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2005-06-02 9:27 AM

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Subject: Elevator or stairs???

I work on the third floor of a three-story building. Every morning I take the stairs up to my office. I always try to take the stairs, but especially first thing in the morning. I find it's a way to "wake up" my legs if I haven't had a work out.

So what do you do - stairs or the elevator?

2005-06-02 9:29 AM
in reply to: #167189

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St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???

Stairs, stairs, always the stairs.  I even seek out stairs in buildings I don't know.  One reason, I tell others to take the stairs when they can as part of my job.  But really, I am too impatient to wait for the elevator.

2005-06-02 9:30 AM
in reply to: #167189

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Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
Stairs! I'm on the second floor. I average between 25 and 30 trips up a day.
2005-06-02 9:36 AM
in reply to: #167189

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
Stairs, but I'm only on the second floor. Do it more for the time savings, it's a lot faster than waiting for and riding the elevator.
2005-06-02 9:38 AM
in reply to: #167189

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Lafayette, CO
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I'm in a flat building, but I will always look for stairs when I can.  I also park farther away and walk, just to get the extra distance...
2005-06-02 9:40 AM
in reply to: #167189

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The High Plains
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???

"Coffee in hand,

Elevator is grand.

No coffee to be found,

Feet stay on the ground."

As I am on my feet and moving literally all day long (6:00AM - 2:30PM) and I drink roughly 3 cups of coffee in the mornings, when I've got coffee in my hands, I take the elevator.  After I've switched to water (thank God for Nalgenes!), I switch to the stairs.  Thus, the simple poem I've come up with.


2005-06-02 9:51 AM
in reply to: #167189

Elite Veteran
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
STAIRS - definitely!  Whether it is elevator or escalator - I always take the stairs!  At the mall, in office buildings, always.  I was traveling for work last week through several airports and hotels and got a lot of looks - but I almost always have the stairs to myself while they are packed like sardines on the escalators!  I love it.
2005-06-02 10:03 AM
in reply to: #167189

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I'm on the "second" floor, but it is 44 steps up to my office - more like 4 floors in normal buildings. I do stairs if I'm not carrying too much junk or if I haven't had to run up and down them too many times in the day.
2005-06-02 10:16 AM
in reply to: #167189

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
Am I the only one who has heard the expression "Runners are lazy!"

I am not opposed to stairs when it saves time, and I think if I was only on the second or third floor I would take them, but I like to think that I work out enough, and I park close to stores, doors, and take the elevator because I am in "recovery mode" or "rest" time.

So there, I am brave enough to put it up here- I am lazy when I'm not working out.

PS: I live on a second floor so I do go up stairs enough. It is not fun bringing my bike and gear up after a long ride.
2005-06-02 10:45 AM
in reply to: #167189

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I ALWAYS walk the three stair-steps up to my office front door. (o:

But honestly, the only place I go to that has an elevator option is the parking garage at my local Y, and it's true!, I always take the elevator. I mean, heck!, I'm about to go run for an hour, why torture myself!

Ok, I must be one of the lazy runners, sigh.

2005-06-02 10:48 AM
in reply to: #167189

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Jacksonville, FL
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I'm on the first floor but always take the stairs when going up to other floors. It drives me crazy when I am on an elevator and people get off at the second floor. Usually, you can see the results of them never taking the stairs.

2005-06-02 10:52 AM
in reply to: #167256

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Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
Stairs, always. Otherwise it's the freight elevators in my office building and they are just TOO scary for words...

Stairs (mostly) in my apartment building too.
2005-06-02 11:07 AM
in reply to: #167189

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Ridgefield, CT
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
Stairs up from Grand Central but my office is on the 18th floor. I did the stairs (5x as it turned out) during the blackout and that was enough for me. Plus, I'd spill my mocha on my suit and that is no way to start the morning.

The annoying thing for me is that I'm winded at the top of the stairs (it's probably equivalent to three building floors from the lower tracks). I can run 5 miles in the morning and feel fine and yet I can't get up a flight of stairs without coughing up a lung.

I think it has to do with different muscles being used (that's my excuse).
2005-06-02 11:09 AM
in reply to: #167189

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I guess I'm the lazy one here   I'm on the 3rd floor and probably take the elevator 90% of the time.  The elevator is literally right next to the front door and 8 steps to the 1st floor.  What really pissis me off are he people that insist on taking the elevator from the ground to the 1st floor (8 steps remember) making me wait while it stops, doors open, doors close, finally get to the 3rd floor.  People always ask my why I take the elevator knowing how much I train...and that's exactly it...I'll typically get 2-3 hours of dedicated training in that day...I ain't walking up no stinking stairs!
2005-06-02 12:41 PM
in reply to: #167189

Shreveport, LA
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I am on the 10th floor and usually take the elevator up. I take the stairs down about once a week, but that is not much of a sacrifice.

I hate when people get on the elevator only to go up 1-3 floors and especially hate it when the get on the elevator to go down 1-3 floors.
2005-06-02 1:34 PM
in reply to: #167189

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Extreme Veteran
Waterboro, Maine
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I try to take the stairs, but will wimp out if I am carrying a load. Last week, I had to go to a customer site which was on the 5th floor. I jogged up the stairs, feeling very smug, only to find the door to the stairwell was locked. So, slogged back down, and found the elevator. I told this to my client - who doesn't look like she has taken the stairs in a long time, if you get my meaning - and she looked at me as if I was wacked.

2005-06-02 1:51 PM
in reply to: #167365

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I take the elevator too.... especially in the summertime when I'm wearing impractical footwear... It's hardly good for walking on flat ground, let alone stair climbing. I'm on the 4th of 7 floors. I do park quite far away from the building, though, so I do feel like I sneak in a bit of a walk anyway. (!!!)
2005-06-02 1:55 PM
in reply to: #167189

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Elite Veteran
chicago area
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I used to work on the third floor also. I took the stairs while I was pregnant up until my last day of work (about 2 weeks before I had my son). Stairs, Stairs!!
2005-06-02 2:13 PM
in reply to: #167382

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Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???

bmax - 2005-06-02 12:55 PM I used to work on the third floor also. I took the stairs while I was pregnant up until my last day of work (about 2 weeks before I had my son). Stairs, Stairs!!

Well you got me there. I can't say I would take the stairs if I got pregnant. Oh, wait ... never mind.

2005-06-02 3:37 PM
in reply to: #167189

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Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???

I once worked in an office building that had an unofficial rule - one up, two down.  If going up one floor you were expected to take the stairs.  If you were going down one or two floors you were expected to take the stairs.  This lessened the elevator traffic and made the elevators available for people who needed to go 20 stories up.


2005-06-02 4:30 PM
in reply to: #167189

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Subject: RE: Elevator or stairs???
I avoid elevators at all costs. I often jog up the stairs in the morning just to wake up a little.

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