Other Resources Challenge Me! » January 100 Mile Run Challenge! Rss Feed  
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2014-01-05 1:40 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Trail HM this morning, fun! Wet, muddy raining, New Year adventure!
On track so far.

2014-01-05 4:23 PM
in reply to: Chunga

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

I had a great first week.  A little speed, a little strength, a little endurance, no aches or pains.  35.3 miles for January, 45.8 for the full week.


2014-01-05 4:57 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Continuing the pace from December, totaled 31.5 miles last week and currently at 20 for January so right on track.  Today was an 8 mile snowy trail run instead of the normal long run, going to ease up a bit this week as I have a 8 mile trail race on Saturday and a 12 mile trail race on Sunday.  I have decided to continue the Holiday run streak at least through the end of January and probably until the end of February when I start my HIM training plan.

Edited by mambos 2014-01-05 4:58 PM
2014-01-05 7:38 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
29.5 miles for January 1-5.
2014-01-05 8:45 PM
in reply to: tbonanno

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Jan 1 - 2 miles
Jan 2 - 2 miles
Jan 3 - 2 miles
Jan 4 - 4 miles
Jan 5 - 2 miles

Total: 12 miles

I'm afraid the Achilles is going to really limit me here. It's just a dull throb again, freaking me out. Time for some ice.
2014-01-05 9:11 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by popsracer

Thanks for the input.  I do have a time goal which is to break 4 hours.  Last race was 4:09 in October.  My race is the Phoenix Marathon on March 1st and it will be my 12th marathon.  PR is 3:06 about a million years ago and long term goal is to run Boston.

What baffles me is my last recent 5k was 21:12 but as the distances get greater I get further from the running calculators.  I feel like I have a pretty good base but haven't been able to get anywhere near where I want to be beyond a 5k.  I feel like I've made good strides this Fall/Winter but have a marathon monkey on my back.  I think I'll stay the course I've set but go a little longer, a little slower while staying with a little speed and strength work.  Pull back when I need to.

Your base is OK, not great. When you have logged 200+ miles/month for several months, your M times will drop without any multipace training-just by volume.
But, with a few months of injury free running at 175-200, and add in multipace/multisport...you will rock.

The key is 'injury free'.

2014-01-05 9:39 PM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I think I got about 75ish for the week, 50/something for Jan. thus far. I'm definitely ahead of the game. I wasn't sand bagging on purpose but I just wasn't sure how quickly I'd be able to ramp into endurance mode after my strength-focused period. I'm feeling great though, albeit a little sore. Did 10 miles yesterday in a combo workout with M pace (ish) running and then quick turnover drilling (in the frozen turf barefoot I might add!) Today I did a very hilly 18.5-miler with some drills after ( high knees, butt kickers) and a little dynamic stretching. A lovely week 1 of marathon training.
2014-01-05 10:18 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I'm on the map, finally. 5K race today. The real training resumes tomorrow with 5k repeats. I'll do 5 to 10 1 minute 5k pace repeats with 2min jogging recovery between. Endurance runs of 30, 45, 50, and 54 minutes planned the rest of the week, with some running drills thrown in as well.
2014-01-06 7:58 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Summary Week 1-Jan 1st through Jan 4th---22 Peeps in; Please remember to give weekly totals on Sundays
(Next Summary will be done Monday 1/13-weekly mileage due on 1/12)

Adrienne/Asalzwed-75ish already done of 220 goal, she's easing back into quality during ramp for marathon, but already into 18+mile runs
Ron/navbtcret-72 miles as his giant mileage weeks continue towards his next ultra-the Skydive Ultra 100Miler at the end of the month
Steve/popsracer-35.3 with nice variety hitting 10K RP by accident on an easy day...with no aches and pains-even better!
Tony/tbonanno-29.5 as Mr.'no plan' can pound out the miles on the road and on the trails-well, just about anywhere
Matt/mambos-20 miles as he's keeping it going and starting the week out w snowy trail runs and will finish w 2 trail races-goal of 50mpw eventually
Dale/dtoce-16 easy miles in FL, which beats the frigid NE temps-old calf injury tugging a bit but will watch carefully-need consistency and accountability
Claude/Nockon-20K~12.4 miles and is a very solid start to the Challenge
Brad/MSUBrad-12 miles and being adaptable and fighting a sore achilles, so going easy (and icing) is a good path--wondering how the early meetings/beers went? Be smart with that achilles-icing and rest more than you need is sometimes is the best route...
SGirl/?name-11 miles down with 89 to go...weight lifting more/running less, but will change w new balance; and I say 'yes' she can do it
Mary/Chunga-?total starts first week w treadmill running and trail 1/2M that includes wet and mud-who doesn't like those things?
Karl/KWDreamin-? another with 'no plan', says he likes to run naked (sans electronics), aiming for 1200 miles over the year
Pam/PinkSocks-? battling the dreaded PF, but can amble through a trail 1/2M-do your injury recovery routine...and mend those wounds from falling
James/Lecrac-? a 3x/week runner which includes 10mile LR
Kendra/Kns57-? shooting for 3/4 of a 100 miles, and that's close enough for me
Elena/EV3110-? she wants and needs this
Scott/scotttjjmtri-? using his HR monitor to keep him honest and keep the easy stuff 'easy'-good plan
Jen/Jen in Training-? ramping up to end 1/2M training-with a race?
Mike/ransick-? has 6 month streak of 100 miles/month going-very nice!
Jen/midwesttrimom-? 5 day trip planned eary in month will lessen early numbers; no problem in the big picture
Dee/spackieii-? says 100 miles is a 'stretch', but I say it's 'likely'
Kristen/enders shadow-? as training for March marathon begins, she starts out 2014 with a 5K PR-well done
Gary/PsiTri-? on the map and just getting back into training - will start with kid's 5K followed by more challenging stuff later

I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes.
Please let me know about any needed corrections on my comments/summaries.
2014-01-06 8:19 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
My bad on the summary. I'm at 4.2 miles for January. I'm assuming you want a cummulative total for the month each Sunday, since you're tracking progress for the challenge. If that's not right, please let me know. No need to respond otherwise.
2014-01-06 11:39 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I have just over 20 for the month. Hoping to get in another 25 this week but we will see how the frigid temps here allow that.
Right now the Realfeel in Des Moines is -40 degrees. Ouch!

2014-01-06 3:55 PM
in reply to: midwesttrimom

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Extreme Veteran
Quebec City
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
12 miles in sorry i wont forget next sunday!
2014-01-06 5:00 PM
in reply to: LeCrac

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by LeCrac

i wont forget next sunday!

No worries...I am outside of the BT edit zone due to time restrictions, so I'll make sure to include all that give me numbers and anecdotes of training next week.


Mondays are 'rest' days from running and with my dual plan to learn to swim correctly, I headed to the pool for some water fun.
  • ..and my shoulders are paying for it...ouch

  • but I did get in a slow 2K total!

    Even talked DS1 into swimming with me later in the week.

    Keep up the running-even if needs to be on a treadmill with the dangerous cold. Dress appropriately people, but get 'er done.
    2014-01-06 7:10 PM
    in reply to: dtoce

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    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    10 miles at recovery pace today, mighty cold out and oohhhhhh the wind. It will be even colder tomorrow, high predicted only 3 above zero and windy again.
    2014-01-06 7:47 PM
    in reply to: navbtcret

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    New user
    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    Oops missed the summary day.

    34 miles for my first January week.

    Week 6 of marathon plan this week, 28 miles on the schedule, have a great week guys and gals!

    2014-01-07 2:30 PM
    in reply to: dtoce

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    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

    Originally posted by dtoce
    Originally posted by LeCrac i wont forget next sunday!
    Mondays are 'rest' days from running and with my dual plan to learn to swim correctly, I headed to the pool for some water fun. ...and my shoulders are paying for it...ouch but I did get in a slow 2K total! Even talked DS1 into swimming with me later in the week. Keep up the running-even if needs to be on a treadmill with the dangerous cold. Dress appropriately people, but get 'er done.

    Awesome, Dale. Sounds like you've been busy!  Great that you'll get some company at the pool, too. I'm constantly trying to tell my friends they can join me on a run as it's way better than happy hour


    2014-01-07 3:54 PM
    in reply to: Asalzwed

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    Fernandina Beach, FL
    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    I'm late to this party but would like to join.

    Janurary goal is 160+ miles
    Plan is whatever my coach tells me
    Name is Robert

    Jan 1- bike day
    Jan 2- 7 miles easy run
    Jan 3- 7.25 miles easy run
    Jan 4- bike day
    Jan 5- 20.5 easy pace run

    Total- 34.75 miles ran

    Building for a Marathon in Feb off an IM in Nov. First stand alone marathon being coached. Last year did a Pfitz 18/55 plan that had me doing 200 miles/month Nov/Dec/Jan for this same marathon. Ambitious goal is 3:04:59.
    2014-01-07 4:11 PM
    in reply to: rjrankin83

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    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    Got a 12 mile progressive run done today. Every mile faster than the last.
    2014-01-07 6:04 PM
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    South Windsor, CT
    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    Originally posted by rjrankin83

    I'm late to this party but would like to join.

    Janurary goal is 160+ miles
    Plan is whatever my coach tells me
    Name is Robert

    Jan 1- bike day
    Jan 2- 7 miles easy run
    Jan 3- 7.25 miles easy run
    Jan 4- bike day
    Jan 5- 20.5 easy pace run

    Total- 34.75 miles ran

    Building for a Marathon in Feb off an IM in Nov. First stand alone marathon being coached. Last year did a Pfitz 18/55 plan that had me doing 200 miles/month Nov/Dec/Jan for this same marathon. Ambitious goal is 3:04:59.

    Welcome Robert!
    Looks like a solid M plan. Pfitz is really a balanced plan for guys like us. (3:00-3:30marathoners). As you get closer to elite/top AG status, I think there is more benefit in tailored training with a coach, but since you've got one already, no worries!!

    Totals for the week are due on Sunday (for our Sun-Sat weeks).

    Edited by dtoce 2014-01-07 6:07 PM
    2014-01-07 6:38 PM
    in reply to: dtoce

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    Fernandina Beach, FL
    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    Thanks for the warm welcome.

    Just to make sure I do this right. Week 1 in Jan should be Wed 1st-Saturday 4th. For week 2 totals would range from the 5th-11th and report on the 12th? Is that correct?
    2014-01-07 7:02 PM
    in reply to: 0

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    South Windsor, CT
    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    Originally posted by rjrankin83

    Thanks for the warm welcome.

    Just to make sure I do this right. Week 1 in Jan should be Wed 1st-Saturday 4th. For week 2 totals would range from the 5th-11th and report on the 12th? Is that correct?

    Yep. That sounds just perfect.

    I'm just trying to see how everyone is doing week to week and will subtotal it for anyone who has reported all along. If you just note on Sunday, the 12th that you ran X miles this week and describe any workout/run that was noteworthy, then I'll mention it in the summary. For anyone who gives me their running total each week, I will also put this info down for everyone to see. This will be added incentive as we get closer to 100 miles for the month.

    That way everyone can just check in on Sunday, to give their totals, and anytime after Monday, to see how everyone is doing.

    Let's have fun, and hit that 100 mile goal together!!

    Edited by dtoce 2014-01-07 7:06 PM

    2014-01-07 8:54 PM
    in reply to: dtoce

    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    3.05 miles tonight on treadmill @ gym...

    Keep up the great work, peeps!
    2014-01-08 10:34 AM
    in reply to: SGirl

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    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    If it wasn't for this challenge and the 1,000 Mile challenge I would not have gone out running last night at 8:00 pm when it was 29 degrees and again this morning at 4:00 am when it was 27 degrees..both just short runs, but i was out there....
    2014-01-08 1:54 PM
    in reply to: KWDreamun

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    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    Man, KWDreamun! You are making us South Floridians feel like whimps!

    I was just starting to feel like a bad-a**, having run 5.8 miles last night @ 51 degrees & a 15-20 mph headwind, and then 3.3 miles this morning @ 61 degrees with a breeze and a drizzle! I even had gloves and an extra layer on!

    Seriously, though. That's some good work. Hopefully, you'll get a break in the weather tomorrow.
    2014-01-08 2:10 PM
    in reply to: PsyTri

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    Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
    I am at 28.38 for the month. Will be running a little extra over the next week because I will be in northern WI at a cabin for a few days towards the end of next week. No treadmill and not sure what it will be like there. Great for snowmobiles but maybe not for running shoes. Going to pack my stuff just in case!
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