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2007-08-13 8:12 AM
in reply to: #898191

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Thank you for taking the time to post these updates.  Not a day goes by I don't think about Deanna.  I am sad for her and what she has to go through, but also know she is so extremely blessed to have an amazing support group.  

2007-08-13 8:36 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

She is continually in my thoughts and it is so great to hear she is still making improvements.  They may seem small, but after the monumental improvements she made in the first two weeks, but they are great.  Sending my love, Julie

2007-08-13 9:16 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Without house
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

For anyone wanting a temp tattoo idea, here is what (providing I get the paper in time) we'll be printing up for the Pleasant Prairie tri.  Feel free to use it if you so me if you want me to email you the original file.


Deetatidea.jpg (16KB - 23 downloads)
2007-08-13 9:46 AM
in reply to: #923205

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Extreme Veteran
Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Wow!  Such great news that Deanna is breathing on her own now with just the higher percentage oxygen.  I've been praying, and rejoicing, and following her progress for the past several days since I discovered this thread.  What a miracle from God she has become!  I'm continuing to pray, and praise God for Deanna and her family.

~ Amanda 

2007-08-13 9:52 AM
in reply to: #923415

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
That's a cool logo! I ordered tattoo paper for my printer Friday and plan to wear a tattoo for the Sanford and Sun if I get the paper in time and can figure out how to make it. I'll download your attachment.
2007-08-14 8:30 AM
in reply to: #923502

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

That logo is awesome!

Glad she is constantly improving.

2007-08-14 8:31 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Monday was another restful and peaceful day for Deanna. Her blood
pressure and heart rate were very stable all day. She maintained
respirations by herself all day as well. She seems to be off the
antibiotic for the pneumonia. From the 17 pumps that were in her room the
first day, she is down to one for her diprovan (pain/sedative) and one for
her food. She seemed to rest very well all day long.
The fundraiser/bank account is still in the works. It takes much
longer to set this up than I had thought. Apparently, you can't simply
walk into the bank and say that you want to start a fundraising
account. Every bank I go to seems to give a different answer or
suggestion. As soon as I get something, I'll let everyone know.
Keep Deanna in your thoughts and prayers on day 26.
2007-08-14 10:17 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Great news for Deanna! I was doing my swim last night and couldn't get Deanna out of my mind. Luckily the lifeguards were there. I belong to Goldss gym where there are no lifeguards and the people that work there wouldn't know an accident if they saw one! Bif kudos to the lifeguards that were on duty!

More prayers for Deanna on their way!
2007-08-14 12:04 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Glad she is such a fighter! HANG IN THERE GIRL!
2007-08-14 10:06 PM
in reply to: #898191

41° 4' 36" N 71° 56' 10" W
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Get well Deanna!

Does anyone know if there was a formal diagnosis?

In 2001 while in the ocean (by myself) I felt a very strange sensation in my chest. Next thing I knew I dreamed I was drowning. I was. I came to and swam to shore. Sitting on the beach, it took me quite some time to figure out what had happened (I passed out) but it one more close call a year later, then 4 echo cardiograms, a heart electro study, and a heart MRI for doctors to determine that I had a slight heart abnormality that - under the "right" circumstances - could result in sudden cardiac death. Now I take medication and wear a defibrillator.

For obvious reasons I'm tuned into these reports and every so often I read about a young athlete like Deanna, I often wonder if it was the same type of thing.

My heart goes out to Deanna and her family. Very happy to hear she is improving.

Edited by JohnP_NY 2007-08-14 10:12 PM
2007-08-15 7:37 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
[email protected] wrote:

Good Morning,
Yet again another restful day for Deanna. She's continuing to maintain
her breathing by herself. The Diprovan (pain/sedative) is being
lowered very slowly. They are still trying to wean her off the
medication so they can bring her around to consciousness. Yesterday,
as I was leaving, the Physical Therapist was sitting Deanna up in a
chair. This should help Deanna out with breaking up all the congestion
in her lungs as well.
The other very good news is the "Dollars for Deanna" fund is finally
up and running. This fund is for Deanna's recovery, so she has one
less thing to worry about when she comes around. Each day in the
intensive care unit is $75,000 and a prosthesis can be anywhere from
$50,000 to $100,000. She will have quite the bill on her hand,
unfortunately. Insurance will cover some of this, but it would be
good to help out with the part of the bill they won't cover.
Donations can be sent to her bank in a seperate savings account.
The address for checks or money orders is:

State Employees Credit Union
2802 Hillsborough St
Raleigh, NC 27607

If you send a check or money order to this address, please include the
account number: 06033241.
If wiring donations would be easier for anyone, the routing number for
this account is 253177049.
If you have any questions about the process or security of this process,
the bank’s number is (919) 839-5381. Thank you everyone for your
thoughts, prayers, and help. Everything is appreciated greatly by Deanna
and her family.

2007-08-15 9:30 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Without house
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Just a suggestion, but if a paypal situation could be set up for this acct, that could be really useful...

Keeping Deanne in my prayers.

2007-08-15 10:36 AM
in reply to: #926531

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Yes, is that possible to set up PayPal too? That is easier for me than check... let us know.
2007-08-15 2:02 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Crazy Aunt Cheryl has ordered a t-shirt and visor with the attached logo on it to wear at her triathlon this weekend.

It's available here for anyone else who might want to use the same logo to show their support for Deanna and her family. See the attached file for a bitmap version.


DeeDee_shirt.bmp (919KB - 39 downloads)
2007-08-15 3:25 PM
in reply to: #927128

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
marmadaddy - 2007-08-15 2:02 PM

Crazy Aunt Cheryl has ordered a t-shirt and visor with the attached logo on it to wear at her triathlon this weekend.

It's available here for anyone else who might want to use the same logo to show their support for Deanna and her family. See the attached file for a bitmap version.

Did you guys not see the one on the previous page that Peggy from here created?
It's really cute...and we're all wearing it on Sunday!!
2007-08-15 5:46 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Irvine, California
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

Hi Cheryl,

My thoughts and prayers go out to Deanna, and to you and all her family and friends.  What a tragic situation this is, but also what a great support network Deanna has around her!  I wish her the absolute best in her recovery, and I hope she doesn't feel overwhelmed by so many well-wishers whom she's never met.

Also, thanks for posting the info for donations towards her hospital stay and eventual running leg.  But did you check with the bank that it's safe to post the account and routing numbers?  I'm no expert, but it seems like there ought to be a way to set up the fund with just a name that people could use?  Just seems like it might be safer.

2007-08-15 9:27 PM
in reply to: #926344

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Ft Gordon, GA
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Crazy Aunt Cheryl - 2007-08-15 9:37 PM

[email protected] wrote:

Good Morning,
Yet again another restful day for Deanna. She's continuing to maintain
her breathing by herself. The Diprovan (pain/sedative) is being
lowered very slowly. They are still trying to wean her off the
medication so they can bring her around to consciousness. Yesterday,
as I was leaving, the Physical Therapist was sitting Deanna up in a
chair. This should help Deanna out with breaking up all the congestion
in her lungs as well.
The other very good news is the "Dollars for Deanna" fund is finally
up and running. This fund is for Deanna's recovery, so she has one
less thing to worry about when she comes around. Each day in the
intensive care unit is $75,000 and a prosthesis can be anywhere from
$50,000 to $100,000. She will have quite the bill on her hand,
unfortunately. Insurance will cover some of this, but it would be
good to help out with the part of the bill they won't cover.
Donations can be sent to her bank in a seperate savings account.
The address for checks or money orders is:

State Employees Credit Union
2802 Hillsborough St
Raleigh, NC 27607

If you send a check or money order to this address, please include the
account number: 06033241.
If wiring donations would be easier for anyone, the routing number for
this account is 253177049.
If you have any questions about the process or security of this process,
the bank’s number is (919) 839-5381. Thank you everyone for your
thoughts, prayers, and help. Everything is appreciated greatly by Deanna
and her family.

I think you might have been misinformed about the daily costs. While very expensive, one day in the ICU ususally runs around $1000-2000 dollars, not $75,000.

Not trying to be a jerk but do not want misinformation.

I am a surgeon and have first hand knowledge on this.

On a side note, my family continues to say prayers for Deanna.

God bless you all,

Edited by Karl Hungus 2007-08-15 9:28 PM
2007-08-15 10:11 PM
in reply to: #898191

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Dee Money is in my thoughts as I get ready for IMWI.  Wishing you well Dee Money!!!
2007-08-16 9:11 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

[email protected] wrote:
Deanna was more active yesterday. Either she is getting used to the
medication or we caught her when she wasn't napping. The very good news
from yesterday is that it looks like her kidneys have begun to process
waste again. Dr. Paradowski (her main doctor, an "intensivist") says that
Deanna must still go through with the dialysis because her kidneys are not
at 100%, but the volume being produced is a very good sign.

Because of the last three days being off the respirator, it looks like Deanna's lungs
were just plain tired and needed some assistance yesterday afternoon. She
was assisted with six breaths per minute by the respirator.

Dr. Paradowski also met with Deanna's mom yesterday to describe the progress
that is being made. It was emphasized that this was a very serious
accident with significant damage made to the lungs and kidneys. The EEG
(brain wave activity) showed some abnormalities, but this is normal under
these circumstances because of the trauma sustained. The doctors are very
confident and optimistic that Deanna will return to have full function of
her brain and lungs, but it takes a lot of time. Patience is a hard thing
to have in the intensive care unit.

Keep Deanna in your thoughts and prayers.
P.S. Chris is getting instructions on setting up PAY PAL and will let us know when it is up and running. clc
2007-08-16 10:26 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Is there anything that your family needs Aunt Cheryl or Dee's mom? Magazine, blankets for the room?
2007-08-16 3:54 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers

It's hard to imagine how someone in Deanna's situation could be considered "lucky", but the outpouring of support from the BT community, not to mention the love and dedication that's been shown by her family, friends, and even the lifeguards who rescued her, is realy uplifting and inspiring.  I don't have any doubt that she'll be just as much of an inspiration to others one day.

Thanks for the updates, and best wishes.

2007-08-17 8:44 AM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
[email protected] wrote:

Good Morning,
Deanna had another good day yesterday. The doctors have also told us
that Deanna may have a broken rib from CPR during her accident. This
is not uncommon for CPR recipients, but it may explain some of the
pain she shows on her face when she coughs. This may also help
explain why she is having trouble breathing deeply on occasion.
I got news from Deb that Deanna had a great afternoon. She was alert
and smiling at five o'clock. She was calm and breathing deeply.
Deanna fell asleep at 10:30, while she was still calm, so this is
great news. It is difficult to see her struggle. It is much easier
when she is alert and calm.
Deanna's roommate from the summer, Saket, is going to help me set up a
website for paypal donations that go directly to "Dollars for Deanna"
account. Deanna will appreciate all the support when she's able to
thank you all. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
2007-08-17 12:07 PM
in reply to: #898191

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Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Keep healing and stay strong. You can do it Deanna!
2007-08-17 12:51 PM
in reply to: #898191

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
Great news - keep it coming!!
2007-08-17 10:21 PM
in reply to: #929584

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Deanna Babcock - Thoughts and Prayers
I pray for a restful weekend for you guys....if there is such thing during this time.  Peace, comfort.  God's Grace.
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