Other Resources Challenge Me! » January 100 Mile Run Challenge! Rss Feed  
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2014-01-11 2:41 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Originally posted by Asalzwed Did about 12 today. Warmup then 6 miles at 6:48 then 250 m strides in the turf, some barefoot then cool down. It was nasty out and we were running around the track and the lake so the wind cycled between headwind tailwind and crosswind. Long run tomorrow. Seahawks today!!!!

Good job Adrienne.  It was super windy this morning.

Ran a 5k that was hilly and into the headwind the last mile.  No taper.  Just treated it like a hard tempo run.  Ran another 3.25 after just for good measure.  Just about time to settle into the game.  Just tapped a keg of Kona Longboard Lager.  Life is very good today.  GO HAWKS!!

2014-01-11 5:36 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Had a great 20 mile run tonight in some occasional strong wind and rain. It is more like November out side today than January but I'll take it. Let the taper begin Monday, three weeks until the 100 miler.

Great job everyone, keep up the hard work.
2014-01-11 6:51 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by navbtcret

30 miles run today and that give me 71.97 so far for the month of January. I did get in 103.11 for the week this week. Maybe I under estimated my miles this month but I am cutting back some starting this week, I have just under 4 weeks before the 100 miler.

Keep up the great work everyone.

Holy crap crazy runner guy! Excellent!

Me? 32/100. New newtons. Breaking them in.
2014-01-11 7:11 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Some great running going on in our group! Nice job everyone!

Memphis was beautiful today, 50's and sunny, may have even poked up into the low 60's. Took advantage of it for a 10 mile long run with friends. Life is good.

2014-01-11 9:11 PM
in reply to: Chunga

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Count me for 25 even (24.97, but who's counting!) for this week. Was planning for a 6+ miler this morning, but the body was telling me to run it tomorrow instead, so I listened.

By golly, how do you go out for a 20 mile training run! My son and I just got done reading Ultra Marathon Man by Dean Karnaces. That's some crazy stuff you ultra guys/gals do. Very impressive indeed. Keep up that great work.
2014-01-12 6:30 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Extreme Veteran
Quebec City
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
with treadmill broken and nasty weather outside only got 10 miles in this week for a total of 22 this month. Gotta get my together and reorganise my monthly plan. Keep up the good work ppl!

2014-01-12 8:44 AM
in reply to: LeCrac

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Very solid work everyone!

I kept up the frequency but will need to back off a tiny bit. Pulled the calf a bit while doing strength training
a bit too aggressively in the gym. Got 15 for the week/31 so far for the month, so goal should be OK, but
I always respect barking from my body parts...

(Plan to spin and swim a bit for a few days then reevaluate. Besides, I was looking forward to playing on
the bike with my new Powertap hub.)

Weekly summary is due today!!!
Let us know how it's going. Are you feeling tired? Is it a challenge doing this after the holidays?
How are the body parts? Does the plan need adjustment? How's the weather?

Keep up the good work.
2014-01-12 9:30 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Gorgeous pre-dawn run on route with a nice gradual hill mixed in. Made sure to do the hill about 4x by doubling back, as part of my long run (with hills). All-in-all, a very solid and enjoyable run.
2014-01-12 9:54 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I'm enjoying the warm weather in New England this weekend. I had a good social run on the trails yesterday and and easy nine on the roads today to finish at 47 for the week and 77 for January. It feels like spring!
2014-01-12 11:04 AM
in reply to: 0

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Fernandina Beach, FL
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Just got in from my long run for the week. Last week I ran 4x's for 41.25 miles with my highlight run being an easy 20 miler last Sunday.

I'm at 74.72 miles for the month but that includes 19+ from this morning

Edited by rjrankin83 2014-01-12 11:05 AM
2014-01-12 1:18 PM
in reply to: popsracer

Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by SGirl I like this thread because it's sooo positive...keep up the great work, everyone! Yesterday, 3 miles. I 'should' run today, but the weather's nice...thinking of a bike ride...but I shouldshouldshould run. Did I say...should? lol I need new running shoes. Thinking about asics, heard great things about them. I'm wanting something minimalist. Have always bought Nike, need something new, I'm thinking.

Many, many shoe options out there today.  I spent years on ASCIS GT series and DS Trainers.  More recently I've been running on Mizunos. Like them better because they have a softer ride, especially their neutral shoes.  You will only know what is right for you after trying a bunch.

Go buy those new shoes and go for a run!!    

although a slower run than usual, I ran, and I'm glad I did. haha I didn't have time to buy new shoes this weekend, but next weekend for sure. I can't run for much longer, efficiently, wearing these shoes. They are about 3 months past their expiration date, I'd say.

Yesterday, ran 5.10 miles, and wasn't as hydrated as a I should have been, that always slows me down, I get very fatigued that way.

Today, shorter run planned, as I'm weight lifting, later. Have a FABulous afternoon, peeps!

2014-01-12 3:57 PM
in reply to: SGirl

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Got 8.1 miles done today at recovery pace, that gives me 81.76 for the week and 153.73 so far for the month.
2014-01-12 4:57 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Great job everyone.  Ron is a pretty tough act to follow but I got 40 miles in this week so 75 for the month.

I'm quite a bit ahead of schedule but I am tired.  I ran a 5k yesterday that added an extra Q day to the week that really wasn't in my plan and I added two swim sessions.  After focusing on just my run I can see very clearly how much swim/bike compromises your ability to maximize run training potential.  At times it has left me with tired legs to run on this week.

Going forward I need more recovery somewhere in the week.  I'm thinking of maintaining my key run workouts which are a speed day, midweek medium length run, and my long run while limiting my easy days to 30 minutes.  Easy days of 40-45 minutes is just to much for me with swim/bike.

Lastly, I am getting so tired of rain, cold, and wind.  We've been battered by high winds this week that has added another layer of adversity to just about every run this week. 

2014-01-12 5:03 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

For the Week 25,  For the month 37

The 25 miles which is about 5 miles short of my weekly goal, and the 37 miles puts me on pace to reach 100, but slightly off my 125 goal.   I ran into a foot issue that slowed me up some this week, but I continued to get at least 1 mile per day to keep things moving.  Plus on a good side the foot issue looks to be more of a weak ankle issue and is quickly healing.   But we will see how it feels tomorrow, because I tortured it yesterday and today.

Saturday I ran the Dirt Dawg 8 miler, and should have been named the mud dawg.  The entire course was a sloppy mess, the trails were about 3 inches deep of this muddy sloppy mess.  The nice part was when the course looped out onto a pasture and I could actually get solid footing and make up some time.  Today was a different story, Rocks and Roots trail race (12 miles)  This course was also completely mud, with 2 differences: 1st there was no pasture to run in to give your self a break from the mud, and 2 the mud was more of a sand consistency and stuck to everything!  I think my shoes alone gained 5lbs a piece.  I did well up until about mile 9, by then I had enough of the mud and was exhausted.  Every step was a struggle with either slipping, sliding or your foot getting stuck in the mud.  In short 2 days of absolute fun!  

Rocks and roots

Edited by mambos 2014-01-12 5:05 PM
2014-01-12 5:27 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I'm in for 20.7 for the week.

6km on Tuesday Lunch time
3.7km on Sat as part of Brick
11km long run today building up for 1/2 Marathon in May.


2014-01-12 6:28 PM
in reply to: dtoce

Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Heavy weight lifting session today, including squats...so, needless to say, my run was short. haha A little over a mile, but every bit counts, right?

Have a good week everyone! Nice running you're all doing here!!!

2014-01-12 7:42 PM
in reply to: SGirl

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
37 for the week, Sun to Sat, both long runs fell in this period.

Good week, step back week for me before my first ever 40 mile week. I am on week 7 of my marathon plan with a 14 mile long run this week. looking forward to it!

Happy running guys!

2014-01-12 8:06 PM
in reply to: Chunga

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Great work. The mud run sounds sublime!

Revise my total if we're including today. That makes 31.3 so far.
2014-01-12 9:37 PM
in reply to: Chunga

Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by Chunga

37 for the week, Sun to Sat, both long runs fell in this period.

Good week, step back week for me before my first ever 40 mile week. I am on week 7 of my marathon plan with a 14 mile long run this week. looking forward to it!

Happy running guys!


I will be thinking of you this week; good luck with your long run!
2014-01-12 10:34 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Got in a muddy 20 miler today, starting with a visit at Bruce Lees grave. Ended up with 83 miles and closed the books on week two of marathon training. Next!
2014-01-12 10:38 PM
in reply to: SGirl

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I ended up with 25 for the week, surprisingly. I thought the Achilles was going to keep me down to 14-18 for the week, but for some reason it has been easing up on me. I went 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6 for the week. I've lost a little bit of endurance after not having done anything past 3-4 for a few weeks, plus some lack of sleep and a few too many brews recently.

I've backed off of speed work for now. As noted in an earlier post, I had noticed a little more in the way of aches and pains if I do any fast running, so I've held off for now. I can say I feel a slight pain today after the 6 miles, but not like I was feeling a couple of weeks ago. I'm going to keep at about this kind of effort level for another week or so. I'm pretty happy that I at least feel like I am going to climb back over 100 miles for the month at the rate I am going. I probably won't hit my initial goal of 130, but at least I am not out of running for a while.

Other than that, it's going well. My legs are a little bit fatigued, but not too bad. Just want to get back to doing speed work in the next few weeks so I can ramp up for some spring 5Ks before tri season!

2014-01-13 12:23 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Originally posted by mambos

For the Week 25,  For the month 37

The 25 miles which is about 5 miles short of my weekly goal, and the 37 miles puts me on pace to reach 100, but slightly off my 125 goal.   I ran into a foot issue that slowed me up some this week, but I continued to get at least 1 mile per day to keep things moving.  Plus on a good side the foot issue looks to be more of a weak ankle issue and is quickly healing.   But we will see how it feels tomorrow, because I tortured it yesterday and today.

Saturday I ran the Dirt Dawg 8 miler, and should have been named the mud dawg.  The entire course was a sloppy mess, the trails were about 3 inches deep of this muddy sloppy mess.  The nice part was when the course looped out onto a pasture and I could actually get solid footing and make up some time.  Today was a different story, Rocks and Roots trail race (12 miles)  This course was also completely mud, with 2 differences: 1st there was no pasture to run in to give your self a break from the mud, and 2 the mud was more of a sand consistency and stuck to everything!  I think my shoes alone gained 5lbs a piece.  I did well up until about mile 9, by then I had enough of the mud and was exhausted.  Every step was a struggle with either slipping, sliding or your foot getting stuck in the mud.  In short 2 days of absolute fun!  

Rocks and roots

That looks great! Did you keep the shoes afterward?

2014-01-13 3:42 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Originally posted by popsracer

Great job everyone.  Ron is a pretty tough act to follow but I got 40 miles in this week so 75 for the month.

I'm quite a bit ahead of schedule but I am tired.  I ran a 5k yesterday that added an extra Q day to the week that really wasn't in my plan and I added two swim sessions.  After focusing on just my run I can see very clearly how much swim/bike compromises your ability to maximize run training potential.  At times it has left me with tired legs to run on this week.

Going forward I need more recovery somewhere in the week.  I'm thinking of maintaining my key run workouts which are a speed day, midweek medium length run, and my long run while limiting my easy days to 30 minutes.  Easy days of 40-45 minutes is just to much for me with swim/bike.

Lastly, I am getting so tired of rain, cold, and wind.  We've been battered by high winds this week that has added another layer of adversity to just about every run this week. 

Ya just gotta think of it as a bonus training stimulus. Plus, think of all that mental toughness you are building!

2014-01-13 5:40 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I got 6.6 easy paced miles in this evening.

Love the photo of the muddy shoes.
2014-01-13 6:54 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I am at 53 (maybe a little over) for the month so far. Hoping I am still on target to hit 100. Will run another 5-6 tomorrow and again 4-5 on Wed. Then, off for a few days in the great white north. Will take my shoes and some warm clothes but there's 3 foot of snow there now and I am not familiar with the area AT ALL. Will see. I am sure I'll squeeze something in!

Great job to all of you hitting high mileage!
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