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2015-01-29 11:41 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Okay, I need to just vent a little, and please feel free to tell me that I just need to shut up, or whatever. 

I don't like having dogs.  I like other peoples' dogs, but I don't like having them.  And now I feel like a horrible person.  I could go into the myriad of reasons why I dislike them, but that would make me feel even worse.   

The short version is that Tony's wanted dogs forever and has always said that when we have a house with a yard, we'd get a dog.  So... when we got a place with a yard, the first thing we did was start to look for a dog and I thought "one won't be so bad", and then he convinced me that the dog would need a dog... so we got 2.  Don't get me wrong, the dogs aren't going anywhere and they will get all kinds of love and attention, but they are and will be Tony's dogs.   

I feel like I'm pretending to like them and be all happy to see them, but I'm not.  I hate myself for all of that, and mentally beat myself up for not loving them like I feel I should be.  I really thought that once we had them I'd fall in love with them and all would be peachy-keen and rainbows and unicorns, and maybe that will happen - I've got 10 years or so to find out.  

Okay, I'm just going to stop now, I wasn't sure about even writing this in the first place - but I needed to get some of the weight of misery off my shoulders.  My apologies if I've made anyone feel uncomfortable - that's not my intention at all.  

Gah, now I'm rambling which is never a good thing.  We should get back to all things that are awesome with the Manatees like keeping jobs and job prospects and healing and non-torn hip labrums and such.  

Sorry for my ramblings!  

Yeah...I mean you aren't expected to feel the same way he does about them. And I think that is ok.  

Thanks - I sometimes forget that we can have different opinions and feelings on things and those differences are perfectly fine.  

2015-01-29 11:44 AM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Okay, I need to just vent a little, and please feel free to tell me that I just need to shut up, or whatever. 

I don't like having dogs.  I like other peoples' dogs, but I don't like having them.  And now I feel like a horrible person.  I could go into the myriad of reasons why I dislike them, but that would make me feel even worse.   

The short version is that Tony's wanted dogs forever and has always said that when we have a house with a yard, we'd get a dog.  So... when we got a place with a yard, the first thing we did was start to look for a dog and I thought "one won't be so bad", and then he convinced me that the dog would need a dog... so we got 2.  Don't get me wrong, the dogs aren't going anywhere and they will get all kinds of love and attention, but they are and will be Tony's dogs.   

I feel like I'm pretending to like them and be all happy to see them, but I'm not.  I hate myself for all of that, and mentally beat myself up for not loving them like I feel I should be.  I really thought that once we had them I'd fall in love with them and all would be peachy-keen and rainbows and unicorns, and maybe that will happen - I've got 10 years or so to find out.  

Okay, I'm just going to stop now, I wasn't sure about even writing this in the first place - but I needed to get some of the weight of misery off my shoulders.  My apologies if I've made anyone feel uncomfortable - that's not my intention at all.  

Gah, now I'm rambling which is never a good thing.  We should get back to all things that are awesome with the Manatees like keeping jobs and job prospects and healing and non-torn hip labrums and such.  

Sorry for my ramblings!  

Oh phew. Because the funny thing is, I don't like cats! And I still don't know what to do with them. Basically I just treat them like dogs and it seems to work out fine

Like Hands (I think?) said ... you don't need to feel any other than the way you do. And no one can argue you don't feel that way!

If you just need to vent, you know you've got my ear. And because you know me, too, you know I'll give totally unsolicited advice as well! (Ha, I figure ... someone posts it ... they can expect opinions ... your mileage on them may vary. )

You don't need a yard for a dog. It's nice, but not necessary provided the dog gets enough structure, stimulation and exercise for its needs. Some dogs even do better being confined for part of the day. And no, your pet does not need a pet.

But that's all water under the bridge, so I suppose it's lecturing, not advice. So here's the advice.

Well-behaved dogs are FAR more likeable (just like humans!) and maybe more importantly, far more liveable-with. Get Brisco & Discus (ha, even your dogs have nicknames already) to puppy and dog school ASAP. This is for YOUR mental health. Everybody hates walking dogs that don't walk well, and by them not walking politely you're just teaching and ingraining bad habits to the detriment of you and the dogs. Crap-walking dogs get walked less and have frustrated humans. Currently, you're a very frustrated human. The same is true of good crate-training, being able to spend time alone well, no surplus barking/yapping/whining/howling, indoor manners, proper chewing, etc.

2015-01-29 11:45 AM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by Asalzwed

I spent January pretty much trying new things and keeping the focus off of running (although still being consistent) and very slowly easing back into quality workouts.

I did my very first full workout last night:


200 meter stride/200 meter recovery

400 meters in 82 seconds/ 400 recovery

then 4 x  mile at 6:18 with 2.5 minute recovery

It felt good to be back to a full workout and I was happy that I was able to complete it without my legs complaining after the weekends mountain summit. I'm finally to that place where the uphill travel isn't getting in the way of the forward. If that makes sense. I will start working in my second quality workout (per week) in February. 


How about your feet? Did you remember to doctor them up?

It's strange reading about a "regular" Salty workout again. Glad you're feeling good about the blending.

They are fine.  Each day I had put antibiotic cream on them and fresh band-aids (6 total lol) Today is my first day without them and it looks like they are all cleared up. 

2015-01-29 11:46 AM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Okay, I need to just vent a little, and please feel free to tell me that I just need to shut up, or whatever. 

I don't like having dogs.  I like other peoples' dogs, but I don't like having them.  And now I feel like a horrible person.  I could go into the myriad of reasons why I dislike them, but that would make me feel even worse.   

The short version is that Tony's wanted dogs forever and has always said that when we have a house with a yard, we'd get a dog.  So... when we got a place with a yard, the first thing we did was start to look for a dog and I thought "one won't be so bad", and then he convinced me that the dog would need a dog... so we got 2.  Don't get me wrong, the dogs aren't going anywhere and they will get all kinds of love and attention, but they are and will be Tony's dogs.   

I feel like I'm pretending to like them and be all happy to see them, but I'm not.  I hate myself for all of that, and mentally beat myself up for not loving them like I feel I should be.  I really thought that once we had them I'd fall in love with them and all would be peachy-keen and rainbows and unicorns, and maybe that will happen - I've got 10 years or so to find out.  

Okay, I'm just going to stop now, I wasn't sure about even writing this in the first place - but I needed to get some of the weight of misery off my shoulders.  My apologies if I've made anyone feel uncomfortable - that's not my intention at all.  

Gah, now I'm rambling which is never a good thing.  We should get back to all things that are awesome with the Manatees like keeping jobs and job prospects and healing and non-torn hip labrums and such.  

Sorry for my ramblings!  

You have had so much going on recently, I'm not surprised you are feeling that way.  Right now, they are more work than fun, on top of everything else you have to do.  As someone else said, you may never love having dogs, but hopefully in time they become part of your family for you.  In the meantime, does Tony know how you feel?  If not, I would say have a conversation with him.  Make sure you set ground rules.  My SO and I interact with the dogs very differently (they are more hers than mine; I totally love them, but they are HER dogs).  She gets them all wound up when she comes home; they know for me, they can be excited , but they better not jump all over me like they do her.  When she is home, they get totally wound and run and play.  When it is just them and I, they sleep.  They get to know our personalities just as we do theirs, AND they have to be taught how to interact with different people.  In any case, don't beat yourself up over it.

2015-01-29 11:47 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by 4agoodlife Totally safe for work and (I think) pretty cool.

That is a badazz kitty.  I didn't think a cat would be so willing to go with the program as they tend to want to run their own show.

Makes our cat look like such a whimp.  She is the sweetest thing and sometimes acts like a little dog (follows me around, loves to play) but she is an indoor princess.  She accidently got out a few weeks ago and was shut out for a few hours.  She was wet and cold.  Now, if the door is open she'll poke her nose out but is darned if she'll step foot in the cold, cruel world again.

Wow!  Total BADAZZ kitty!  One of our cats is so neurotic that if you move suddenly it can send him under the bed to hide, and while the other one is way more adventurous, she' much rather bask in the sun, have food brought to her and you are allowed to pet her the unknown requisite number of times before she'll either run away or swat at you.  D.I.V.A.   

2015-01-29 11:51 AM
in reply to: tcarlson78

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by tcarlson78

Jet Black: Congratulations for not getting let go. Keep an eye out for new opportunities and expand your skill base.

I just had a Phone Interview for a position and that was followed up by two other calls by people in the same department. I am hopeful that this will generate an offer. I felt good with all the conversations. Now the waiting begins, but not the continued search.

Perhaps the best part was that one person complimented me on my resume saying that its the exact way he had formatted his resume and it looked great.. After so much time grinding away on a search it is awesome to have a positive experience.

Thanks and good luck to you! Sounds promising!

2015-01-29 11:51 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by laffinrock

Well, mostly good news from the PT.  During my knee PT appointment, the physical therapist spent the time assessing both my hip and my shoulder/arm.  Here are her conclusions and recommendations:

  • Hip: No labral tear (HUGE sigh of relief!!!!), likely mild hamstring strain at the upper attachment point. Hamstring and adductors v. tight. Recommended rest for 10 days, gentle stretching, and heat or alternating heat/ice.
  • Shoulder/upper arm: inflammation and likely small tear at one of the smaller attachment points; no problem at insertion point or with rotator cuff. She recommended rest for 10 days, gentle isometric exercises, and ice 2x/day.

She said I could get a MRI on my hip if I wanted peace of mind but I'm happy to save my money and take her word for it.  I've gone through previous assessments for labral tears so I know what that feels like; this time didn't feel the same.  Plus she's worked on my hip before and I trust her judgment.

I'm to see her again in 2 weeks.  In the meantime, I'll sit tight (or loose, as the case may be) and follow her directions.  I'm really glad to finally have some answers and a plan without having to wait 6 weeks to see a sports medicine specialist!!

I also had a good conversation with my coach last night.  It's now clear to her that my body won't tolerate an aggressive approach to training or form changes.  We agreed that going slow has to be the name of the game.  That may mean progressing more slowly than I'd like but honestly, I'd rather be chomping at the bit to do more than doing this 2 steps forward, 1 step back dance I've been doing with her so far.  I sent her a summary of what the PT said as well as some metrics about my training over the past year to give her a sense of where I started from and how I progressed. 

So things are finally looking up, plus DH got a call back today about a new job possibility.  Keeping my fingers crossed for him!! 

This is all good news!  I mean, I think that this is more or less what you suspected/hoped for but still, great to get confirmation from the PT.  It's also good to hear that you are keeping coach in the loop and excellent news about DH! 

x umpteenth by now

So happy to see you on the up-and-up. Even if you are "faintly" preggers Snooooortsnerkhowl

Slow and steady is safe and sustainable. And it beats fast, furious, and fached up every single time.


2015-01-29 11:58 AM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by StaceyK So Manatees what are your thoughts on these? Do any of you use something like this? Lots of people here at work have Fitbits and there is a possibility of some type of fitbit competition over the cooler months I'm wondering if the HR element is worth it.

One of my coworkers has the Charge HR and he loves it!

I think that DC Rainmaker said that he'll have an in depth review out in the next week or so, if that helps. 

Whether the Charge versus the Charge HR?  Well, I think that probably depends on how you want to use the HR info.

Yes, DCR mentioned that the jury is out on the accuracy of the optical HR, so will be interesting to read final review...and really cool if it works as well as they're promoting! No more chest straps!!!  A couple of things I saw as I was reading: HR "zones" based on 220-age (don't know if that can be manually reprogrammed) and it's water resistant, not swimming or showering or washing dogs with it. hmmmmm...

From what I can gather, the optical HRMs are either accurate for day-to-day stuff or accurate for high intensity stuff but so far none are good at both categories. 

2015-01-29 11:59 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk Sorry Adrienne - not a whole lot of POW happening here - it's more like 40 and sunny (or cloudy depending on the day) Keystone today! This was Breck on Tuesday

Randee, are you on Instagram?

2015-01-29 11:59 AM
in reply to: IronOx

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Okay, I need to just vent a little, and please feel free to tell me that I just need to shut up, or whatever. 

I don't like having dogs.  I like other peoples' dogs, but I don't like having them.  And now I feel like a horrible person.  I could go into the myriad of reasons why I dislike them, but that would make me feel even worse.   

The short version is that Tony's wanted dogs forever and has always said that when we have a house with a yard, we'd get a dog.  So... when we got a place with a yard, the first thing we did was start to look for a dog and I thought "one won't be so bad", and then he convinced me that the dog would need a dog... so we got 2.  Don't get me wrong, the dogs aren't going anywhere and they will get all kinds of love and attention, but they are and will be Tony's dogs.   

I feel like I'm pretending to like them and be all happy to see them, but I'm not.  I hate myself for all of that, and mentally beat myself up for not loving them like I feel I should be.  I really thought that once we had them I'd fall in love with them and all would be peachy-keen and rainbows and unicorns, and maybe that will happen - I've got 10 years or so to find out.  

Okay, I'm just going to stop now, I wasn't sure about even writing this in the first place - but I needed to get some of the weight of misery off my shoulders.  My apologies if I've made anyone feel uncomfortable - that's not my intention at all.  

Gah, now I'm rambling which is never a good thing.  We should get back to all things that are awesome with the Manatees like keeping jobs and job prospects and healing and non-torn hip labrums and such.  

Sorry for my ramblings!  

You have had so much going on recently, I'm not surprised you are feeling that way.  Right now, they are more work than fun, on top of everything else you have to do.  As someone else said, you may never love having dogs, but hopefully in time they become part of your family for you.  In the meantime, does Tony know how you feel?  If not, I would say have a conversation with him.  Make sure you set ground rules.  My SO and I interact with the dogs very differently (they are more hers than mine; I totally love them, but they are HER dogs).  She gets them all wound up when she comes home; they know for me, they can be excited , but they better not jump all over me like they do her.  When she is home, they get totally wound and run and play.  When it is just them and I, they sleep.  They get to know our personalities just as we do theirs, AND they have to be taught how to interact with different people.  In any case, don't beat yourself up over it.

I'll add our pet dynamic to this convo...

We have 3 dogs and 2 cats. I love all of them but have favorites, the cats and 2 of the dogs. Interestingly the other dog is DH's favorite. I run with her but other than that her attitude drives me nuts. DH can't stand the cats and tolerates the other two dogs, DS1 prefers the dogs and DS2 prefers the cats so it all works out.

2015-01-29 12:05 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Okay, I need to just vent a little, and please feel free to tell me that I just need to shut up, or whatever. 

I don't like having dogs.  I like other peoples' dogs, but I don't like having them.  And now I feel like a horrible person.  I could go into the myriad of reasons why I dislike them, but that would make me feel even worse.   

The short version is that Tony's wanted dogs forever and has always said that when we have a house with a yard, we'd get a dog.  So... when we got a place with a yard, the first thing we did was start to look for a dog and I thought "one won't be so bad", and then he convinced me that the dog would need a dog... so we got 2.  Don't get me wrong, the dogs aren't going anywhere and they will get all kinds of love and attention, but they are and will be Tony's dogs.   

I feel like I'm pretending to like them and be all happy to see them, but I'm not.  I hate myself for all of that, and mentally beat myself up for not loving them like I feel I should be.  I really thought that once we had them I'd fall in love with them and all would be peachy-keen and rainbows and unicorns, and maybe that will happen - I've got 10 years or so to find out.  

Okay, I'm just going to stop now, I wasn't sure about even writing this in the first place - but I needed to get some of the weight of misery off my shoulders.  My apologies if I've made anyone feel uncomfortable - that's not my intention at all.  

Gah, now I'm rambling which is never a good thing.  We should get back to all things that are awesome with the Manatees like keeping jobs and job prospects and healing and non-torn hip labrums and such.  

Sorry for my ramblings!  

I wouldn't feel bad about your feelings at all.  I totally understand.  My wife and I have never been big on four legged pets.  The cat was something we did for our son (though we love the kitty and she is now such a part of our family).  To me, I love dogs but I love them like my parents and in-laws.  I want to hang out with them but after a while I am a little relieved when they go home.  My older kids have dogs and they bring them over and we run with them and they hang out but then they go home.  I guess we are like dog grandparents.

My parents feel the same way! 

Once, one of our dogs spent the afternoon with my parents.  I don't remember exactly why but it was a big deal (and it's only happened once).  After a while, Hannah went upstairs and found my dad.  My dad said hello to her and went on with whatever he was doing.  She nudged him.  He pet her.  She nudged him and moaned.  Finally, the lightbulb went off.  She needs to go outside!  Yup, not a dog person.

2015-01-29 12:09 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Okay, I need to just vent a little, and please feel free to tell me that I just need to shut up, or whatever. 

I don't like having dogs.  I like other peoples' dogs, but I don't like having them.  And now I feel like a horrible person.  I could go into the myriad of reasons why I dislike them, but that would make me feel even worse.   

The short version is that Tony's wanted dogs forever and has always said that when we have a house with a yard, we'd get a dog.  So... when we got a place with a yard, the first thing we did was start to look for a dog and I thought "one won't be so bad", and then he convinced me that the dog would need a dog... so we got 2.  Don't get me wrong, the dogs aren't going anywhere and they will get all kinds of love and attention, but they are and will be Tony's dogs.   

I feel like I'm pretending to like them and be all happy to see them, but I'm not.  I hate myself for all of that, and mentally beat myself up for not loving them like I feel I should be.  I really thought that once we had them I'd fall in love with them and all would be peachy-keen and rainbows and unicorns, and maybe that will happen - I've got 10 years or so to find out.  

Okay, I'm just going to stop now, I wasn't sure about even writing this in the first place - but I needed to get some of the weight of misery off my shoulders.  My apologies if I've made anyone feel uncomfortable - that's not my intention at all.  

Gah, now I'm rambling which is never a good thing.  We should get back to all things that are awesome with the Manatees like keeping jobs and job prospects and healing and non-torn hip labrums and such.  

Sorry for my ramblings!  

Oh phew. Because the funny thing is, I don't like cats! And I still don't know what to do with them. Basically I just treat them like dogs and it seems to work out fine

Like Hands (I think?) said ... you don't need to feel any other than the way you do. And no one can argue you don't feel that way!

If you just need to vent, you know you've got my ear. And because you know me, too, you know I'll give totally unsolicited advice as well! (Ha, I figure ... someone posts it ... they can expect opinions ... your mileage on them may vary. )

You don't need a yard for a dog. It's nice, but not necessary provided the dog gets enough structure, stimulation and exercise for its needs. Some dogs even do better being confined for part of the day. And no, your pet does not need a pet.

But that's all water under the bridge, so I suppose it's lecturing, not advice. So here's the advice.

Well-behaved dogs are FAR more likeable (just like humans!) and maybe more importantly, far more liveable-with. Get Brisco & Discus (ha, even your dogs have nicknames already) to puppy and dog school ASAP. This is for YOUR mental health. Everybody hates walking dogs that don't walk well, and by them not walking politely you're just teaching and ingraining bad habits to the detriment of you and the dogs. Crap-walking dogs get walked less and have frustrated humans. Currently, you're a very frustrated human. The same is true of good crate-training, being able to spend time alone well, no surplus barking/yapping/whining/howling, indoor manners, proper chewing, etc.

Emma seconds that emotion.  She is much happier as an only dog!

Thing of dog school as opening up the communication channel between you and the dog(s).  We have even made our adult rescues go to dog school as a level set -- "this is how we do things around here."

2015-01-29 12:41 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Okay, I need to just vent a little, and please feel free to tell me that I just need to shut up, or whatever. 

I don't like having dogs.  I like other peoples' dogs, but I don't like having them.  And now I feel like a horrible person.  I could go into the myriad of reasons why I dislike them, but that would make me feel even worse.   

The short version is that Tony's wanted dogs forever and has always said that when we have a house with a yard, we'd get a dog.  So... when we got a place with a yard, the first thing we did was start to look for a dog and I thought "one won't be so bad", and then he convinced me that the dog would need a dog... so we got 2.  Don't get me wrong, the dogs aren't going anywhere and they will get all kinds of love and attention, but they are and will be Tony's dogs.   

I feel like I'm pretending to like them and be all happy to see them, but I'm not.  I hate myself for all of that, and mentally beat myself up for not loving them like I feel I should be.  I really thought that once we had them I'd fall in love with them and all would be peachy-keen and rainbows and unicorns, and maybe that will happen - I've got 10 years or so to find out.  

Okay, I'm just going to stop now, I wasn't sure about even writing this in the first place - but I needed to get some of the weight of misery off my shoulders.  My apologies if I've made anyone feel uncomfortable - that's not my intention at all.  

Gah, now I'm rambling which is never a good thing.  We should get back to all things that are awesome with the Manatees like keeping jobs and job prospects and healing and non-torn hip labrums and such.  

Sorry for my ramblings!  

You have had so much going on recently, I'm not surprised you are feeling that way.  Right now, they are more work than fun, on top of everything else you have to do.  As someone else said, you may never love having dogs, but hopefully in time they become part of your family for you.  In the meantime, does Tony know how you feel?  If not, I would say have a conversation with him.  Make sure you set ground rules.  My SO and I interact with the dogs very differently (they are more hers than mine; I totally love them, but they are HER dogs).  She gets them all wound up when she comes home; they know for me, they can be excited , but they better not jump all over me like they do her.  When she is home, they get totally wound and run and play.  When it is just them and I, they sleep.  They get to know our personalities just as we do theirs, AND they have to be taught how to interact with different people.  In any case, don't beat yourself up over it.

I'll add our pet dynamic to this convo...

We have 3 dogs and 2 cats. I love all of them but have favorites, the cats and 2 of the dogs. Interestingly the other dog is DH's favorite. I run with her but other than that her attitude drives me nuts. DH can't stand the cats and tolerates the other two dogs, DS1 prefers the dogs and DS2 prefers the cats so it all works out.

Yes, Tony knows how I feel - we've had SEVERAL conversation on whether we will keep the dogs or not as he knows I'm not happy with how things are right now, but I'm willing to wait things out and hope they get better.  

Lol - it's good that everyone has their faves, and that they all overlap in some way!  All of the four-legged critters get loads of love, but it's definitely clear which are the faves of each of us.   

2015-01-29 12:44 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Thanks again, everybody, for all your support and encouragement while I deal with this injury shyte.  Y'all's are the bestest!!

Monica, as others have said, don't feel bad about hating the dogs.  You've barely settled in to your new space and now they're invading it and upsetting the cute little furry jerks.  You're not making Tony get rid of them and are committed to giving them a good home.  That's all you can do right now and that's okay.  I love all animals and grew up with dogs; even so, there are times when ours drive me absolutely nuts to the point that I just shut myself in the bedroom to get away from them.  It's usually when I'm stressed out or not feeling well and I just don't have the patience to deal with them.  Hang in there and insist that Tony take them to some training classes.  For the drama, insist that he buys you a spa day or 10!!

Salty, so great that your fun mountain runs have helped rejuvenate you.  With your love of the outdoors, they're clearly good for your soul (although maybe not so good for your soles ).  There's all kinds of benefits to that, including giving you more strength when it comes to your more regimented track training.  Keep up the good work!

Michael, gorgeous deer picture!  You're doing an awesome job of slow and steady training (I could obviously take some lessons from you!) as well as making sure to take in the beauty around you.  There's nothing like keeping things in balance and you're clearly on the right track.

Have a good day, everybody.  I'm busy with meetings again so I won't be around much for the rest of the day.  Have fun without me!

2015-01-29 1:11 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Thanks again, everybody, for all your support and encouragement while I deal with this injury shyte.  Y'all's are the bestest!!

Monica, as others have said, don't feel bad about hating the dogs.  You've barely settled in to your new space and now they're invading it and upsetting the cute little furry jerks.  You're not making Tony get rid of them and are committed to giving them a good home.  That's all you can do right now and that's okay.  I love all animals and grew up with dogs; even so, there are times when ours drive me absolutely nuts to the point that I just shut myself in the bedroom to get away from them.  It's usually when I'm stressed out or not feeling well and I just don't have the patience to deal with them.  Hang in there and insist that Tony take them to some training classes.  For the drama, insist that he buys you a spa day or 10!!

Salty, so great that your fun mountain runs have helped rejuvenate you.  With your love of the outdoors, they're clearly good for your soul (although maybe not so good for your soles ).  There's all kinds of benefits to that, including giving you more strength when it comes to your more regimented track training.  Keep up the good work!

Michael, gorgeous deer picture!  You're doing an awesome job of slow and steady training (I could obviously take some lessons from you!) as well as making sure to take in the beauty around you.  There's nothing like keeping things in balance and you're clearly on the right track.

Have a good day, everybody.  I'm busy with meetings again so I won't be around much for the rest of the day.  Have fun without me!

See there, I knew our wordsmith would come up with something clever regarding the situation!

2015-01-29 2:26 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

As someone who has had the "opportunity" to spend a lot of time in PT the past several months, I resemble this remark

"It’s as if our last names (and identities) have been replaced by our injuries. In a way, they have. Jenny ACL has been a runner since she was 11 years old. Tom IT Band..."

Hi, I'm Janyne Dislocated Shoulder, 18 weeks post op tomorrow...  This is Hands Rotator Cuff and over there is Mary Hips. 

2015-01-29 2:37 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by jmkizer

As someone who has had the "opportunity" to spend a lot of time in PT the past several months, I resemble this remark

"It’s as if our last names (and identities) have been replaced by our injuries. In a way, they have. Jenny ACL has been a runner since she was 11 years old. Tom IT Band..."

Hi, I'm Janyne Dislocated Shoulder, 18 weeks post op tomorrow...  This is Hands Rotator Cuff and over there is Mary Hips. 

And Yanti Head to Toe :D
2015-01-29 2:40 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

As someone who has had the "opportunity" to spend a lot of time in PT the past several months, I resemble this remark

"It’s as if our last names (and identities) have been replaced by our injuries. In a way, they have. Jenny ACL has been a runner since she was 11 years old. Tom IT Band..."

Hi, I'm Janyne Dislocated Shoulder, 18 weeks post op tomorrow...  This is Hands Rotator Cuff and over there is Mary Hips. 


Adrienne Bilateral Nasal Fracture,  Deviated Septum (still deviated) Double A Incisor break (still broken) nerve damage eye scar. 

2015-01-29 2:42 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by jmkizer

As someone who has had the "opportunity" to spend a lot of time in PT the past several months, I resemble this remark

"It’s as if our last names (and identities) have been replaced by our injuries. In a way, they have. Jenny ACL has been a runner since she was 11 years old. Tom IT Band..."

Hi, I'm Janyne Dislocated Shoulder, 18 weeks post op tomorrow...  This is Hands Rotator Cuff and over there is Mary Hips. 

Hahaha, that sounds about right! I'm 10 weeks post-OP today!!
2015-01-29 2:45 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

User image

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by laffinrock

Thanks again, everybody, for all your support and encouragement while I deal with this injury shyte.  Y'all's are the bestest!!

Monica, as others have said, don't feel bad about hating the dogs.  You've barely settled in to your new space and now they're invading it and upsetting the cute little furry jerks.  You're not making Tony get rid of them and are committed to giving them a good home.  That's all you can do right now and that's okay.  I love all animals and grew up with dogs; even so, there are times when ours drive me absolutely nuts to the point that I just shut myself in the bedroom to get away from them.  It's usually when I'm stressed out or not feeling well and I just don't have the patience to deal with them.  Hang in there and insist that Tony take them to some training classes.  For the drama, insist that he buys you a spa day or 10!!

Salty, so great that your fun mountain runs have helped rejuvenate you.  With your love of the outdoors, they're clearly good for your soul (although maybe not so good for your soles ).  There's all kinds of benefits to that, including giving you more strength when it comes to your more regimented track training.  Keep up the good work!

Michael, gorgeous deer picture!  You're doing an awesome job of slow and steady training (I could obviously take some lessons from you!) as well as making sure to take in the beauty around you.  There's nothing like keeping things in balance and you're clearly on the right track.

Have a good day, everybody.  I'm busy with meetings again so I won't be around much for the rest of the day.  Have fun without me!

See there, I knew our wordsmith would come up with something clever regarding the situation!

Heh - I had the exact same thought!!  :D 

Mary is totally right... I need a spa day!  Tony tried to tell me this morning that he's not getting a hair cut until I do (I think the last time I had my hair done was in Chicago?), so my response to him was "no problem - you book my appointment and pay for it, and I'm there!".  We'll see what happens with that...   

2015-01-29 2:49 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by amd723
Originally posted by jmkizer

As someone who has had the "opportunity" to spend a lot of time in PT the past several months, I resemble this remark

"It’s as if our last names (and identities) have been replaced by our injuries. In a way, they have. Jenny ACL has been a runner since she was 11 years old. Tom IT Band..."

Hi, I'm Janyne Dislocated Shoulder, 18 weeks post op tomorrow...  This is Hands Rotator Cuff and over there is Mary Hips. 

Hahaha, that sounds about right! I'm 10 weeks post-OP today!!


Erin's perfect description for... Yanti Head-To-Toe 

Salty Bloody-Heels-And-A-Bunch-Of-Facial-Stuff

Erin Mountain-Bike-Broken-Tooth

... the list can be endless!!  :D 


2015-01-29 2:50 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

User image

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife
Originally posted by jmkizer

As someone who has had the "opportunity" to spend a lot of time in PT the past several months, I resemble this remark

"It’s as if our last names (and identities) have been replaced by our injuries. In a way, they have. Jenny ACL has been a runner since she was 11 years old. Tom IT Band..."

Hi, I'm Janyne Dislocated Shoulder, 18 weeks post op tomorrow...  This is Hands Rotator Cuff and over there is Mary Hips. 

And Yanti Head to Toe :D

Hey, I resemble that remark!

2015-01-29 3:01 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
I never got Dunkin Donuts at my PT! Although I would take my bearded dragon in for visits, and the doc even "lizardsat" her one weekend. Lol
2015-01-29 3:06 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife
Originally posted by jmkizer

As someone who has had the "opportunity" to spend a lot of time in PT the past several months, I resemble this remark

"It’s as if our last names (and identities) have been replaced by our injuries. In a way, they have. Jenny ACL has been a runner since she was 11 years old. Tom IT Band..."

Hi, I'm Janyne Dislocated Shoulder, 18 weeks post op tomorrow...  This is Hands Rotator Cuff and over there is Mary Hips. 

And Yanti Head to Toe :D


TJ Left Leg Alternating IT Band and Calf

2015-01-29 3:08 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
This couch sitting is driving me bonkers. I made myself look back at my pneumonia logging to keep myself in check. Can not do that again.
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Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--CLOSED Pages: 1 ... 49 50 51 52

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Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group

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Mentors Needed - INSTRUCTIONS

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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
date : March 12, 2014
author : TeamMPI
comments : 1
The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
comments : 4
MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
date : September 15, 2011
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Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : February 6, 2010
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
date : July 15, 2009
author : EndurancePlanet
comments : 0
Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
date : February 19, 2007
author : Terese Luikens
comments : 0
Find a mentor. Make a list of at least three people that you could approach for help, list your specific needs and then be courageous enough to begin asking.