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2011-10-04 7:46 AM

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Subject: slow runners pity party
I'm a slow runner.   Even when injuries can be held at bay and I get consistent work, I'm still a slow runner.  Nothing like being 3rd off the bike and then having 10 women pass me on the run...its been this way pretty much for 12 years.

So I'd like to throw a pity party for all of us that are the turtles of the world.  We can do well in triathlons if we get a good enough head start on the swim and bike, and the hares blow up on the run. (the few times I've podiumed, thats been how!).

No real reason to write this, other than just to say, I'm here for you.  And misery loves company! Wink

2011-10-04 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

So you're like consistently top 15 and podiumed a few times?  No pity for you!


2011-10-04 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3710351

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Goosedog - 2011-10-04 7:48 AM

So you're like consistently top 15 and podiumed a few times?  No pity for you!



2011-10-04 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3710351

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
nope.  I'm a ten minute miler.  When I went to a track workout, they called out the training groups by times.  When they got to 10 minutes, they called us "the slowpoke group".  Nothing like being in the last group...
2011-10-04 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

We should start a slow runners club!

2011-10-04 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Just remember, your slow is somebody else's fast.  My wife gets excited when she breaks 14 minute miles and would do anything to be able to run at a 10 minute mile pace.

2011-10-04 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
The only podium I have sniffed was a local 5K in which I came in 3rd in my AG. 3 people in my group, I came in third. Yep, the blazing speed of a running manatee. As I told the "running club" at work, I have been passed by young men, old men, young women, old women, small children, and big children. I believe I got passed once by a lady with a walker, but I'm not sure since the sweat in my eyes was making everything blurry.

About all I got in my favor is that I will continue to work to get better. That and the fact that I enjoy being outside and active around like minded people.
2011-10-04 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

If you're third off teh bike, and only 10 people pass can't be THAT slow.

That being said, there are a lot of folks out there who train and train, and are still running 10, 12, 15 whatever minute miles, and they say "But I am young, fit, in shape, have trained...why can't I run faster???"

For some folks, I think, yes, there IS a genetic ceiling effect--although I doubt few people every do enough to completely achieve it. But for a lot of people, I think they just don't know how to run. Whether it's missing a key portion of training/rest/recovery, or whether it's just they've never quite cracked that "suffer" barrier, hit that last gear...or aren't even aware it's there (which is most often the case).

2011-10-04 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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2011-10-04 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3710437

, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I hear ya.   I've been lucky enough to run consistently for years now and put in a record setting 80 miles last month to prepare for a 10 miler last Sunday.   Even with that, and I was honestly running as fast I could, I averaged 9:33 m/m.   I am super excited by this result, for me, but it's frustrating.  I feel as though I simply cannot turn my legs fast enough.   Inside I feel like I sprinting and then if I see my reflection it's the same old slog.   

The absolute best time running in a tri was a sprint 3miles where I turned in a slightly under 9 minute pace.  And I was absolutely going ALL out.  Oh well.

This pace usually puts me roughly in the middle at running races and slightly below middle in my AG at tris.  I just don't ever see it changing a lot. 

It's also frustrating when I have friends who start running that I help and run with to start out and then they pick up speed so fast I can't run with them after 6 months. 
2011-10-04 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I run 8 minute miles and get passed CONSTANTLY on the run.  I think in my last olympic I passed 1 person on the run.  Getting out of the water early (when you're an early wave) makes you the rabbit :D

2011-10-04 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I run 11:30 mm.

And running is my strongest of the 3 legs. It is kind of a bummer being so slow. But I think of it as a public service. Somebody has to come in last, right!
2011-10-04 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I'm anywhere from 8:50-10:00, depending on how badly my give-a-dam is broken that day.

But I'm so happy when I do that occasional 8:23 mile, or if I really hoof it and get a 7: something mile (and it would be just one mile). But the great thing is that that pace range (the 8:50-10:00 pace) is awesome for going long distances. It's a pace I can sustain and replicate for mile after mile after mile.

And ya know, I'm ok with that.
2011-10-04 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3710491

Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Atlantia - 2011-10-04 9:03 AM

I run 11:30 mm.

And running is my strongest of the 3 legs. It is kind of a bummer being so slow. But I think of it as a public service. Somebody has to come in last, right!

Now you're talking my speed
2011-10-04 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Don't look at it like you are a slow runner, but a fast jogger. I pr'd a 5K this weekend at a blistering 29:33. hahaha. My target was to be under 30min, but still, I felt slow. A nice old lady passed me at about 3K. Not exactly a confidence booster. (Evidence below. Undecided)


HH5K.JPG (58KB - 36 downloads)
2011-10-04 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

People talk about  doing negative splits on runs (faster times for miles towards the end)...I just get negative placements as my tri s go on.  In my first tri I place top 100 (out of about 800) in the swim followed by top 200 in the ride...then about top 500 for the run!

Was estatic when I broke 10mm. Pushed on and have gotten into the 9mm range.  In my last race I blew by lots in the swim and ride. Jockeyed back and forth with a guy on the ride having a little fun and finally passed him with several miles to go....sometime in the run he tapped me on the shoulder, said hi and asked if i wanted to run with him. He said he was going for sub 8mm and I tried but finally told him to go without me...  give me a longer swim or ride over the run any day!

2011-10-04 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Central Kansas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I embrace my speed, and I use the term 'speed' liberally in this case. I used to worry about it (like two months ago), but I don't any more. As long as I'm moving forward, I'm happy.
2011-10-04 9:54 AM
in reply to: #3710550

Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

I train slow but race fast!

Facebook has a Slow Runners Club page 

2011-10-04 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3710427

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
mmrocker13 - 2011-10-04 8:37 AM

If you're third off teh bike, and only 10 people pass can't be THAT slow.

Why do you say that? This happens to me at nearly every race I enter (I assumed she was talking about those in her age group?). Maybe you were being funny.

I'm a slow runner and I'm okay with it. I don't train/race to go to the Olympics, or even to better my time most races. I give my best effort and if I PR that's great. If not, okay! I train and race because I love to, and I'd rather have a great time out there than suffer and feel miserable. Lots of people take issue with my approach, but it's what works for me

2011-10-04 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Does anybody else remember the Slow Buggers Running Club? It was a thread here awhile back, but I can't remember where it lived. Perhaps it is time to resurrect!
If I remember correctly, it was for people who ran slower than 10 minute miles.
2011-10-04 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3710550

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2011-10-04 10:10 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

I figure I'm on the run to make everyone else feel better about the fact that they get to pass someone... ME! 

I'm hellaciously slow on the run (no matter what distance), though I'd like to think that I'd be a touch faster if every forward stride with my right leg wasn't accompanied with pain... I'm probably wrong with that thought.

Team Turbo Turtles!  

2011-10-04 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
thats the spirit!  here here for all of us that train our butts off in all three sports, do decently well in the first two legs, only to get run down in the third. 

I love running. I love the ease of it, just putting on your shoes and going!  But I'd also love to see an 8:xx next to my pace one day....

till then, I'll continue shuffling along.  A slow run is always better than not being able to run!

2011-10-04 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3710601

Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
blueyedbikergirl - 2011-10-04 10:10 AM

I figure I'm on the run to make everyone else feel better about the fact that they get to pass someone... ME! 

I'm hellaciously slow on the run (no matter what distance), though I'd like to think that I'd be a touch faster if every forward stride with my right leg wasn't accompanied with pain... I'm probably wrong with that thought.

Team Turbo Turtles!  

I like that!  I've been known to be a good "zone 1" runner. Never mind that I'm doing zone 4.   My coach wanted to chat with me on our warmup before track.  My easy pace is 11:20.  His is 8:30.  I told him we'll chat after.  HA.
2011-10-04 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Ha! I think my zone 1 would be walking! 

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