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2016-11-11 5:34 PM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Noo! Didn't you just lose another not too long ago? They really are our "children", except that we usually have to watch them grow old and pass on. So sad.

I have an acquaintance doing Ironman Langkawi this weekend. Really worried about her. She is only 25 and has a lot of potential first year in tri, best HIM is 5:18, amazing cyclist, decent runner, working hard on her swimming), but appears to have NO common sense. She did her first IM TWO WEEKS AGO (finished but messed up her nutrition and really struggled on the run) and has run at least four HIM and marathons each this year. Two weeks before the IM, she had done a trail marathon.

When others try to give her advice, she says she has a coach already and she knows what she is doing. OMG is she working with Brett Sutton or something?! I know that in addition to the stars like Chrissie and Daniela, he (and coaches like him) has chewed up and spit out a large number of young women athletes who left that sport after a few promising performances because they broke down physically or mentally with the high-volume training and racing. I think this girl just thinks we are all overly cautious old fuddy-duddies. Reminds me of myself when I was a teenager!

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-11-11 5:36 PM

2016-11-11 5:47 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by StaceyK Physically I am feeling much better, the cough and the stuffy head have gone and my balance is much better, but I still have issues with my left ear, hopefully it will clear in the next day or so. Emotionally I'm feeling a bit battered. We lost our old girl Elle yesterday. Stupid dog had swallowed a honkey nut (very large nut from a gum tree) and it ruptured her bowel, unfortunately there was no way to save her. She was a quiet stabilising matriarch in our house that used to be a surrogate mum to all our pups. We will miss her dearly.

Oh Stacey, I am so very sorry to hear this. {{hugs}}

2016-11-11 5:53 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

It sounds like Robin NC was evacuated from her home in Lake Lure.  Please keep her in your thoughts.

2016-11-11 5:55 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by StaceyK Physically I am feeling much better, the cough and the stuffy head have gone and my balance is much better, but I still have issues with my left ear, hopefully it will clear in the next day or so. Emotionally I'm feeling a bit battered. We lost our old girl Elle yesterday. Stupid dog had swallowed a honkey nut (very large nut from a gum tree) and it ruptured her bowel, unfortunately there was no way to save her. She was a quiet stabilising matriarch in our house that used to be a surrogate mum to all our pups. We will miss her dearly.

Oh no, Stacey!  I'm so, so sorry!!

2016-11-11 5:59 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by jmkizer

It sounds like Robin NC was evacuated from her home in Lake Lure.  Please keep her in your thoughts.

This is scary stuff.  It seems many parts of western carolina is on fire and not rain in sight! UGH.

2016-11-11 7:09 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

It sounds like Robin NC was evacuated from her home in Lake Lure.  Please keep her in your thoughts.

This is scary stuff.  It seems many parts of western carolina is on fire and not rain in sight! UGH.

I pray that they get it under control soon.

Fire is something I dread every summer here, we have been evacuated twice in my life and both times they managed to stop the fire on the other side of the road. We always have at least 1 massive one each summer it's just a matter of where.

We have had a lot of smoke here over the last month because our winter was very long and they are madly scrambling to get all the controlled burns done before the summer weather kicks in. I am very happy to deal with smoke from many controlled burns rather than that from an uncontrolled bush fire (I think you call them wild fires).

2016-11-11 11:54 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Stacey, I am so sorry to hear about your Elle.  What a loss.

2016-11-12 4:46 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Looks like my crazy tri-buddy has method to her madness. 25-29 is a pretty weak AG here in SE Asia, nailing an IM or HIM in the tropics is very hard for people who don't live and train here, and she's trying to KQ! She was 3rd AG on the swim with a 1:14, leading it after the bike, and had a decent run up to about 25K, but looks like she has hit the wall--last 5K was at 8+ minutes/km. Not sure what's chasing after her in her AG. Hope she's not regretting doing an IM two weeks ago now!

Oh to be young again, in more than one sense. I will probably have to be faster than her at either half or full to KQ, quite possibly till I'm well into my 50's. No kidding.

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-11-12 5:01 AM
2016-11-12 5:44 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Wondering if poor Sophie DNF'd. She is shown on the finisher's list (along with about 80 others) with no final time, only time for swim and bike. That can't just be all the remaining people on the course--a couple are finishing every minute at this point. Tracker still shows her at 27 km on the run, though it seems to have passed the predicted finish time. Does it mean you have handed in your timing chip if you're on the finisher's list when you're not finished? Or just the tracker going wacko as usual? If DNF, I can only imagine the depths of despair that must have involved--to have to drop out when you were en route to a KQ and know you'd probably done it to yourself...... Maybe that is worse than biking an extra lap at Worlds!
2016-11-12 6:14 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois



Stace Face ... I hope your body and heart keep mending. I'm pretty sure when I was going through hell in Jakarta and you sent a card, choccy and a photo of big smiling mastiff face with sand all over it, it was Elle. So very, very, very sorry.

2016-11-12 6:20 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Are you by any chance IN Langkawi at the moment?

Still trying to figure out the tracker. It hasn't shown any additional finishers in about an hour. Think something is wrong with it, not necessarily my crazy friend. (Or maybe both are having problems....)

2016-11-12 6:29 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by Hot Runner Wondering if poor Sophie DNF'd. She is shown on the finisher's list (along with about 80 others) with no final time, only time for swim and bike. That can't just be all the remaining people on the course--a couple are finishing every minute at this point. Tracker still shows her at 27 km on the run, though it seems to have passed the predicted finish time. Does it mean you have handed in your timing chip if you're on the finisher's list when you're not finished? Or just the tracker going wacko as usual? If DNF, I can only imagine the depths of despair that must have involved--to have to drop out when you were en route to a KQ and know you'd probably done it to yourself...... Maybe that is worse than biking an extra lap at Worlds!

Oh no! I hope that the tracker is messed up and that Sophie has finished!

2016-11-12 6:49 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Appears to be a tracker issue. Just checked on someone else I know who is in the race (in my AG); running about 5 minutes ahead of Sophie at the last checkpoint. Neither have shown any "progress" for over an hour. The latter athlete is much more experiences and races in the tropics all the time, doubt both would DNF. Tracker is screwed up. Will have to check at the bike shop tomorrow--she works there and will probably text someone--if the tracker doesn't come back to life.

Curse the tracker! Stupid, but when I qualified for Worlds, I actually didn't know for about three hours. Yanti may well have known before I did. The live results weren't working at the finish, and I couldn't get the tracker to update my own result! I had flopped around for over an hour, gotten a massage, taken a shower, had lunch, and was sprawled out in a papa-san chair on the hotel room balcony by the time I finally found out I'd "finished" and won my AG. At Worlds, I couldn't get the tracker to work either, and actually didn't know I'd even officially finished until my coach e-mailed that I had (rather than DQ or DNF). Kept thinking they had given me the finisher's swag in error and someone was going to demand I give it back for doing Loop 2 first.

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-11-12 6:54 AM
2016-11-12 8:06 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

30F this morning. Still shorts weather. Longer socks & sleeves, but still shorts.

2016-11-12 12:09 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by Hot Runner Appears to be a tracker issue. Just checked on someone else I know who is in the race (in my AG); running about 5 minutes ahead of Sophie at the last checkpoint. Neither have shown any "progress" for over an hour. The latter athlete is much more experiences and races in the tropics all the time, doubt both would DNF. Tracker is screwed up. Will have to check at the bike shop tomorrow--she works there and will probably text someone--if the tracker doesn't come back to life. Curse the tracker! Stupid, but when I qualified for Worlds, I actually didn't know for about three hours. Yanti may well have known before I did. The live results weren't working at the finish, and I couldn't get the tracker to update my own result! I had flopped around for over an hour, gotten a massage, taken a shower, had lunch, and was sprawled out in a papa-san chair on the hotel room balcony by the time I finally found out I'd "finished" and won my AG. At Worlds, I couldn't get the tracker to work either, and actually didn't know I'd even officially finished until my coach e-mailed that I had (rather than DQ or DNF). Kept thinking they had given me the finisher's swag in error and someone was going to demand I give it back for doing Loop 2 first.

The NY City marathon had the BEST tracker. It had the course and would place the runner/s you were tracking along the course. Gave all the splits and projected finish time etc.  Never went down.  Too bad WTC can't get something like that!

2016-11-12 12:10 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by brigby1

30F this morning. Still shorts weather. Longer socks & sleeves, but still shorts.

We had a cold front come through too - it was 58* when I started my run this morning  I almost had to break out my gloves!!

2016-11-12 12:37 PM
in reply to: #5193167

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Stacy, I am SOOooooo sorry for your loss. Pets are family and it hurts.
2016-11-12 12:38 PM
in reply to: #5204847

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
With the help of fabulous friends, we were able to get a lot of our belongings out. We are now refugee status at a local hotel/ inn. The cats are unhappy and scared, but we are good.
2016-11-12 4:01 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by ceilidh With the help of fabulous friends, we were able to get a lot of our belongings out. We are now refugee status at a local hotel/ inn. The cats are unhappy and scared, but we are good.

Glad to see you are OK. I'll be keeping y'all in my thoughts and prayers.

2016-11-12 4:02 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by StaceyK Physically I am feeling much better, the cough and the stuffy head have gone and my balance is much better, but I still have issues with my left ear, hopefully it will clear in the next day or so. Emotionally I'm feeling a bit battered. We lost our old girl Elle yesterday. Stupid dog had swallowed a honkey nut (very large nut from a gum tree) and it ruptured her bowel, unfortunately there was no way to save her. She was a quiet stabilising matriarch in our house that used to be a surrogate mum to all our pups. We will miss her dearly.

So sorry to see this. I'll be keeping you and Phil in my thoughts and prayers.

2016-11-12 4:16 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Oh Stacey, so sorry to hear that!

2016-11-12 4:18 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Originally posted by brigby1

30F this morning. Still shorts weather. Longer socks & sleeves, but still shorts.

Heck yeah. I wear shorts no matter what. THE only exception seems to be if I need to protect from snow or ice scraping the skin. I swear, it's like the cold almost numbs the legs I to thinking they aren't working very hard. Of course, that's anecdotal
2016-11-12 4:41 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois
Sophie finished in 12:06, second in AG by about seven minutes (got passed about halfway into the run). Looks like she had a few rough patches on the run but not a total wipeout--she got back on it. Think she may well have made KQ if she hadn't done another IM two weeks out! Of course, that time would have gotten her #7 (really) in my AG, which was won by an Australian woman in 10:50. My AG rival (who, I believe, already KQ'd at one of the China HIM) was just under 12 hours. And that is a HOT, fairly hilly course, IRRC.
2016-11-12 4:52 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by Hot Runner Appears to be a tracker issue. Just checked on someone else I know who is in the race (in my AG); running about 5 minutes ahead of Sophie at the last checkpoint. Neither have shown any "progress" for over an hour. The latter athlete is much more experiences and races in the tropics all the time, doubt both would DNF. Tracker is screwed up. Will have to check at the bike shop tomorrow--she works there and will probably text someone--if the tracker doesn't come back to life. Curse the tracker! Stupid, but when I qualified for Worlds, I actually didn't know for about three hours. Yanti may well have known before I did. The live results weren't working at the finish, and I couldn't get the tracker to update my own result! I had flopped around for over an hour, gotten a massage, taken a shower, had lunch, and was sprawled out in a papa-san chair on the hotel room balcony by the time I finally found out I'd "finished" and won my AG. At Worlds, I couldn't get the tracker to work either, and actually didn't know I'd even officially finished until my coach e-mailed that I had (rather than DQ or DNF). Kept thinking they had given me the finisher's swag in error and someone was going to demand I give it back for doing Loop 2 first.

Glad that she is OK!

2016-11-12 4:52 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Manatee à trois

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by brigby1

30F this morning. Still shorts weather. Longer socks & sleeves, but still shorts.

We had a cold front come through too - it was 58* when I started my run this morning  I almost had to break out my gloves!!

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
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Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.