is at least 260 and really grinds the pedals and he's had his keo's with spindle for 4 yrs with no problem.  The only thing you have to think about is if you want the ability to adjust the tension on your release/clip-in and the height between the axle of the pedal and the cleat. 

so you're another guy that rides with big people like me just for drafting purposes.  i get it.  ;-)

the tension is the same for both isn't it?  8 to 12 nm

as well as the stack height?  17.5mm

or am i missing something here?

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-10-22 1:07 PM

2009-10-22 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2473867

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BigReub - 2009-10-22 2:00 PM
dalessit - 2009-10-22 1:38 PM

So are you saying you are putting out more Watts/Kg than the pacer and it is still beating you?  That doesn't seem right.

I'm not a watts/power guy by any means, but isn't it possible to crank out more wattage in a lower gear making you slower?  If you are only cranking out a few % points more watts, but the pacer is using, say, 10% more gear he should have a speed advantage, at least in my simple mind.

Would it be similar to my Chevelle compared to my wife's Kia.  The Chevelle has about 410 HP, but if I drive the Chevelle around in 1st her Kia will win everytime over a long distance.

There was an article about this in Triathlete sometime in early 2008.  Not the Chevelle part, but the wattage vs gearing issue.

Have to think about that, I understand this stuff to a point.

Does it matter if suzy is putting out 100 watts in the 39 or the 54 does it?  It is still 100 watts

Using your HP analogy, does HP matter vs the amount of HP you can put out?  If you are in first going 10 mph vs in 3rd doing 10mph aren't you still using the same amount of HP to get to 10MPH.  In 3rd you would have a lot more torque but no more power.

Any engineers here that can explain it better?
2009-10-22 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Actually, the first thing I did was make sure the iPod that was in my hand when I fell was still working. THEN I looked around. A big SUV was going by and I used my superpowers to will him NOT to stop. (Think: These are not the droids you're looking for.) Embarassed

Edited by DougRob 2009-10-22 1:40 PM
2009-10-22 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2473981

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-10-22 1:37 PM Actually, th first thing I did was make sure the iPod that was in my hand when I fell was still working. THEN I looked around. A big SUV was going by and I used my superpowers to will him NOT to stop. (Think: These are not the droids you're looking for.) Embarassed

"Move along, Move along"
2009-10-22 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

For those who are my FB friends, check out the Seminar being offered by my coach on my wall.  You can sign up, send him an email at  [email protected] and he will reply back with a call in # if you are interested in joining the call.  I will be on it.  I think you can probably also become a fan and sign up that way...if you have problems let me know.

PS He is Kim's coach too...and we all know how lightening fast she is these days..

Off for round 2 of prolotherapy for the leg.

2009-10-22 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2473051

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-10-22 6:42 AM I was a Time guy, but switch to Look Keo's a yer ago. I like them because of the 4.5 degrees of play and the larger pedal surface. I wear a size 11.5 running shoe and the larger pedal give more more comfort and stability. Hope that helps.

X2 w/ the Larger Pedal Surface... I am a Look KEO Carbon guy myself....

2009-10-22 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
one final pedal question....

I have shimano road pedals right now. If I pick up looks and throw them on my other bike, could i use the same cleats and go back and forth between bikes? 
2009-10-22 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2474065

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-10-22 2:15 PM one final pedal question....

I have shimano road pedals right now. If I pick up looks and throw them on my other bike, could i use the same cleats and go back and forth between bikes? 

don't know but would be nice.
2009-10-22 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2473889

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-22 2:04 PM
trying1 - 2009-10-22 12:35 PM
TrevorC - 2009-10-22 12:19 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-22 10:07 AM
TrevorC - 2009-10-22 10:10 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-22 8:44 AM Trisports coupon. 

Order today through Thursday and receive 10% off your entire purchase - including sale items!  Plus, if your order equals $150.00 or more, you qualify for free standard shipping for orders shipped within the continental US.  Order using coupon code OCT10-E.  Please see below for full details.

I get that email as well. But if you are a performace member on BT we can get 15% off and free shipping. In Canada we dont get free shipping, but an equivalent value of US ground shipping taken off our order.

Now which pedals of the 2?

oh. ok. good to know thanks.

trisports recommendation is for heavier riders to go with the classic as its a bit stronger.  according to trisports, the spindle is a bit weaker than the axle, hence better suited for fatty's.

also the 4.5 degrees of play come from the cleat.  you have three option's.  grey, 4.5 degrees comes standard with the pedal.  they don't allow you to sub it out.  so if you wanted less or more you have to pay.  there are three option 0 degrees (black), 4.5 (grey), and 9 (red)  i use red.   cleats run in the 30 dollar range. 

not sure about the materials.  i have emails in to look-usa and look-france for clarification.  it says stainless in some areas and steel in others.  nowhere do i see CrMo for this pedal.  nor did the trisports rep.  i'll let you know what look says get the the look classic...Not with stainless steel spindle. Straight up Classic.
grey comes with pedal. I could upgrade to red later if i wanted ?
I think that is the way to go then.
Thanksfor the help...putting in the order in an hour or so.
Going to get some pedals, and buying a few of the old Kona Ironman DVD's. and we'll see what else I can find.

On the pedal note..  either way i don't think you need to worry about the durability.  I ride with a guy who played linebacker in college and is at least 260 and really grinds the pedals and he's had his keo's with spindle for 4 yrs with no problem.  The only thing you have to think about is if you want the ability to adjust the tension on your release/clip-in and the height between the axle of the pedal and the cleat. 

so you're another guy that rides with big people like me just for drafting purposes.  i get it.  ;-)

the tension is the same for both isn't it?  8 to 12 nm

as well as the stack height?  17.5mm

or am i missing something here?

i prefer drafting behind the mr softy ice cream truck..  it provides great motivation and music.

I think with all keo's (except the classics without the spindle) you can adjust the tension of the release or clip in function based on what  you like.  I set them when I first got them and since never touched that option.  The stack height can be adjusted as well but i've never done it..  they advertise that you can get a more efficient stroke if you lower the height.

2009-10-22 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2474054

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
swbkrun - 2009-10-22 3:09 PM
DougRob - 2009-10-22 6:42 AM I was a Time guy, but switch to Look Keo's a yer ago. I like them because of the 4.5 degrees of play and the larger pedal surface. I wear a size 11.5 running shoe and the larger pedal give more more comfort and stability. Hope that helps.

X2 w/ the Larger Pedal Surface... I am a Look KEO Carbon guy myself....

FYI keo has a new model for their classic and carbon that's now even wider..

2009-10-22 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2473667

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-10-22 10:05 AM So any ideas on what to put in my special needs bag for the marathon portion of B2B?  I am thinking a change of socks, shoes, more medical tape and ace wraps for my calf, an extra bottle of gel, an extra hat and maybe a few Vicodin and shots of Jack Daniels.   What would you guys want with you?  Steve and Ryan, what do you guys pack?   For my hubby on the bike I am thinking of giving him my entire bike repair kit and a few extra tires, new socks, nutrition, sun glasses,  any other suggestions?

Special Needs Run:
Socks, Shoes--NO (You don't get your bag back, and you shouldn't need other shoes), Extra Nutrition (Gel, THERMOLYTES, Candy--this goes far w/ people), A little baggy of Bengay or some sort of muscle reliever, some advil.... A hat- NO (again you will lose).

Special Needs Bike:
Same as above w/ an added Tube/CO2 (maybe 2 of these) I don't think an extra pair of socks is necessary.  You also want to put another bottle (or 2 of nutrition in there- I freeze them the night before that way come 70 miles into the bike they are still cold and thawed out).

Hope this helps out!?

2009-10-22 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2474065

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-10-22 12:15 PM one final pedal question....

I have shimano road pedals right now. If I pick up looks and throw them on my other bike, could i use the same cleats and go back and forth between bikes? 

I don't think so....  Best bet is to buy a pair of "CHEAPER" shoes for your trainer bike, and those pedals....
2009-10-22 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2473947

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-10-22 2:22 PM

Does it matter if suzy is putting out 100 watts in the 39 or the 54 does it?  It is still 100 watts

Any engineers here that can explain it better?

I think this is the exact problem.  Producing 100w in the 39 will produce a limited speed.  If two people, one in the 39 and one in the 54 and both in the same rear gear (a name escapes me right now), but both producing 100w the 54 will be faster - by maybe 15% I'm guessing.
But now it's up to the power experts to talk about whether this is even reasonable.

Edited by BigReub 2009-10-22 7:27 PM
2009-10-22 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2474065

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

TrevorC - 2009-10-22 3:15 PM one final pedal question....

I have shimano road pedals right now. If I pick up looks and throw them on my other bike, could i use the same cleats and go back and forth between bikes? 

the cleats come with the pedals so unless you get the same paid of pedals I doubt they would work on boht. Heck who knows you might get lucky and they would.

2009-10-22 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2471752

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-10-21 3:17 PM

Dannett - Welcome Home!  Just do what you enjoy - don't make triathlons a stress factor in your life - we do this to relax

ashort, I want to say that I fell asleep last night thinking about your comment. I think that I have to back out of triathlon.  I love the sport and I love racing.  In fact, I really really love racing, but triathlon does not help me relax - it STRESSES ME OUT.  Last year I almost had a nervous breakdown.  It is very odd.  I love it but it stresses me out.  Therefore, I think I am going to give it up - at least for now.  Maybe for a year.  I want to completely recover I think - physically and emotionally.  Sad.  My family wanted to see me race out there in California this upcoming year, but I think I am just not going to race at all.


Life is too short... now see - you could say life is too short to not race which you love - but you could also say - life is too short to be stressed.

Does anyone else love something that stresses them out? Or am I just weird?

2009-10-22 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2474726

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

dbw27 - 2009-10-22 9:24 PM
ashort33 - 2009-10-21 3:17 PM

Dannett - Welcome Home!  Just do what you enjoy - don't make triathlons a stress factor in your life - we do this to relax

ashort, I want to say that I fell asleep last night thinking about your comment. I think that I have to back out of triathlon.  I love the sport and I love racing.  In fact, I really really love racing, but triathlon does not help me relax - it STRESSES ME OUT.  Last year I almost had a nervous breakdown.  It is very odd.  I love it but it stresses me out.  Therefore, I think I am going to give it up - at least for now.  Maybe for a year.  I want to completely recover I think - physically and emotionally.  Sad.  My family wanted to see me race out there in California this upcoming year, but I think I am just not going to race at all.


Life is too short... now see - you could say life is too short to not race which you love - but you could also say - life is too short to be stressed.

Does anyone else love something that stresses them out? Or am I just weird?


Danett, you are somewhat like me...  No half speed, you go all in or you don't play....  All I am saying is don't overload yourself - do your triathlon, but you don't have to do it and be a TnT mentor, etc.  Just dial it back a little...  We tend to get too many irons in the fire and then put the fire out instead of keeping it manageable to begin with it.  Don't completely drop out - do some sprints and 5k - nice and easy...  don't stress!

2009-10-23 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2474876

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-10-22 11:45 PM

dbw27 - 2009-10-22 9:24 PM
ashort33 - 2009-10-21 3:17 PM

Dannett - Welcome Home!  Just do what you enjoy - don't make triathlons a stress factor in your life - we do this to relax

ashort, I want to say that I fell asleep last night thinking about your comment. I think that I have to back out of triathlon.  I love the sport and I love racing.  In fact, I really really love racing, but triathlon does not help me relax - it STRESSES ME OUT.  Last year I almost had a nervous breakdown.  It is very odd.  I love it but it stresses me out.  Therefore, I think I am going to give it up - at least for now.  Maybe for a year.  I want to completely recover I think - physically and emotionally.  Sad.  My family wanted to see me race out there in California this upcoming year, but I think I am just not going to race at all.


Life is too short... now see - you could say life is too short to not race which you love - but you could also say - life is too short to be stressed.

Does anyone else love something that stresses them out? Or am I just weird?


Danett, you are somewhat like me...  No half speed, you go all in or you don't play....  All I am saying is don't overload yourself - do your triathlon, but you don't have to do it and be a TnT mentor, etc.  Just dial it back a little...  We tend to get too many irons in the fire and then put the fire out instead of keeping it manageable to begin with it.  Don't completely drop out - do some sprints and 5k - nice and easy...  don't stress!

Welcome back Dannett. I agree with Andy 100% on this one. The entire point of triathlon is for fun and for many people, including me, it is a good stress relief. Before you give it up, I'd suggest trying to figure out why it stresses you out. Do you put too much pressure on yourself to perform? Does it interfere with your daily schedule? Find out the reason for this and make the necessary adjustments. Tell me, what is better after a long week, than hopping on your bike and just going out for a nice long ride? It's just you and the open road. As Andy said, if the training takes up too much time, dial it back a little and stick with the shorter events. No matter what, always keep in mind, we do this for fun. Life is way too short to take seriously.
2009-10-23 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
So I feel kind of bad.

I was just asked to be one of the judges in a baking contest in my office.  I used the excuse, that I was running a marathon on Sunday to get out of it.

Does that make me a bad person?
2009-10-23 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2475254

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Pittsford, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-10-23 8:01 AM So I feel kind of bad.

I was just asked to be one of the judges in a baking contest in my office.  I used the excuse, that I was running a marathon on Sunday to get out of it.

Does that make me a bad person?

If I were closer I would volunteer to fill in for you.  God I love eating.  I fear there will come a day when I will no longer be able to run and I will then simply baloon up due to the amount of calories I am used to consuming. 
2009-10-23 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2475254

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-10-23 6:01 AM So I feel kind of bad.

I was just asked to be one of the judges in a baking contest in my office.  I used the excuse, that I was running a marathon on Sunday to get out of it.

Does that make me a bad person?

Don't feel bad, Tony.  Wouldn't want some rich, creamy dessert coming back to haunt you on Sunday!  

My friends and family all want me to enter this Pho eating contest as they have all seen how much I can consume.  It's two pounds of rice noodles, two pounds of sliced beef in a giant bowl of soup.  If you can eat it all in one hour, you get the $22 bowl of pho free and a photo up on the wall of the restaurant.  There are no women that have been able to do it and plenty have failed...including some of my male young cousins.  I told them MAYBE I will try after my marathon...they are anxiously waiting for me.  

 Good luck Sunday!  You are going to do awesome, your training has been great!  
2009-10-23 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Does anyone have any update from Linda?

2009-10-23 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2475282

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

A restaurant, Spinners, near my house has a burger the size of a hubcap. If you can finish it, it is free, under an hour you get your picture on the wall. I think the record is 16 minutes. My wife told me she would divorce me if I tired. Laughing

2009-10-23 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2475290

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-10-23 8:13 AM Does anyone have any update from Linda?

not since an email from her right around her previous post.   thinking lots about her though
2009-10-23 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2475254

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-10-23 8:01 AM So I feel kind of bad.

I was just asked to be one of the judges in a baking contest in my office.  I used the excuse, that I was running a marathon on Sunday to get out of it.

Does that make me a bad person?

kind of like using the i'm married excuse to the IT girl.   both bad and good. 
2009-10-23 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2474009

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-10-22 1:44 PM Hey

For those who are my FB friends, check out the Seminar being offered by my coach on my wall.  You can sign up, send him an email at  [email protected] and he will reply back with a call in # if you are interested in joining the call.  I will be on it.  I think you can probably also become a fan and sign up that way...if you have problems let me know.

PS He is Kim's coach too...and we all know how lightening fast she is these days..

Off for round 2 of prolotherapy for the leg.


i forgot to check on this last night.  when is it?  
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