General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday! Rss Feed  
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2015-02-13 7:30 AM

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Subject: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!

Bonus points if you know the definition!  Good morning!

4:15am:  1:20 on the KK...steady endurance Z2

5:45:  30 minutes strength training

Heading to Barenaked Ladies tonight--they're playing at our fabulous concert hall--hubby and I have awesome tickets ---4th row on the floor.  My poor students have been forced to listen to BNL all week--they're not that impressed! Well, a couple of the nerdier ones are, but only because they found out BNL sings the opening for The Big Bang Theory!

Three day weekend!  Anybody racing? 

2015-02-13 8:06 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Subject: RE: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!
Fear of the number 13. I know that because it was the name of a friends band in college, HA!

2015-02-13 10:04 AM
in reply to: CzechYourHead

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Subject: RE: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!
I'm jealous Kim! I would love that concert!

I have nothing on tap today. I am recovering from feeling like death this week. Thank heaven it was a "recovery" week on my training program. However, I have my first swim team event tonight....Attending the state meet! It's going to be a long, but fun day!!
2015-02-13 10:23 AM
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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!
Morning All

Just getting ready to head over to the Pool , Probably do 2000M and some Core work. Tonight practice Doggies for an hour and tomorrow 2 1/2 hrs on the trainer at Bike Class not sure how that's going to go with this sore foot struggled to get thru 2 hours last week.

Enjoy the Show Kim.

Have a great day and weekend all.

Edited by RRH_88 2015-02-13 10:25 AM
2015-02-13 10:40 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!

AM- 13.2 mile run w/ 3x5k @ GMP w/3' recovery

PM - 3 miles easy run

2015-02-13 1:04 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!
TGIF...and the 13th too!

My husband is out of town so I couldn't go out for my long run this morning.
Once I took the kids to school, got home and on the trainer - been a while!

9am - 1:05 on the trainer - mix of intervals
2 mile run brick
core work

2015-02-13 3:56 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!

No fear of the 13th here :D

Hey Kim, enjoy the concert. Should be great fun :D

This morning I parked at the beach just before dawn and ran from Moonlight down to Fletcher Cove and back, then jumped in the ocean with the  Tri Club and did 2 laps of the red buoys. (8 Mile Run, 2000 Meter Swim)

At lunch and headed out over the hill and down the Broken Hill Trail to Blacks Beach and jumped in the ocean for a quick swim and then ran back. (8 Mile run, 1000 Meter Swim)

Waves were pretty big this morning at Moonlight but were MASSIVE at Black's for my lunch swim. SO HAPPY to be doing my lunch aquathon again. Not sure how long the water and air will stay warm enough to do this in Winter but I will take it.

Sorry I have been out for a few days. Started feeling a bit under the weather after the race on Sunday so I kept a low profile.

2015-02-13 7:04 PM
in reply to: WaterDog66

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!

Originally posted by WaterDog66

No fear of the 13th here :D

Hey Kim, enjoy the concert. Should be great fun :D

This morning I parked at the beach just before dawn and ran from Moonlight down to Fletcher Cove and back, then jumped in the ocean with the  Tri Club and did 2 laps of the red buoys. (8 Mile Run, 2000 Meter Swim)

At lunch and headed out over the hill and down the Broken Hill Trail to Blacks Beach and jumped in the ocean for a quick swim and then ran back. (8 Mile run, 1000 Meter Swim)

Waves were pretty big this morning at Moonlight but were MASSIVE at Black's for my lunch swim. SO HAPPY to be doing my lunch aquathon again. Not sure how long the water and air will stay warm enough to do this in Winter but I will take it.

Sorry I have been out for a few days. Started feeling a bit under the weather after the race on Sunday so I kept a low profile.

Wow, I am so jealous.  I need to travel someplace like that.

Had a nice swim in the pool during lunch.  A set of 50's followed by 3 x 300.  Going out to dinner tonight but I still have a short trainer session on the plan for today.  I cannot miss another ride.

2015-02-14 12:23 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!
5:15 AM 1:11 run with a bunch of half-mile tempo pickups. Wished I'd had time to take some pictures, or a Go Pro, as my route is so weird this time of year. My riverfront running area has been transformed for Tet into a mock-up of a Vietnamese village with temporary rice fields and huts. The other side is a shopping mall and upscale shops and cafes. It all looks really odd in the floodlights before dawn. Once the riverside lights go off I head off with my headlamp for a big, empty street I call the "runway" where exercisers congregate until it gets light, because a few streetlights stay on for the duration. (For some reason, no one's thought of keeping all the lights on until everyone can actually see where they're going.)

PM 35 minutes of strength stuff at the gym, then lots of cat wrangling while trying to pack.

Off to the US for ten days, killing time now in Tokyo airport. No training today. (Maybe humping a bag out to the main road in search of a taxi at 3:XX AM counts as strength training?) Hoping for a long run at home tomorrow or Monday.
2015-02-14 7:03 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: 2.13.15 Triskaidekaphobia Friday!
Originally posted by ingleshteechur

Bonus points if you know the definition!  Good morning!

4:15am:  1:20 on the KK...steady endurance Z2

5:45:  30 minutes strength training

Heading to Barenaked Ladies tonight--they're playing at our fabulous concert hall--hubby and I have awesome tickets ---4th row on the floor.  My poor students have been forced to listen to BNL all week--they're not that impressed! Well, a couple of the nerdier ones are, but only because they found out BNL sings the opening for The Big Bang Theory!

Three day weekend!  Anybody racing? 

Jealous!!!! I love the bare naked ladies.

I spent the whole day outside and the wind chill never got above -30 (- 22 F) so I kept my run at the end of the day to less than an hour.
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