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2014-05-16 10:31 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

* May 16 is Yanti's birthday *

May 17-18
Jonathan - Ironman Texas on Saturday
Melanie - Got the Nerve? tri on Satuday
Janyne - Tour de Cure both days
Kate - Bay to Breakers 12k on Sunday
Randee - Ten Penny Ale Shamrock Duathlon on Sunday
Mary - Wild Goose Chase 5k on Sunday

Disabled list:
Adrienne - Surgery on Monday the 19th.

Follow Jonathan information.  Bib # 1167

Wow, another weekend with lots of racing Manatees!  Winter must really be gone!!  Go speed racers go!!!

Adrienne - I'm still not sure what the deal is with the surgery, but know that it will go well and you will be up and running probably sooner than the Dr tells you you can!

2014-05-16 10:36 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Originally posted by Richardsdrr

I guess my rant(?) is, how do others squeeze in work outs with limited time? What's the main workouts I need to do. I've all but given up on swim training at the moment due to pool opening times, lack of compatability with my availability and the amount of time needed to be spent there for small improvements.

Like you, we choose what makes us happy and make sacrifices in other areas. Sometimes you can't put certain things off any longer and you have to shift your priorities even if temporary.

I totally feel your commute pain. I spend nearly an hour in the car each way every day and it sucks. I think about all the time lost.....but then I also try to make the best of it. ie: I call my 96 year old grandmother every day on my way home and we talk anywhere from 5 minutes to the entire trip.

if it's not working for you now take a step back, breathe and relax.

Another thing that helps me is having something to look forward too - like a vacation? Even if it's a week off at home where you can tackle that LIST! And maybe even go out and do something fun with the family each day.

I hope you feel a little better today
Darren for me the truth is that I often don't fit training in.

If you look at my logs I have basically done nothing for nearly 3 months. That's just how life is for me at the moment and aside from getting up even earlier, which my body tells me just isn't possible, then there is nothing that I can do about it for now. Yes it sucks but that is just the way it is because we have made other choices that impact on the amount of time that is available.

Even when life isn't as hectic for me I stick to short distance racing because the reality of my life is that on a really good day the longest workout that I can fit in a an hour at the most. Maybe one day things will change and doing long course will because something that I can contemplate but not for now. There comes a time when you have to either accept it or change it. For me I'm not prepared to change it at present because the impact on other important areas of my life would be too great. That is the choice that I have made and have to get comfortable with. Yes I still beat myself up when I miss training sessions, yes I still wish sometimes things were different but I can't do everything all the time and i am learning to accept that.

I hope you find some peace with it all either through change or acceptance.
2014-05-16 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4997107

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2
Yanti love, I'm so sorry to hear about your brave little Ryder Kitty. I'm crying with you. I know that wherever he is now, he will be forever grateful for the love and comfort you gave him. Your generous heart opens you to sadness like this but also to amazing unexpected joys like spending time with a sweet purring cat. (Did he convert you to a cat lady? ;-)) Sending you thoughts of love and peace. ((((Hugs)))
2014-05-16 11:17 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2


Smooth surgeree and recoveree to Saltee

2014-05-16 11:27 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti


Smooth surgeree and recoveree to Saltee

EEEEEEEs for the win!!!

2014-05-16 12:00 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Richardsdrr Happy birthday Yanti, and congratulations on your wedding(s), uh, so far. Are we finished yet, or are there more? Probably the only time I can exclaim after a wedding that "I doubt it will be the brides lasts wedding" without it being an insult Good luck JJ for this w/e, not that you need it. And GO!!! All other racing-tees. Salty, I hope your op' goes well and you recover back to your fitness quickly. I read your Boston report, but didn't comment, and was quite amazed you could run that fast in a fever. Read some other reports also, haven't/hadn't commented on those either, but all were equally good, from strippers chasing you to epic-friend-bump-finish-line-fail, you do keep me amused. Got some things going on in my head, in real life, in family life, at the moment. I am really struggling to train in conjunction with my working life. Something Erin posted on Facebook a few weeks back got me thinking. Basically something along the lines of "if something is making you un happy, change it". Well, training is making me unhappy. Not the training as such, but the fact I have to use up my "free" time to do it, which leaves no time to do other things. I realise that it's not the training that is the problem as such, but the limited amount of time I have available to do it. The other things competing for that time are- jobs that need doing around the house ( a garden that is a building site since last year, a bathroom 90% completed since November, a motor bike that needs its brakes stripped down etc), my studies for a BSc (had to drop one module so far due to lack of time), having a very young family that require time and effort. The list goes on... My work is the problem, I work too many hours and commute too far (78 hrs this week ), but am trapped into this type of work for the time being. I guess my rant(?) is, how do others squeeze in work outs with limited time? What's the main workouts I need to do. I've all but given up on swim training at the moment due to pool opening times, lack of compatability with my availability and the amount of time needed to be spent there for small improvements. I'll leave that out there for now for you guys/gals to pick over. Sorry it's a bit like verbal diarrhea, but I'm finding it really hard to convey what is happening, things that are conflicting etc Really hope I can get something sorted, because, at the moment, I'm thinking of putting all training on hold, as I have this week.

You are right.  If training isn't making you happy, something needs to change.  This is supposed to be fun and if it isn't, there's a problem for sure. 

My first reaction is to re-evaluate your events.  Your long term goal is in the endurance area -- marathon, ultra marathon, iron distance, etc.  Maybe the path to get there is to do shorter distances for while?  Short but consistent.  Focused one discipline.

{{hugs}} We hope that you hang around here regardless.

I agree with what all of the others have said but like how Janyne makes these points. Hopefully you can stay active in some way, but narrow the focus.

2014-05-16 12:00 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

First off...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mrs. Yantilicious!


2014-05-16 12:06 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Had to put Ryder to sleep today. Shattered. After such a tremendous rally after his awful accident and spinal injury, he got ill and stopped eating last weekend. Despite all reasonable interventions at the vet's (hospitalization, including parenteral nutrition, which cats do not do well on, antibiotics, we even tried Interferon ... signs pointed to a nasty virus), he continued to decline, and after nearly a week it was time to let him go.

I'm so sorry to hear about Ryder.  I'm glad that he got to know love and kindness in his time here.  {{hugs}}

Ugh.  Pets bring us so much joy and when they go, so much sadness! I agree with Janyne, at least he knew love and kindness for a portion of his life and was with people who loved him at the end.

My heart is heavy with this news, so sorry, Yanti.  Yes, thank you for caring for him, loving him, and giving him a chance.  He surely knew he was loved.

2014-05-16 12:06 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

* May 16 is Yanti's birthday *

May 17-18
Jonathan - Ironman Texas on Saturday
Melanie - Got the Nerve? tri on Satuday
Janyne - Tour de Cure both days
Kate - Bay to Breakers 12k on Sunday
Randee - Ten Penny Ale Shamrock Duathlon on Sunday
Mary - Wild Goose Chase 5k on Sunday

Disabled list:
Adrienne - Surgery on Monday the 19th.

Follow Jonathan information.  Bib # 1167

GOOOOO JJ TEJAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melanie - we KNOW you have the nerve!!!!!!!! Go get 'em

Janyne - Two days of awesomeness!!!!!! Can't wait to hear about it

Kate - Always wanted to do one of the cool Cali races. Have fun!!!!!!!

Randee - Beer and a du! Pure awesomeness!

Mary - Just make sure you stay on the right course

Salty - You are in our thoughts and prayers for your surgery and recovery


2014-05-16 12:10 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!

* May 16 is Yanti's birthday *

May 17-18
Jonathan - Ironman Texas on Saturday
Melanie - Got the Nerve? tri on Satuday
Janyne - Tour de Cure both days
Kate - Bay to Breakers 12k on Sunday
Randee - Ten Penny Ale Shamrock Duathlon on Sunday
Mary - Wild Goose Chase 5k on Sunday

Disabled list:
Adrienne - Surgery on Monday the 19th.

Follow Jonathan information.  Bib # 1167


Gooooo racing manatees!!!!

Best wishes to our speedy patient.

2014-05-16 12:12 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

First off...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mrs. Yantilicious!



2014-05-16 12:15 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Had to put Ryder to sleep today. Shattered. After such a tremendous rally after his awful accident and spinal injury, he got ill and stopped eating last weekend. Despite all reasonable interventions at the vet's (hospitalization, including parenteral nutrition, which cats do not do well on, antibiotics, we even tried Interferon ... signs pointed to a nasty virus), he continued to decline, and after nearly a week it was time to let him go.

I'm so sorry to hear about Ryder.  I'm glad that he got to know love and kindness in his time here.  {{hugs}}

Ugh.  Pets bring us so much joy and when they go, so much sadness! I agree with Janyne, at least he knew love and kindness for a portion of his life and was with people who loved him at the end.

My heart is heavy with this news, so sorry, Yanti.  Yes, thank you for caring for him, loving him, and giving him a chance.  He surely knew he was loved.

Absolutely heartbreaking! It's amazing how quickly they can snuggle in to our hearts. I'm sure he was content to go, knowing he was loved.

2014-05-16 12:15 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti


Smooth surgeree and recoveree to Saltee

I am all set for stalking!!!!!!!!!!

2014-05-16 12:29 PM
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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by JJ-
Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by JJ-
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk How can we be archived right before IMTX?! SO unfair!!!
Seriously!! Doesn't BT know there are priorities here like you guys knowing how I'm doing?
Hows the taper crazies going!
I'm checked in, just went to athlete dinner (Mike Reilly was awesome), bike check done, practice swim in AM then it rest rest rest

So exciting!!!

We need your bib number for proper stalking.  My apologies if you've already posted it and I forgot.

He's #1167...or so his IM tracker post on fb says.

does that mean I'm properly stalking already?


(baaahahaha...I obviously hadn't gotten a good look at the racing list yet)


Edited by 4agoodlife 2014-05-16 12:34 PM
2014-05-16 1:37 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by Richardsdrr  I'll leave that out there for now for you guys/gals to pick over. Sorry it's a bit like verbal diarrhea, but I'm finding it really hard to convey what is happening, things that are conflicting etc Really hope I can get something sorted, because, at the moment, I'm thinking of putting all training on hold, as I have this week.

What the others have said is solid advice.  My only 2 cents would be that although dropping all training may seem like the answer, I doubt that will make you happy.  I think keeping a discipline to keep training for will help keep your sanity, but perhaps don't schedule any big events/races.  If you can fit in a run or a bike here or there during the week you would still get the endorphin 'high' plus maintain some fitness without the pressure of feeling you HAVE to work out XX amount of time XX times a week to prepare for a big race. If you like racing, like the others have said, maybe scale back and do shorter distances for now until things even out in your life.  Activity keeps many of us sane, either for the endorphins or the little bit of time just for us or the satisfaction of 'doing' something.  You are still young and have a lot of active years left in you.  As Chris said, the sport(s) will always be there whenever you are ready to rejoin them.  Hope you find a happy place soon, and yes, keep visiting the manatees!

Darren, everyone has so many good thoughts on your situation. Can I add some questions?

-How did you feel without any training this week? That might be an indication of where to start your changes. Did you feel more stressed/anxious or less?

-Is it a matter of "chunking" what free time you do have so that some things on your to do list get checked off and you don't feel the stress of unfinished business?  Like "This week is dedicated to working on/finishing project A."

-I totally hear you on the young kids (yours are a bit older than mind I think). I realize it has it's own issues, but is there a way to incorporate family time with some type of daddy training?  

-If you had to choose one passion, S, B or R, which would it be? Maybe that's where you put your time for now, not because you HAVE to train, but because you LOVE to do it.


2014-05-16 2:56 PM
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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

I'm going to stalk, er, track Jonathan with a new app - IMtrackr.  It's free, but I think only for iPhone.  It took a little communication with their support team (the app didn't like using the WiFi network at my work; home will probably be fine), but I've got him locked and loaded for the race!  It works similar to the Ironman website tracker but will alert you to when 'your' athlete reaches the milestones (checkpoints).  Supposedly it works better than trying to follow via the website.  I'll find out tomorrow!

I was waiting for the email with the screen shot to come through but the web goblins must have stolen it...

edited to fix the day of the race from Sunday to Saturday...blonde moment!  In my defense, most 'big' races are Sundays...

Edited by melbo55 2014-05-16 3:13 PM

2014-05-16 3:04 PM
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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by melbo55

I'm going to stalk, er, track Jonathan with a new app - IMtrackr.  It's free, but I think only for iPhone.  It took a little communication with their support team (the app didn't like using the WiFi network at my work; home will probably be fine), but I've got him locked and loaded for Sunday!  It works similar to the Ironman website tracker but will alert you to when 'your' athlete reaches the milestones (checkpoints).  Supposedly it works better than trying to follow via the website.  I'll find out Sunday!

I was waiting for the email with the screen shot to come through but the web goblins must have stolen it...

Thanks for the info. I removed IronTrak after they decided to charge.  I'll check this one out!

ETA: Downloaded this one AND the new BT! Score!

Edited by rrrunner 2014-05-16 3:09 PM
2014-05-16 3:55 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by laffinrock Happy happy birthday, Yanti dear!!!! May the challenges of the year be outweighed by the fun and peaceful times. Racers, have fun and be safe. Jonathan, I'll be stalking and cheering you on every stroke/revolution/step of the way!!! Darren, I don't have much to add to what others have already said. Life sometimes pushes us in directions we'd rather not go, but that usually ends up resulting in unexpected rewards. Most importantly find ways to take care of yourself, even if that means just a short run or ride to find a little peace amongst the busyness of life. You'll always be a Manatee; hope you stick around!! If that's not feasible, check in when you can. We're here for you. (((Hugs)))

Yes, that's the rule.  Once a Manatee...

It's true indeed.

2014-05-16 5:58 PM
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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2
I have a new snack love...honey roasted sunflower "kernels". So tasty! I made a trail mix with those, dried cranberries, raw almonds and pumpkin seeds.

Edited by 4agoodlife 2014-05-16 6:07 PM
2014-05-16 10:25 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

First off...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mrs. Yantilicious!


hahahahaha!!!  This is just too perfect, Erin!!!

2014-05-17 4:44 AM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2

Go Jonathan!

I'll be thinking of you as I ride my bike on the Tour de Cure this weekend!  You've got this!

2014-05-17 8:39 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2
He's out of the swim in 1:19 and change!!! Go tejas!!!!!
2014-05-17 9:53 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2
Originally posted by rrrunnerHe's out of the swim in 1:19 and change!!! Go tejas!!!!!
Ra! Ra! Riiiiiide Jonathan :D
2014-05-17 9:57 AM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2
Have a great race today, Melanie!Janyne, enjoy the first day of your ride
2014-05-17 10:20 AM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2014 CLOSED Thread 2
I'm volunteering at a race today. Cutest transition ever!


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