BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered) Rss Feed  
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2014-06-27 2:08 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by cdban66

Thanks. Y'all are too kind.

1 more hour, then it is beer time.

Ha!  I asked about an hour ago at work if it could be booze-a-hol time.  I got denied.  

2014-06-27 2:09 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by cdban66

Thanks. Y'all are too kind.

1 more hour, then it is beer time.

Ha!  I asked about an hour ago at work if it could be booze-a-hol time.  I got denied.  

They will not deny you for much longer!!!!

2014-06-27 2:21 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by cdban66

Thanks. Y'all are too kind.

1 more hour, then it is beer time.

It's your birthday, happy hour starts early!  That's my rule anyway

2014-06-27 2:22 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy birthday Chris!

BTW, I believe it was either you or Felicia that pointed this out to me.

Ann was asking what I wanted, so I sent it to her as a joke. She told me to be careful what I ask for.

We want pictures!

2014-06-27 2:26 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy birthday Chris!

BTW, I believe it was either you or Felicia that pointed this out to me.

Ann was asking what I wanted, so I sent it to her as a joke. She told me to be careful what I ask for.

We want pictures!

Take TW's advice and be careful what you ask for 

2014-06-27 3:07 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Happy birthday Chris!

BTW, I believe it was either you or Felicia that pointed this out to me.

Ann was asking what I wanted, so I sent it to her as a joke. She told me to be careful what I ask for.

We want pictures!

Take TW's advice and be careful what you ask for 

You in a sports kilt and Mary in... um... dropped drawers sounds like an exciting Manatee weekend!

2014-06-27 3:33 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Happy birthday Chris!

Crush it racers!

NO pictures of sports kilts (as I know what a true sportsman wears underneath one).  


(oh, and for the record, ORANGE is the fastest color - GO RACERS!!)

2014-06-27 3:57 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Happy birthday Chris!

Crush it racers!

NO pictures of sports kilts (as I know what a true sportsman wears underneath one).  


(oh, and for the record, ORANGE is the fastest color - GO RACERS!!)

Go Syracuse!  I mean, go racers!

2014-06-27 4:29 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Holy Moly, I just escaped getting hit by lightening!  Pulled into my driveway just as our afternoon/evening storm was really starting to kick up.  Had to sit in the car a while b/c it was raining SO hard and hailing.  After making into the house and waiting til the rain was very light, I went onto my front porch to get the mail.  As I was closing my door - KAPOW!!! Lightening hits right outside.  I actually saw sparks and felt some sensation travel up my legs to knee area!  Needless to say, a couple of circuit breakers were also thrown.  Crazy stuff.  Scary part is the storms move fast here and the sky didn't look too bad, so one wouldn't normally think about lightening.  It is a good reminder that lightening travels far and you can never be too careful.  There's a reason Florida is the lightening strike capital of the world!  Yikes!!  Guess it was a good thing I was wearing rubber soled flip flops

2014-06-27 5:11 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Wow, Ann-Marie!!  Really glad you're okay!!

2014-06-27 5:27 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Wow, Ann-Marie!!  Really glad you're okay!!

Thanks, pretty sure I have super hero powers now!

2014-06-27 5:39 PM
in reply to: amd723

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by amd723

Holy Moly, I just escaped getting hit by lightening!  Pulled into my driveway just as our afternoon/evening storm was really starting to kick up.  Had to sit in the car a while b/c it was raining SO hard and hailing.  After making into the house and waiting til the rain was very light, I went onto my front porch to get the mail.  As I was closing my door - KAPOW!!! Lightening hits right outside.  I actually saw sparks and felt some sensation travel up my legs to knee area!  Needless to say, a couple of circuit breakers were also thrown.  Crazy stuff.  Scary part is the storms move fast here and the sky didn't look too bad, so one wouldn't normally think about lightening.  It is a good reminder that lightening travels far and you can never be too careful.  There's a reason Florida is the lightening strike capital of the world!  Yikes!!  Guess it was a good thing I was wearing rubber soled flip flops


2014-06-27 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4996915

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Dayum! My first thought was glad you're ok. Second thought was " Quick! Try for a PR!"
2014-06-28 12:10 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Mantees!

A listing of Manatee Races, Rides and Runs and other events

June 28-29
Mary - Underwearness Drop Your Drawers and Run Wild on Friday
TJ - City of Lakes Triathlon - Olympic Course on Saturday
Janyne - Washington Olympic on Saturday
Tom - HFP Mason Triathlon on Sunday


Just added to my log page: Canada Day Challenge 4km Swim

2014-06-28 12:11 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by amd723

Holy Moly, I just escaped getting hit by lightening!  Pulled into my driveway just as our afternoon/evening storm was really starting to kick up.  Had to sit in the car a while b/c it was raining SO hard and hailing.  After making into the house and waiting til the rain was very light, I went onto my front porch to get the mail.  As I was closing my door - KAPOW!!! Lightening hits right outside.  I actually saw sparks and felt some sensation travel up my legs to knee area!  Needless to say, a couple of circuit breakers were also thrown.  Crazy stuff.  Scary part is the storms move fast here and the sky didn't look too bad, so one wouldn't normally think about lightening.  It is a good reminder that lightening travels far and you can never be too careful.  There's a reason Florida is the lightening strike capital of the world!  Yikes!!  Guess it was a good thing I was wearing rubber soled flip flops

Yikes!  Glad you were not hurt!

2014-06-28 6:49 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Stay safe, that is a scary deal!


2014-06-28 7:47 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Happy Birthday Chris

And go racing Manatees, go!!!!!
2014-06-28 7:51 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Took Dee to the beach for the first time today. It was FREEZING and she was a little unsure about the water but she eventually got in.


image.jpg (1717KB - 6 downloads)
2014-06-28 3:05 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Cleveland, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

I went ahead and bite the bullet today. Registered for the Lookout Mountain 50-miler in Chattanooga, TN on Dec 20. I will have about 8 weeks/56 days between the races.

Did a 2 mile practice run with my running partner the other day, he was worried he was getting slower doing longer distances. We managed a 14:35 2 mile time. It was 30-45 seconds faster than he has ran the past 3 years. Wanted to share.

Hope everyone is have a great weekend!!

2014-06-28 3:36 PM
in reply to: 0

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by jbwills

I went ahead and bite the bullet today. Registered for the Lookout Mountain 50-miler in Chattanooga, TN on Dec 20. I will have about 8 weeks/56 days between the races.

Did a 2 mile practice run with my running partner the other day, he was worried he was getting slower doing longer distances. We managed a 14:35 2 mile time. It was 30-45 seconds faster than he has ran the past 3 years. Wanted to share.

Hope everyone is have a great weekend!!

Very cool!!  Good for you for signing up for the 50-miler and great job on the practice run!!  With all the running you're doing these days, you should be in great shape to do that race, especially with a fair amount of time to recover from B2B.  Hope you're having a great weekend too!

I'm having a super weekend.  I did my 5k yesterday and PR'd again.  Not hard to do when I've now increased to all running, but it's still a PR.  I maintained a 10:08 mpm pace and felt like I still had some left in the tank at the end.  Then I ran home, which all added up to 4.92 miles, the most I've ever run in my life!!  This morning, I DH and I took the dogs for a walk at the local state park, met my friend's baby, Frannie for the first time (she's my honorary niece), and are going for an early morning ride, me on my new bike, "Red," tomorrow.  Then a massage to top it all off.  Doesn't get much better than that in my book.

ETA:  Here's my RR:


Edited by laffinrock 2014-06-28 3:47 PM
2014-06-28 5:31 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Ladies, any suggestions on comfortable bike shorts you'd wear for touring? Day 2  of my long ride, some parts were going numb and I do not approve of that.

2014-06-28 7:42 PM
in reply to: Artemis

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Happy Birthday, Chris!!

Ann-Marie, I'm glad you are ok!

Great job on the PR, Mary!

2014-06-29 1:50 PM
in reply to: Artemis

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Came in 3/9 in my AG today.  Swim was ok, Bike was good, but run was sub-par.  I spent too many pennies on the bike and ended up with a 27:00 5k.  At least I didn't walk!  But I'd give up a minute on the bike to get two or three back on the run.  I'm not sure yet, but I think I was 19th overall.

But the whole environment was a good time.  They have the all-female race first, and I like to be there to see the swim start, and to cheer on the participants.

The bike was great.  I leapfrogged with the guy ahead of me several times over the two-lap course.  I would catch him on the flats, and he would get me heading into the wind or on hills.  I told him if he had aerobars, he'd be hard to catch.

I almost wiped out on a tight corner.  As it was, I ended up drifting my bike a little bit.  Don't try that at home, kids.

2014-06-29 3:33 PM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Came in 3/9 in my AG today.  Swim was ok, Bike was good, but run was sub-par.  I spent too many pennies on the bike and ended up with a 27:00 5k.  At least I didn't walk!  But I'd give up a minute on the bike to get two or three back on the run.  I'm not sure yet, but I think I was 19th overall.

But the whole environment was a good time.  They have the all-female race first, and I like to be there to see the swim start, and to cheer on the participants.

The bike was great.  I leapfrogged with the guy ahead of me several times over the two-lap course.  I would catch him on the flats, and he would get me heading into the wind or on hills.  I told him if he had aerobars, he'd be hard to catch.

I almost wiped out on a tight corner.  As it was, I ended up drifting my bike a little bit.  Don't try that at home, kids.

Good for you for not crashing!  Aside from that, it sounds like you had a good time and 3/9 isn't a half-shabby result either.  Way to go!

2014-06-29 3:46 PM
in reply to: Artemis

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by Artemis

Ladies, any suggestions on comfortable bike shorts you'd wear for touring? Day 2  of my long ride, some parts were going numb and I do not approve of that.

Sorry Jen I can't be of any help, I don't ride that far and only use tri shorts which won't give you enough padding, but for the record my latest pair are Orca and they seem ok. I think my problem is my bike not my shorts.
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