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2010-10-24 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3164908

Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread

monaskleinewelt - 2010-10-21 11:59 AM Okay so 23 days left - starting to think about the tapering. This is my first longer distance tri so I am wondering about when to start and how to reduce training.

Unfortunately I had to skip on training almost completely for 3 weeks just last months so I would like to train as long as possible but don't wanna waste it either and start tapering to late... Undecided

Anyone have any recommendations as to when and how to taper?

I saw some posts in the full - but they were all regarding the full distance and I guess there is a difference between the two in tapering...

Thanks all!

I'm in the same boat. I've trained terribly over the past couple much for this being my "A" race   All the overeating I did while in San Diego last week probably didn't help either...

My plan is to train a little bit longer with a bit less of a taperthan  I'd normally do. So, I'll really have only a week taper instead of my normal10-14 day taper. (Maybe even 4 days but we'll see) I know I won't be as race ready as I'd like but there's not much I can do now. I just have to hope I didn't lose too much from the summer.


2010-10-25 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2877351

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Last long ride yesterday with 43 miles - 3 hours on the BBC hills in Cartersville and last long run 13 miles 2 hrs on Saturday - but no tight muscles today - feel like I wasted a training opportunity, my last long one DANG!

Probably gonna squeeze in a couple more long & tough trainer sessions this week, before slowing down next weekend...

So not feeling ready for this...
2010-10-25 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2877351

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Extreme Veteran
SW Florida Gulf Coast
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Physically, I feel ready for the race, but I also feel ready for the season to be over with.  I think this is going to be a very 'mental' race for me.  This is the third year in a row that I've done a race this late in the season and I don't think I'll be taking this route next year.  I was sort of itching for the end of tri season in September.  Ouch.

This is my final big, race-prep week.  I've been juggling the beginning of marathon prep with the final stage of half-iron training.  It hasn't been easy and I'm glad that I'll be able to focus on just one event soon.  My last long run for B2B is on Wednesday and my final 50/4 brick is this coming Saturday.  Sunday is a rest day and then I transition into a taper starting on November 1st.

I can't believe this event is in less than 3 weeks.  It seems like yesterday it was June 26th and we were all talking about how we had "20 weeks" until race day.  Wow!

Hope everyone is hanging tough!!!

2010-10-26 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3171701

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
shellabree - 2010-10-25 8:52 PM Physically, I feel ready for the race, but I also feel ready for the season to be over with.  I think this is going to be a very 'mental' race for me.  This is the third year in a row that I've done a race this late in the season and I don't think I'll be taking this route next year.  I was sort of itching for the end of tri season in September.  Ouch.

It's hard when your friends are in their off season and when BT starts to slow down for end of year, for sure.  We're almost there though! 

This is my final big, race-prep week.  I've been juggling the beginning of marathon prep with the final stage of half-iron training.  It hasn't been easy and I'm glad that I'll be able to focus on just one event soon.  My last long run for B2B is on Wednesday and my final 50/4 brick is this coming Saturday.  Sunday is a rest day and then I transition into a taper starting on November 1st.

Same here.  Last week of higher mileage then the beginning of taper.  It should be cooler on Saturday so I'll test ride a potential outfit for B2B. 

Are you still planning on 26.2 with Donna in February?  (Edit:  I see from your blog that you are doing this and also the Gator Sprint.  I am probably doing the Gator Half.  DH is coordinating with in-laws regarding timing of visit, etc.)

Edited by jmkizer 2010-10-26 7:44 AM
2010-10-27 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3172154

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
jmkizer - 2010-10-26 8:40 AMIt's hard when your friends are in their off season and when BT starts to slow down for end of year, for sure.  We're almost there though!
Couldn't agree more. It seems like I've been training for a long time for this race! During the summer when my training partners were all training for their respective full IMs it was easy to find a group to do a long ride. Now it's like pulling teeth to get just one person to go for a 60 miler! I'm definitely looking forward to some rest and a relaxed maintenance schedule until I start cranking it up for IMWI next spring.
2010-10-27 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2877351

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Extreme Veteran
Oakland, Florida
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Looked at weather.  The monthly forecast shows a 69 high and 46 low as of now for race day.

2010-10-27 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3176591

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
[email protected] - 2010-10-27 4:33 PM

Looked at weather.  The monthly forecast shows a 69 high and 46 low as of now for race day.

Excellent, Smithers!
2010-10-28 5:30 AM
in reply to: #2877351

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Athlete info guide came in the mail yesterday. Guess it really is 2 weeks away.

This week of taining has sucked for me. I guess I've started to taper.
2010-10-28 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2877351

Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
I have a question for anyone that understands the legistics of how everything works for the race.My mother, sister, and a freind are going to be coming to watch. My plan was to take them to Willimington and park my car there. Then I'll take the shuttle (or whatever they're calling it) to T1 and then the shuttle to the swim start. I'm thinking that way they'll be at the race bike finish, run start, and run/race finish. Then we'll be able to collect everything and drive back to where we are staying. Does that make sense?
2010-10-28 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3179496

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Rencor - 2010-10-28 12:29 PM

I have a question for anyone that understands the legistics of how everything works for the race.My mother, sister, and a freind are going to be coming to watch. My plan was to take them to Willimington and park my car there. Then I'll take the shuttle (or whatever they're calling it) to T1 and then the shuttle to the swim start. I'm thinking that way they'll be at the race bike finish, run start, and run/race finish. Then we'll be able to collect everything and drive back to where we are staying. Does that make sense?

If you want to go one further and drive to T1 then you take the shuttle to the start and they can be there for the swim to bike switch. Then they have 3 hours or so to make it to the Battleship park for the rest of it.

Yeah, what you're talking about makes sense too but they're going to have a much longer wait before they'll see anything, though.
2010-10-28 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3179540

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
DanielG - 2010-10-28 12:33 PM
Rencor - 2010-10-28 12:29 PM I have a question for anyone that understands the legistics of how everything works for the race.My mother, sister, and a freind are going to be coming to watch. My plan was to take them to Willimington and park my car there. Then I'll take the shuttle (or whatever they're calling it) to T1 and then the shuttle to the swim start. I'm thinking that way they'll be at the race bike finish, run start, and run/race finish. Then we'll be able to collect everything and drive back to where we are staying. Does that make sense?
If you want to go one further and drive to T1 then you take the shuttle to the start and they can be there for the swim to bike switch. Then they have 3 hours or so to make it to the Battleship park for the rest of it. Yeah, what you're talking about makes sense too but they're going to have a much longer wait before they'll see anything, though.

DH is going to be at T1 for me and then meet me at the Battleship -- at least that's my plan!  Laughing

2010-10-28 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2877351


Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
I'm feeling pretty good about this race. Little worried about late in the run with the bridges but I should be fine. I drop off both my changing bags at T1 on race morning right? and they will take my T2 bag to T2 and put it on my rack, while I put my T1 bag on my rack right? Also do I have to go on a certain side of the buoys or can I just swim as straight as I want?
2010-10-28 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2877351

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Ok Folks I am in and doing  the swim part for  my relay team. Hoping to beat my 26.54 sec swim last year by at least 3mins.
2010-10-28 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3180851

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
carterbarton1 - 2010-10-28 6:53 PM I'm feeling pretty good about this race. Little worried about late in the run with the bridges but I should be fine. I drop off both my changing bags at T1 on race morning right? and they will take my T2 bag to T2 and put it on my rack, while I put my T1 bag on my rack right?

I'll let an expert answer this one.  My understanding is that this is OK and it's what I would like to do as well.

Also do I have to go on a certain side of the buoys or can I just swim as straight as I want?

Either side should be fine.  I did the Wilmington YMCA Sprint which is also in Banks Channel and they said that their buoys were only for siting.  It is my understanding that it is the same for B2B as well.
2010-10-29 2:46 AM
in reply to: #3180851

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
carterbarton1 - 2010-10-28 6:53 PM

I'm feeling pretty good about this race. Little worried about late in the run with the bridges but I should be fine. I drop off both my changing bags at T1 on race morning right? and they will take my T2 bag to T2 and put it on my rack, while I put my T1 bag on my rack right? Also do I have to go on a certain side of the buoys or can I just swim as straight as I want?

You're given 3 bags for the Half distance. You'll have race numbers to sticker to the bags. I suggest you also write your race number on them with a sharpie just in case the sticker goes away.

Bag 1 - T1 bag
Bag 2 - T2 bag
Bag 3 - Swim start bag where you put all the clothing you wore to the swim start but don't wear on the swim. Shoes, jacket, sweat pants, etc.

Friday - check your bike in. Noon to 8.

Sat morning.
Put your bag #2 in the pile on the other side of the road from T1. They'll take it to T2 for you and put it in the right spot.
Put your bag #1 in T1. Hang it on the bar. Nothing is to touch the ground but your bike tire. When you leave T1 nothing should be on the ground at all, everything you don't want on the bike with you goes into your T1 bag.

They break down T1 as the race goes on so when you get to T1 there won't even be racks there for the full distance people and as racks empty they break them down.
2010-10-29 6:13 AM
in reply to: #3181646

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Thanks for the bag drop clarification! 

Had a good ride last night.  Getting excited again!

2010-10-29 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3172154

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Extreme Veteran
SW Florida Gulf Coast
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
jmkizer - 2010-10-26 8:40 AM
shellabree - 2010-10-25 8:52 PM Physically, I feel ready for the race, but I also feel ready for the season to be over with.  I think this is going to be a very 'mental' race for me.  This is the third year in a row that I've done a race this late in the season and I don't think I'll be taking this route next year.  I was sort of itching for the end of tri season in September.  Ouch.

It's hard when your friends are in their off season and when BT starts to slow down for end of year, for sure.  We're almost there though! 

This is my final big, race-prep week.  I've been juggling the beginning of marathon prep with the final stage of half-iron training.  It hasn't been easy and I'm glad that I'll be able to focus on just one event soon.  My last long run for B2B is on Wednesday and my final 50/4 brick is this coming Saturday.  Sunday is a rest day and then I transition into a taper starting on November 1st.

Same here.  Last week of higher mileage then the beginning of taper.  It should be cooler on Saturday so I'll test ride a potential outfit for B2B. 

Are you still planning on 26.2 with Donna in February?  (Edit:  I see from your blog that you are doing this and also the Gator Sprint.  I am probably doing the Gator Half.  DH is coordinating with in-laws regarding timing of visit, etc.)

Hi Janyne- Yep, still planning on doing the February marathon.  I'm quite excited about it!  I'm considering doing one of the Gator events... possibly the duathlon.  I've never done a du and I would really like to try one out.  However, other than the marathon, 2011 is still pretty much a blank canvas for me, so we'll have to see.  Definitely keep me posted on your decision to race the Gator Half.

In other B2B news, tomorrow is our (myself and DH) last pacing brick (50/4).  Taper begins November 1st.  I feel that I have one good effort left in me at this point, so hopefully the brick will be a success.  We received our athlete guides in the mail today.  SetUpEvents has really done a great job with the pre-race info and the athlete guide answered every question that my husband and I had regarding race-day logistics.

I'm still stressing about the weather a bit.  This isn't a surprise considering that we reached a heat index of near 100F yesterday.  I purchased a vest and toe covers and I'm making myself "disposable" arm warmers from tube socks. It's been a challenge trying to train with with solid foods (for bike).  Because of the heat we tend to rely a lot on liquid calories.  I did discover that I enjoy Bonk Bars, so I'll probably rely on those for the bike.  I wish I had an opportunity to practice "cold weather" nutrition/attire, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.  That being said, I can't wait to see what it's like to complete a HIM (actually, ANY race) in cool conditions.  At this point in the game, I only know HOT!

Wishing everyone a super weekend!  It's probably the last 'hurrah' for most of us doing the HIM, so make every minute count!
2010-10-29 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2877351

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
ShellaBree so do I get to meet you this time or a repeat miss like HIM Florida huhuh
2010-10-30 5:02 AM
in reply to: #3185534

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Extreme Veteran
SW Florida Gulf Coast
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Livestrong191 - 2010-10-29 8:30 PM ShellaBree so do I get to meet you this time or a repeat miss like HIM Florida huhuh

LOL! Absolutely!  I'm hoping to meet as many BT peeps as I can!  Will you be doing the swim that DanielG is setting up on Friday morning?  I'm thinking there will be less of us to sort through than there was at Lucky's Lake.  Ya know, our pre-FL 70.3 turn-out still holds the participant record there.

Hope you are doing GREAT!!!
2010-10-30 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2877351

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Sure I will do the swim.Just need details. I swam the course this morning 50F outside and water felt ok but arms went numb in my seleveeless about halfway took me 23min43Sec. Cannot wait for my full Selvee wetsuit to arrive . Then its on like donkey Kong
2010-10-31 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2877351

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
I thought I better check in.  The race is nearly here!  I need to catch up on what ya'll have been talking about.  I see Daniel posted some good info.  Thanks!

I don't feel as ready as I wish I did by this point.  Had a nasty bike accident last month that interferred with training time and also battling ITB syndrome so I've not had a good long run in awhile.

But, ready or not... here I come!

2010-11-01 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3187800

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Anyone else tired of training and ready for race day to just be here already? Tough training the past couple of weeks with no off days and I'm definitely feeling a bit beat up. Ready to taper and get moving on race day!
2010-11-01 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2877351

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
I'm feeling pretty excited about the race now. I did a 64mile ride/ 14mile run yesterday and my legs felt pretty good this morning. That's my last big workout so I can breath again for a little while... at least until race day! A little nervous about the swim as my training in that department has been lacking but I figure by the time I finish, I won't even remember the first 30min of the race.
Hope everybody's doing good finishing up their last long rides/runs 
2010-11-02 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3189873

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
Holy Moly talk about a rollercoaster ride coming up.

I am talking about watching the weather. Being this far out, the forcast changes daily. I guess we will have some tense watching moments coming up.
As of 10am today (Tuesday 11/2) forcast call for:

Low from Fri into Sat      34 deg

Sat high                          59 deg with rain.

I SERIOUSLY hope that changes!
2010-11-02 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3190379

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Subject: RE: Beach to Battleship HIM : Official Thread
qrkid - 2010-11-02 10:10 AM

Holy Moly talk about a rollercoaster ride coming up.

I am talking about watching the weather. Being this far out, the forcast changes daily. I guess we will have some tense watching moments coming up.
As of 10am today (Tuesday 11/2) forcast call for:

Low from Fri into Sat      34 deg

Sat high                          59 deg with rain.

I SERIOUSLY hope that changes!

Where are you getting that? I'm seeing this on for the 11th (the furthest out they go for now):

Hi 73°F
Lo 48°F

I would pay good money for that to be race day weather.
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