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2017-07-17 8:06 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by StaceyK Just a quick update from me and the other turtles I am lacking motivation to go out in the very dark and cold at present. Also all of our dogs are in season so everyone is separated and not happy about it. To make it worse we had to bring one of our puppies home, so we now also have a 3 year old male in the house that hasn't been sterilised. It's like supervising an extremely horny pack of teenagers. Work has also been ridiculously busy leaving me no time to post, or run at lunch time. I have kept up with the manatee action though but only because as normal manatee traffic slows down when you guys are at the height of summer cause you are all outside. Mum hurt her knee a couple of weeks before our marathon, but her Chiro also has a degree in physio and sports science and is a runner and she got her through it but she was then ordered to not run for 2 weeks to let it heal up in time for our next race st the end of August. Mum and I aren't sure yet if we are going to do the half or the full. Not sure if we want to or need to do another full before Disney, especially since the race at the end of August is very hilly in the back half (the half is just hilly the whole way). I am in two minds because I want to try ang get my half time under 2:30 but I also want to get my full time under 6. I'm gonna have to get running to achieve either of those and I will need to make a decision in the next couple of weeks. Your thoughts would be appreciated. E has been back in Ireland for the last week and a half as her aunt (who pretty much raised her) is in the end stages of cancer so she went back to say goodbye. She comes home today feeling very heart broken. I think running has kept her sane. She also managed to run over there a few times with an old friend. They have both taken up running since she left, so it has been the first time they have ever run together so that was pretty cool for her. K had her surgery last week and unfortunately they couldn't do it via keyhole, so she is out of action running wise for around 6-8 weeks, and work wise for probably 4-6, which will make me even busier. She has really surprised me though and is setting herself goals for walking a certain number of steps every day. I think watching E recover so well from her surgery in January is motivating her. So that's us in a nutshell. Have a great day

The Turtles need to heal up! That's quite the Turtle DL!

Regarding the marathon in August, do whatever it takes for you to train consistently. The training is more important than the racing in terms of your Disney goal which I think is your A race. Also, remember that if you do that half as your race, that does not mean that you can't run farther in training. For example, I have an HIM coming up. My long run distance in training last week was more than the 13.1 miles needed for the HIM. So, do what you need to do to train consistenly.

P.S. Sorry about the crazy dog stuff. I'm glad that you were able to take back the puppy.

2017-07-17 8:07 AM
in reply to: tomsimper

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by tomsimper I did a rather stupid thing this morning when out on the bike, was looking at the sun coming up over the hills (great sight) unclipped my foot when coming to a junction then tried to put the wrong foot down and feel sideways on the the road. So happy it was 5am and no cars about to see my embarrasment at lying on the floor or my laughing at myself whilst still lying there! Anybody else done anything dumb like that?

Oh yeah.

I'm glad that here were not witnesses!

2017-07-17 8:49 AM
in reply to: CRFTX2001

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by CRFTX2001 Hello everybody! I'm back from my many months long hiatus and I want to explain why I drifted off. School has definitely been the main culprit. I had virtually no free time and I couldn't have the forum up during class (:. When summer started, I started looking for a job (I'm finally old enough now that I'm 16) but nothing fell through. Through all that I kind of forgot about BT but still kept strava going to track workouts and still be part of the manatee group. I start my junior year on August 10th (way too early to me) and will definitely stay with strava, but I don't see BT happening. I'll still be active with the group giving kudos and comments and everything, but I can't really manage more once school starts. It's great checking in with you guys and I'll try to be a part of the forum as long as I can. My training's going really well, I'm still with the Tri4Him junior team, and I have TriWaco sprint coming up next Sunday! P.S. HBD Darren!

Glad to see you and happy things are going well for you!   

2017-07-17 9:13 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by StaceyK Just a quick update from me and the other turtles I am lacking motivation to go out in the very dark and cold at present. Also all of our dogs are in season so everyone is separated and not happy about it. To make it worse we had to bring one of our puppies home, so we now also have a 3 year old male in the house that hasn't been sterilised. It's like supervising an extremely horny pack of teenagers. Work has also been ridiculously busy leaving me no time to post, or run at lunch time. I have kept up with the manatee action though but only because as normal manatee traffic slows down when you guys are at the height of summer cause you are all outside. Mum hurt her knee a couple of weeks before our marathon, but her Chiro also has a degree in physio and sports science and is a runner and she got her through it but she was then ordered to not run for 2 weeks to let it heal up in time for our next race st the end of August. Mum and I aren't sure yet if we are going to do the half or the full. Not sure if we want to or need to do another full before Disney, especially since the race at the end of August is very hilly in the back half (the half is just hilly the whole way). I am in two minds because I want to try ang get my half time under 2:30 but I also want to get my full time under 6. I'm gonna have to get running to achieve either of those and I will need to make a decision in the next couple of weeks. Your thoughts would be appreciated. E has been back in Ireland for the last week and a half as her aunt (who pretty much raised her) is in the end stages of cancer so she went back to say goodbye. She comes home today feeling very heart broken. I think running has kept her sane. She also managed to run over there a few times with an old friend. They have both taken up running since she left, so it has been the first time they have ever run together so that was pretty cool for her. K had her surgery last week and unfortunately they couldn't do it via keyhole, so she is out of action running wise for around 6-8 weeks, and work wise for probably 4-6, which will make me even busier. She has really surprised me though and is setting herself goals for walking a certain number of steps every day. I think watching E recover so well from her surgery in January is motivating her. So that's us in a nutshell. Have a great day

Wow, that's a lot of stuff on your Turtle group's plate! Heal up all and settle down life stuff!!

Sorry you had to take one of your pups back. I can only imagine what it's like at your place with all the girls in season and all the intake males!!

Regarding your possible marathon and Disney - remind me, are you following a training plan?  I know our Dopey people are only scheduled to do 10 miles this week as their long run. I haven't been really following their schedule, so I don't know if this is their highest week, but if it's not, it is close as training just started in June.  Either way, there is no way their mileage will be at marathon distance by August!  I know you've already reached that mileage, so it's not an apples to apples comparison, however, you do not want to wear yourself out/over train/get injured etc.  There is no need to do multiple marathons in your training, in fact, it can be detrimental. For Dopey runners some of the most important training is when you get to back to back training days, eg, long training run Saturday followed by another not as long day Sunday.

I think you are saying you want to possibly run the August marathon because you want to run it under 6 hours.  But you also say it is a hard course, so I think you need to be realistic with yourself and ask if it is the kind of course you can run under 6.  If I misunderstand and the marathon you are looking to run under 6 is Disney, then I don't think you need to run the August marathon; you need to stick with a training plan geared for Dopey.  Also know that Disney is a hard place to PR as it is a very crowded race and lots of twists and turns through the park. Plus, by the time you get to the marathon you Dopey runners have already run a 5k, 10k and HM!!  Yikes!!   

bottom line, I think you need to identify which goal is more important to you and go with a plan that will get you there uninjured and not mentally over the whole running thing!! 

ETA: My reply was stream of consciousness, so it's a bit all over the place! Hope it still makes sense though!! 

Edited by amd723 2017-07-17 9:15 AM
2017-07-17 11:33 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by StaceyK Just a quick update from me and the other turtles I am lacking motivation to go out in the very dark and cold at present. Also all of our dogs are in season so everyone is separated and not happy about it. To make it worse we had to bring one of our puppies home, so we now also have a 3 year old male in the house that hasn't been sterilised. It's like supervising an extremely horny pack of teenagers. Work has also been ridiculously busy leaving me no time to post, or run at lunch time. I have kept up with the manatee action though but only because as normal manatee traffic slows down when you guys are at the height of summer cause you are all outside. Mum hurt her knee a couple of weeks before our marathon, but her Chiro also has a degree in physio and sports science and is a runner and she got her through it but she was then ordered to not run for 2 weeks to let it heal up in time for our next race st the end of August. Mum and I aren't sure yet if we are going to do the half or the full. Not sure if we want to or need to do another full before Disney, especially since the race at the end of August is very hilly in the back half (the half is just hilly the whole way). I am in two minds because I want to try ang get my half time under 2:30 but I also want to get my full time under 6. I'm gonna have to get running to achieve either of those and I will need to make a decision in the next couple of weeks. Your thoughts would be appreciated. E has been back in Ireland for the last week and a half as her aunt (who pretty much raised her) is in the end stages of cancer so she went back to say goodbye. She comes home today feeling very heart broken. I think running has kept her sane. She also managed to run over there a few times with an old friend. They have both taken up running since she left, so it has been the first time they have ever run together so that was pretty cool for her. K had her surgery last week and unfortunately they couldn't do it via keyhole, so she is out of action running wise for around 6-8 weeks, and work wise for probably 4-6, which will make me even busier. She has really surprised me though and is setting herself goals for walking a certain number of steps every day. I think watching E recover so well from her surgery in January is motivating her. So that's us in a nutshell. Have a great day

Wow thats a lot going on!  I can't imagine having more than one dog in season at a time, esp with intact males....I have enough trouble with one when we have been in that situation, and at ~15 kg, waaaaaaaaay less to worry about......

Sorry to hear about the injuries and surgery.  Everyone should take a bit of time to heal up!  Regarding your training/racing, I think you need to decide what is most important (sub 2:30/6 or be/stay healthy for Disney) and train for that decision.  You don't have to hit all your goals this season

2017-07-17 11:35 AM
in reply to: tomsimper

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by tomsimper I did a rather stupid thing this morning when out on the bike, was looking at the sun coming up over the hills (great sight) unclipped my foot when coming to a junction then tried to put the wrong foot down and feel sideways on the the road. So happy it was 5am and no cars about to see my embarrasment at lying on the floor or my laughing at myself whilst still lying there! Anybody else done anything dumb like that?

Done it twice.  Once with a pedestrian witness, and once I fell over into a car stopped at the stoplight.  Poor people thought they hit me, even though they weren't moving at the time.  I would have been less embarrassed had that been the case....

2017-07-17 12:25 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by tomsimper I did a rather stupid thing this morning when out on the bike, was looking at the sun coming up over the hills (great sight) unclipped my foot when coming to a junction then tried to put the wrong foot down and feel sideways on the the road. So happy it was 5am and no cars about to see my embarrasment at lying on the floor or my laughing at myself whilst still lying there! Anybody else done anything dumb like that?

Done it twice.  Once with a pedestrian witness, and once I fell over into a car stopped at the stoplight.  Poor people thought they hit me, even though they weren't moving at the time.  I would have been less embarrassed had that been the case....

My most epic fall was when I was trying to avoid a little girl and her gramma. I was so worried about not hitting her I completely confused myself with which leg was clipped, and what I was supposed to do. The result was I was "flying" like e Superman (with my arm and hand in front of me) with the bike attached to my body... That must've looked hilarious, although, an old lady got super horrified with that fall.... But... I did not hit any of them
2017-07-17 12:27 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Quick note, I will be in Washington DC in August, from the 5th (Saturday) through the 9th (Wednesday). I'm coming for a conference, but will have the whole weekend and Wednesday afternoon for myself. Bringing the kids with me (my son is a huge fan of Lincoln and MLK, so he will have a blast!). If anyone is in that area, let me know and we could meet for a coffee/beer, or run If you are racing that weekend somewhere around, I would LOVE to spectate! Let me know
2017-07-17 1:52 PM
in reply to: 0

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Edited by marysia83 2017-07-17 1:55 PM
2017-07-17 1:59 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83 Quick note, I will be in Washington DC in August, from the 5th (Saturday) through the 9th (Wednesday). I'm coming for a conference, but will have the whole weekend and Wednesday afternoon for myself. Bringing the kids with me (my son is a huge fan of Lincoln and MLK, so he will have a blast!). If anyone is in that area, let me know and we could meet for a coffee/beer, or run If you are racing that weekend somewhere around, I would LOVE to spectate! Let me know

I'm not in the area, but just wanted to say that it is very cool that your son is a fan of Lincoln and MLK!

2017-07-17 4:46 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by marysia83

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by tomsimper I did a rather stupid thing this morning when out on the bike, was looking at the sun coming up over the hills (great sight) unclipped my foot when coming to a junction then tried to put the wrong foot down and feel sideways on the the road. So happy it was 5am and no cars about to see my embarrasment at lying on the floor or my laughing at myself whilst still lying there! Anybody else done anything dumb like that?

Done it twice.  Once with a pedestrian witness, and once I fell over into a car stopped at the stoplight.  Poor people thought they hit me, even though they weren't moving at the time.  I would have been less embarrassed had that been the case....

My most epic fall was when I was trying to avoid a little girl and her gramma. I was so worried about not hitting her I completely confused myself with which leg was clipped, and what I was supposed to do. The result was I was "flying" like e Superman (with my arm and hand in front of me) with the bike attached to my body... That must've looked hilarious, although, an old lady got super horrified with that fall.... But... I did not hit any of them

I don't know how many times that happened to me when I was just getting used to clip in shoes. My most embarrassing was probably when I was just at the end of a ride coming into a parking lot and fell over right in front of my coach. He just smiled and said to pretend it didn't happen.

2017-07-17 7:03 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Happy belated birthday, Darren!

Hello, Conner! You're the same age as my son. I wish he enjoyed being active like you. I'm lucky to get him out for hikes, but that about it. Good luck with the new school year!

Tom, sunrises can be so distracting, huh? I have a lovely scar on my elbow from when I tipped over on my mountain bike just chillin' with my friends. I had my GoPro on my helmet to catch all the surprised faces and hands reaching out to try and catch me, hahaha! I tilted a bit on my clipped in side and lost my balance. Couldn't unclip and you can hear me saying "Oh... I'm going down..." and then you see bring blue skies, and the faces come into view trying very hard not to laugh as they checked on me.

So much going on for some of you. I hope moms get settled and feel better soon, Turtles heal up, doggies chill out, and weather improves so we can all get to doing what we enjoy.

I have family on island right now, so I've been entertaining. Thankfully she enjoys outdoorsy stuff, so I'm getting in some exercise hiking, but not a whole lot of TRI training going on. Frustrated with myself because I do have some time between work, kids and entertaining, but I'm exhausted! I just want to sleep till I have to get up and be an outgoing, fun adult and cousin! Le boo. Sometimes I'm more tired from being sociable than anything else. I also have a friend visiting that would like to get out to mountain bike, so I have to find a bike for him and plan that. Fun, but I have a limited of words per day and sometimes I use them all up and don't want to talk anymore. I'm weird, I know.

Hope you're having a good start to your week!
2017-07-17 8:22 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by StaceyK Just a quick update from me and the other turtles I am lacking motivation to go out in the very dark and cold at present. Also all of our dogs are in season so everyone is separated and not happy about it. To make it worse we had to bring one of our puppies home, so we now also have a 3 year old male in the house that hasn't been sterilised. It's like supervising an extremely horny pack of teenagers. Work has also been ridiculously busy leaving me no time to post, or run at lunch time. I have kept up with the manatee action though but only because as normal manatee traffic slows down when you guys are at the height of summer cause you are all outside. Mum hurt her knee a couple of weeks before our marathon, but her Chiro also has a degree in physio and sports science and is a runner and she got her through it but she was then ordered to not run for 2 weeks to let it heal up in time for our next race st the end of August. Mum and I aren't sure yet if we are going to do the half or the full. Not sure if we want to or need to do another full before Disney, especially since the race at the end of August is very hilly in the back half (the half is just hilly the whole way). I am in two minds because I want to try ang get my half time under 2:30 but I also want to get my full time under 6. I'm gonna have to get running to achieve either of those and I will need to make a decision in the next couple of weeks. Your thoughts would be appreciated. E has been back in Ireland for the last week and a half as her aunt (who pretty much raised her) is in the end stages of cancer so she went back to say goodbye. She comes home today feeling very heart broken. I think running has kept her sane. She also managed to run over there a few times with an old friend. They have both taken up running since she left, so it has been the first time they have ever run together so that was pretty cool for her. K had her surgery last week and unfortunately they couldn't do it via keyhole, so she is out of action running wise for around 6-8 weeks, and work wise for probably 4-6, which will make me even busier. She has really surprised me though and is setting herself goals for walking a certain number of steps every day. I think watching E recover so well from her surgery in January is motivating her. So that's us in a nutshell. Have a great day

Wow, that's a lot of stuff on your Turtle group's plate! Heal up all and settle down life stuff!!

Sorry you had to take one of your pups back. I can only imagine what it's like at your place with all the girls in season and all the intake males!!

Regarding your possible marathon and Disney - remind me, are you following a training plan?  I know our Dopey people are only scheduled to do 10 miles this week as their long run. I haven't been really following their schedule, so I don't know if this is their highest week, but if it's not, it is close as training just started in June.  Either way, there is no way their mileage will be at marathon distance by August!  I know you've already reached that mileage, so it's not an apples to apples comparison, however, you do not want to wear yourself out/over train/get injured etc.  There is no need to do multiple marathons in your training, in fact, it can be detrimental. For Dopey runners some of the most important training is when you get to back to back training days, eg, long training run Saturday followed by another not as long day Sunday.

I think you are saying you want to possibly run the August marathon because you want to run it under 6 hours.  But you also say it is a hard course, so I think you need to be realistic with yourself and ask if it is the kind of course you can run under 6.  If I misunderstand and the marathon you are looking to run under 6 is Disney, then I don't think you need to run the August marathon; you need to stick with a training plan geared for Dopey.  Also know that Disney is a hard place to PR as it is a very crowded race and lots of twists and turns through the park. Plus, by the time you get to the marathon you Dopey runners have already run a 5k, 10k and HM!!  Yikes!!   

bottom line, I think you need to identify which goal is more important to you and go with a plan that will get you there uninjured and not mentally over the whole running thing!! 

ETA: My reply was stream of consciousness, so it's a bit all over the place! Hope it still makes sense though!! 

So the training plan that I put together for us uses back to back Hal Higdon plans. It started with his novice marathon plan, then his marathon to marathon plan and then finally his Dopey plan. His Dopey plan commences at the beginning of September with a 20k long run that week. This makes doing the half at the end of August fit really well and I think that and the need to stay injury free is what is playing on my mind.

The problem is that I know PRing the marathon at Disney isn't going to happen because the plan is all about finishing. I also don't know that I will do another Marathon after Disney because it is too hard to fit the training into my life. But this makes me kind of sad because I am sure that I have a sub 6 hour marathon in me and I just don't know when else I will get the chance of doing another. Also the bling for the Marathon is so much bigger than the bling for the half

Deep down I think that I know that the half is the better choice but I'm just not ready to make it yet.
2017-07-17 9:28 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

Northern IL
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Also thinking the half would be better. Just keep running and see about redistributing some of those miles throughout the week, so the same mileage total. The 6 hrs is very reasonable to obtain, you would mostly need to be able to keep running as much of that as possible to get there. So for now, run in a way that gives your body the best chance to absorb it and become a better runner in general. The longer runs of these marathon plans are kind of lopsided. They'll help you learn to get through a race, but are almost detrimental to development since they're so big in relation to the rest of the week. This is more the overemphasizing optimizing vs increasing fitness that has come up with other situations recently. Getting used to beating oneself up isn't quite the same as driving up the adaptations towards being a better runner.

2017-07-18 12:54 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by brigby1

Also thinking the half would be better. Just keep running and see about redistributing some of those miles throughout the week, so the same mileage total. The 6 hrs is very reasonable to obtain, you would mostly need to be able to keep running as much of that as possible to get there. So for now, run in a way that gives your body the best chance to absorb it and become a better runner in general. The longer runs of these marathon plans are kind of lopsided. They'll help you learn to get through a race, but are almost detrimental to development since they're so big in relation to the rest of the week. This is more the overemphasizing optimizing vs increasing fitness that has come up with other situations recently. Getting used to beating oneself up isn't quite the same as driving up the adaptations towards being a better runner.

Truly you mean just start running again dont you
2017-07-18 7:19 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

Northern IL
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by brigby1

Also thinking the half would be better. Just keep running and see about redistributing some of those miles throughout the week, so the same mileage total. The 6 hrs is very reasonable to obtain, you would mostly need to be able to keep running as much of that as possible to get there. So for now, run in a way that gives your body the best chance to absorb it and become a better runner in general. The longer runs of these marathon plans are kind of lopsided. They'll help you learn to get through a race, but are almost detrimental to development since they're so big in relation to the rest of the week. This is more the overemphasizing optimizing vs increasing fitness that has come up with other situations recently. Getting used to beating oneself up isn't quite the same as driving up the adaptations towards being a better runner.

Truly you mean just start running again dont you

Could be. If you haven't really been running, all the more reason to build up more in the way of day in, day out. The bridging plan would make less sense then as it assumes you still have the fitness from building to the last race, just shaken off the fatigue from the event itself.

2017-07-18 3:25 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Has anyone changed from butyl to latex tubes for their "A" race? I've been doing some research and given my "A" race is an Olympic distance I'm not sure it makes sense, especially given the higher probability of getting a flat, but if anyone's done it/recommends it I'd be interested in getting your thoughts. I'm also sure I won't be near the podium at this race but a PR would be nice!
2017-07-18 10:30 PM
in reply to: TXTriRook

Northern IL
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Latex can be more particular in the install, but when done right chances of a flat are the same for either type. I can rather particular and meticulous with my stuff, so it really wasn't an adjustment for me. I used a little talcum or baby powder on the tubes to make sure they didn't stick funny. I forget if everyone does that. Definitely peek in around the tire to make sure the tube isn't stuck under there. Yes, all the way around, both sides. This part is where being meticulous comes in handy as it's also the most common way for an install failure to happen. A little bit of the tube can creep under the bead since the latex flexes more easily. I started doing this on butyl then too. The rim strip should be checked before all this, but that should be checked regardless of tube type.

2017-07-19 12:52 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by marysia83 Quick note, I will be in Washington DC in August, from the 5th (Saturday) through the 9th (Wednesday). I'm coming for a conference, but will have the whole weekend and Wednesday afternoon for myself. Bringing the kids with me (my son is a huge fan of Lincoln and MLK, so he will have a blast!). If anyone is in that area, let me know and we could meet for a coffee/beer, or run If you are racing that weekend somewhere around, I would LOVE to spectate! Let me know

Your conference needs to be a different weekend than my hockey tournament!  If I weren't busy with that all weekend I'd gladly meet you.  I know you and your kids will have fun learning and exploring the DC area.

2017-07-20 3:29 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by marysia83 Quick note, I will be in Washington DC in August, from the 5th (Saturday) through the 9th (Wednesday). I'm coming for a conference, but will have the whole weekend and Wednesday afternoon for myself. Bringing the kids with me (my son is a huge fan of Lincoln and MLK, so he will have a blast!). If anyone is in that area, let me know and we could meet for a coffee/beer, or run If you are racing that weekend somewhere around, I would LOVE to spectate! Let me know

Your conference needs to be a different weekend than my hockey tournament!  If I weren't busy with that all weekend I'd gladly meet you.  I know you and your kids will have fun learning and exploring the DC area.

Ugh... I know!! How far are you from DC?
2017-07-20 3:37 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by StaceyK Just a quick update from me and the other turtles I am lacking motivation to go out in the very dark and cold at present. Also all of our dogs are in season so everyone is separated and not happy about it. To make it worse we had to bring one of our puppies home, so we now also have a 3 year old male in the house that hasn't been sterilised. It's like supervising an extremely horny pack of teenagers. Work has also been ridiculously busy leaving me no time to post, or run at lunch time. I have kept up with the manatee action though but only because as normal manatee traffic slows down when you guys are at the height of summer cause you are all outside. Mum hurt her knee a couple of weeks before our marathon, but her Chiro also has a degree in physio and sports science and is a runner and she got her through it but she was then ordered to not run for 2 weeks to let it heal up in time for our next race st the end of August. Mum and I aren't sure yet if we are going to do the half or the full. Not sure if we want to or need to do another full before Disney, especially since the race at the end of August is very hilly in the back half (the half is just hilly the whole way). I am in two minds because I want to try ang get my half time under 2:30 but I also want to get my full time under 6. I'm gonna have to get running to achieve either of those and I will need to make a decision in the next couple of weeks. Your thoughts would be appreciated. E has been back in Ireland for the last week and a half as her aunt (who pretty much raised her) is in the end stages of cancer so she went back to say goodbye. She comes home today feeling very heart broken. I think running has kept her sane. She also managed to run over there a few times with an old friend. They have both taken up running since she left, so it has been the first time they have ever run together so that was pretty cool for her. K had her surgery last week and unfortunately they couldn't do it via keyhole, so she is out of action running wise for around 6-8 weeks, and work wise for probably 4-6, which will make me even busier. She has really surprised me though and is setting herself goals for walking a certain number of steps every day. I think watching E recover so well from her surgery in January is motivating her. So that's us in a nutshell. Have a great day

Wow, that's a lot of stuff on your Turtle group's plate! Heal up all and settle down life stuff!!

Sorry you had to take one of your pups back. I can only imagine what it's like at your place with all the girls in season and all the intake males!!

Regarding your possible marathon and Disney - remind me, are you following a training plan?  I know our Dopey people are only scheduled to do 10 miles this week as their long run. I haven't been really following their schedule, so I don't know if this is their highest week, but if it's not, it is close as training just started in June.  Either way, there is no way their mileage will be at marathon distance by August!  I know you've already reached that mileage, so it's not an apples to apples comparison, however, you do not want to wear yourself out/over train/get injured etc.  There is no need to do multiple marathons in your training, in fact, it can be detrimental. For Dopey runners some of the most important training is when you get to back to back training days, eg, long training run Saturday followed by another not as long day Sunday.

I think you are saying you want to possibly run the August marathon because you want to run it under 6 hours.  But you also say it is a hard course, so I think you need to be realistic with yourself and ask if it is the kind of course you can run under 6.  If I misunderstand and the marathon you are looking to run under 6 is Disney, then I don't think you need to run the August marathon; you need to stick with a training plan geared for Dopey.  Also know that Disney is a hard place to PR as it is a very crowded race and lots of twists and turns through the park. Plus, by the time you get to the marathon you Dopey runners have already run a 5k, 10k and HM!!  Yikes!!   

bottom line, I think you need to identify which goal is more important to you and go with a plan that will get you there uninjured and not mentally over the whole running thing!! 

ETA: My reply was stream of consciousness, so it's a bit all over the place! Hope it still makes sense though!! 

I want to agree with Ann-Marie in 200%. I think this is a huge part of long-distance training and race - to stay humble and realistic. We all have wonderful and crazy goals, and it's great to make the goals and trying to achieve them, but at the same time, marathon training, marathon race, and especially very hilly, difficult marathon race is no joke. You may try racing it under 6 hours, you may be able to do it, but you may be exhausted and tired. How about doing an HM and finish with happy face, and focus on the Disney, if that's your A race? I feel like that would be (sort of) win-win situation

I deal with your dilemma all the time... I really have to stop myself fifteen times per day to not sign up for crazy distances (for example: I have not even run full marathon yet, but wanted to plan 50 miles for next year... crazy!!) So I guess that's normal. Whatever decision you will make, just make sure you think it over, consider all the pros and cons, and how will you fill after any of the choices with any scenarios, and go from there Let us know how you're feeling and doing!

2017-07-21 8:45 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed
I had my 3rd OWS last night in a small inland Lake. The big lake has been cold and bumpy this year. The swim went fine, but I met the water version of the red neck with the jacked up 4x4. A guy in a high end ski boat (no skier) decided to do a lap around me and my safety kayak while yelling woot woot woot. When I was in the Coast Guard we always said you don't need the brain to operate the boat, just the money to buy it.
2017-07-21 9:24 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by JBacarella I had my 3rd OWS last night in a small inland Lake. The big lake has been cold and bumpy this year. The swim went fine, but I met the water version of the red neck with the jacked up 4x4. A guy in a high end ski boat (no skier) decided to do a lap around me and my safety kayak while yelling woot woot woot. When I was in the Coast Guard we always said you don't need the brain to operate the boat, just the money to buy it.

Sorry you had to deal with that; people can be dangerous fools!!

2017-07-21 10:27 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Oh hai. Like Stace Face I stalk but also am so massively busy I feel like I can't breathe at times. I'm racing tomorrow too -- Bengkulu Triathlon (sprint distance). 



2017-07-21 10:29 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed

Originally posted by JBacarella I had my 3rd OWS last night in a small inland Lake. The big lake has been cold and bumpy this year. The swim went fine, but I met the water version of the red neck with the jacked up 4x4. A guy in a high end ski boat (no skier) decided to do a lap around me and my safety kayak while yelling woot woot woot. When I was in the Coast Guard we always said you don't need the brain to operate the boat, just the money to buy it.

Thank goodness that you had a safety boat!

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