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2008-06-22 3:38 AM

Extreme Veteran
Subject: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

So for all you IM finishers out there, in hindsight what would be your number 1 tip that wouod have allowed you to finish the race faster. Maybe it was to do with your training, nutrition, transition, pacing, whatever. Bring it on for all us other wannabes!


2008-06-22 3:43 AM
in reply to: #1480680

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Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
Consistency in training. Easily the number one way to finish an IM faster at least for me.
2008-06-22 6:21 AM
in reply to: #1480681

Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
Nail your nutrition.  You can do the training but if you don't have a plan and follow it on race day; your gonna blow up!
2008-06-22 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1480681

No excuses!
Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

browner6 - 2008-06-22 4:43 AM Consistency in training. Easily the number one way to finish an IM faster at least for me.

Dead on for me. I did plenty of centuries and 2.4 mile swims and 18 mi runs but my weeks were so hodge podge that I would have a 20 hour week followed by a 4 hour week and it hurt me in the end.

2008-06-22 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1480680

portland, or
Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
For me it's been pacing the start of the marathon. I'm always fresher then expected when I come off the bike and set off on the marathon at a pace I can't maintain.

2008-06-22 11:03 AM
in reply to: #1480879


Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
Could not agree more...I always feel much better than I expect after the bike, take off on the run like at a 3hr marathon pace...maintain that pace for the first 13 miles or so...and finish (proudly) with a 4 hour marathon. I have done it twice in a row!!!

My bonus tip...don't worry that much about nutrition. Listen to your body and eat/drink what you have a taste for when you have taste for it. Each race is subject to way too many variables (i.e. temp., wind, how you feel in general that day). I have used this strategy to finished under 10.5 hrs...well below my goal of 12 hrs.

2008-06-22 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1480680

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

I could say MORE training.  I could say figure out the reason for my cramping.  I could say a bunch of other things, but I think the number one item that would have made me faster in my first and only IM would be to not stop as much to thank persons, and walking as much of the course as I did.

The second most important tip is to get more training and consistent training, as was mentioned.

2008-06-22 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1480680

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

A consistent and adequate training laod

2008-06-22 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1480680

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Herndon VA
Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

Don't eat the paste! This will make total sense to you halfway through the marathon, one way or another.  This is how Patrick McCrann's article explains it and sums it up perfectly:

  • Here is the link to the full article:

    Good luck and have a great race!!

  • 2008-06-22 9:57 PM
    in reply to: #1480680

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

    Awesome feedabck everyone thanks. And now I finally understand all the "Don't eat the paste" comments!

    2008-06-23 2:23 PM
    in reply to: #1480680

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    New York
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
    I wish I would have done more to prepare myself for the pain. Pain is what caused me to "run" a 5:29 marathon. If I had done more to prep myself for what that would be like, I probably could have gone sub 12.

    2008-06-23 2:34 PM
    in reply to: #1483964

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

    KenyonTri - 2008-06-24 7:23 AM I wish I would have done more to prepare myself for the pain. Pain is what caused me to "run" a 5:29 marathon. If I had done more to prep myself for what that would be like, I probably could have gone sub 12.

    Can you do anything to prepare for it? 

    2008-06-23 3:04 PM
    in reply to: #1484009

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    Cycling Guru
    Fulton, MD
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
    If you think you are going slow on the bike, chances are you are still going too fast .....
    2008-06-23 3:08 PM
    in reply to: #1480680

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    Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
    I think it is also very important to listen to your body, and give it the proper rest if/when necessary!
    2008-06-23 7:08 PM
    in reply to: #1481256

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    Fountain Hills, AZ
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
    amiine - 2008-06-22 2:57 PM

    A consistent and adequate training laod

    X2. This is the only real answer. I never liked that don't eat the paste hoohey. If you are properly trained, you will now exactly what you can and should do on race day to maximize your results because it's ALL IN THE TRAINING. You final result is locked in you when the gun goes off.
    2008-06-24 12:31 AM
    in reply to: #1480680

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    St Charles, IL
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

    I disagree slightly with Bryan.  Yes, training load is important, but so is knowing how to pace properly on race day.  I nailed the swim, and bike pacing ( 281 TSS ), but blew my race up, by opening the marathon way too hard.  I kept it up for 30k, then the wheels blew off as I bonked hard.

    Your ultimate finish may be locked in you, but to *realize* that finish, you have to properly pace.  The better you pace, the closer you will get to realizing that ultimate potential ( which I do agree is fixed in you before the cannon goes off ).

    2008-06-24 7:06 AM
    in reply to: #1480680

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    Fountain Hills, AZ
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
    Right, what I mean is that if you stick to your pace/HR/power/RPE the entire day and it mirrors all of your training you will be in position to maximize your results. Deviate at your own peril!

    Edited by bryancd 2008-06-24 7:06 AM
    2008-06-24 7:09 PM
    in reply to: #1480680

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    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
    Yeah, and besides, I LOVE paste!~!   (yum)Tongue out
    2008-06-24 7:11 PM
    in reply to: #1480680

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    Fountain Hills, AZ
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
    My problem with "The Paste" is that it's just a euphanism for stupidity on race day. Just stick to the plan, people!

    Maybe it's easier when you have severe OCD....

    Edited by bryancd 2008-06-24 7:12 PM
    2008-06-24 7:59 PM
    in reply to: #1487799

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

    bryancd - 2008-06-25 12:11 PM My problem with "The Paste" is that it's just a euphanism for stupidity on race day. Just stick to the plan, people! Maybe it's easier when you have severe OCD....

    Yep I'm definitely obsessive, but the thing I like about "don't eat the paste" (and other catch phrases mlike that) is that they get stuck in my brain and just come out automtaically by themselves at the right time. That's my trigger to check what the hell I'm doing and sort it out. The subconcious takes care of it all for me.

    Another one that works for me is "free money" (don't even ask where that came from...) whenever I start running downhill. I used to put the breaks on downhill but now that automatically pops into my head and reminds me to take the breaks off and not waste the hill.

    Yep as I said - obsessive (and somewhat weird too).


    2008-06-24 9:19 PM
    in reply to: #1480680

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    Atlanta, Georgia
    Silver member
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
    Veteran of a whopping 2 IM's but..

    Not sure where the 'don't eat the paste' thing came from but I find an unusually high % of bike studs blown up by the time it's time to run, esp if it's hot..At IMAZ this year, there were plenty of stronger, better trained racers than me who just simply had nothing left at the end of 112mi.

    A wide range of time goals can be achieved simply by not going too hard on the bike: Go 20-30 mins slower on the bike and you might save 1+ hours on the run.

    2008-06-25 2:34 PM
    in reply to: #1487992

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

    alltom1 - 2008-06-25 2:19 PM Veteran of a whopping 2 IM's but.. Not sure where the 'don't eat the paste' thing came from but I find an unusually high % of bike studs blown up by the time it's time to run, esp if it's hot..At IMAZ this year, there were plenty of stronger, better trained racers than me who just simply had nothing left at the end of 112mi. A wide range of time goals can be achieved simply by not going too hard on the bike: Go 20-30 mins slower on the bike and you might save 1+ hours on the run.

    Yeah that's a tough one to get right mentally. I always feel like I could be working harder on my bike and on a century ride I did last year pushed it as hard as I could and was used by by the end. The idea of running after that was totally incomprehensible!

    But at the time I bet it is hard to hold back if you know you could be going faster. That kind of hold back 30 mins on the ride to save an hour on the run is pretty compelling tho.



    2008-06-25 4:59 PM
    in reply to: #1487799

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    Boston, MA
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

    bryancd - 2008-06-24 7:11 PM My problem with "The Paste" is that it's just a euphanism for stupidity on race day. Just stick to the plan, people! Maybe it's easier when you have severe OCD....
    LMAO, that's gold Jerry! I agree with your sentiment and wtf is "the paste"?!?! I know where it comes from, it just never made much sense to me

    2008-06-25 5:09 PM
    in reply to: #1487992

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    Muskego, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster

    Go 20-30 mins slower on the bike and you might save 1+ hours on the run.

    But if you follow all of your plans like you did in training there should be no need to go slower on the bike.  I believe Brian called some people out before IMAZ saying if they expected to meet their goals, that they had set, they were going to have to train to meet those goals.  I believe one point was thinking you had a 5:30 bike split in the tank even though you've never ridden at that pace for close to that distance.  Or planning on throwing down a sub 4 marathon while you train at a slower pace.  (forgive the chopped up cliff-notes version)  I could be wrong but i've always heard that if you train like you race and you'll race like you train. 

    2008-06-25 6:33 PM
    in reply to: #1490313

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    Fountain Hills, AZ
    Subject: RE: #1 tip to complete your ironman faster
    amiine - 2008-06-25 4:59 PM

    bryancd - 2008-06-24 7:11 PM My problem with "The Paste" is that it's just a euphanism for stupidity on race day. Just stick to the plan, people! Maybe it's easier when you have severe OCD....
    LMAO, that's gold Jerry! I agree with your sentiment and wtf is "the paste"?!?! I know where it comes from, it just never made much sense to me

    Who the hell is Jerry?!
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