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2020-03-09 1:05 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by marcag Question, I'm not saying this will happen, but pretend it does.... if your emergency rooms and health care systems are overwhelmed, what would this look like for people that are well insured vs not insured ? Would "everyone" be taken care of ?

The ER will triage each patient regardless of ability to pay. 

Those with life threatening conditions will get treated. Of these, some have insurance that pays, some have insurance with high deductibles and will have to pay thousands before insurance pays anything, some will have charges cancelled because they cannot pay. For those with life threatening conditions, insurance doesn’t get them higher priority access to treatment but it may affect the treatment they get. 

For those without life threatening conditions, most will be sent away regardless of Insurance or ability to pay. (This is based on your premise that they’re overwhelmed.)


This was just posted and kind of answers were I was going with my questions https://www.aljazeera.com/ajimpact/patchy-health-insurance-complicat...

I read through the article.  Here are a couple things that stand out to me.

Mr. McCormick works 3 jobs and has kids in daycare.  He and his wife have to decide if him taking time off work to visit the doctor at the risk of losing pay makes sense.  A rational parent will minimize the impact of lost time at work, either by having the parent who doesn't lose wages take the time off, or by having the parent making less take time off for this.  If he's taking time off, that implies his wife makes more than the $45-50K a teacher with 15 years would make in West Virginia (I looked up the salary schedule and assume at 37, he's got 15 years of experience).  He's working adjunct positions, so he easily exceeds $50K with the implication he's the lower wage earner, so the two together are making over $100K.  In Princeton, WV, that goes a long way if you're a good steward of your money.  

He's worried about the $20 or $50 co-pay his plan charges?  My family deductible is $3000 before I get to worry about a co-pay.  

"Junk Insurance..."  I pay over $500/month for my employer-subsidized insurance (with a $3000 deductible).  This means I spend $6000/year even if I never use any healthcare services.  Assuming my portion is 25%, the total cost of this insurance is $24,000+.  THAT is junk!  In addition to my insurance premium, I'm contributing to my HSA to cover healthcare expenses should they arise (and yes, they are arising).  A few years back, it would have been ~$900/month for my Obamacare policy (individual coverage with a $7000 deductible).  That's junk!  I could work out the math, but I'd have to expect $30K plus in annual medical expenses based on premiums alone.  

The anecdote of the Florida businessman...First...go to the Emergency Room when you have an EMERGENCY!.  With "flu like symptoms' he should have scheduled an appointment with his physician.  Sadly, he was responding to the media hype rather than making a rational decision and it's costing him $1400.  He could have gone to his doctor and received the negative result for...$150...

At the same time, what would he expect if his test result was positive?  The hospital would keep him quarantined, tying up a $3000/day bed for a week or two instead of being sent home by his doctor to self-quarantine.  Again...mild symptoms, so why does he need to hole up in an expensive hospital room?  For "mild symptoms" I wouldn't even go to the doctor if I expected a viral infection.  

Interesting. To be honest, the details of those two families didn't make much sense to me.

What stuck with me was

"The number of uninsured non-elderly people in the US rose to 27.9 million in 2018"

That number is still considerable although it has improved dramatically.

My question is how does a "high" % of non insured people impact the rest of the population in case of something like a pandemic

Edited by marcag 2020-03-09 1:05 PM

2020-03-09 1:07 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Corona virus
RE school closings.

I just heard someone make a good point about school closings. Often times grandparents are called upon to watch the kids while the parents are at work. They elderly are the most vulnerable to the virus.

One those laws of unintended consequences when we overreact.
2020-03-09 1:14 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Corona virus
I have only been to the ER twice in my life - both times in the back of am ambulance - once after a car wreck and I was unconscious and in ICU for 3 day and once after getting t-boned by a car while riding my bike.

People who go to the ER for a cold or the flu are taking up valuable resources.
2020-03-09 1:19 PM
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Subject: RE: Corona virus

Where I live,  med-stops, urgent care buildings, and hospitals are more numerous, by far, then grocery stores.  There is virtually nobody in this country who does not have access to Immediate stabilizing medical care.....NOBODY. 

And no.....this latest virus is not going to make the system break down.  This is all such BULLCHIT!!!!

Edited by Left Brain 2020-03-09 1:20 PM
2020-03-09 3:42 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by Left Brain

Where I live,  med-stops, urgent care buildings, and hospitals are more numerous, by far, then grocery stores.  There is virtually nobody in this country who does not have access to Immediate stabilizing medical care.....NOBODY. 

And no.....this latest virus is not going to make the system break down.  This is all such BULLCHIT!!!!

Yeah we have a doc-in-a-box on every corner here too. I heard a doctor/reporter say that you should NOT go to the doctor if you have the flu or suspect you have corona. He said you would just be spreading the virus to the doctor. Said you could call and tell them your symptoms and they could diagnose and prescribe via the telephone.

I have this image of the hypochondriac who sneezed and so thinks he has corona. He does not but goes to crowded ER and sits for 6 hrs....and gets infected by some in the waiting room who is infected. Not (trying) to be flippant but what better place to catch the Coronavirus then in the ER with other people who went to the ER thinking they have the Coronavirus?
2020-03-09 3:56 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Corona virus

Originally posted by marcag 

Interesting. To be honest, the details of those two families didn't make much sense to me. What stuck with me was "The number of uninsured non-elderly people in the US rose to 27.9 million in 2018" That number is still considerable although it has improved dramatically. My question is how does a "high" % of non insured people impact the rest of the population in case of something like a pandemic

Deleted out much of the text.  

My guess is 27.9M uninsured non-elderly in 2018 is significantly LOWER than the number of uninsured non-elderly in 1950 (both in terms of absolute numbers and percentages).  

Insured vs. Uninsured is probably far less impact than the % of people who won't follow medical advice (whether insured or not). 

Why will so many people ignore medical advice?  They're leveraged to the hilt and/or living paycheck to paycheck and they feel "compelled" to show up for work even if they're contagious.  Losing even a week of income becomes catastrophic.  I saw a headline recently that 40% of the US population has <$400 available to cover any kind of "emergency."  


2020-03-09 4:08 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by marcag 

Interesting. To be honest, the details of those two families didn't make much sense to me. What stuck with me was "The number of uninsured non-elderly people in the US rose to 27.9 million in 2018" That number is still considerable although it has improved dramatically. My question is how does a "high" % of non insured people impact the rest of the population in case of something like a pandemic

Deleted out much of the text.  

My guess is 27.9M uninsured non-elderly in 2018 is significantly LOWER than the number of uninsured non-elderly in 1950 (both in terms of absolute numbers and percentages).  

Insured vs. Uninsured is probably far less impact than the % of people who won't follow medical advice (whether insured or not). 

Why will so many people ignore medical advice?  They're leveraged to the hilt and/or living paycheck to paycheck and they feel "compelled" to show up for work even if they're contagious.  Losing even a week of income becomes catastrophic.  I saw a headline recently that 40% of the US population has <$400 available to cover any kind of "emergency."  


I can offer another reason why people go to work when they are sick. I almost never get “sick” but like everyone I occasionally get a cold and don’t feel good....but would go to work anyway. I figure I can feel bad sitting on my couch at home or feel bad sitting in my cube at work. I would rather use my PTO being out at the lake than on the couch eating Doritos and watching Opera. (have never watched Opra in my life). I don’t sneeze or cough on people and avoid crowded conference rooms and doubt anyone ever caught my cold. If I had a fever - something I’ve had maybe 2 time in the last 30 years - I would not go to work.
2020-03-10 5:49 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: Corona virus
2020-03-10 6:42 AM
in reply to: nickster

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Subject: RE: Corona virus
Good article. And it's time to ask.....why IS the media hell bent on stoking fear? They've never gone to this length with any other new virus....even one's that were far more deadly. (hint: it's plainly obvious)
2020-03-10 9:03 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Corona virus

Originally posted by Rogillio I have only been to the ER twice in my life - both times in the back of am ambulance - once after a car wreck and I was unconscious and in ICU for 3 day and once after getting t-boned by a car while riding my bike. People who go to the ER for a cold or the flu are taking up valuable resources.

I 100% agree, emergency rooms should be for emergencies.  However, a few weeks ago I found out why some people use the ER like their family doctor.  My husband had a mishap with a chainsaw and his fingers.  It wasn't quite ER-worthy, IMO, but it definitely needed attention so we went to Urgent Care.  We learned Urgent Care doesn't triage but that's a whole 'nother story.  He ended up needing stitches and x-rays to make sure he didn't cut into the bone (thankfully he didn't).

At work I was telling a co-worker about his injury and UC experience and I was grousing about all the people there with a cold or cough.  The co-worker informed me that with her insurance choice (high deductible plan, I have the low deductible plan), it is actually cheaper to go to the ER or UC rather than schedule an appointment at the family doctor.  WTF?!  I'm not saying this explains every scenario, but since I never used a high deductible plan, I never had that insight of price differences.

2020-03-10 9:51 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by Left Brain

Good article. And it's time to ask.....why IS the media hell bent on stoking fear? They've never gone to this length with any other new virus....even one's that were far more deadly. (hint: it's plainly obvious)

You're not going to ask us to put on the tinfoil hats again are you?

2020-03-10 9:59 AM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Corona virus

Originally posted by Synon
Originally posted by Left Brain Good article. And it's time to ask.....why IS the media hell bent on stoking fear? They've never gone to this length with any other new virus....even one's that were far more deadly. (hint: it's plainly obvious)
You're not going to ask us to put on the tinfoil hats again are you?

No, just answer the question.  

50,000 are dead from pneumonia each year with 250,000 hospitalized.  Nearly the same amount from influenza. Just 10 years ago 60,000,000 Americans contracted swine flu with 275,000 being hospitalized and 12,500 dead.  Worldwide it killed over 500,000 people.  What was different then?  Why was there no fear mongering by the media?  What has changed? 

Hmmmmmmmm....what could it be?

2020-03-10 10:14 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Synon
Originally posted by Left Brain Good article. And it's time to ask.....why IS the media hell bent on stoking fear? They've never gone to this length with any other new virus....even one's that were far more deadly. (hint: it's plainly obvious)
You're not going to ask us to put on the tinfoil hats again are you?

No, just answer the question.  

50,000 are dead from pneumonia each year with 250,000 hospitalized.  Nearly the same amount from influenza. Just 10 years ago 60,000,000 Americans contracted swine flu with 275,000 being hospitalized and 12,500 dead.  Worldwide it killed over 500,000 people.  What was different then?  Why was there no fear mongering by the media?  What has changed? 

Hmmmmmmmm....what could it be?

I assume you are connecting it to the dislike of media for your president ?

If so, how do you explain the panic in the rest of the world ?

You think the Basque country, which is about to get "shut down" cares about your political mess ?

2020-03-10 10:39 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Corona virus
marcag, worldwide media is conspiring together against him, they can't stand the thought of how amazing he is so they are seeking to destroy him by causing mass outages of toilet paper in Australia. Even the act of an old lady farting on the bus can be explained as for or against Trump because nothing else exists. When your alternative facts and statistics are in order, it all makes sense.

Oh chit, you had the hat on right?

Edited by Synon 2020-03-10 10:39 AM
2020-03-10 10:40 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Corona virus

I'm just asking what the difference is.  Just answer the question. LMAO

And yes, marcag, I can only assume people in other countries care about our political mess.....just like you. 

And Synon - you may need your tin foil after all....if that's where you put the answer to my question.

Edited by Left Brain 2020-03-10 10:45 AM
2020-03-10 11:15 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by Left Brain

I'm just asking what the difference is.  Just answer the question. LMAO

And yes, marcag, I can only assume people in other countries care about our political mess.....just like you. 

And Synon - you may need your tin foil after all....if that's where you put the answer to my question.

You really believe worldwide media is blowing this out of control to make Trump look bad ? Really ?

2020-03-10 11:22 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Corona virus
I’ve been about 40 different countries almost everyone of them carry at least American news channel - mostly CNN International. Also, virtually every country has the internet.

Do I think it’s a conspiracy? No. Do I think the media in this country has hyped the story? Absolutely. My prediction is, in the final analysis, this will end up being no more “deadly” than the seasonal flu. And who is to say that the people who died would not have died from the seasonal flu had they had contact with that.

Media is in panic mode because their primary field has narrowed to two unelectable candidates. Almost every day Biden has a cringe worthy gaff. Rest assured Trump will run the highlights reel of Biden’s blunders. Bernie’s problem is his support is mostly from young people who never show up to vote. Oops.
2020-03-10 11:32 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Evergreen, Colorado
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Corona virus

The people who are yelling the loudest about how this has been politicized seem to be the least likely to look at the actual data coming out of other countries. 

Yes, it has not infected the same # of people as the flu YET. But it appears to spread just as easily as the flu. The reason epidemiologists are concerned is precisely BECAUSE this appears to be mild in many cases. It has a much higher death rate than the flu, puts a significant percentage of people in the hospital, and spreads as easily as the flu. If we allow it to spread like the flu, we will see an overburdened healthcare system very quickly, because this virus causes serious disease requiring intervention in 10-20% of cases, and most of those who have recovered were ill for 30 days (that means using a hospital bed for a month). That is absolutely not the case with the flu! And the ease of which this spreads is absolutely not the case with diseases like Ebola and SARS!

In hard hit areas of Italy, they are already having to triage patients. Italian doctors are speaking out - they aren't intubating anyone over 65 with any comorbidities, because they don't have the resources. There are plenty of people in the hospital with breathing tubes who are in their 40s and 50s . It's not "just a cold" for everyone. The data show that this causes very serious illness in a large proportion of cases. And if you're over 60, oof.



^^ These are threads from actual doctors treating this in Italy. If we don't slow transmission, it is very likely that something similar is going to go down here. Seattle is already well on it's way. 

If we choose to pretend it is nothing, we will overwhelm the system, and possibly cause more deaths because we will not have capacity to treat everyone. If we take measures to slow the spread of the disease, it is possible that the healthcare system will be able to keep up, and outcomes will be better. 

South Korea has demonstrated that social distancing can slow the spread of this, without measures as extreme as those taken in China. Italy is about to attempt the same. These countries have nothing to do with our political mess, and I guarantee they wouldn't be taking these measures if this was "just the flu." They are taking these measures because their healthcare systems are overwhelmed, and they have no choice but to slow the spread of the disease if they want.

Headline here is sensationalist, but article is solid.


The reason people are making this political is because we have a president who is consistently saying things that outright contradict the advice of the CDC and the scientists (what few are left) in his own administration. And judging by the response of the markets, the current leadership is not inspiring confidence. By ignoring it, and bungling testing for over a month while this spread all over the county, we are quickly coming to a point where cases are going to exponentially multiply and overwhelm the system. This is already happening in Seattle. I'm personally hoping Colorado does a better job, for the sake of my friends who are healthcare workers, and all of the folks I know in their 60s, 70s, and 80s who are still living very amazing lives. 

2020-03-10 11:44 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by Rogillio
My prediction is, in the final analysis, this will end up being no more “deadly” than the seasonal flu. .

And I hope you are right. But you are guessing. Just like you are guessing on stock markets, weather and elections. Guess what ? Nobody has shown they are good at guessing at those. There is simply not enough data to say this is better, same or worst than the flu. We are "hoping" it's no worst than the flu. And BTW, if it's equal to the flu, we now have double the flu problem we previoulsy had.

The smart people would be trying to slow things down, in a calm and orderly fashion until we know. The smart people are making contingency plans.

Traditional media is to blame, social media is to blame, the blatant ignorance and lack of leadership of some is to blame. And it's not just one "leader"

Edited by marcag 2020-03-10 11:47 AM
2020-03-10 11:47 AM
in reply to: Stacers

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by Stacers

The people who are yelling the loudest about how this has been politicized seem to be the least likely to look at the actual data coming out of other countries. 

Yes, it has not infected the same # of people as the flu YET. But it appears to spread just as easily as the flu. The reason epidemiologists are concerned is precisely BECAUSE this appears to be mild in many cases. It has a much higher death rate than the flu, puts a significant percentage of people in the hospital, and spreads as easily as the flu. If we allow it to spread like the flu, we will see an overburdened healthcare system very quickly, because this virus causes serious disease requiring intervention in 10-20% of cases, and most of those who have recovered were ill for 30 days (that means using a hospital bed for a month). That is absolutely not the case with the flu! And the ease of which this spreads is absolutely not the case with diseases like Ebola and SARS!

In hard hit areas of Italy, they are already having to triage patients. Italian doctors are speaking out - they aren't intubating anyone over 65 with any comorbidities, because they don't have the resources. There are plenty of people in the hospital with breathing tubes who are in their 40s and 50s . It's not "just a cold" for everyone. The data show that this causes very serious illness in a large proportion of cases. And if you're over 60, oof.



^^ These are threads from actual doctors treating this in Italy. If we don't slow transmission, it is very likely that something similar is going to go down here. Seattle is already well on it's way. 

If we choose to pretend it is nothing, we will overwhelm the system, and possibly cause more deaths because we will not have capacity to treat everyone. If we take measures to slow the spread of the disease, it is possible that the healthcare system will be able to keep up, and outcomes will be better. 

South Korea has demonstrated that social distancing can slow the spread of this, without measures as extreme as those taken in China. Italy is about to attempt the same. These countries have nothing to do with our political mess, and I guarantee they wouldn't be taking these measures if this was "just the flu." They are taking these measures because their healthcare systems are overwhelmed, and they have no choice but to slow the spread of the disease if they want.

Headline here is sensationalist, but article is solid.


The reason people are making this political is because we have a president who is consistently saying things that outright contradict the advice of the CDC and the scientists (what few are left) in his own administration. And judging by the response of the markets, the current leadership is not inspiring confidence. By ignoring it, and bungling testing for over a month while this spread all over the county, we are quickly coming to a point where cases are going to exponentially multiply and overwhelm the system. This is already happening in Seattle. I'm personally hoping Colorado does a better job, for the sake of my friends who are healthcare workers, and all of the folks I know in their 60s, 70s, and 80s who are still living very amazing lives. 

Thank you !
2020-03-10 11:48 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Corona virus

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Left Brain

I'm just asking what the difference is.  Just answer the question. LMAO

And yes, marcag, I can only assume people in other countries care about our political mess.....just like you. 

And Synon - you may need your tin foil after all....if that's where you put the answer to my question.

You really believe worldwide media is blowing this out of control to make Trump look bad ? Really ?

Just answer the question.

2020-03-10 11:54 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Left Brain

I'm just asking what the difference is.  Just answer the question. LMAO

And yes, marcag, I can only assume people in other countries care about our political mess.....just like you. 

And Synon - you may need your tin foil after all....if that's where you put the answer to my question.

You really believe worldwide media is blowing this out of control to make Trump look bad ? Really ?

Just answer the question.

If the question is do I think the media is hyping this to make Trump look bad ?

If so, the answer is no. Definitely not elsewhere in the world. Italy, Spain....they don't a rats a$$ about your politics.

I think the media elsewhere than the US is overblowing things just like they overblow any crisis. News outlets want news and this is big news.

Do the US media use this as an opportunity to highlight Trump's mistakes in handling the situation ?

Yes. At at time when people should be cooperating, they are making things worst. Much worst.

Did I answer your question ? If not please rephrase the question

Edited by marcag 2020-03-10 11:55 AM
2020-03-10 11:56 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Corona virus

Stacers....I know alot of health care workers too.  And we've been briefed by every "expert" in the field in our area.....twice now.   Sorry, but I haven't heard anything close to some of what you just wrote.  In fact, what we have been told is that the death rate is likely MUCH lower than the flu, and the number of cases is likely VERY MUCH higher then what is being counted.  Many people likely have no symptoms, and the overwhelming majority have minor symptoms.  The avg. age for fatality from the disease is 80!!  That's the AVERAGE.  Every single doctor that I have heard speak to us said that it is being largely overblown by the media....which is the same sentiment from my health care worker friends.

To be sure.....it's the end of the world as we know it for many people.....I'm dealing with them constantly now. LOL

2020-03-10 12:01 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Corona virus

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Left Brain

I'm just asking what the difference is.  Just answer the question. LMAO

And yes, marcag, I can only assume people in other countries care about our political mess.....just like you. 

And Synon - you may need your tin foil after all....if that's where you put the answer to my question.

You really believe worldwide media is blowing this out of control to make Trump look bad ? Really ?

Just answer the question.

If the question is do I think the media is hyping this to make Trump look bad ? If so, the answer is no. Definitely not elsewhere in the world. Italy, Spain....they don't a rats a$$ about your politics. I think the media elsewhere than the US is overblowing things just like they overblow any crisis. News outlets want news and this is big news. Do the US media use this as an opportunity to highlight Trump's mistakes in handling the situation ? Yes. At at time when people should be cooperating, they are making things worst. Much worst. Did I answer your question ? If not please rephrase the question

Not at all....the question is why is the media hyping this as much as they are.  I gave examples and stats from another virus that wasn't covered this way AT ALL.....hell, most people that I ask don't remember H1N1 or barely remember it.  I want to know what is different this time.  Does somebody know something that they aren't telling the rest of us?  Because, as i said in my post to Stacers.....I have to attend "official briefings" and I haven't heard ANYTHING like what she posted from the people doing the briefing.

2020-03-10 12:19 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Corona virus
Originally posted by Left Brain

Not at all....the question is why is the media hyping this as much as they are.  I gave examples and stats from another virus that wasn't covered this way AT ALL.....hell, most people that I ask don't remember H1N1 or barely remember it.  I want to know what is different this time.  Does somebody know something that they aren't telling the rest of us?  Because, as i said in my post to Stacers.....I have to attend "official briefings" and I haven't heard ANYTHING like what she posted from the people doing the briefing.


h1n1, yes, the media in Canada made a big thing of it. I remember it well. I remember buying masks. I also remember using them for drywalling last year :-) Doh !!

Not sure why it wasn't an issue for you. Maybe you didn't feel it would hit you.

I know things are "relatively" calm here but I suspect it's because some levels of government are showing strong preventative measures and the media is following that. Also we only had 4 cases in the province and they are all tied to international travel.

And BTW, if your "experts" aren't following what is happening elsewhere in the world, maybe it's time for some new experts.

And yes, the high death rate in Italy is age related.

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