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2013-01-30 12:24 PM
in reply to: #4601461

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser

BigDH - 2013-01-30 12:08 PM

I think that stuff about eating healthy being more expensive is a bit of bull though.

In my experience eating healthier can cost the same, but takes more time.   You can get cheap unhealthy ready to eat or meals and meals that require little prep. Preparing healthy food requires more time and requires you to plan ahead, unless you want to spend alot more.

2013-01-30 1:13 PM
in reply to: #4601461

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
BigDH - 2013-01-30 12:08 PM

man I feel sorry for that white chick.  Also, I don't know what was going on in the challenge, because she barely beat the red team, I can't imagine all of them were keeping up with her, someone probably lapped her.

too bad she lost so much weight, that is going to be tough for next week for her.  Although there was a lot of weight lost this week so who knows.

Woulda liked to see a bit more about what they bought and how that worked out, seemed like there was some division on that issue for some reason.  I think that stuff about eating healthy being more expensive is a bit of bull though.  Seems to me that per calorie eating unhealthy is less expensive but who really needs a supersized big mac meal right.  I don't know much about my budget but I figure, with eating out and alcohol, I am at more than $70 a week for sure.

As a single person it comes down to planning and waste.  If I used up every single bit of food I purchased with no waste, then yeah...eating all prepared healthy meals is definitely cheaper.  But it seems like every week I plan to cook the plan goes AWOL and I end up throwing out a lot of fresh vegetables and such. 

I knew a guy in grad school that did an experiment to figure out which was cheaper.  For one month he ONLY ate out.  Then for one month he ONLY ate food he prepared at home.  It really worked out about the same cost because of waste.

Another anecdotal example...seems like every time I go to Whataburger ( Which is totally not very often) it's about $10 for a meal...I can buy an organic pastured roaster (chicken) at Natural grocers for $6-$8 and the chicken is at least 2-3 meals.  So, I know that you can buy "dollar menu" type stuff and probably eat cheaper than you can cook for...but unless you are sticking to the super cheap takeout foot it is NOT cheaper than cooking for yourself....

2013-01-30 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4565958

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Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
That study just came out that is being reported that something like 50% of food in this country is thrown away.
2013-01-30 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4601604

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Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
jldicarlo - 2013-01-30 1:13 PM
BigDH - 2013-01-30 12:08 PM

man I feel sorry for that white chick.  Also, I don't know what was going on in the challenge, because she barely beat the red team, I can't imagine all of them were keeping up with her, someone probably lapped her.

too bad she lost so much weight, that is going to be tough for next week for her.  Although there was a lot of weight lost this week so who knows.

Woulda liked to see a bit more about what they bought and how that worked out, seemed like there was some division on that issue for some reason.  I think that stuff about eating healthy being more expensive is a bit of bull though.  Seems to me that per calorie eating unhealthy is less expensive but who really needs a supersized big mac meal right.  I don't know much about my budget but I figure, with eating out and alcohol, I am at more than $70 a week for sure.

As a single person it comes down to planning and waste.  If I used up every single bit of food I purchased with no waste, then yeah...eating all prepared healthy meals is definitely cheaper.  But it seems like every week I plan to cook the plan goes AWOL and I end up throwing out a lot of fresh vegetables and such. 

I knew a guy in grad school that did an experiment to figure out which was cheaper.  For one month he ONLY ate out.  Then for one month he ONLY ate food he prepared at home.  It really worked out about the same cost because of waste.

Another anecdotal example...seems like every time I go to Whataburger ( Which is totally not very often) it's about $10 for a meal...I can buy an organic pastured roaster (chicken) at Natural grocers for $6-$8 and the chicken is at least 2-3 meals.  So, I know that you can buy "dollar menu" type stuff and probably eat cheaper than you can cook for...but unless you are sticking to the super cheap takeout foot it is NOT cheaper than cooking for yourself....

Great now I want Whataburger....thanks a lot.

2013-01-30 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4600406

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-01-29 7:55 PM
Comet - 2013-01-28 10:33 PM

I thought this episode was very "meh". So we can't break the broken guy in the gym, so lets stage this pointless Dr. visit and get him to cry. 

White Team: without the 2lb advantage, she would have had to lost 6+lbs. Whoa. So she lost 9 (great!!), but how many weeks can she keep those numbers? I'm guessing not many.

And finally, Mom looked AWESOME. 176 (I think) they said she weighed? She's done great at home. Good for her, she seems really happy to be healthy for her family. That's what it's all about. 

(I see you can't remember anyone's name, either. ) Yes, just what we needed--another visit from Dr. Skeeve.


Hahaha! No, I can't. Not at all, not yet. The only reason I remembered "mom" or thought to use that, was because someone else did! 

2013-01-30 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4601795

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
dsand97 - 2013-01-30 3:20 PM
jldicarlo - 2013-01-30 1:13 PM
BigDH - 2013-01-30 12:08 PM

man I feel sorry for that white chick.  Also, I don't know what was going on in the challenge, because she barely beat the red team, I can't imagine all of them were keeping up with her, someone probably lapped her.

too bad she lost so much weight, that is going to be tough for next week for her.  Although there was a lot of weight lost this week so who knows.

Woulda liked to see a bit more about what they bought and how that worked out, seemed like there was some division on that issue for some reason.  I think that stuff about eating healthy being more expensive is a bit of bull though.  Seems to me that per calorie eating unhealthy is less expensive but who really needs a supersized big mac meal right.  I don't know much about my budget but I figure, with eating out and alcohol, I am at more than $70 a week for sure.

As a single person it comes down to planning and waste.  If I used up every single bit of food I purchased with no waste, then yeah...eating all prepared healthy meals is definitely cheaper.  But it seems like every week I plan to cook the plan goes AWOL and I end up throwing out a lot of fresh vegetables and such. 

I knew a guy in grad school that did an experiment to figure out which was cheaper.  For one month he ONLY ate out.  Then for one month he ONLY ate food he prepared at home.  It really worked out about the same cost because of waste.

Another anecdotal example...seems like every time I go to Whataburger ( Which is totally not very often) it's about $10 for a meal...I can buy an organic pastured roaster (chicken) at Natural grocers for $6-$8 and the chicken is at least 2-3 meals.  So, I know that you can buy "dollar menu" type stuff and probably eat cheaper than you can cook for...but unless you are sticking to the super cheap takeout foot it is NOT cheaper than cooking for yourself....

Great now I want Whataburger....thanks a lot.

Mmm....patty melt....chocolate shake....yummy fries....mmmmm......

2013-01-30 8:52 PM
in reply to: #4598975

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
Comet - 2013-01-28 10:33 PM

I thought this episode was very "meh". So we can't break the broken guy in the gym, so lets stage this pointless Dr. visit and get him to cry. 

White Team: without the 2lb advantage, she would have had to lost 6+lbs. Whoa. So she lost 9 (great!!), but how many weeks can she keep those numbers? I'm guessing not many.

And finally, Mom looked AWESOME. 176 (I think) they said she weighed? She's done great at home. Good for her, she seems really happy to be healthy for her family. That's what it's all about. 

What got me is that when they went to see the Dr. and the contestant stated that he had prior knee injury... Bob was shocked and was all, "you should have told me".

REALLY? He wasn't told??!!!

Even me, a gal who does tri coaching as a side business, I have clients fill out a form to tell me about past injuries/surgeries/etc. I can't believe they wouldn't have contestants fill that out and share it with their trainer. Especially for obese people who are barely cleared medically to workout.

2013-01-30 8:56 PM
in reply to: #4601494

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
jmcconne - 2013-01-30 12:24 PM

BigDH - 2013-01-30 12:08 PM

I think that stuff about eating healthy being more expensive is a bit of bull though.

In my experience eating healthier can cost the same, but takes more time.   You can get cheap unhealthy ready to eat or meals and meals that require little prep. Preparing healthy food requires more time and requires you to plan ahead, unless you want to spend alot more.

I shop at Central Market and buy pre-made salads, cut fruit, sides, etc. Nothing frozen. I eat healthy, fresh food, all prepared (I don't even cut veggies or fruit- that's how much I hate cooking/preparing food)... AND I'm spending as much as I use to buying 1/2 frozen meals and 1/2 veggies. But I'm eating better.

With that said, I spend around $80 a week on food... so I always spent a lot... then it was Target and now it is Central Market.

But yes, there is waste, which sucks.

2013-01-31 9:40 AM
in reply to: #4565958

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
I Liked the idea that they made the contestants go shopping and pick out there own food. I am also going to make that loaded sweet potato for dinner one night this week. Maybe turn them into potato skins for my Superbowl party?? Also, did anyone else think that it was wierd that Danni beat lisa in the swim challenge? They both had to throw their coin into the fountain and from the aerial view they provided before they announced the winner, it appeared as if Lisa (red team) was already at the fountain while Danni was still swimming yet they pan out and focus in on Danni putting the coin into the fountain and call her the winner? I just found it very strange and IMO, it seemed staged. Lisa looks great though when they showed how she has been doing at home.
2013-01-31 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4602709

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Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser

dmbfan4life20 - 2013-01-31 8:40 AM I Liked the idea that they made the contestants go shopping and pick out there own food. I am also going to make that loaded sweet potato for dinner one night this week. Maybe turn them into potato skins for my Superbowl party?? Also, did anyone else think that it was wierd that Danni beat lisa in the swim challenge? They both had to throw their coin into the fountain and from the aerial view they provided before they announced the winner, it appeared as if Lisa (red team) was already at the fountain while Danni was still swimming yet they pan out and focus in on Danni putting the coin into the fountain and call her the winner? I just found it very strange and IMO, it seemed staged. Lisa looks great though when they showed how she has been doing at home.


They always screw up the challenge coverage.  It didn't make sense because they started it as a race between Danni and the football guy.   So if Danni can beat the football guy and the football guy is the best on the red team then Danni wins the challenge right, becuase she beats their best.  But, clearly, Danni only beat one other person on the red team.  OR, there was one person on the red team that really beat everyone else to make up for the slower perople on the red team.  Either way, the story isn't that Danni won, the story is how unfair it is for everyone else on the red time (and maybe the blue team), who beat Danni, who didn't win because someone was weak.  But who was weak on the red team.  Was it Lisa, or was Lisa really throwing in her 11th coin, having lapped Danni and someone else was weak.

Actually I don't recall if there was a limit to the coins a person could grab, I know they said 10 per person but then they said the red team had to get 40, so is it 10 per person or 40 together. 

Anyways, useless 10 minutes of TV.

2013-01-31 11:01 AM
in reply to: #4565958

Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
Danni should of won that challange no problem. She had a huge advantage. This is all for show they edit it to make you stick around for the commercial break. Just like when they go to break after someone has weighed in. They show you reactions from the other contestants and then it isn't the same reaction when they come back from commercial.

2013-01-31 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4602709

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Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser

dmbfan4life20 - 2013-01-31 8:40 AM I Liked the idea that they made the contestants go shopping and pick out there own food. I am also going to make that loaded sweet potato for dinner one night this week. Maybe turn them into potato skins for my Superbowl party?? Also, did anyone else think that it was wierd that Danni beat lisa in the swim challenge? They both had to throw their coin into the fountain and from the aerial view they provided before they announced the winner, it appeared as if Lisa (red team) was already at the fountain while Danni was still swimming yet they pan out and focus in on Danni putting the coin into the fountain and call her the winner? I just found it very strange and IMO, it seemed staged. Lisa looks great though when they showed how she has been doing at home.


I bet the red team member was their 39th, not their 40th coin.

2013-01-31 11:35 AM
in reply to: #4602148

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
KSH - 2013-01-30 8:52 PM
Comet - 2013-01-28 10:33 PM

I thought this episode was very "meh". So we can't break the broken guy in the gym, so lets stage this pointless Dr. visit and get him to cry. 

White Team: without the 2lb advantage, she would have had to lost 6+lbs. Whoa. So she lost 9 (great!!), but how many weeks can she keep those numbers? I'm guessing not many.

And finally, Mom looked AWESOME. 176 (I think) they said she weighed? She's done great at home. Good for her, she seems really happy to be healthy for her family. That's what it's all about. 

What got me is that when they went to see the Dr. and the contestant stated that he had prior knee injury... Bob was shocked and was all, "you should have told me". REALLY? He wasn't told??!!! Even me, a gal who does tri coaching as a side business, I have clients fill out a form to tell me about past injuries/surgeries/etc. I can't believe they wouldn't have contestants fill that out and share it with their trainer. Especially for obese people who are barely cleared medically to workout.

He probably deliberately held back the info so he wouldn't appear weak or be forced to work out less....just because someone fills out a form doesn't mean they filled it out truthfully!

2013-01-31 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4565958

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
Dani rocked the challenge.  I've been a little disturbed during the past two challenges at how poorly the blue team performs.  It seems like they haven't really gained any fitness, although they are losing a lot of weight.  I wonder if the red and white team members will be better off in the long run.  I have to think that losing more slowly and being more fit are better for long-term weight loss, but who knows?
2013-02-01 9:49 PM
in reply to: #4565958

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser

Risk of white going home, and Jillian going home, so they throw out a swimming challenge when the white girl was an ex-swimmer. Unless she got lapped, everyone on red had to have kept up which is highly unlikely. Fun editing, so be it. I just want her to make it to the make over.

Voting booth is silly since they turn and do the platter/confession anyway...

Funny that they showed the girl that quit - normally they say they will never contact a quitter but they did here, even if she can't win the at-home prize. I hope red/mom wins that!

2013-02-04 8:21 PM
in reply to: #4565958

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser

Dear Pam,

Bright red lipstick is NOT your color.  Honestly.

And that expression you keep putting on your face that you think means "Dang, girl!" or whatever it is you're saying...um...yeah....that just looks stupid.  Sorry.


2013-02-05 6:40 AM
in reply to: #4565958

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Muncie, IN
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
REALLY liked the concept of the teams working all week not knowing who would be on the scale.  This helps eliminate the potential for "game play" that plagued seasons past.
2013-02-05 7:26 AM
in reply to: #4608608

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
jldicarlo - 2013-02-04 8:21 PM

Dear Pam,

Bright red lipstick is NOT your color.  Honestly.

And that expression you keep putting on your face that you think means "Dang, girl!" or whatever it is you're saying...um...yeah....that just looks stupid.  Sorry.





and she needs to stop doing the Jack Black dance

2013-02-05 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4565958

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
Anyone know the name of the song that played during Dolvett's last chance workout? At least I think that's when I saw it. Anyway. It was pretty good and just curious if anyone caught it. Thx.
2013-02-05 9:42 AM
in reply to: #4608951


Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser

Afletcher - 2013-02-05 7:40 AM REALLY liked the concept of the teams working all week not knowing who would be on the scale.  This helps eliminate the potential for "game play" that plagued seasons past.








The cop (I forget his name, David?), knew he was gone, based on his injuries, I kind of figured .  That said, he looks great!  Down 80 pounds, all healed up and looking like a different man.

2013-02-05 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4609248

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Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
mass1clyde - 2013-02-05 8:42 AM

Afletcher - 2013-02-05 7:40 AM REALLY liked the concept of the teams working all week not knowing who would be on the scale.  This helps eliminate the potential for "game play" that plagued seasons past.








The cop (I forget his name, David?), knew he was gone, based on his injuries, I kind of figured .  That said, he looks great!  Down 80 pounds, all healed up and looking like a different man.

He did look great. I couldn't believe he could fit into his uniform before, now he's my size. I'm glad they switched to individuals next week. It wouldn't be fair to Danni to keep weighing in by herself every week. I like her, I hope she makes it to the end, along with Jackson.

Edited by JoshR 2013-02-05 9:56 AM

2013-02-05 1:51 PM
in reply to: #4565958

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser

David did look awesome and I can't wait for individuals!  Poor Danni...she's rocked it but it will be nice to level the playing field...and that means Jillian gets to stick around!

So much for the "all trainers will train everyone" gig...that only lasted a few weeks!

2013-02-06 10:19 AM
in reply to: #4609767


Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
Danni reminds me of a girl from a few years ago, Tara, who was a solid athlete during the show and my daughter said she finished Kona (?)
2013-02-06 10:26 AM
in reply to: #4611037

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser

mass1clyde - 2013-02-06 10:19 AM Danni reminds me of a girl from a few years ago, Tara, who was a solid athlete during the show and my daughter said she finished Kona (?)

Yes, that was Tara...and yes, she did Kona.  Tara was another one that dropped weight well on the show.  In the end she didn't win but that's because she didn't emaciate herself like the winner did.

2013-02-06 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4609003

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: The Biggest Loser
Jtiger - 2013-02-05 6:26 AM
jldicarlo - 2013-02-04 8:21 PM

Dear Pam,

Bright red lipstick is NOT your color.  Honestly.

And that expression you keep putting on your face that you think means "Dang, girl!" or whatever it is you're saying...um...yeah....that just looks stupid.  Sorry.





and she needs to stop doing the Jack Black dance


David looked great!!!!!

I'm glad they are all going as individuals. Now Danni has a fair shot. I'd like to see her or Jackson win.

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