General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Ingesting Baking Soda before training? Is this actually a thing? Rss Feed  
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2022-09-27 9:33 PM


Subject: Ingesting Baking Soda before training? Is this actually a thing?
Thought I would ask this question, while I was reading... I came across something that sounded a little out there and off. I was wondering if anyone has tried this or if this is even a valid thing, I know that anyone can write anything in a book without having much validity...

“the practice of ingesting bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) before exercise successfully neutralizes acid building up in the blood. In terms of fitness & performance, this means improved endurance, increased max. Breath-hold time, reduced breathlessness and higher average power output. Take this mixtures of bicarbonate of soda & apple cider vinegar an hour or so before training.”


2022-09-28 8:30 AM
in reply to: ThunderJammie

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ingesting Baking Soda before training? Is this actually a thing?
I get the theory but no idea how that would work in an actual person, or what their evidence was, or how strong it was. And as for the mixture, wouldn't the acid in the vinegar sort of neutralize the baking soda? Sounds more like an elementary school "volcano" model! And not sure that something kids do to make volcanoes should be going on in one's stomach before training or racing?
2022-09-28 9:41 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ingesting Baking Soda before training? Is this actually a thing?

Might as well just take a Rolaids, which is proven to be safe.  

2022-09-29 5:43 PM
in reply to: ThunderJammie

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Ingesting Baking Soda before training? Is this actually a thing?
Originally posted by ThunderJammie

Thought I would ask this question, while I was reading... I came across something that sounded a little out there and off. I was wondering if anyone has tried this or if this is even a valid thing, I know that anyone can write anything in a book without having much validity...

“the practice of ingesting bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) before exercise successfully neutralizes acid building up in the blood. In terms of fitness & performance, this means improved endurance, increased max. Breath-hold time, reduced breathlessness and higher average power output. Take this mixtures of bicarbonate of soda & apple cider vinegar an hour or so before training.”


so, FTR, I've done the research and actually done the experiment as well, since I was curious. The rec was 0.3 mg/kg and I weigh about 70, so I went with about 2 grams of bicarb in about 4 big glasses of G2. It's a lot-

On the plus side, I can say that for me, it improved my ability to do repeat sprints but that was about it. I did not test breath holding or crazy stuff like that. It did not change my ability to hold one hour power (CP/FTP). It did not change my max power and I tried several times during the races to go all out. I raced two or three sprint bike races on the day @ 1 hr and ~3 hrs and did another the next day.

I had the perception that I was still fatigued as I was doing these short sprint races, but surprisingly, I was still able to hold almost the same pace for each of the several consecutive races. If I remember correctly, my best race was a super sprint bike race the next day.

On the down side, it makes you very bloated. It was hard to drink so much of it and I mixed it with G2 and could likely have gone a bit more concentrated. Definitely moves the bowels! I retained water and my weight went up and stayed there for several days.

All in all-not worth it.
2023-02-14 12:31 PM
in reply to: ThunderJammie

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Ingesting Baking Soda before training? Is this actually a thing?

Yes, there is science to back this up.  Baking Soda is Sodium Bicarbonate.  It neutralizes acid.  One of the first bi-products of energy production in moving muscles is H+, or simply acid.  Doing things to make the system more basic (less acidic) prior to exercise is shown to help buffer the impact of exercise induced acid.

Here is a link to a phenomenal podcast on training and that talks specifically about ingesting baking soda.  Its at the 3:04 mark.

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Strength, Muscle Size & Endurance - Huberman Lab

The issue with ingesting baking soda, however, is that the stomach and gut are acidic by nature.  Consuming baking soda can cause significant reactions in the gut which can lead to a sprint to the bathroom.

There are other supplements that can help neutralize acid.  Beta Alanine is one of them.  Both Baking Soda and beta alanine have shown some positive physiological responses for certain exercise types like sprinting.

The website  has excellent information on the science and research behind different supplements.

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