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Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
Heat and Humidity! I LOVE saunas!42 Votes - [37.5%]
Dreadmill!!! Those hamster ain't got nothing on me!20 Votes - [17.86%]
look for sprinklers on the run49 Votes - [43.75%]
Run in the pool !!!1 Votes - [0.89%]

2011-07-21 11:43 AM

Extreme Veteran
Subject: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

I was planning on going on a LSD run today but the recent heat and humidity makes running outside seem less than palatable.  I also have the trusty dreadmill (gathering dust I might add) in the office.  But running on that... well it's the dreadmill.

Getting up earlier isn't a good option for me due to my wife's work schedule and someone having to be home with my daughter until she wakes up and can be taken to daycare.

So given the choices of suffering in the heat and humidity or suffering on the dreadmill, what would you choose?

2011-07-21 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3608333

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Royal Oak
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
It's supposed to get up to 100 (currently 96) so I will be running on a dreadmill today.
2011-07-21 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3608362

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
I draw the line, personally, at a heat index over 100 and if is screaming heat advisory.    Maybe that kind of temp is normal to some, but not this Minnesota girl. 

If you decide to do the long run outside, lower your expectations on pace.    I did this last summer and based it on heart rate.  I walked, a LOT.   Bring water, run where there is water, and find sprinklers and shade.  Listen to your body and cut it short if need be.

Just this week our heat index was 120 so I stayed inside.  I actually found an indoor track with great A/c.  11 laps to the mile, but honestly it went really fast.  Not too much turning and much more fun than a treadmill.  I don't think I would do more than an hour, though.
2011-07-21 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Falls Church, VA
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
At this heat (over 100) I will be indoors on the treadmill.
2011-07-21 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
Here's how I would make the decision:

Do you have any races coming up that will be in similar conditions? If so, how much of your training has been in those conditions? If it's low, then out you go.

Second, are the conditions such that there will be a significant impact on the day's training? You said you have a long run scheduled; will the heat have such a negative impact on your running as to make it counterproductive? If so, then stay inside.
2011-07-21 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast Michigan
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
I did a 10 miler last night.  Started at near sundown, after dark by the time I finished.  Temp was still 90 degrees then with about 80% humidiity.  Slowed the pace wayyy down and was still taking walk break at mile 7.5.  Luckily I was able to finish strong after that.  I would not have tried it in the midday sun (where the high here was 96 yesterday).  Today is even hotter.

2011-07-21 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

In theory I'll always prefer to be outside, but usually when it's over 90, I simply can't go very far.  Call me weak, but the heat just sucks the ever loving life out of me.  I still try it though, cause I can't go too far on a treadmill either.

So I guess my real answer is neither...if it's over 85 and sunny or humid, I have no expectations of having a decent long-ish run.  Luckily, I'm usually able to go in the early AM.

2011-07-21 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3608386

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

Scout7 - 2011-07-21 1:01 PM Here's how I would make the decision: Do you have any races coming up that will be in similar conditions? If so, how much of your training has been in those conditions? If it's low, then out you go. Second, are the conditions such that there will be a significant impact on the day's training? You said you have a long run scheduled; will the heat have such a negative impact on your running as to make it counterproductive? If so, then stay inside.

That's a pretty good test. 

I would normally do a long run today.  But I know that that the heat, combined with the humidity, will make it slower and still likely result in a tougher recovery than normal.  Since I don't have a race coming up, I will probably just do a short run instead--unless it feels much better out than I expect.  (Running indoors isn't an easy option for me this evening.)  If I had a race and might expect similar conditions, then I'd probably adjust my pacing as best I could and go do it.

2011-07-21 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
Yesterday I had a 30 minute run. It was a 105 heat index. I walked twice. Lost 6 pounds during the 30 minute run.

Today it's supposed to be 110 heat index. I'm supposed to bike. I don't think I can bring myself to even do that. Short bike, though, so I can afford to miss it.

Treadmill at most.

2011-07-21 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
Did just shy of 4.5 miles on my "long run" for the week in about 52 minutes and had to walk a few times due to the heat, 110 heat index, and was just as tired as if I had done my normal pacing and had done closer to 6, if your going to go outside back off on expectations.  I will say if I had a treadmill in my house and didn't have to waste gas going to the gym I would have been on the treadmill
2011-07-21 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Broomfield, CO
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

In Central Texas we have been dealing with 100+ degrees for almost 40 days. I tried to run on Monday and thought I was going to die. Since then I have been to the gym for the dreadmill and bike. 

I normally run/bike early around 5AM but lately I've been at least the gym is a nice option. 

Hopefully I can get out of this funk I'm in and start getting my butt out of bed again :-/

2011-07-21 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
I have an 8 miler on the menu for Saturday... I am thinking it will be on the treadmill.  I just don't handle heat + humity well.  If I try to run in this, I am not going to get anything productive.  Of course, I don't ACTUALLY have AC - so I will have to line up some fans to blow on me.  If that isn't good enough, I MAY suck it up and drive to the gym.  ~sigh~  I would rather be outside, but I enjoy running and I want it to stay that way and not turn into something torturous.
2011-07-21 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
I went on a trail run last night.  Heat Index when I left the house was 115.  It took 49 minutes to "run" 3.65 miles.  I was in no hurry to finish just needed 45 minutes or so on my feet.
2011-07-21 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

I am training for IM Louisville so it's in my best interest to get out there in the heat.
Like many areas of the country, mine is experiencing this "heat dome" sitting on top of us. It is oppressive, to say the least.

My best advice, if you are going to be out there, is bring a handheld water bottle and plan a route so you can re-fill often. Rest when you need to and monitor your RPE or heartrate. Slow down as necessary.

To the OP - can you run in the evening after the sun goes down? I did this Sunday night - had to remember my headlamp and to plan my route so it hit fast food restaurants/gas stations that would still be open past 11 p.m. for my water re-fills.

2011-07-21 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
Can you wait till the sun goes down and run around 7 or 8 at night? Its been around 97 here in Iowa with a heat index at 115 the past three days so late evening and early mornings are the only options otherwise its not safe.  Stay off the dreadmill!

Edited by Iowaman 2011-07-21 12:44 PM
2011-07-21 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

If I can get a run in in the morning (7-8 am), I'll do it. I did 4 miles outside this morning at 7 and it was around 80 with 90% humidity, but it actually went pretty well. For me, the sun beating down on me is what kills me. I tried running 10 miles last week around 10 am and I couldn't do it. I made it 7, but they were 7 craptastic, slow, awful, torturous miles. Couldn't do a morning run the other day, and at 7 pm the heat index was still in the triple digits, so I hit the dreadmill at the gym. I was able to run way faster than I have been, due to some nice a/c and being able to actually breathe, so it was much more productive than wilting in the heat.

2011-07-21 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

Heat and/or humidity has never forced me to run on the dreadmill.  I just slow down and lower my expectations and listen to my body.

OTOH, -10 or colder in the winter usually finds me inside.  :-)

2011-07-21 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3608333

Houston, TX
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

depends on where you are.  at 100 degrees and 75% humidity (or higher) treadmill, because race or no race, why would you want to subject yourself to that kind of torture.


100 degrees and 15% humidity, then outside.


100 is hot but it's not unbearable.  It's the humidity that kills you.

2011-07-21 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
For me it depends on lots of things.  I prefer to run outside, but if it's a shorter run and I don't want to wait until evening to do it, I will run on the treadmill.  During the week if I have a longer run (8-12 miles), I will wait until around 7pm to head out.  It's still usually 100 outside, but in the neighborhood I can run on shaded streets and it's not as bad as it could be.  The pace is definitely slower.  And if there are sprinklers going in someone's yard (close to the street) I'll run through them.  I also have no issues with walking for a minute or two during the run.  The hydration issue is key.  On my long run last weekend (done in the morning in cooler temps) I thought I had enough, but ran out at mile 16 (I was doing 18).  Ended up walking most of the last 2 since I didn't have anything to drink.  This weekend I'll probably do 2-3 loops and pass back by the house to get more.  If you do go outside, just listen to your body.
2011-07-21 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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SE Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
I did a 70.3 race Sunday in 90+ degrees/100+ heat index weather, so I am done with running in that weather for a while now.  Hit the treadmill today for an easy 3 miles.
2011-07-21 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

What's a treadmill? 

Seriously, though, if you can't embrace running in the heat here in SoCal, you'll have some tough days on the race course.  Even with early starts, it can get hot by the finish and that's true into October around here.

2011-07-21 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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St Louis, Missouri
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

It was 84 at 05:00 yesterday and today.  I didn't even bother to look at the index.

Run early AM or later in the PM, slow down a bit and carry fluids or place bottles along the route. 

But then I can't stand a TM workout. 

2011-07-21 2:06 PM
in reply to: #3608333

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Washington, DC Metro
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
it was 86 with dew point in the mid 70s at 0615 when I started my run today.  I didn't stop sweating until 30 minutes after my shower!  But it was still better then running on the dreadmill.
2011-07-21 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3608386

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?

Scout7 - 2011-07-21 12:01 PM Here's how I would make the decision: Do you have any races coming up that will be in similar conditions? If so, how much of your training has been in those conditions? If it's low, then out you go. Second, are the conditions such that there will be a significant impact on the day's training? You said you have a long run scheduled; will the heat have such a negative impact on your running as to make it counterproductive? If so, then stay inside.


Pretty much agree with this

Sometimes if it's too hot the run won't be a quality workout.


2011-07-21 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3608714

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Dreadmill or Run Outside in the Heat?
reecealan - 2011-07-21 2:19 PM

Scout7 - 2011-07-21 12:01 PM Here's how I would make the decision: Do you have any races coming up that will be in similar conditions? If so, how much of your training has been in those conditions? If it's low, then out you go. Second, are the conditions such that there will be a significant impact on the day's training? You said you have a long run scheduled; will the heat have such a negative impact on your running as to make it counterproductive? If so, then stay inside.


Pretty much agree with this

Sometimes if it's too hot the run won't be a quality workout.


X2 or is it X3?   either way I agree with this. 

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