BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?) Rss Feed  
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2015-02-07 9:29 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
good racing for you two this weekend. Kick some butt.

its almost 0 degrees here and I am thinking of going for a run. outside even. No sidwalks they are still buried in snow. So hoping the drivers will be compliant and not angry with me running on the roads. I have some decent back streets to run on. If I jump on a treadmill I will putz through it.

work has been so insane and all 3 kids busy with swim lessons, horseback riding ymca activities that by the time our day wraps up at 8:30 and the kids get to bed. We make lunches and prep for morning and crawl into bed ourselves.

my race in the spring moved weekends and I had plans for that weekend. Trying to make new arrangements after tor the race. it has been on fathers day for like 15 years. I had planned for that.

2015-02-07 10:16 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Like Nancy, I too teach middle school. I usually don't catch the cooties that are going around but this time I wasn't so lucky. I caught the cold a few weeks ago and it went into my chest pretty quickly. Then a week ago I caught the stomach bug as well. Not really how I wanted to lose 10 pounds.
I can now eat again and today I did an easy 2k swim that was horrible and a 20 minute very easy run and I feel almost human again!

Thanks for the get well wished!!
2015-02-07 11:31 PM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
More hullabaloo (can't do a cool linky-poo on my kindle)
2015-02-08 9:36 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Gooooooo Chris, Mike and Kate!
2015-02-08 11:41 AM
in reply to: #5075498

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Hi, gang. I've missed you but have been to busy/exhausted to check in. Despite having stuffed myself to the gills the past few days on amazing not-low-fat food, I'm still alive and mostly functional. Today we're going back to New Orleans for a day of Mardi Gras hoopla. I'm staying in the French Quarter and not planning on much sleep tonight.

I've done a lot of walking, standing and icing, but not much else in terms of physical activity. This morning I had to jog down the hall to catch my roommate before she left. It felt SO good to run a bit and I dropped right in to good running form. Funny to be thinking about arm position while running down the hall in the hotel. :-) I'm clearly missing training and itching to get back to it!

Hope all you racers had fun and hit your goals this weekend and that the rest of you DLers feel better soon. More to say but gotta run. Love to you all.
2015-02-08 8:36 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
I can't catch up BUT - I follow Smoky's story with interest and am so happy!

In sad news got a friend, complete triathlon rockstar in hospital with Guillan Barre syndrome, he can move his little finger that's it. Intubated and sedated. He's got it as bad as you can. The mental anguish this will cause him doesn't bear thinking about.

Went from feeling under the weather to this in a week.

so my aches and pains from two hours in a handstand prep class are nothing. Not noteworthy.

Love you all.

2015-02-09 2:53 AM
in reply to: jobaxas

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Hi all, fly by. Been a bit MIA. Struggled quite badly last week with symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (or more correctly, struggled with the realization that I was struggling with them). Crazy busy at work as well. My training log is kinda empty but I did train T-W-T last week just didn't get the workouts uploaded. Was in ER with mom on Thurs for reasons too long to get into, but she is fine and well at this point. And now we are in Disneyland, so . From dreary rain to sunny and warm can only help s.a.d. as well! Thanks for the inspires and concern much appreciated. I don't think I have a hope of catching up so hope all is well with all of you.
2015-02-09 3:30 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by fortissimo

Like Nancy, I too teach middle school. I usually don't catch the cooties that are going around but this time I wasn't so lucky. I caught the cold a few weeks ago and it went into my chest pretty quickly. Then a week ago I caught the stomach bug as well. Not really how I wanted to lose 10 pounds.
I can now eat again and today I did an easy 2k swim that was horrible and a 20 minute very easy run and I feel almost human again!

Thanks for the get well wished!!
I don't normally get sick either and for the last month I have been struggling with little bits and pieces. I had what I thought was childhood asthma return and make life a bit miserable, it turns out I actually had a respiratory infection. I was just sort of over that when Phil came home for the States with a nasty cold and chest infection which he has passed on and then on Friday I ended up with the worst migraine that I have had for years. I slept the entire day. felt ok on Saturday and Sunday and then woke up this morning feeling yuk again with a nasty headache.

I can't blame it on the kids because while I work for a school company I actually don't have contact with students (and they have all been on holidays). I do however very strongly suspect that a lot of it has to do with it being the flat out crazy, insane busy time of the year at work and the stress that comes from that. I just keep thinking that i have to make it to Easter and then I should be good. Making it might be a problem though.
2015-02-09 6:18 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by fortissimo Like Nancy, I too teach middle school. I usually don't catch the cooties that are going around but this time I wasn't so lucky. I caught the cold a few weeks ago and it went into my chest pretty quickly. Then a week ago I caught the stomach bug as well. Not really how I wanted to lose 10 pounds. I can now eat again and today I did an easy 2k swim that was horrible and a 20 minute very easy run and I feel almost human again! Thanks for the get well wished!!
I don't normally get sick either and for the last month I have been struggling with little bits and pieces. I had what I thought was childhood asthma return and make life a bit miserable, it turns out I actually had a respiratory infection. I was just sort of over that when Phil came home for the States with a nasty cold and chest infection which he has passed on and then on Friday I ended up with the worst migraine that I have had for years. I slept the entire day. felt ok on Saturday and Sunday and then woke up this morning feeling yuk again with a nasty headache. I can't blame it on the kids because while I work for a school company I actually don't have contact with students (and they have all been on holidays). I do however very strongly suspect that a lot of it has to do with it being the flat out crazy, insane busy time of the year at work and the stress that comes from that. I just keep thinking that i have to make it to Easter and then I should be good. Making it might be a problem though.

You know if you ever need help with the bodies ...











You should definitely ask Kingsley he's always got the perfect excuse. Bodies?! Those were bodies?!

Ugh. Really sorry it's been one thing after another for you. I do feel for you. Very warm slobbery mastiff-size and Smoky-spirited {MELON PRESS}

2015-02-09 8:30 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by fortissimo Like Nancy, I too teach middle school. I usually don't catch the cooties that are going around but this time I wasn't so lucky. I caught the cold a few weeks ago and it went into my chest pretty quickly. Then a week ago I caught the stomach bug as well. Not really how I wanted to lose 10 pounds. I can now eat again and today I did an easy 2k swim that was horrible and a 20 minute very easy run and I feel almost human again! Thanks for the get well wished!!
I don't normally get sick either and for the last month I have been struggling with little bits and pieces. I had what I thought was childhood asthma return and make life a bit miserable, it turns out I actually had a respiratory infection. I was just sort of over that when Phil came home for the States with a nasty cold and chest infection which he has passed on and then on Friday I ended up with the worst migraine that I have had for years. I slept the entire day. felt ok on Saturday and Sunday and then woke up this morning feeling yuk again with a nasty headache. I can't blame it on the kids because while I work for a school company I actually don't have contact with students (and they have all been on holidays). I do however very strongly suspect that a lot of it has to do with it being the flat out crazy, insane busy time of the year at work and the stress that comes from that. I just keep thinking that i have to make it to Easter and then I should be good. Making it might be a problem though.

You know if you ever need help with the bodies ...







You should definitely ask Kingsley he's always got the perfect excuse. Bodies?! Those were bodies?!

Ugh. Really sorry it's been one thing after another for you. I do feel for you. Very warm slobbery mastiff-size and Smoky-spirited {MELON PRESS}

Thanks Yanti. Much better this year than last year was thanks to my new wonderful accounts clerk/assistant but just not enough hours in the day to deal with everything. But that's why they pay me the big bucks, hey (hahahahaha)

Are we still on for racing this weekend? When do you actually get here?
2015-02-09 9:54 AM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Wow, there is a really amazing conversation going on right now on social media. 

Lauren Fleshman, per usual, spoke out about the USATF commercial and the Nike sponsorship monopoly in the sport:

Brenda Martinez responded.

Then Nick Symmonds called her response cute but myopitc  in the comments portion. 


Many more responses, including a comment/reply between those two. Interesting vibes. L-"I do not expect everyone to agree or want to take a leadership role." and B- "I'm aware of what is going on, I'm just choosing not to be a part of it...and I don't need people attacking me for your article."

I am curious about a statement L made about big sponsors. "15 years ago it was Adidas...10 years ago Reebok, and now they're gone. New companies come and flee."  I'm assuming she mean Nike pushes them out, and not that she's fighting the Nike monopoly, while saying history shows that companies come and go.

I don't understand why Brenda thinks she will be "attacked" for Lauren's statements

Yeah. I've actually lost some respect for Brenda. 

And where  is that quote at? 

In general she's not really in an anti-Nike battle. It's about USATF. 


I love how loud Symmonds and Fleshman have been about this. 

BTW I know the secret location of the oiselle storefront It is here, as I suspected (which totally makes sense.) Seattle trip soon?

It was in Brenda's IG post yesterday afternoon.

So she sees USATF allowing itself/athletes to be "owned"?  Should there be a min-max limit on sponsorship to level field?

This is timely:

It's a little long but I think everyone who runs should read it. After all, we all have the same governing body.

I think this quick video is worth a watch, too: to understand how challenging it is for non-Nike brands to be represented in any capacity. If you were a sponsor, would you want to put Money into a sport where your exposure was limited if not completely invisible?


2015-02-09 9:55 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Chris, Kate and Mike, how were your races???

2015-02-09 9:56 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

I had an amazing turnout for my first group run!

Now I am just sifting through the possibilities and planning for the future. I think this can be big.

2015-02-09 10:02 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

I had an amazing turnout for my first group run!

Now I am just sifting through the possibilities and planning for the future. I think this can be big.

So awesome! Glad you had a good turnout. 

2015-02-09 10:03 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Wow, there is a really amazing conversation going on right now on social media. 

Lauren Fleshman, per usual, spoke out about the USATF commercial and the Nike sponsorship monopoly in the sport:

Brenda Martinez responded.

Then Nick Symmonds called her response cute but myopitc  in the comments portion. 


Many more responses, including a comment/reply between those two. Interesting vibes. L-"I do not expect everyone to agree or want to take a leadership role." and B- "I'm aware of what is going on, I'm just choosing not to be a part of it...and I don't need people attacking me for your article."

I am curious about a statement L made about big sponsors. "15 years ago it was Adidas...10 years ago Reebok, and now they're gone. New companies come and flee."  I'm assuming she mean Nike pushes them out, and not that she's fighting the Nike monopoly, while saying history shows that companies come and go.

I don't understand why Brenda thinks she will be "attacked" for Lauren's statements

Yeah. I've actually lost some respect for Brenda. 

And where  is that quote at? 

In general she's not really in an anti-Nike battle. It's about USATF. 


I love how loud Symmonds and Fleshman have been about this. 

BTW I know the secret location of the oiselle storefront It is here, as I suspected (which totally makes sense.) Seattle trip soon?

It was in Brenda's IG post yesterday afternoon.

So she sees USATF allowing itself/athletes to be "owned"?  Should there be a min-max limit on sponsorship to level field?

This is timely:

It's a little long but I think everyone who runs should read it. After all, we all have the same governing body.

I think this quick video is worth a watch, too: to understand how challenging it is for non-Nike brands to be represented in any capacity. If you were a sponsor, would you want to put Money into a sport where your exposure was limited if not completely invisible?


I read the article over the weekend and I agree it's worth a read. I like how they covered the issue with a fairly unbiased approach.

2015-02-09 10:42 AM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Funny!!! My partner just text and asked if I wanted her to bring me a Great White from Sbux

I told her its a Flat White and of course I want one!

This momma is really struggling with the imminent departure of DS2

2015-02-09 11:05 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by rrrunner

Funny!!! My partner just text and asked if I wanted her to bring me a Great White from Sbux

I told her its a Flat White and of course I want one!

This momma is really struggling with the imminent departure of DS2

Haha great white! Maybe that is like, a quad shot?

Chin up! 

2015-02-09 11:24 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by rrrunner

Funny!!! My partner just text and asked if I wanted her to bring me a Great White from Sbux

I told her its a Flat White and of course I want one!

This momma is really struggling with the imminent departure of DS2

Haha great white! Maybe that is like, a quad shot?

Chin up! 

I'm really really really trying. We went to see American Sniper on Saturday. Not a good idea. Loved the movie but it was too much of a reminder. When we walked out I held it together until DS2 was out of sight. Of course a friend teased me yesterday with "Did you see any subs in that movie". Uh no

2015-02-09 11:57 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)
Happy Monday.

Work has been upgraded from a poopstorm to a full blown poopacane. Just one of those days where everything blows up and everyone is in a grumpy mood and feels like we are in ground hog day.

Stuff Breaks that is all there is to it. People get too spun in a knot about it. Chicken little syndrome. The sky is falling.

I guess me remaining calm sometimes sends these people into more of a tizzy. Had a solid training day yesterday and can't stop eating today.
2015-02-09 12:34 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Chris, Kate and Mike, how were your races???

Usual stuff, some good, some not so good. I think I am mostly satisfied, but still working on a few things. More details if I do an RR.

2015-02-09 12:39 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Chris, Kate and Mike, how were your races???

Usual stuff, some good, some not so good. I think I am mostly satisfied, but still working on a few things. More details if I do an RR.

IF?!?!?!?!?! IF?!?!?!?!?! C'mon! I want details! That looked like an awesome course. I need to race vicariously through you!

2015-02-09 1:07 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Well I guess Janyne, Mary and I are in the right cities

2015-02-09 1:08 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

I'm working through some aspects of the race that I wasn't pleased with. The course was nice. Mile 10-11 went through here:

16 bands, great weather, nice after party, yada, yada, yada. My performance was not what I hoped for, thus my displeasure. Don't misunderstand though, I have a variety of things I am very happy with, just a small amount that I'm wrestling with. So "displeasure" is kind of strong. 

I mentioned this to a couple people, so I'll open it up to the group. I had higher hopes from a time perspective (although I did PR), and there was little in the way of course or environment that slowed me down. My only limiter was me. So, I started looking for a "redemption" race this morning. One is in 3 weeks, but I ruled it out due to a church obligation. Another one, that I have repeatedly done, is about 5 weeks out. It is sold out. So, I think at this point I'll just let it go and move into tri season. 

2015-02-09 1:16 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by cdban66

I'm working through some aspects of the race that I wasn't pleased with. The course was nice. Mile 10-11 went through here:

16 bands, great weather, nice after party, yada, yada, yada. My performance was not what I hoped for, thus my displeasure. Don't misunderstand though, I have a variety of things I am very happy with, just a small amount that I'm wrestling with. So "displeasure" is kind of strong. 

I mentioned this to a couple people, so I'll open it up to the group. I had higher hopes from a time perspective (although I did PR), and there was little in the way of course or environment that slowed me down. My only limiter was me. So, I started looking for a "redemption" race this morning. One is in 3 weeks, but I ruled it out due to a church obligation. Another one, that I have repeatedly done, is about 5 weeks out. It is sold out. So, I think at this point I'll just let it go and move into tri season. 

Sometimes we just have off days, including race days. You've also not had the training you'd hoped so don't beat yourself up about it. It doesn't really sound like either of the redemption races fit your schedule. You could try to find another or, like you said, just move in to SBR.

2015-02-09 1:29 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?)

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Chris, Kate and Mike, how were your races???

Usual stuff, some good, some not so good. I think I am mostly satisfied, but still working on a few things. More details if I do an RR.

Ha!  I could summarize every race I've done that way.  Sometimes we're our own toughest critic.

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date : March 12, 2014
author : TeamMPI
comments : 1
The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
date : June 14, 2012
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MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
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Coming off of a tibial stress fracture in 2000, stevebradley made his way into triathlon. Now he has over 60 triathlons completed and is one of the most active mentor groups on BT.
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