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2013-05-02 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4703779

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Chicago (Old Town)
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
We reconciled last night (only as friends).  She texted me while she was literally in the cab on the way home from the airport to see if we could talk.  I happened to be (no kidding) about 400 yards behind her on the same road last night.  We both apologized for our behavior and agreed that while we're great as friends, we just don't jive as a couple.  Took 2 attempts to realize this for sure.  So, we're going to work on repairing our friendship (which I think is mainly unscathed as it's been really solid over the years) and never, ever, ever, ever even think about letting things become intimate again.  So, all-in-all, things worked out as good as they could.  We're still going to go to church together, but I need to make sure we both maintain boundaries and prevent substituting each other to replace a relationship (I've been guilty of being on both sides of that before).  So a happy ending from what was a rough situation. 

2013-05-02 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4724024

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
lisac957 - 2013-05-02 10:45 AM

msteiner - 2013-05-02 10:35 AM The thread is sitting on the edge of falling off.  Back to the top!  Anyone got plans this weekend?

Bowtie Boy is making me dinner tonight, and we're going to another charity event Saturday night. Can't wait to learn more about him..!

Just remember no glove no love (Just sayin YO!!)

2013-05-03 8:18 AM
in reply to: #4703779

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0

Well hell.  Last night at kickball we played our game and went out to the bar we usually go to.  After hanging out for a while, kickball girl has to leave, but I decide to stay for a bit longer.  Kickball girl sends me a text asking me if I like another girl on the team.  

I guess that she could get that because I play shortstop sometimes and me and this girl (who plays second base) talk sometimes out there, so maybe that's making her jealous.  That's the only thing I can think of that would make her feel that way.

Hopefully it blows over by the end of today. 

2013-05-03 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4724354

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
sbreaux - 2013-05-02 1:50 PM

msteiner - 2013-05-02 9:35 AM The thread is sitting on the edge of falling off.  Back to the top!  Anyone got plans this weekend?

Meeting the kids of the girl I'm dating.  Should be fun!

Oooh!  good luck!

2013-05-03 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4703779

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0

I've had two lunch dates the last two days.  Good guys and we'd likely be friends but nothing more.  Moving on...

Third date with NG guy tonight.  He put the onus on me to plan the date but I am an awful, awful date planner. Vacations I can plan, dates = B.A.D.  So I'm nervous.  I'm playing it safe on the restaurant but what to do after that?  We live in the suburbs, so there isn't much around us. Is it too forward to invite him over post dinner?  Boy, I suck at this.

2013-05-03 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4725638

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
mighty mom - 2013-05-03 8:38 AM

I've had two lunch dates the last two days.  Good guys and we'd likely be friends but nothing more.  Moving on...

Third date with NG guy tonight.  He put the onus on me to plan the date but I am an awful, awful date planner. Vacations I can plan, dates = B.A.D.  So I'm nervous.  I'm playing it safe on the restaurant but what to do after that?  We live in the suburbs, so there isn't much around us. Is it too forward to invite him over post dinner?  Boy, I suck at this.

If he's interested, then he should be fine with it

2013-05-03 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4725593

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
msteiner - 2013-05-03 8:18 AM

Well hell.  Last night at kickball we played our game and went out to the bar we usually go to.  After hanging out for a while, kickball girl has to leave, but I decide to stay for a bit longer.  Kickball girl sends me a text asking me if I like another girl on the team.  

I guess that she could get that because I play shortstop sometimes and me and this girl (who plays second base) talk sometimes out there, so maybe that's making her jealous.  That's the only thing I can think of that would make her feel that way.

Hopefully it blows over by the end of today. 

  Insecure for sure...unless you gave her some reason. But clearly since none of us are the issue, she just must be insecure. Wink

2013-05-03 10:51 AM
in reply to: #4725593

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
msteiner - 2013-05-03 6:18 AM

Well hell.  Last night at kickball we played our game and went out to the bar we usually go to.  After hanging out for a while, kickball girl has to leave, but I decide to stay for a bit longer.  Kickball girl sends me a text asking me if I like another girl on the team.  

I guess that she could get that because I play shortstop sometimes and me and this girl (who plays second base) talk sometimes out there, so maybe that's making her jealous.  That's the only thing I can think of that would make her feel that way.

Hopefully it blows over by the end of today. 

Jealousy is a HUGE red flag for me. I tired to work with it for 12 years but now thats done I will never do it again. That is one of my few "no go" things.

2013-05-03 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4725638

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2013-05-06 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4703779

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0

Hey daters, how was the weekend? Any good stories?

I was greeted by a single rose Saturday night before we headed to a charity event. Where I bid on (AND WON) an item, to later find out he wanted to buy it for me. It's a bucket list item for me (tornado/storm chasing tour!) and he wanted to be the one to help me cross it off my list. Awww. We went to dinner later and it was lovely. LOVELY.


2013-05-06 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4703779

Detroit, MI. Kinda.
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0

Just catching up after long weekend with crossfit chick, officially known to all as my girlfriend now.  Thought there'd be pages more of catching up to do...

In a nutshell..sure - invite him over.  Oh..I guess advice is too late.  How'd it go?

Jealousy - I'm still a bit sore over my last girlfriends jealousy issues.  Huge red flag...gotta see how deep it goes.  Is this all in her head because of trauma from her own past relationships?  Is she projecting that if she were to talk to someone in the same manner, that would mean she's into somebody?  Or is she insecure because you aren't making clear where you stand with her?  Step outside, be objective.  Do your part and if the cause is one of the first two, you can't fix it.

Sounds great, Lisa!  Seems a bit early for him to be springing for a storm chasing tour...but it says a lot that he knew you wanted it and had the desire to do something you'd value.

My long weekend was great!  We left Thursday for our climbing weekend, stayed in Cincinnati overnight for no good reason and ran in the morning.  Finished the drive and got some climbing in Friday before meeting up with my friends back at camp.  It's awesome that she's climbing so well for a noob and I don't have to be afraid to let her belay (catch) me.  Then Saturday was her birthday...

Climbing all day with about 20 friends.  She (we) had a blast, then we had dinner and I brought out chocolate covered peanut butter-banana bites and strawberries (with a candle).  Oh - and I had also tracked down her favorite beer of all times, which is out of season.  She was quite happy.  Rained yesterday so we came home instead of climbing more, but we got home early enough to go pick up her present - A couple of 1/2 whiskey barrels and all the stuff to start her organic garden in them - she can either grown in there or just get her seedling started until we cultivate her yard and transplant them.  We'll work on that this week.  She seemed thrilled and couldn't believe I'd pay so much attention to little things she's mentioned or...whatever.  I just enjoy doing things to make people happy... It's weird to me that it's a somewhat rare trait?  Thanks to all the douchebags who make it easy for me to impress girls by just being me, I guess.

2013-05-06 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4729514

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
Zero2Athlete - 2013-05-06 12:23 PM

Sounds great, Lisa!  Seems a bit early for him to be springing for a storm chasing tour...but it says a lot that he knew you wanted it and had the desire to do something you'd value.


Thanks to all the douchebags who make it easy for me to impress girls by just being me, I guess.

I think it was partly him being sweet, partly him having more money than he knows what to do with, and partly he was originally planning on dropping more money at the charity event but the item he wins every year was hidden in a corner and he didn't get to bid on it. 

We're making plans for a trip at the end of the month - it feels kind of strange to do that so soon but also crazy comfortable. And it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm so excited

And your last sentence - I agree. The naturally nice guys will stand out! Keep it up!

2013-05-07 7:15 AM
in reply to: #4703779

Detroit, MI. Kinda.
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
Exciting!  Too soon to plan a trip?  meh..  We had been planning this birthday weekend for like 5 weeks...which was only 3 weeks into our dating.  It can make me a little nervous when I think about how quickly we became exclusive and started spending tons of time together, but screw the advice columns - it's been good.
2013-05-07 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4729581

metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
lisac957 - 2013-05-06 1:44 PM
Zero2Athlete - 2013-05-06 12:23 PM

Sounds great, Lisa!  Seems a bit early for him to be springing for a storm chasing tour...but it says a lot that he knew you wanted it and had the desire to do something you'd value.


Thanks to all the douchebags who make it easy for me to impress girls by just being me, I guess.

I think it was partly him being sweet, partly him having more money than he knows what to do with, and partly he was originally planning on dropping more money at the charity event but the item he wins every year was hidden in a corner and he didn't get to bid on it. 

We're making plans for a trip at the end of the month - it feels kind of strange to do that so soon but also crazy comfortable. And it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm so excited

And your last sentence - I agree. The naturally nice guys will stand out! Keep it up!

Is the trip you're planning the storm chasing tour or something different?  The fact that you feel so comfortable planning the trip is all that matters. 

Genuinely nice guys definitely stand out!  So glad to hear the birthday climbing weekend went to well!

Edited by mighty mom 2013-05-07 8:23 AM
2013-05-07 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4703779

metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
Thanks for the advice, all!  I didn't need to stress.  Conversation flowed so well we ended up closing down the restaurant and just said good night.  We've seen each other briefly the last two nights and we're going out again tomorrow night.   On Monday (after only three dates) he asked me to become exclusive and told me he mentioned me to his mother.  And last night he suggested we get away together.  I'm a bit taken aback bc 1) I have serious trust issues and 2) he had mentioned he broke up with his last GF bc she was moving too fast.  We have a great connection just unsure about one aspect.  We'll see. 
2013-05-07 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4730816

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
mighty mom - 2013-05-07 8:22 AM
lisac957 - 2013-05-06 1:44 PM
Zero2Athlete - 2013-05-06 12:23 PM

Sounds great, Lisa!  Seems a bit early for him to be springing for a storm chasing tour...but it says a lot that he knew you wanted it and had the desire to do something you'd value.


Thanks to all the douchebags who make it easy for me to impress girls by just being me, I guess.

I think it was partly him being sweet, partly him having more money than he knows what to do with, and partly he was originally planning on dropping more money at the charity event but the item he wins every year was hidden in a corner and he didn't get to bid on it. 

We're making plans for a trip at the end of the month - it feels kind of strange to do that so soon but also crazy comfortable. And it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm so excited

And your last sentence - I agree. The naturally nice guys will stand out! Keep it up!

Is the trip you're planning the storm chasing tour or something different?  The fact that you feel so comfortable planning the trip is all that matters. 

Genuinely nice guys definitely stand out!  So glad to hear the birthday climbing weekend went to well!

Nope a different trip!
Glad to see I'm not the only one who is moving a little fast. He's told his kid about me, which I was a little weirded out by. But he says he doesn't hide anything from him (12 years old) and answered all his questions like "is she pretty" and such. Cute. 

2013-05-07 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4703779

Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0

Well I got past the jealousy thing (for now), and we went to see Ironman 3 this weekend.  I'm about to be out of town the next few weekends though for a combination of training and racing.  This weekend I'm going to Jackson to see friends and train with them some, and the next three weekends I'll be out of town to race.  I haven't figured out how I'm going to tell her that.  I had all this planned out before we even started dating, so I can't really change it (nor do I think I should).  I'm going to see her tomorrow, so I'll probably bring it up then.

2013-05-10 8:15 AM
in reply to: #4731229

metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0

Thread rescue!

msteiner - 2013-05-07 12:10 PM

Well I got past the jealousy thing (for now), and we went to see Ironman 3 this weekend.  I'm about to be out of town the next few weekends though for a combination of training and racing.  This weekend I'm going to Jackson to see friends and train with them some, and the next three weekends I'll be out of town to race.  I haven't figured out how I'm going to tell her that.  I had all this planned out before we even started dating, so I can't really change it (nor do I think I should).  I'm going to see her tomorrow, so I'll probably bring it up then.

How'd she take the news that you'll be out of town the next few weekends?  Hopefully well.

Any fun weekend plans for anyone?

National guard guy's stock took a big jump on Wed.  We had plans to see Iron Man 3 but my sitter canceled bc of illness.  Despite calling every other sitter/friend I knew in town that day I was out of luck and had called to cancel.  Barely 5 minutes later he called back with a sitter for me and paid for the sitter despite my protest.  The fact that he's such a problem solver/do'er is so refreshing. 

as an aside, I'm so not a fan of match. What are others' opinions?

Edited by mighty mom 2013-05-10 8:15 AM
2013-05-10 10:40 AM
in reply to: #4736246

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
mighty mom - 2013-05-10 8:15 AM

as an aside, I'm so not a fan of match. What are others' opinions?

Paging Muskrat LOL

I've been on Match for awhile. Met some great guys. Just not great for me. I'm also on Plenty of Fish - totally different vibe over there (quantity over quality). I've dated - as in more than a month - guys from both sites. I think they're both worth browsing and I know there are others out there people have had success on (OK Cupid comes to mind).

Edited by lisac957 2013-05-10 10:41 AM
2013-05-10 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4736517

Subject: ...
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2013-05-10 11:41 AM
in reply to: #4703779

Chicago (Old Town)
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0

The new pic is great, Teejay!

I've sworn off dating sites and am also just going to focus on good 'ole fashioned face-to-face.  

I'm calling the "dating" or whatever it was with ExGirlfriend the "failed experiment" and we're still on track to keep a pretty good friendship going.  Got her tickets to Shen Yun (bought them in early March) and gave them to her on Sunday so she could go with whoever she wanted (figured that was the adult thing to do).  She asked me if I'd still go with her, so we're going on Sat night.  As friends!  I need to make sure to tread very lightly here....

Getting more involved at church, so I think maybe I might even meet someone there.  Or at races.  I don't know and am not really looking right now.  IMMOO is coming up soon and that's really where my focus should be, anyway.  This fall, I'll start thinking about stuff like dating and girls and whatnot...  

Christina,  That is a little weird of him.  Knowing nothing about either you or the guy, he sounds a little insecure.  Having never met him, it sounds like he's trying to quickly fill a void instead of taking the time to do it right.  How does he talk about exes?  Is he always "wronged by them" or does he admit fault?

2013-05-10 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4736633

metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
julio26pt2 - 2013-05-10 12:41 PM

Christina,  That is a little weird of him.  Knowing nothing about either you or the guy, he sounds a little insecure.  Having never met him, it sounds like he's trying to quickly fill a void instead of taking the time to do it right.  How does he talk about exes?  Is he always "wronged by them" or does he admit fault?

ITA it's fast and concerning. I've asked to table the exclusive decision for the time being and I'm probing but he is far from insecure. Probably one of the most emotionally mature and secure guys I've ever met which is weird in and of itself. Time will tell.

good luck at the concert! Nice that she asked you though.

2013-05-10 4:30 PM
in reply to: #4703779

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0
Meeting the kiddo tonight. Like a deer in the headlights Embarassed
2013-05-10 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4737129

Chicago (Old Town)
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0

lisac957 - 2013-05-10 4:30 PM Meeting the kiddo tonight. Like a deer in the headlights Embarassed

((hug))  Good luck!!!!!

2013-05-10 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4737129

Sin City
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 3.0

lisac957 - 2013-05-10 2:30 PM Meeting the kiddo tonight. Like a deer in the headlights Embarassed

We are meeting???

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