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2010-01-25 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2625183

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
ChicagoMan65 - 2010-01-20 6:46 PM Second year of undergrad.  Was an Economics major.  Mid term in advanced Macro.  Blue book came back with "Perhaps you should consider a different field of study" written on it.  Just that.  Not even an "F" or anything. 

I immediately dropped like 3 classes and became English major. 

haha! I had a similar experience. My Japanese instructor suggested that I switch to Spanish!

2010-01-25 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2629939

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
GaryRM - 2010-01-22 9:06 PM
triarcher - 2010-01-21 9:12 AM

I think the most demoralizing thing that has ever happened in sports was my first open water swim.  I had been swimming alot and was pretty confident in my ability to cover the 400m.....actually very confident.  I got in the middle of the pack, felt great.  We start and I barely made it 50m before I hit panic mode.  I have never been a person to panic or freak out.  Not being able to see (it was in a brackish lake) plus a good little chop killed me.  It took me 16 minutes to cover the 400m.  I could not make myself put my face in the water.  At that moment I just about gave up the sport......but I got out the water and put down a good ride and run.  I have had two more OWS since then and each one was better than the next.  So at least I was able to confront this fear that I never knew I had and move on! 

Same thing on my first 800m OWS in a very choppy lake, last person out of the water with a line of kayaks escorting me in.  Felt like cr@p.  Almost just quit.  Rode very hard (for me), passed a bunch of people was just about feeling good about Tri's again, get to T2 and come to find idiot had parked his bike in my spot on top of my stuff.  It actually took me about 15 seconds to talk myself out of throwing his bike in the lake.  Might have been worth the DQ.

Next time throw his bike shoe in the porta potty.  Just one so he has the other one to rememeber. 
2010-01-25 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
At the Run To Remember in Boston half marathon (my 1st). A race official informed us (the last three or four runners) to get on the sidewalk because the roads were being opened to cars. I had to run on the sidewalk dodging people and dogs. Since then I have made it over the finish line before the course was closed!!
2010-01-25 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2624922


Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

My orthopedic surgeon looking at my knee cartilage and telling me I was destined for the knee replacement list. "Try to baby your knees as long as you can; more swimming, no running. Come back when you can no longer take the pain."  

Still doing what I can on minimal running, impatiently waiting for medical science to perfect cartilage replacement. Until then at least there is aqua biking.

2010-01-25 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
"Well, your sister got the looks, you got the brains."

To my friend and her sister, from their mom.  While they were both standing there.   nice.
2010-01-25 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
After years of being a tub-a-lub, I decieded to get in shape and run the Cooper River 10k in Charleston.  Worked hard for 4 months to get myself in shape to actually make it through the 10k without passing out. 

Race Day:

As I waited to get to the start line (took me about 9 minutes), the announcer mentioned the Kenyans were accending the bridge (which was two miles into the course) and were clocking around 4:30/m.  At that point, I realized I was not a Kenyan disguised as a overweight 32 year old dad.  :-(

2010-01-25 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Worked hard last year for 4 months getting ready for my first half mary. Finally hit 14 miles and in under 2:00:00 in a training run.  Busted in the door so excited and told spouse and she said, "That can't be good for your body." deflated.  Thanks for sharing the moment with me.
2010-01-25 8:25 PM
in reply to: #2633795

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

moondawg14 - 2010-01-25 2:39 PM "Well, your sister got the looks, you got the brains."

To my friend and her sister, from their mom.  While they were both standing there.   nice.


Love it! I grew up hearing the following, "Your sister is the athletic one."

Yes, my sister was the athletic one until she ruined her knee's running in her mid 20's. I may never run as fast as she did. But, I did complete an Ironman last year. Which isn't too shabby for the  "non-athletic sister who liked to read."


2010-01-25 10:34 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Had to do my 1000 metre TT on the weekend, was away on holidays with the family so went to the local pool to do it.
3 lanes for lap swimming open - slow, medium and fast, with the fast lane empty, medium lane had a mother and daughter around 7 in it.
I jump into the fast lane, start to put my goggles on and get in the zone when the little girl says "Excuse me, that lane is for fast people only".  I reply that I'm there to do some fast laps, so would be okay.

"Well, you don't look that fast, wait for me to start at the same time as you so I can see if you really are fast"

2010-01-26 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Here's one I did to someone else - unintentionally, but ....

A work colleague and I both happened to compete in a triathlon last year.  Some time later, we ran into each other, and he mentioned that he felt bad about being beaten by an old guy (me.)  He said his swim time sucked, and he should work on that. 

I responded that "really, swim time doesn't correlate well to finish time".   I was trying to suggest that his training would be better spent on bike/run, to get the most improvement.  I think what he heard was "your swim time wasn't your problem, you just suck."

I didn't mean to say that, but ....

2010-01-26 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2632614

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

serenityau - 2010-01-25 4:43 AM yep.. it happened on saturday. I headed out for a 5km run.. and felt alright.. Yes, I am big and slow, but I love it.. I went out with a goal to crack 40 minutes for the 5km (give me a break,Im 135kg) and at around 4km I run past a bottle shop and this guy is ahead of me carrying a case of beer, I slowly catch up to him and pass him.. then I hear him speed up his walk and he catches up to me.. looks over.. and says 'are you running or walking'

yep.. I stopped and walked the rest.. i was gutted.. demoralized.. crushed.. 

You should have grabbed that case of beer and made a run for it! 

What a d-ck thing to do.  Screw him.

2010-01-26 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
funniest, demotivating thing:

I brought my Disney Half Mary finishers medal to a family lunch at my grandmothers to show to my niece who loves both running and Disney. I ended up having to try very hard to convince my elderly grandmother that I hadn't, in fact, won the race. She wanted to show my "winners" medal around to people. Imagine me having to explain - "no I didn't win, everyone got a medal". Repeat several times.....
2010-01-26 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2629580

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Scout7 - 2010-01-22 1:30 PM


If anything, it sounds to me like most of what people are relating were not demotivating at all.  Quite the opposite, because it pushed them to strive even harder.

Exactly.  I think someone said that this is the wrong place, for the most part, to look for people who let negative comments bring them down.  Not judging if something brought you down though, that happens.

For my response I basically change the premise of the thread to ...Thing You Have Ever Heard...that made you work harder.  My brother-in-law says every time when my races come up  "that lake is disgusting, I wouldn't swim in that, you are going to get sick," etc, etc.  When I hear that it just makes me want to swim/bike/run more.  I would rather be out there experiencing the thrill of training and racing than sitting on the couch like him.  I started riding my MTB with him way back and he would smoke me every time.  I lost a few pounds and started tri.  The last time we went out he could not nearly keep up.
2010-01-26 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2635339

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Extreme Veteran
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
hamiltks10 - 2010-01-26 12:46 PM

serenityau - 2010-01-25 4:43 AM yep.. it happened on saturday. I headed out for a 5km run.. and felt alright.. Yes, I am big and slow, but I love it.. I went out with a goal to crack 40 minutes for the 5km (give me a break,Im 135kg) and at around 4km I run past a bottle shop and this guy is ahead of me carrying a case of beer, I slowly catch up to him and pass him.. then I hear him speed up his walk and he catches up to me.. looks over.. and says 'are you running or walking'

yep.. I stopped and walked the rest.. i was gutted.. demoralized.. crushed.. 

You should have grabbed that case of beer and made a run for it! 

What a d-ck thing to do.  Screw him.

Agreed.  But I do get how disheartening it can be when you are as slow as you and I am.  Let's put it this way:  On Thanksgiving, I did a 5K fun run/walk with my kids, so basically had to walk the whole thing slowly, while my husband ran the 10K.  We were lapped not only by most of the people running the 10K, but by SPEEDWALKERS.  There were people out there walking twice as fast as I could walk with the kids in tow.  (thankfully, the speedwalking 60-something I joked with was very ENcouraging, and said "hey, you are out here with your kids on THanksgiving morning, Mama, more power to you!").  Then, they closed the 5K finish line (it took us about 63 minutes to finish, and they closed the finish line at the hour mark) so my kids didn't even get to run through the finish. 

Oh, and thanks Triosaurus.  *blush*
2010-01-26 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2624922

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

I had trained all year for an olympic distance tri and right after the race I was going on a family vacation with sister, brother, mom dad etc. Mom and Dad come to the race and afterwards say" great job, now that you've done this, you can go back to having a regular life" I think they thought I was only going to do this once, like lots of people only do 1 marathon.

Then head to the beach for vacation. My sister says, "wow I thought you would have lost more weight with all that training, you look the same" FWIW, i had lost close to 10 lbs and I thought I looked super toned.

On a high note, I had a few friends come to the race and one of them cried afterwards saying she was so inspired by watching everyone do this and another friend immediatly tell me she wanted to do one too.

Just goes to show you, you can't pick your family but you can pick your friends!

2010-01-26 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
I just remembered something my flute professor used to ask me after each (weekly) lesson:  "So, when you grow up, are you going to be a doctor?"

It was his (backhanded) way of telling me I had no future as a flute player. At least I got to go to college on a music scholarship and was ranked first in state my senior year of high school. Phhhttt!

2010-01-26 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2624922

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Sarnia, Ontario
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
During the run very hilly 7.5 k run of my last tri I was passing an aid station and someone yelled 'Half way there, keep going, you can do it.'.  I felt great because it was a brutal bike course and the run was no better. The run just kept going and going, I asked a volunteer at an intersection how much further and she said 'You just passed the half way point.'.

I wasnt prepared for that.

2010-01-26 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2635570

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-01-26 2:27 PM I just remembered something my flute professor used to ask me after each (weekly) lesson:  "So, when you grow up, are you going to be a doctor?"

It was his (backhanded) way of telling me I had no future as a flute player. At least I got to go to college on a music scholarship and was ranked first in state my senior year of high school. Phhhttt!

Tough instrument for a young lady to play after the American Pie movie.  Tongue out

But seriously, if you made it that far you certainly couldn't have been as bad as he made it sound.  I'm guessing music can be subjective and difficult depending on the professor.
2010-01-27 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Awesome posts here.

I have been fairly fortunate in that I do not think anyone has ever intentionally "poo poo'ed" by athletic attempts or accomplishments, however there have been a couple of occasions.

My first race over a 1/2 mary, a 50k. My mom came out to support me and met up with me at the 42k aid station, I was last and probably at least 30 minutes out of second to last place. She says, "do you want to stop?" Oh my. At the time I barely noticed it, then after a while I was like, that was a crap thing to say, then I finally realized really how horrible I must have looked. Ha.

Then there was my kindergarten teacher who told my parents, "not to expect to much from Darren." Apparently i drew pictures of people without arms or hands.

I still can't draw.
2010-01-27 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2624922

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
In my first Oly, I was struggling with the swim and I had my own personal kayak. She was young and mostly nice but she asked me, "Did you train for this race".   That annoyed me as I had been taking lessons all winter but the water was 56 and I was having hard time putting my head in the water.

When I was almost done with the same swim, a boat came along side and some guy who acted like he was in charge kept asking, "do you want to quit?". Geez I had done 80+% of the swim no I don't want to quit.

I came in last at that race, but learned a lot about myself.
2010-01-27 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2632614

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
serenityau - 2010-01-25 2:43 AM

yep.. it happened on saturday. I headed out for a 5km run.. and felt alright.. Yes, I am big and slow, but I love it.. I went out with a goal to crack 40 minutes for the 5km (give me a break,Im 135kg) and at around 4km I run past a bottle shop and this guy is ahead of me carrying a case of beer, I slowly catch up to him and pass him.. then I hear him speed up his walk and he catches up to me.. looks over.. and says 'are you running or walking'

yep.. I stopped and walked the rest.. i was gutted.. demoralized.. crushed.. 

Dude, that is a tough one, a real tough one. I remember stuff like that happening, like seeing a walker and barely being able to catch up, or being afraid to pass because I was afraid I would have to stop and then they would pass me.

Took me 2 years but I blow by all walkers now, most of the time anyways.

2010-01-27 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2630398

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Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
juniperjen - 2010-01-23 11:08 AM

Scout7 - 2010-01-22 4:56 PM

Brownie28 - 2010-01-22 4:51 PM
Scout7 - 2010-01-22 3:30 PM


If anything, it sounds to me like most of what people are relating were not demotivating at all.  Quite the opposite, because it pushed them to strive even harder.

There are people that, because of a hidden (or not-so-hidden) selfishness and insecurity, will justify their not doing things like triathlons, exercising, etc, by tearing you down a notch.  Whether or not you take those comments and let it feed your drive to succeed doesn't make the comments any less idiotic and self-serving.

My comment was more based on the fact that people hear something, and instead of quitting, they push even harder.

For those of us here - it's a little one-sided. The people who quit or never tried based on some feedback just aren't here.

We're the stubborn ones. Laughing

I resemble this remark. I no longer do tri's, but when I first started training, it seemed there was someone there to criticize me at every sucessful milestone:

1) I had just finished my first long swim (equalling the race distance) and someone in the gym locker room asked me if I were embarrassed to be wearing a swimsiut.

2) After my first tri, my coworkers repeatedly asked me if I were "able" to finish the race. One coworker mentioned the short sprint distance and said if I could do it, most anyone could.

3) After listening to one male coworker repeatedly talk about his physical exploits in high school football, I called his bluff and challenged him to some hill running after work. I ran twice the hills he did and thought I had shut him up for good (and everyone else in the office). The next day my boss said the reason my coworker lost the contest was because he was on the atkins diet and had little energy.

4) After just abou every road race I completed in my first 3 years of running, someone asked me if I had "run the whole way."

I admit these comments are part of the reason I haven't gotten back into tri's/running. They just got under my skin.
2010-01-27 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2637404

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...

Some people can really suck, can't they?

My most deflating moment was at about mile 4 of an Oly run, the 2nd of two laps around a lake.  It was 90 degrees, I was about dead last, and as I approached an aid station (which I was REALLY looking forward to), the volunteers were jumping in the truck to leave and said "Sorry, no more water."

Wtf?  That was the first time (but not last) that I considered just jumping in the lake and swimming back.

2010-01-27 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2624922

Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Variations on:
"That [lower-end bike/ cheap running shoe/ other gear item] is good... for someone on YOUR level."

No one has ever pulled this passive-aggressive ego trip on me personally, but my boyfriend had a road racing buddy who would do it all the time, disguised as being helpful/friendly... "Yeah, Phil, I like my carbon frame, but you probably don't need to spend all that money on one at your current level."

It's now an inside joke between me and the BF... "Sure, the off-brand paper towels would be fine... for someone on YOUR cleaning level."

The fact is that the ability or desire to spend money on gear has no relationship to your status as an athlete. But please note how you can make this insult work for you: if you happen to sell bikes or anything else, you can totally score on someone's complex by saying "Why don't you take a look at these mid-range bikes, for the more recreational rider... those fancy carbon bikes might be a little too much bike for you right now."... and be assured that they will make a beeline for your most expensive items.
2010-01-27 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2635910

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Name The Most Demotivational Thing You Have Ever Heard...
Pector55 - 2010-01-26 4:46 AM
itsallrelative_Maine - 2010-01-26 2:27 PM I just remembered something my flute professor used to ask me after each (weekly) lesson:  "So, when you grow up, are you going to be a doctor?"

It was his (backhanded) way of telling me I had no future as a flute player. At least I got to go to college on a music scholarship and was ranked first in state my senior year of high school. Phhhttt!

Tough instrument for a young lady to play after the American Pie movie.  Tongue out

This one band camp...
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