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Broncos Back to Football 7k - Run

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Denver, Colorado
United States
Total Time = 42m 7s
Overall Rank = 1846/6274
Age Group = F 40-49
Age Group Rank = 143/715
Pre-race routine:

Cup of coffee, big glass of seltzer with Skratch lemon.
Event warmup:

Walk from car to start area, stretching, walking around trying to find TJ and her son.
  • 42m 7s
  • 4.36 miles
  • 09m 40s  min/mile

Felt good other than twinges from my L hammy with every step. I was able to maintain a pretty consistent pace throughout. Pushed last 1/4 mile or so to get faster time. On last part while running around the stadium, I was starting to feel a little nauseated due to the heat and my faster pace. Seemed like FOREVER until I finally got into the tunnel and onto the field. Had to shove my way over the finish line because people were stopped. After I stopped, I felt a little woozy from the heat and my hamstring tightened up. Once I got into the shade and got some cold Powerade, the wooziness went away.
What would you do differently?:

Drink more water during race, chill the water I bring with me.
Post race
Warm down:

Wandering around looking for TJ and her son.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Fitness and acclimatization to heat.

Event comments:

Really pleased with my pace. I'd wondered how I'd do after such scattered training for the past couple weeks. I actually went about as fast as I did when I was at sea level earlier this week!

The run itself was really nice although the section through the park was pretty crowded due to the narrowness of the path. Once we got into the stadium, however, things came to a standstill. We were on the sidelines and the finish line was pretty narrow so there was quite a bit of congestion. I was able to shove my way over the finish line but people behind me had to wait up to several minutes to cross it. Then there was a long slow walk around the end zone in the hot sun and through a chaotic tunnel with people stopping to take pictures with the cheerleaders. The "expo" was on the stadium concourse and was pretty minimal. Food and drinks were available for purchase. I saw a few people with bananas; the only thing I found for free was bottled water, orange Powerade, and Buffalo Wild Wings (ick!). This was the first year they had this race and they're going to have to make some changes to the end to prevent the traffic jams.

It was really fun running with TJ. We had the same target pace and were able to stay under that until she had to slow down due to a grumpy belly. I went on ahead then met up with her and her son at the finish line. With the size of the crowd, it's amazing I found them again!! We went to brunch afterwards at a Creole restaurant. Chicory coffee - yum!!

Last updated: 2014-08-31 12:00 AM
00:42:07 | 04.36 miles | 09m 40s  min/mile
Age Group: 143/715
Overall: 1846/6274
Performance: Good
Course: Loop from west from stadium, up a slight hill, through city streets and Sloan's Lake park, back to stadium (slight hill back down), all the way around the outside, then into the stadium through the horse's mouth (player's entrance onto field), then up the sidelines to the 50 yard line.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Bad
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2014-08-31 3:37 PM

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Denver, CO
Subject: Broncos Back to Football 7k

2014-08-31 4:34 PM
in reply to: #5045469

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

Pretty cool stuff, congratulations on a great race!!!

2014-08-31 5:11 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

Very nicely done!  And, how fun to race with another manatee (and her son)!!  Congrats.

2014-08-31 5:50 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k
Well done Mary, glad you enjoyed yourself and brunch
2014-08-31 9:13 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

Nicely done!!  Sounds like a fun race.  

First time events can be tricky to get logistics right.  Hope they fix some of that for next year.

2014-08-31 10:28 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

Originally posted by QueenZipp

Nicely done!!  Sounds like a fun race.  

First time events can be tricky to get logistics right.  Hope they fix some of that for next year.

Especially when the first-time event has over 6,000 participants!  Given the turnout, I'll bet they do it again next year.  It was also a fundraiser for the National Sports Center for the Disabled, which I'm sure hugely benefited from the affiliation with the Broncos and will want to continue it.

TJ very helpfully told me when I was trying to find her that she was wearing orange.  She and about 5,900 other people!!

2014-09-02 5:04 AM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

SO JEALOUS ... of Teej. And you!

Right speedy and very well-paced, especially on scattered training!

2014-09-02 10:07 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

Nice job out there!  Way to finish strong :-)

I'm glad that you had a Manatee Meetup. Very cool!

2014-09-02 10:21 AM
in reply to: #5045469

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Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

Congrats on a good run and being at your goal pace!  You've come a long way, baby! (showing my age here a bit)  People waiting to cross the finish line is pure madness.  Running with my TSAB (Twin Separated At Birth) TJ and her son, eating brunch at a Creole place and running at such a cool location is pure awesomeness!

2014-09-02 1:12 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

Originally posted by melbo55

Congrats on a good run and being at your goal pace!  You've come a long way, baby! (showing my age here a bit)  People waiting to cross the finish line is pure madness.  Running with my TSAB (Twin Separated At Birth) TJ and her son, eating brunch at a Creole place and running at such a cool location is pure awesomeness!

LOL.  I totally know what you're referring to.  Bet you remember when cigarette vending machines were in restaurants too.  I do! 

And yes, I've come a loooong way.  Just 5 months ago, I struggled to get 12 mpm and now below 10 is becoming commonplace on stand-alone runs.  Makes me wonder how much better I can get...

2014-09-04 1:47 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by melbo55

Congrats on a good run and being at your goal pace!  You've come a long way, baby! (showing my age here a bit)  People waiting to cross the finish line is pure madness.  Running with my TSAB (Twin Separated At Birth) TJ and her son, eating brunch at a Creole place and running at such a cool location is pure awesomeness!

LOL.  I totally know what you're referring to.  Bet you remember when cigarette vending machines were in restaurants too.  I do! 

And yes, I've come a loooong way.  Just 5 months ago, I struggled to get 12 mpm and now below 10 is becoming commonplace on stand-alone runs.  Makes me wonder how much better I can get...

It was a fun race (as much as I recall through my GI induced fog). As for the cigarette machines there was one (empty) at the Atomic Cowby where we had breakfast on Monday (yum).

2014-09-09 12:55 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

So two pressing questions...

Are you going to have Taco Bell with TJ the night before at next year's race?

Did you get your medal from a cheerleader or a short lady in orange?

Jokes aside, this was a really good run for you. Nice progress!

2014-09-09 8:31 AM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k
Looks to me like you're doing great this season!!! Sounds like fun to end on the field like that - bummer about the heat. You should come down and race with us flat landers sometime and destroy the field with your high altitude lungs!!
2014-09-09 2:58 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Broncos Back to Football 7k

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

So two pressing questions...

Are you going to have Taco Bell with TJ the night before at next year's race?

Did you get your medal from a cheerleader or a short lady in orange?

Jokes aside, this was a really good run for you. Nice progress!


NO Taco Bell, thank you!  Got my medal from a cheerleader but I had to ask about 9 times because she was busy taking pictures with other people.  I was determined and obnoxiously insistent!   She didn't seem to want to smile as much at me as at people's cameras.  Guess I just don't rate.


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