BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?) Rss Feed  
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2015-01-27 11:04 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Lots going on in the lives of the Manatees with parents, wayward kindegarteners (boys will be boys), injuries and such. I've been keeping up via email and praying for you and yours.

I've been lost in the cacophony of feeling and thought in my head. DS2 leaves for basic training in two weeks. This is not his first time living away from home and I know he will excel in all of it (he always does). But damn I'm gonna miss him. Of the two boys he's more like me. Likes running, wine, coffee, healthy food etc etc etc. He's my partner in crime in sneaking healthy food in to the normal family diet. So hard to let them go sometimes.

Ah man that's tough. I know I would have a really hard time with that. So, hugs! At least you have a good excuse to go and visit him!

Good thing I won't have to deal with that ever...or at least any time soon. Hmmm...

2015-01-27 11:15 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Lots going on in the lives of the Manatees with parents, wayward kindegarteners (boys will be boys), injuries and such. I've been keeping up via email and praying for you and yours.

I've been lost in the cacophony of feeling and thought in my head. DS2 leaves for basic training in two weeks. This is not his first time living away from home and I know he will excel in all of it (he always does). But damn I'm gonna miss him. Of the two boys he's more like me. Likes running, wine, coffee, healthy food etc etc etc. He's my partner in crime in sneaking healthy food in to the normal family diet. So hard to let them go sometimes.

Ah man that's tough. I know I would have a really hard time with that. So, hugs! At least you have a good excuse to go and visit him!

Good thing I won't have to deal with that ever...or at least any time soon. Hmmm...

Never say never

2015-01-27 11:31 AM
in reply to: Havok

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Havok

Salty, those are some pretty sweet pictures!  I went on a backpacking trip to new mexico in 2008 and will have to find some pictures from the mountain we climbed...

Had a busy weekend doing things around the house and replacing spark plugs on the wife's truck.  Those two in the back are always a pain in the REAR!  Luckily this fixed a misfiring cylinder...can't wait to get rid of this truck!

My swimming is slowly improving!  Keeping my head down has been difficult because I keep wanting to look forward, but when I do it correctly (even looking backwards a little bit?) my feet stay up and I swim significantly faster!  Running is slowly developing.  The weather has been rough so there has been a decent amount of time spent on the treadmill but I have had a couple days end with outdoor runs...Here are some pictures 




Glorious!!! And super news on the swimming. Keep it up ... er, down?

2015-01-27 12:09 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by tcarlson78
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

We made it to the summit. It was an incredible amount of work carrying my board and gear whilst hiking in snowboard boots (NOT ideal) but my run down was EPIC. You can see my track down the glacier and into the snow field. 


And here are Rainier, Adams and Hood, respectively from the crater's rim



Stunning photos.  What an awesome day that must have been.  Glad to hear you made it safely.

Yeah...there were some sketchy things. Luckily the snow pack was low because there was pretty high avy danger for wet slides. I saw plenty of evidence, especially on my ride down. Our travel was just about exclusively out of avalanche terrain (up on the ridges and whatnot) but there were some short periods of my descent where I was a little exposed.

I took a really wide route out near the glacier where I saw a pretty big exposed crevasse. I also saw a HUGE avy fissure. A guy was walking, solo, right over it and downhill of it! I yelled at him and he shrugged me off. Seriously, WTF? I don't even think he knew what it was or what it meant. 

My adrenaline was definitely pumping and as fun as the ride down was, I was glad to not be in any kind of danger anymore. 

What did you do to protect the wheels and how are they now?

Bah. So on the lead-up, I was really good. Applying and reapplying antibiotic cream on them until the day we left. Then I scored a bunch of gauze pads and antibiotic cream that I fully intended to put on my heels then tape (or mole skin) over it. But what I failed to do was actually apply everything and started the hike without it.

Needless to say I have some bloody ripped up heels and running and walking kind of sucks. But it's my own damn fault so I just have to suffer through it and keep them covered all week so they can recover. 






Very appropriate

And thanks all. Not to worry. I didn't let it stop me from summiting, I am certainly not going to let it stop me from running and put me on the DL.


Oh yeah, we brought sparklers to our base camp and got this cool capture:

2015-01-27 12:10 PM
in reply to: Havok

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Havok

Salty, those are some pretty sweet pictures!  I went on a backpacking trip to new mexico in 2008 and will have to find some pictures from the mountain we climbed...

Had a busy weekend doing things around the house and replacing spark plugs on the wife's truck.  Those two in the back are always a pain in the REAR!  Luckily this fixed a misfiring cylinder...can't wait to get rid of this truck!

My swimming is slowly improving!  Keeping my head down has been difficult because I keep wanting to look forward, but when I do it correctly (even looking backwards a little bit?) my feet stay up and I swim significantly faster!  Running is slowly developing.  The weather has been rough so there has been a decent amount of time spent on the treadmill but I have had a couple days end with outdoor runs...Here are some pictures 



Sunrises and sunsets are my favorite. They never, ever get old.

Slow run progress is the best kind! And nice work on the swim improvements!

2015-01-27 12:25 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Hi Manatees!

Yet again, a LOT has happened in here that I've completely missed due to evil work and life and whatnot. 

As usual, Salty has been on an amazing adventure with some fantastic pictures (though what a weird coincidence with the other 2 girls!)

Always keeping Mel's dad in my thoughts

I also missed the start of the ToS, so to those suffering in the Pod, great job!  (and Darren, I completely understand the hungover excuse)

Happy (belated) Australia Day to those down-under Manatees!


2015-01-27 12:58 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.


2015-01-27 1:07 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.

As I know from personal experience... the Pod is pretty freakin' awesome at making sure everyone is ok   

Holy crap is that ever funny!  

First of all, how can you be "faintly pregnant"?  Is that kind of like you "faintly" totaled your car?  

Secondly, I have to tell you that when Tony went into the DMV to get his new license, the person helping him took a look at all of his paperwork and very awkwardly asked, "are you a male?"... Um... yes, why?  It turns out that when he did his name change at the age of 21 (19 years ago), the court clerk listed on the official court document that Antone wanted to change HER last name, and no one caught it in all these years.  The DMV person wasn't going to let him get his license until he told her that he would drop his pants for her to inspect the body item of contention if it made her feel better.  She politely declined and issued the license.  

2015-01-27 1:14 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.

As I know from personal experience... the Pod is pretty freakin' awesome at making sure everyone is ok   

Holy crap is that ever funny!  

First of all, how can you be "faintly pregnant"?  Is that kind of like you "faintly" totaled your car?  

Secondly, I have to tell you that when Tony went into the DMV to get his new license, the person helping him took a look at all of his paperwork and very awkwardly asked, "are you a male?"... Um... yes, why?  It turns out that when he did his name change at the age of 21 (19 years ago), the court clerk listed on the official court document that Antone wanted to change HER last name, and no one caught it in all these years.  The DMV person wasn't going to let him get his license until he told her that he would drop his pants for her to inspect the body item of contention if it made her feel better.  She politely declined and issued the license.  

hahaha - to both of ya'll's  stories!  BTW, i never, ever, never use "ya'll", but it just seemed to fit here!!

2015-01-27 1:19 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.



HAHAHA! Faintly positive...hahahaha

My boss (for lack of a better word, it;s complicated...) just got back from the Stock Show I believe. That was in Denver, right? I think her uncle or something had a booth there and she was helping run it, just for fun. I request a bolo tie but I see she didn't deliver. Tsk, tsk. 

2015-01-27 1:20 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.

As I know from personal experience... the Pod is pretty freakin' awesome at making sure everyone is ok   

Holy crap is that ever funny!  

First of all, how can you be "faintly pregnant"?  Is that kind of like you "faintly" totaled your car?  

Secondly, I have to tell you that when Tony went into the DMV to get his new license, the person helping him took a look at all of his paperwork and very awkwardly asked, "are you a male?"... Um... yes, why?  It turns out that when he did his name change at the age of 21 (19 years ago), the court clerk listed on the official court document that Antone wanted to change HER last name, and no one caught it in all these years.  The DMV person wasn't going to let him get his license until he told her that he would drop his pants for her to inspect the body item of contention if it made her feel better.  She politely declined and issued the license.  

OMG.  Both stories made me snort.  

2015-01-27 1:37 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

User image

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.



HAHAHA! Faintly positive...hahahaha

My boss (for lack of a better word, it;s complicated...) just got back from the Stock Show I believe. That was in Denver, right? I think her uncle or something had a booth there and she was helping run it, just for fun. I request a bolo tie but I see she didn't deliver. Tsk, tsk. 

Yup, the stock show is here in Denver for 2 weeks.  People come from all over the country to show their animals and sell stuff.  There's an unbelievable amount of bling for sale too - rhinestones up the wazoo!  Too bad she didn't get you a bolo, or at least a pink cowboy hat.

2015-01-27 1:38 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Hahaha! Thank you, ladies. Laughing hurts so good right now. Mak and I down and out on the couch.
2015-01-27 1:41 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.

As I know from personal experience... the Pod is pretty freakin' awesome at making sure everyone is ok   

Holy crap is that ever funny!  

First of all, how can you be "faintly pregnant"?  Is that kind of like you "faintly" totaled your car?  

Secondly, I have to tell you that when Tony went into the DMV to get his new license, the person helping him took a look at all of his paperwork and very awkwardly asked, "are you a male?"... Um... yes, why?  It turns out that when he did his name change at the age of 21 (19 years ago), the court clerk listed on the official court document that Antone wanted to change HER last name, and no one caught it in all these years.  The DMV person wasn't going to let him get his license until he told her that he would drop his pants for her to inspect the body item of contention if it made her feel better.  She politely declined and issued the license.  

hahaha - to both of ya'll's  stories!  BTW, i never, ever, never use "ya'll", but it just seemed to fit here!!

I'm still trying to figure out if people here really do use "y'all" that much, or if they're forcing the y'all out to make thing sound more Texan... yep, these are the deep philosophical questions my little pea-brain thinks up.  

2015-01-27 1:42 PM
in reply to: 0

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.

As I know from personal experience... the Pod is pretty freakin' awesome at making sure everyone is ok   

Holy crap is that ever funny!  

First of all, how can you be "faintly pregnant"?  Is that kind of like you "faintly" totaled your car?  

Secondly, I have to tell you that when Tony went into the DMV to get his new license, the person helping him took a look at all of his paperwork and very awkwardly asked, "are you a male?"... Um... yes, why?  It turns out that when he did his name change at the age of 21 (19 years ago), the court clerk listed on the official court document that Antone wanted to change HER last name, and no one caught it in all these years.  The DMV person wasn't going to let him get his license until he told her that he would drop his pants for her to inspect the body item of contention if it made her feel better.  She politely declined and issued the license.  

Too funny!!  Name changes can create all kinds of interesting situations. I didn't change my name when I got married the first time (DH is my 2nd husband) and my parents had a conniption because "what will the mail man think?!"  Our former mail man had absolutely no problem when DH changed his very girly birth name  to his current one and we still occasionally get mail with that name.  On the other hand, when my brother moved out, the current mail man thought I was his wife and some of my mail got lost!  Such complications...

ETA:  Transpeople have to deal with that all the time at the DMV.  Colorado won't issue new licenses with new gender markers unless the person has a letter from their surgeon saying they've had irreversible surgery.  For those who don't have surgery, they're stuck with their old licenses, which can cause problems every time they have to provide ID.  Birth certificates, passports, diplomas, transcripts, all of that stuff is affected.  Every time DH applies for a job, he has to come out to his potential employer for his background check.  Luckily he hasn't run into any discrimination but it makes job hunting a little more nerve-wracking.  It really is something that's easy to take for granted when you're comfortable with the gender you were born with.  

Edited by laffinrock 2015-01-27 1:49 PM
2015-01-27 1:43 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.



HAHAHA! Faintly positive...hahahaha

My boss (for lack of a better word, it;s complicated...) just got back from the Stock Show I believe. That was in Denver, right? I think her uncle or something had a booth there and she was helping run it, just for fun. I request a bolo tie but I see she didn't deliver. Tsk, tsk. 

Yup, the stock show is here in Denver for 2 weeks.  People come from all over the country to show their animals and sell stuff.  There's an unbelievable amount of bling for sale too - rhinestones up the wazoo!  Too bad she didn't get you a bolo, or at least a pink cowboy hat.

I'd have to think that rhinestones up the wazoo wouldn't feel all that great, but man, you'd have the sparkliest of wazoos!!  

2015-01-27 1:47 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

User image

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.

As I know from personal experience... the Pod is pretty freakin' awesome at making sure everyone is ok   

Holy crap is that ever funny!  

First of all, how can you be "faintly pregnant"?  Is that kind of like you "faintly" totaled your car?  

Secondly, I have to tell you that when Tony went into the DMV to get his new license, the person helping him took a look at all of his paperwork and very awkwardly asked, "are you a male?"... Um... yes, why?  It turns out that when he did his name change at the age of 21 (19 years ago), the court clerk listed on the official court document that Antone wanted to change HER last name, and no one caught it in all these years.  The DMV person wasn't going to let him get his license until he told her that he would drop his pants for her to inspect the body item of contention if it made her feel better.  She politely declined and issued the license.  

Too funny!!  Name changes can create all kinds of interesting situations. I didn't change my name when I got married the first time (DH is my 2nd husband) and my parents had a conniption because "what will the mail man think?!"  Our former mail man had absolutely no problem when DH changed his very girly birth name  to his current one and we still occasionally get mail with that name.  On the other hand, when my brother moved out, the current mail man thought I was his wife and some of my mail got lost!  Such complications...

Believe me, I know all about the name change thing.  The immigration lawyer almost went apoplectic when he found out that I wasn't about to change my last name (again) to the same as Tony's.  But... what will the immigration officials think???  Well, if they have questions, they can ask.  My stock answer is now - we've both changed our last names once and we haven't found one yet that we BOTH want to change our last name to, so this is how it is!  

Some friends also had a tiny conniption that my FB name is Monica Goggs MacLeod and not Monica MacLeod Goggs... what the hell does it matter?  It's on FB, and it's MY name so I can do whatever the hell I want with it!  Besides, Goggs isn't Tony's real last name anyways, it's a made up one!  Lol! 

2015-01-27 1:48 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.

As I know from personal experience... the Pod is pretty freakin' awesome at making sure everyone is ok   

Holy crap is that ever funny!  

First of all, how can you be "faintly pregnant"?  Is that kind of like you "faintly" totaled your car?  

Secondly, I have to tell you that when Tony went into the DMV to get his new license, the person helping him took a look at all of his paperwork and very awkwardly asked, "are you a male?"... Um... yes, why?  It turns out that when he did his name change at the age of 21 (19 years ago), the court clerk listed on the official court document that Antone wanted to change HER last name, and no one caught it in all these years.  The DMV person wasn't going to let him get his license until he told her that he would drop his pants for her to inspect the body item of contention if it made her feel better.  She politely declined and issued the license.  

hahaha - to both of ya'll's  stories!  BTW, i never, ever, never use "ya'll", but it just seemed to fit here!!

I'm still trying to figure out if people here really do use "y'all" that much, or if they're forcing the y'all out to make thing sound more Texan... yep, these are the deep philosophical questions my little pea-brain thinks up.  

In the Raleigh area, it's not really used.  Then again, Raleigh is a city of transplants, so much so that Cary is called the Contained Area for Relocated Yankees.  To be honest, when I'm in the counties for work I don't hear much in the way of y'all usage either.  In fact, I think that I got a lot more youse guys in PA that ya'll here in NC.

2015-01-27 1:52 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.

As I know from personal experience... the Pod is pretty freakin' awesome at making sure everyone is ok   

Holy crap is that ever funny!  

First of all, how can you be "faintly pregnant"?  Is that kind of like you "faintly" totaled your car?  

Secondly, I have to tell you that when Tony went into the DMV to get his new license, the person helping him took a look at all of his paperwork and very awkwardly asked, "are you a male?"... Um... yes, why?  It turns out that when he did his name change at the age of 21 (19 years ago), the court clerk listed on the official court document that Antone wanted to change HER last name, and no one caught it in all these years.  The DMV person wasn't going to let him get his license until he told her that he would drop his pants for her to inspect the body item of contention if it made her feel better.  She politely declined and issued the license.  

Too funny!!  Name changes can create all kinds of interesting situations. I didn't change my name when I got married the first time (DH is my 2nd husband) and my parents had a conniption because "what will the mail man think?!"  Our former mail man had absolutely no problem when DH changed his very girly birth name  to his current one and we still occasionally get mail with that name.  On the other hand, when my brother moved out, the current mail man thought I was his wife and some of my mail got lost!  Such complications...

Believe me, I know all about the name change thing.  The immigration lawyer almost went apoplectic when he found out that I wasn't about to change my last name (again) to the same as Tony's.  But... what will the immigration officials think???  Well, if they have questions, they can ask.  My stock answer is now - we've both changed our last names once and we haven't found one yet that we BOTH want to change our last name to, so this is how it is!  

Some friends also had a tiny conniption that my FB name is Monica Goggs MacLeod and not Monica MacLeod Goggs... what the hell does it matter?  It's on FB, and it's MY name so I can do whatever the hell I want with it!  Besides, Goggs isn't Tony's real last name anyways, it's a made up one!  Lol! 

My aunt got that from officials in France at least once.  "How many other husbands?!"  Uh, one.  (when he was in Alaska shooting for National Geographic, he formed a relationship with a coworker.  He can back and said, "I don't think that this is going to work out."  My aunt was like, "You don't think that what is going to work out?"  He explained. this is the good part And she took the china and put it in his Porsche and left.  She moved to Manhattan and the car was in my parents driveway for years but the thing is, her ex didn't have it.  hahaha).

2015-01-27 1:54 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.



HAHAHA! Faintly positive...hahahaha

My boss (for lack of a better word, it;s complicated...) just got back from the Stock Show I believe. That was in Denver, right? I think her uncle or something had a booth there and she was helping run it, just for fun. I request a bolo tie but I see she didn't deliver. Tsk, tsk. 

Yup, the stock show is here in Denver for 2 weeks.  People come from all over the country to show their animals and sell stuff.  There's an unbelievable amount of bling for sale too - rhinestones up the wazoo!  Too bad she didn't get you a bolo, or at least a pink cowboy hat.

I'd have to think that rhinestones up the wazoo wouldn't feel all that great, but man, you'd have the sparkliest of wazoos!!  

a "faintly" sparky one 

2015-01-27 2:20 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.



HAHAHA! Faintly positive...hahahaha

My boss (for lack of a better word, it;s complicated...) just got back from the Stock Show I believe. That was in Denver, right? I think her uncle or something had a booth there and she was helping run it, just for fun. I request a bolo tie but I see she didn't deliver. Tsk, tsk. 

Yup, the stock show is here in Denver for 2 weeks.  People come from all over the country to show their animals and sell stuff.  There's an unbelievable amount of bling for sale too - rhinestones up the wazoo!  Too bad she didn't get you a bolo, or at least a pink cowboy hat.

I'd have to think that rhinestones up the wazoo wouldn't feel all that great, but man, you'd have the sparkliest of wazoos!!  

a "faintly" sparky one 


2015-01-27 2:25 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

User image

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.



HAHAHA! Faintly positive...hahahaha

My boss (for lack of a better word, it;s complicated...) just got back from the Stock Show I believe. That was in Denver, right? I think her uncle or something had a booth there and she was helping run it, just for fun. I request a bolo tie but I see she didn't deliver. Tsk, tsk. 

Yup, the stock show is here in Denver for 2 weeks.  People come from all over the country to show their animals and sell stuff.  There's an unbelievable amount of bling for sale too - rhinestones up the wazoo!  Too bad she didn't get you a bolo, or at least a pink cowboy hat.

I'd have to think that rhinestones up the wazoo wouldn't feel all that great, but man, you'd have the sparkliest of wazoos!!  

a "faintly" sparky one 


ACK!!! NSFW NSFW NSFW!!!  That's hilarious.  I don't even want to know how you found that!

2015-01-27 2:28 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

User image

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

ehrmegerd, I'm going to laugh myself out of a job today.



2015-01-27 2:32 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

User image

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by laffinrock

Hi from me too.  As some of you know from my log, I've been in a bit of funk (understatement!!) lately.  I'm slowly working my way out by talking with my coach, changing up my meds, doing fun stuff like going to the National Western Stock Show to see the sheep dog trials, and getting a nice long massage.  I'm thinking that the only way to get my hip and shoulder to settle down is to just take a rest.  I might throw in some very simple core stuff that focuses on my abs and back without engaging my hips too much.  Many thanks to all of you who've send me PMs and inspires.  Your support means more to me than I can express.

In other news, I had a really funny experience lately.  I haven't told any of you this, but my DH is transgender (he was born female).  We'll have been together for 17 years in Feb.  I was recently told (after a visit to Urgent Care for an infection) that I had a "faintly positive" pregnancy test.  I about dropped the phone because I was laughing so hard.  I think the doctor who called me with the news was a little startled because when I told him, he repeated the information he'd given me verbatim, then immediately ended the call.  DH and I still giggle about it.



HAHAHA! Faintly positive...hahahaha

My boss (for lack of a better word, it;s complicated...) just got back from the Stock Show I believe. That was in Denver, right? I think her uncle or something had a booth there and she was helping run it, just for fun. I request a bolo tie but I see she didn't deliver. Tsk, tsk. 

Yup, the stock show is here in Denver for 2 weeks.  People come from all over the country to show their animals and sell stuff.  There's an unbelievable amount of bling for sale too - rhinestones up the wazoo!  Too bad she didn't get you a bolo, or at least a pink cowboy hat.

I'd have to think that rhinestones up the wazoo wouldn't feel all that great, but man, you'd have the sparkliest of wazoos!!  

a "faintly" sparky one 


Hopefully there's no Bedazzler involvement in that.

2015-01-27 2:47 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by tcarlson78
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by tcarlson78
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by Asalzwed

We made it to the summit. It was an incredible amount of work carrying my board and gear whilst hiking in snowboard boots (NOT ideal) but my run down was EPIC. You can see my track down the glacier and into the snow field. 

 And here are Rainier, Adams and Hood, respectively from the crater's rim


Stunning photos.  What an awesome day that must have been.  Glad to hear you made it safely.

Yeah...there were some sketchy things. Luckily the snow pack was low because there was pretty high avy danger for wet slides. I saw plenty of evidence, especially on my ride down. Our travel was just about exclusively out of avalanche terrain (up on the ridges and whatnot) but there were some short periods of my descent where I was a little exposed.

I took a really wide route out near the glacier where I saw a pretty big exposed crevasse. I also saw a HUGE avy fissure. A guy was walking, solo, right over it and downhill of it! I yelled at him and he shrugged me off. Seriously, WTF? I don't even think he knew what it was or what it meant. 

My adrenaline was definitely pumping and as fun as the ride down was, I was glad to not be in any kind of danger anymore. 

What did you do to protect the wheels and how are they now?

Bah. So on the lead-up, I was really good. Applying and reapplying antibiotic cream on them until the day we left. Then I scored a bunch of gauze pads and antibiotic cream that I fully intended to put on my heels then tape (or mole skin) over it. But what I failed to do was actually apply everything and started the hike without it.

Needless to say I have some bloody ripped up heels and running and walking kind of sucks. But it's my own damn fault so I just have to suffer through it and keep them covered all week so they can recover. 



tisk tisk tisk. There will be NO repeat NO DL for you this week! Manatee up.

Tsk tsk indeed!

Nooooo!  Heal up!



Or Heel up!?!

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : March 12, 2014
author : TeamMPI
comments : 1
The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
comments : 4
MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
date : September 15, 2011
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Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.