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Ragnar Relay del Sol - Run

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Wickenburg to Tempe, Arizona
United States
Ragnar Relay Series
Total Time = 33h 32m 6s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

First off I will say this was a very enjoyable experience. I got to re-connect with some of my Angel Fire teammates and met some new ones. Spending quality time (i.e. close quarters for days) with other adults is a balancing act, especially when you have between 6 and 12 people making decisions.

Met up with A and E at Sbux on Thursday morning to make the drive to Sun City. I had some oatmeal in the morning at home and a Flat White while I waited for them. When they got there I ordered a green tea latte for the road (yum). Little did I know those would be my last calories until much, much later. We stopped in one town for gas. A wasn't hungry and E decided to hit the McD that he thought was further down the road. Well there was no McD so we continued on to Payson. In Payson E spotted an Arby's and decided to stop there. E had an Arby's meal and I just wasn't comfortable having fast food right before a race (remember Taco Bell?!) So on we went.

We got to the hotel in Sun City and met up with B and L, then we headed up to the race start in Wickenburg where we met up with S and J1 so we could get Van 1 checked in. Then it was back to Sun City where we met up with D and J2 when we FINALLY got some food. It was about 2030 by this point. The good news was that whoever chose the restaurant did a great job. They found a place that specialized in good, healthy food. It was like a body builder opened a restaurant. I had a teriyaki beef bowl. yum.

Then it was back to the hotel where I shared a room with S and J1. They both live in a Navy base feeder town in Cali so we had lots in common. I shared a bed with J1 because S was the only guy. Friday morning I was up early, as usual. I'd heard Van 1 leave earlier. I went down to get some coffee and breakfast, once again assuming we'd stop somewhere later for lunch. (I guess I'm a slow learner). Once S and J1 were up and moving we went for coffee at Dutch Bros. I'd never heard of it before. Must be crack in it or something because it always seems to have a long line. Good stuff though. After that we headed back to meet up with R, and loaded up the car. We picked up T at his hotel on the way to Exchange 6 where we would take over the running duties. Once we got to Exchange 6 we met up with H and finally had our half of the Killer Twinkies team. We got checked in and waited for the baton (wrist band) to come to us.
Event warmup:

I wish
  • 00m
  • 0 miles
  •  min/mile

My first leg was 13.5 miles, uphill, in the AZ heat. I'd eaten a couple of Cuties to try to get some calories in me. My run was going to start in the hot sun and end some time around dusk. I wore my RWB singlet and blue shorts, with my new Nathan pack for water. Based on Ragnar rules I'd be required to have a reflective vest and headlamp after 17:30 so J1 helped me get the reflective vest over my Nathan and put my headlamp in the pocket. I also put some Skratch chews in my pocket. The baton got to me just after 16:00 and I was off. I knew it would be hot so I just started at a comfortable pace and settled in for the climb. The miles seemed to click off quickly but on the other hand it was hot and seemed to go on and on. Ragnar had several un-manned water stops set up but I had my pack and didn't need to stop. I passed people and got passed. There was white shirt guy with whom I leap-frogged the whole time. At one point in this leg I had the "privilege" of listening to one side of a custody battle for a couple miles from Forrest Gump Guy. :( After the final turn and short downhill to the exchange white shirt guy and I congratulated each other for surviving a hot half marathon. I got in to the exchange, handed the baton off to T and was given a medal for completing the longest leg in Ragnar history. I finished in about 2:32, but I'm calling it my uphill-in the heat-HM.5 PR. I'm happy with my average pace on this leg. It. Was. Hot! I walked around a bit then climbed in the car to move on to the next exchange. Side note, Ragnar advertised that there would be a port a loo on this leg because it was so long. Good thing I didn't need it because it was at mile 11!!!!! Who thought that was a good spot?!?!?!?!

After our first batch of legs was done we decided to grab a bite then go try to get some showers and shut eye. We managed to agree on Chilis. I wanted carbs and calories so I settled on cheese enchiladas. They were good! S was the last to run and he sat at Chilis shivering.

In hindsight I see this as one of the major challenges of Ragnar Road Races. Once finished running we usually take care of our legs and ourselves in general but with these you finish your leg then do whatever the team is doing which could be standing in the cold night air, or sitting in a cold restaurant, or riding in a car and feeling the muscles tighten.

After we finished eating we headed to the hotel room and worked our way through showers. After I'd showered and re-arranged my gear I realized that I, the oldest person on the team, and the one who'd run 13 miles, was relegated to the floor. I didn't get much sleep, I was next to the air conditioner and was cold, in spite of my blanket. We were getting updates from the other team and headed out at o dark thirty to meet them when they finished their next set of legs.

My second leg was one I was really looking forward to. It was in the dark, and on an undulating bike/walking path. I started at 03:17 wearing a tech t, capris and my reflective vest. I started with one girl in a sparkly skirt that was especially sparkly because of the reflection of my headlamp. After 13.5 miles of pavement I took advantage of a crushed rock path for the first mile or so. Once we got to the undulating path I left the sparkly girl behind and continued to pass people for the next 4 miles, yay hill repeats!!! For the last half mile or so my IT Band started to complain quietly. When I was done with the leg I once again climbed in to the car and headed to the next exchange. Sitting there my right IT Band really start to feel tight. I finished this 5 mile leg in 47:44

We finished this bunch of legs at 05:25 (there was hot chocolate at this exchange, yay) and once again headed back to the hotel. This time I managed to score a spot on the bed and got a couple hours rest. Once the sun was up and the hotel breakfast was open I headed down to get a bite and some coffee. We were still getting regular updates from the other van and when their 5th runner started I went up to rouse the others to head out.

My IT Band continued to be tight so at each exchange I tried to get it warmed up and stretched out. I was nervously optimistic about getting it warmed/stretched enough to eek out 5 miles. I didn't want to make someone else on the team cover the miles but I also didn't want to risk an injury that might endanger my Moab race. Finally it was my turn and I can only describe those final 5 miles as a runnish/death shuffle motion. It was, once again, hot, but I managed to keep the shuffle going and even passed a couple guys. One of them was doing a yo-yo thing where he would speed up and pull away every time I started to catch him. But eventually I came around a corner and he was sitting under a tree. The course for this leg was pretty, and flat, and wound on a park path thing past lakes and fountains and such. Finally it was over and I was done, for better or worse. When I got in the van had gone for Sbux without me :( but they did bring me an ice cream bar :) I finished this 5.1 in 59:05. I'm satisfied with that time considering the pain I was running with.

Before and after each of my legs I was getting text encouragement from my amazing DH, even the o dark thirty one. Love that man.
What would you do differently?:

Eat more, take more time to stretch after each run
Post race
Warm down:

As is Ragnar tradition we ran the last few hundred feet with S to the finish. After that we got some pizza and beer (I didn't get beer, I didn't have my ID). Some of the team left from there and the rest went to J2's house for good food and good company then cleaned out the cars and went back to the hotel for one last slumber party.

In the photos you will see the whole Killer Twinkies team, Van #2, my medal for the 13.5 and a photo of E that I think summarizes the Ragnar experience.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Heat for the first one and IT Band issues for the third, I rocked the second one! :)

Event comments:

Ragnar does a great job. The interactions with other teams was fun too.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2016-01-04 12:00 AM
00:00:00 | 00 miles |  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
Course: Around the Phoenix metro area
Keeping cool Bad Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2016-02-24 10:34 AM

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: Ragnar Relay del Sol

2016-02-24 12:55 PM
in reply to: #5168953

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol

Congrats on finishing!  It sounds like a fun event!  As Karen pointed out earlier this week, Old Ladies Rule!

2016-02-24 12:58 PM
in reply to: #5168953

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol

Awesome, congratulations!

2016-02-24 12:59 PM
in reply to: #5168953

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Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol

Holy smokes, that was a great 13.5 - UPHILL, in the heat, wow!  And then to do two more 5+ mile legs after that?!  Hella impressive!  Sounds like you had an enjoyable time overall.  The picture of E is comical.  No beer is sad.  Ice cream is good!  Congrats on a good race!

2016-02-24 1:27 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol
sounds like a very adventurous race, congratulations.
2016-02-24 1:35 PM
in reply to: #5168953

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol

Janyne this is the second time I've been the "senior" on the team by about 20 years. But I'm not the slowest and I put in the most miles

If anyone is interested the legs are on Strava now that I'm home and could connect.

2016-02-25 2:08 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol

Way to go TJ!  Great PR too 

2016-02-25 2:40 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol

Noooooooooo no beer!?!?!

Congrats on the uphill-in the heat-HM.5 PR hahaha. The two combined is most certainly a challenge. Waita step to it.. Hopefully the IT band pain subsides. It's probably just a lot for your body in a short amount if time plus, as you mentioned, Ragnar events don't do much for you in terms of proper recovery, sleep etc.

2016-02-25 3:01 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol
Nice, congratulations! Take care of the IT Band.
2016-02-27 7:50 PM
in reply to: #5168953

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Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol
Awesome job!
2016-03-07 11:29 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Ragnar Relay del Sol

WTG Killer Twinkies!

Wait, did I just write that sentence? 

Congrats on a great race.


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