Other Resources Challenge Me! » January 100 Mile Run Challenge! Rss Feed  
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2013-12-22 12:46 PM

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
The ‘January 2014 - 100 Mile Run Challenge’ will begin on January 1st, 2014. All BT’ers are invited to participate. This is a run focus month for me and I hope that by participating you will hold yourself (and me) accountable to achieve the goal of running 100 miles.

I have drifted too far from my running base and am planning to rebuild it over the coming months. In a former ‘running life’, I often hosted a 40/40 club for people who were 40 yrs old and trying to run 40 miles/week. This was great motivation for me and I hope this will push people on the fence to join this challenge.

Please do not do this if it is not something that fits within your own plan or if it is too big a jump in overall mileage. You should be able to run more than 20 miles/week to do this. Do not get injured! You do not have to run every day, just make 100 miles during the 31 days of January. Consistency will be key to success.

I ask 3 things:
1) Tell us how many actual miles you are planning to run in January, so you can be held accountable to do it. Be specific and give a number. Although life will always make it challenging, we can figure out a way to get it done.
2) Have a plan. Know your goal for each run and how many ‘harder’ runs you plan. Run easy on other days. Work hard only on hard days and go easy otherwise. Remember, ‘stress+rest=adaptation’.
3) Give your name (or I’ll use your BT logon) and your actual mileage each week, so I can keep a weekly tally with how everyone is doing-often with some comments-which will vary, depending on what you tell me about the how the run week went. Weeks will run from Saturday to Sunday, except Week 1 will be short--Wed Jan1st-Sat Jan4th. I will post every Monday with a running total. I will also post a summary at the end of the month.

We will begin in about 10 days. I will post the first summary on Monday Jan6th.

2013-12-22 12:53 PM
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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I plan to run 117 miles (or more) in January. I have been slipping and doing less running each year and it's time to
reverse the slide. I have been slowly building my base and think I am ready to challenge the 116 mile mark. I hit this
twice in the last 3 years, but I've not even been close in a long time. I will beat it next month!

I have a plan-now to execute it and sidestep life's curveballs...that will be a challenge. I'm going to try to run 5 or
6 days each week and take one or two days off. Not planning anything hard, just easy and occasionally moderate
efforts-using HR to keep me honest.


Edited by dtoce 2013-12-22 1:12 PM
2013-12-22 2:55 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I'm in.

1. I plan on running 130 miles.

2. Plan is adaptable, but generally:
Monday - 4 easy
Tuesday - 5.5 speed work
Wednesday - 4 recovery
Thursday - 4 progressive or 4 tempo
Friday - 4 easy
Saturday - 4
Sunday - 8
I know the first 10 days of January will be a little light for me on these, as I will first be traveling for a football bowl game and then in my ridiculous annual review meetings for 4 days, which tend to span from 6:30AM to 10PM with most nights ending in beers.

3. Brad is my name. I tend to post updates daily as it is, so this shouldn't be an issue.
2013-12-23 7:34 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Alright Dale, I'm in too. If you want to get off to a good start on Jan-01, Shenipsit is hosting a 6 hour on the trails at Crandall's in Tolland; I'll probably be there for a couple hours.

3 things:
1) actual miles: no idea, but more than 100.
2) Have a plan: the plan is "no plan"; it seems to work for me.
3) Tony B.
2013-12-24 2:00 AM
in reply to: tbonanno

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I will play, need something to keep me moving after the Holiday streak!

Goal: 120 miles , but depending on other items may go higher. Keep trying to get to 50 mpw but always fall a part. Maybe this year will be different!

Plan is to run 6 days per week,

2013-12-24 11:10 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Saaaaweeeeet. Great challenge, Dale!

1) I plan on running at least 220 miles that's as specific as I can be right this moment because I just need to see how training goes as I ramp back up.

2) My plan is to do two quality or 'harder' days. The rest of the days will be generally easy with a variety of surfaces, distances and purpose.

3)My name is Adrienne 

2013-12-24 8:00 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Dale I like the way you think.

Put me in for 200 miles, normally I would go for more but I will be tapering for my upcoming 100 mile utlra that I am running on the 1st of February. I should be over 200 miles by the end of the month but I am going conservative and will be doing a real taper for this 100 miler, unlike my last one.

My name is Ron.
2013-12-25 12:05 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Uh?  Are those typo's?  I couldn't imagine running that many miles in a month, definitely impressive.  But that is also why my longest run distance is HM.    I'm curious what your weekly plans look like to get in those kind of miles.

2013-12-25 2:33 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Another perfectly timed challenge.  Thanks Dale for setting it up.

1) My goal is to run 150 miles as I am slowly ramping up my mileage for a March 1st marathon.

2) My plan is pretty similar to Brad's except the Thursday run will be a medium long day of about 8 miles.  I will also run 6 days a week with starting back into bike and swim.  Three trainer sessions and two swims.

3) Steve

2013-12-25 2:36 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Originally posted by mambos

Uh?  Are those typo's?  I couldn't imagine running that many miles in a month, definitely impressive.  But that is also why my longest run distance is HM.    I'm curious what your weekly plans look like to get in those kind of miles.

Very impressive indeed.  They both continue to inspire me.

2013-12-27 10:12 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

I won't be hitting a 100, but my goal is 75.

2013-12-27 5:37 PM
in reply to: mambos

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by mambos

Uh?  Are those typo's?  I couldn't imagine running that many miles in a month, definitely impressive.  But that is also why my longest run distance is HM.    I'm curious what your weekly plans look like to get in those kind of miles.

Nope. No typos.

Those are two moderate to high volume runners there...I know Adrienne will be just starting out her marathon training block, and I'd expect that she will probably get a few 90-100 mile weeks in later on, but not in January. Many subelite/elite AG'ers try to get 50+mpw-minimum. There is the law of diminishing returns, but running easy and running often is known to bring big aerobic benefits with very little injury risk. You just have to be a bit careful as you push up the total weekly mileage. Frequent runs of smaller distances help.

I've seen some of Ron's posts elsewhere, and if he is who I think he is, there's an impressive story of transformation there as he became a high volume runner.

(We'll have to ask him if this is him or not-but I think it is...)

Looks like we're getting a nice group here.

I thank you all for helping myself be accountable and I'm looking forward to getting out there 5 or 6 days/week-consistently, in January. The bigger the base, the taller the peak!

2013-12-27 5:47 PM
in reply to: kns57

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by kns57

I won't be hitting a 100, but my goal is 75.

That's close enough for me! Welcome.

BTW-I love the Clarke quote-“The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.”
by Arthur C. Clarke

It's been paraphrased and on my Training Log Dashboard for the past few months.

Very nice.
2013-12-27 6:01 PM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by MSU_Brad
Monday - 4 easy
Tuesday - 5.5 speed work
Wednesday - 4 recovery
Thursday - 4 progressive or 4 tempo
Friday - 4 easy
Saturday - 4
Sunday - 8

Hi Brad! I like the plan. 130 miles.

Originally posted by tbonanno
Have a plan: the plan is "no plan"; it seems to work for me.

Glad you joined Tony. I'll put you down for 160 miles, since that's about what you did last month. No plan is OK for a consistent, ultra-trail runner like you. Just don't fall down too often. Perhaps we'll even get to the pool at some point. I do miss my lane-mate. Nothing like whacking elbows from sloppy form, right? Besides, I've now got a Garmin 910 to play with and I'm sure I'll have lots of questions...

Originally posted by mambos
Goal: 120 miles , but depending on other items may go higher. Keep trying to get to 50 mpw but always fall a part. Maybe this year will be different!

Plan is to run 6 days per week,


You can get to 50mpw, Matt. It's all about allowing yourself to go slow enough to get the volume in first. Always volume before intensity. Just understand you need the time to let your body absorb the miles and don't push the pace when pushing volume and you'll be WAY less likely to get injured. This year will be different, if you want it to be. Be consistent.

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Saaaaweeeeet. Great challenge, Dale!

1) I plan on running at least 220 miles that's as specific as I can be right this moment because I just need to see how training goes as I ramp back up.

2) My plan is to do two quality or 'harder' days. The rest of the days will be generally easy with a variety of surfaces, distances and purpose.

3)My name is Adrienne

I'll be watching you closely, Salty. It's gonna be fun watching you, but wait 'til you get to those gutwrenching progressive tempo medLR's later on. uuuuuufffffff.
But the again, you're tough as nails and I only puked on the track a few times.

Originally posted by navbtcret
Put me in for 200 miles, normally I would go for more but I will be tapering for my upcoming 100 mile utlra that I am running on the 1st of February. I should be over 200 miles by the end of the month but I am going conservative and will be doing a real taper for this 100 miler, unlike my last one.

My name is Ron.

Welcome Ron! Tell us about the upcoming ultra. And tell us how you ramped up to 100 mpw when you did it. I'd love to hear. I tried to hit 100mpw once and only got 90. Took a lot of planning with my schedule. I'll probably try to do it this year again...

Originally posted by popsracer
My goal is to run 150 miles as I am slowly ramping up my mileage for a March 1st marathon.

2) My plan is pretty similar to Brad's except the Thursday run will be a medium long day of about 8 miles. I will also run 6 days a week with starting back into bike and swim. Three trainer sessions and two swims.

3) Steve

Make sure you account for the other disciplines during your ramp up, Steve. I'll be watching you...You're gonna hit some PR's in 2014.

2013-12-27 6:44 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Extreme Veteran
Quebec City
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
i'll go for 110 miles

3 times week 5 miles and one long 10 miles week

2013-12-28 1:12 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by dtoce

Originally posted by mambos

Uh?  Are those typo's?  I couldn't imagine running that many miles in a month, definitely impressive.  But that is also why my longest run distance is HM.    I'm curious what your weekly plans look like to get in those kind of miles.

Nope. No typos.

Those are two moderate to high volume runners there...I know Adrienne will be just starting out her marathon training block, and I'd expect that she will probably get a few 90-100 mile weeks in later on, but not in January. Many subelite/elite AG'ers try to get 50+mpw-minimum. There is the law of diminishing returns, but running easy and running often is known to bring big aerobic benefits with very little injury risk. You just have to be a bit careful as you push up the total weekly mileage. Frequent runs of smaller distances help.

I've seen some of Ron's posts elsewhere, and if he is who I think he is, there's an impressive story of transformation there as he became a high volume runner.

(We'll have to ask him if this is him or not-but I think it is...)

Looks like we're getting a nice group here.

I thank you all for helping myself be accountable and I'm looking forward to getting out there 5 or 6 days/week-consistently, in January. The bigger the base, the taller the peak!

Yes that is me. I did get my 100 miler in this year, finsihing in 21 hours and 32 minutes, along with 8 marathons, that 50 miler, 6 half marathons and several shorter races. It has been a heck of year for me. I got a new pr in both the half and full marathon distances, quailfied again for Boston, and won my first race ever. I am on a 765 day running streak and counting, plus I will get to 3800 miles of running for the year by the ned of the month or really close. I ran my first set of back to back marathons this fall, the New hampshire marathon on Saturday and then drove to Maine and ran the Maine marathon on Sunday both of them well under 4 hours. I also ran a full marathon two weeks after my 100 miler, I got drunk the night before it and ran it hungover for the first 5 miles or so. It was a hot and humid day that day too, I know I do not have good sense sometimes even at the age of 51.

As far as the upcoming 100 miler it is called Skydive Ultra and it is in Clewiston, Florida on the 1st of Februrary. I will be jumping out of an airplane and then getting out of the jump gear and running 100 miles. Sounds like fun to me. It'll be my second jump and second 100 miler.

I run everyday so getting to over 100 miles is not that hard most of the time, the hardest part sometimes is the time involved. I work full time on a swing shift no less so I run at different times of the day depending on the shift I am working. My kids are all grown up and the wife does not not mind me gone running most of the time. I usually do a mdweek long run of 15-25 miles and my shortest runs are 8 miles. I try to do at least two days of speed work as well but sometimes the speed work is just strides thrown in. I had a streak of 7 weeks in row of over 100 miles this summer leading up to the 100 miler. I did run a hard half marathon two weeks before the 100 miler and did a 2.6 mile open water swim for a team in an adventure race. That is why this time I will taper properly and am hoping to finish in under 20 hours.

I am in awe of you folks doing the full and half ironman races, I have only done olympis distance to date. I gave up biking last year to concentrate on running more because that is my passion. I only swim whe nthe weather warms up and i can in the lake so that is usually just from May until Septemeber. I love these different challenges that folks here come up with especially the running ones, it feels like I have a running group that I run with daily while doing them. I eagerly look forward to reading how everyones workout wnet that day.

2013-12-28 8:19 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Originally posted by navbtcret
Originally posted by dtoce
Originally posted by mambos

Uh?  Are those typo's?  I couldn't imagine running that many miles in a month, definitely impressive.  But that is also why my longest run distance is HM.    I'm curious what your weekly plans look like to get in those kind of miles.

Nope. No typos. Those are two moderate to high volume runners there...I know Adrienne will be just starting out her marathon training block, and I'd expect that she will probably get a few 90-100 mile weeks in later on, but not in January. Many subelite/elite AG'ers try to get 50+mpw-minimum. There is the law of diminishing returns, but running easy and running often is known to bring big aerobic benefits with very little injury risk. You just have to be a bit careful as you push up the total weekly mileage. Frequent runs of smaller distances help. I've seen some of Ron's posts elsewhere, and if he is who I think he is, there's an impressive story of transformation there as he became a high volume runner. (We'll have to ask him if this is him or not-but I think it is...) http://www.timesobserver.com/page/content.detail/id/562419/-A-choic... Looks like we're getting a nice group here. I thank you all for helping myself be accountable and I'm looking forward to getting out there 5 or 6 days/week-consistently, in January. The bigger the base, the taller the peak!
Yes that is me. I did get my 100 miler in this year, finsihing in 21 hours and 32 minutes, along with 8 marathons, that 50 miler, 6 half marathons and several shorter races. It has been a heck of year for me. I got a new pr in both the half and full marathon distances, quailfied again for Boston, and won my first race ever. I am on a 765 day running streak and counting, plus I will get to 3800 miles of running for the year by the ned of the month or really close. I ran my first set of back to back marathons this fall, the New hampshire marathon on Saturday and then drove to Maine and ran the Maine marathon on Sunday both of them well under 4 hours. I also ran a full marathon two weeks after my 100 miler, I got drunk the night before it and ran it hungover for the first 5 miles or so. It was a hot and humid day that day too, I know I do not have good sense sometimes even at the age of 51. As far as the upcoming 100 miler it is called Skydive Ultra and it is in Clewiston, Florida on the 1st of Februrary. I will be jumping out of an airplane and then getting out of the jump gear and running 100 miles. Sounds like fun to me. It'll be my second jump and second 100 miler. I run everyday so getting to over 100 miles is not that hard most of the time, the hardest part sometimes is the time involved. I work full time on a swing shift no less so I run at different times of the day depending on the shift I am working. My kids are all grown up and the wife does not not mind me gone running most of the time. I usually do a mdweek long run of 15-25 miles and my shortest runs are 8 miles. I try to do at least two days of speed work as well but sometimes the speed work is just strides thrown in. I had a streak of 7 weeks in row of over 100 miles this summer leading up to the 100 miler. I did run a hard half marathon two weeks before the 100 miler and did a 2.6 mile open water swim for a team in an adventure race. That is why this time I will taper properly and am hoping to finish in under 20 hours. I am in awe of you folks doing the full and half ironman races, I have only done olympis distance to date. I gave up biking last year to concentrate on running more because that is my passion. I only swim whe nthe weather warms up and i can in the lake so that is usually just from May until Septemeber. I love these different challenges that folks here come up with especially the running ones, it feels like I have a running group that I run with daily while doing them. I eagerly look forward to reading how everyones workout wnet that day.
Impressive story!  Love hearing about people who have come back from the edge, whether it be health or activity related.   And your right, whats another 23 miles after you have already ran 100?

Edited by mambos 2013-12-28 8:22 AM
2013-12-28 10:25 AM
in reply to: LeCrac

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by LeCrac

i'll go for 110 miles

3 times week 5 miles and one long 10 miles week


Welcome James!

Originally posted by navbtcret

Yes that is me. I did get my 100 miler in this year, finsihing in 21 hours and 32 minutes, along with 8 marathons, that 50 miler, 6 half marathons and several shorter races. It has been a heck of year for me. I got a new pr in both the half and full marathon distances, quailfied again for Boston, and won my first race ever. I am on a 765 day running streak and counting, plus I will get to 3800 miles of running for the year by the ned of the month or really close. I ran my first set of back to back marathons this fall, the New hampshire marathon on Saturday and then drove to Maine and ran the Maine marathon on Sunday both of them well under 4 hours. I also ran a full marathon two weeks after my 100 miler, I got drunk the night before it and ran it hungover for the first 5 miles or so. It was a hot and humid day that day too, I know I do not have good sense sometimes even at the age of 51.

As far as the upcoming 100 miler it is called Skydive Ultra and it is in Clewiston, Florida on the 1st of Februrary. I will be jumping out of an airplane and then getting out of the jump gear and running 100 miles. Sounds like fun to me. It'll be my second jump and second 100 miler.

I run everyday so getting to over 100 miles is not that hard most of the time, the hardest part sometimes is the time involved. I work full time on a swing shift no less so I run at different times of the day depending on the shift I am working. My kids are all grown up and the wife does not not mind me gone running most of the time. I usually do a mdweek long run of 15-25 miles and my shortest runs are 8 miles. I try to do at least two days of speed work as well but sometimes the speed work is just strides thrown in. I had a streak of 7 weeks in row of over 100 miles this summer leading up to the 100 miler. I did run a hard half marathon two weeks before the 100 miler and did a 2.6 mile open water swim for a team in an adventure race. That is why this time I will taper properly and am hoping to finish in under 20 hours.

I am in awe of you folks doing the full and half ironman races, I have only done olympis distance to date. I gave up biking last year to concentrate on running more because that is my passion. I only swim whe nthe weather warms up and i can in the lake so that is usually just from May until Septemeber. I love these different challenges that folks here come up with especially the running ones, it feels like I have a running group that I run with daily while doing them. I eagerly look forward to reading how everyones workout wnet that day.

Very cool stuff Ron. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your upcoming ultra. I think it'd take me a while to get my senses before I'd be able to run after jumping out of a plane. Too cool! You'll enjoy a nice benefit from 'supercompensation' with a proper taper.

When you were ramping up your run mileage to 100mpw, how aggressive were you? Or did you go by feel?

2013-12-28 4:20 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Dale I was pretty aggressive about it but I had a good base under me before hand. I went from doing about 60-70 mpw to 100 mpw in a two week time frame. At first though I would go every other week at 100+ miles for 6 weeks and then I went by feel after that. Now the week I did not run 100 miles I still ran 85-90 miles. After I got running a few weeks in row of 100+ miles then I just kept it up, it was tough some weeks but I tell myself to suck it up butter cup and just go out and do it. After a month the heaviness in legs went away and it was not too bad keeping the mileage up. But that is for me and you know everyone is different. My longest training run for the first 100 miler was just shy of 38 miles. This time around I am not going much over 30 but I am doing 20 miles the day before the 30 to do it on some tired legs.
2013-12-29 6:26 PM
in reply to: 0

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by navbtcret

Dale I was pretty aggressive about it but I had a good base under me before hand. I went from doing about 60-70 mpw to 100 mpw in a two week time frame. At first though I would go every other week at 100+ miles for 6 weeks and then I went by feel after that. Now the week I did not run 100 miles I still ran 85-90 miles. After I got running a few weeks in row of 100+ miles then I just kept it up, it was tough some weeks but I tell myself to suck it up butter cup and just go out and do it. After a month the heaviness in legs went away and it was not too bad keeping the mileage up. But that is for me and you know everyone is different. My longest training run for the first 100 miler was just shy of 38 miles. This time around I am not going much over 30 but I am doing 20 miles the day before the 30 to do it on some tired legs.

Ron-thanks for sharing this.
we'll have some fun watching you get ready for your flying ultra!

Training begins in 3 days, people!!
Get ready.

Edited by dtoce 2013-12-29 6:44 PM
2013-12-30 5:58 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I want in...my goal this year is 1,200 miles so i might as well get started for 100 miles in January.

I have no plan, I just run as much as I can, along w/ biking, swimming and lifting weights. I also run/bike naked, (no-electronics). This drives my wife crazy. It takes her 30 minutes to get out the door because she has to plan her route, sync her gps, make sure it is charged, get her music, etc etc etc.

My name is karl

Edited by KWDreamun 2013-12-30 6:07 PM

2013-12-30 6:23 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I want in too. Hope/think I can make to 100 miles this month; just gone into taper for Jan 19 mary and then I'll have recovery so I think the 100 miles is about the best guess for me.

Goal: 100 miles
Plan: Modification of Hal Higdon's Advance I plan, weeks 16.5 thru 18 and then recovery usually 5x week.
Name: Pam

Huh, told hubby about this at dinner tonight and dang, he just joined before me.
2013-12-30 6:38 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Welcome to the Tallahassee couple!
I like that you mentioned it. I like that he signed up first.

Getting close now!
2013-12-30 6:46 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by Pink Socks

just gone into taper for Jan 19 mary and then I'll have recovery so I think the 100 miles is about the best guess for me.

Enjoy the taper, and don't force the mileage. You're in.
Give the race your very best pacing effort.
We'll all cheer you on!
2013-12-30 6:48 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by KWDreamun

I also run/bike naked

I like naked...sometimes...just sayin'

Welcom Karl!
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