Subject: RE: Ford Ironman 70.3 California: Official ThreadThursdays Plan for HIM CA 0900 - Open water swim at Oceanside pier. Same thing we did last year. Meet up by the stairs, then we head out into the water. I will be wearing my BT shirt that day. 1000 - Go for a 30min bike ride around town, just enough to stretch the legs 1100 - Go for a short (OK. very short run for me) to loosen the legs. Feel free to enjoy. This is a rough estimate. I'm planning on just doing the swim, then a 30min bike, then a 15min run. Just enough to loosen up everything. Bike/Run times are estimates unless some people want to show up just for that cause. Please confirm on who will be there. Kevin, I know I'm expecting you there. PM me if you need my cell number. Good luck to all. |