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2004-09-13 8:32 AM

Albury, Oz
Subject: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Since joining the forum I have been amused no end by everyone's choice of name and pics. So who is going to 'fess up and admit why they chose their particular moniker and/or character shot? Some friends and I saw the movie Chasing Amy and I named my friend "Silent Bob" after a character in the movie. I am the noisy one so I got christened as the opposite ie NoisyD (D is for Deidre - a horrible name, no offence to any others of Irish descent intended). Silent Bob sort of disappeared but these friends continue to call me "Noisy" years afterwards. Dx

2004-09-13 8:47 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Kevin Smith movies rock! Dogma has to be my favorite. As far as my moniker goes, I scuba dive and I listen to all kinds of music, but somehow I'm forever linked to punk music by my friends (maybe it's the green fun fur mohawk on my old dive hood...). The avatar that I use is a self portrait using the Create-a-character game at the South Park Studios website. I really do kinda look like that. The profile picture is the same program, just me in my bike garb...

2004-09-13 8:57 AM
in reply to: #60689

north end of vancouver island, BC, Canada
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
My nickname as a child was Dolly-donut. I always hated the donut part, but loved the Dolly part.

2004-09-13 9:00 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Pensacola, Fl
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

Mine comes from a pilot acronym describing the weather...

C - clear

A - and

V - visibility

U -unrestricted

Pretty much describes the perfect day!!!  I just took it on as a "way of life"!!!  It is more a state of mind than anything.

The 9 is of course my favorite number. 

Edited by Cavu9 2004-09-13 9:20 AM
2004-09-13 9:01 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Years ago when asked to type in a "handle" for a bicycling forum I thought of combining vélo with another word to form it. I was reading Machiaveli as part of a Politcal Thought course at the time, the thought struck me that "Machiavélo" would be apt.
2004-09-13 9:11 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Simply put, Triman50 is something I thought I could remember. With all of the user-names, passwords, log-in IDs and other such nonsense we need for home, work, computer, cell phone, credit card, debit card, I needed something I wouldn't forget.

2004-09-13 9:13 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Lafayette, CO
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

I can sometimes think up some really clever handles, pseudonyms, nicknames, etc.  EXCEPT for when I'm asked to register for the first time.  So, joeinco is just Joe in Colorado...

Now, the duck...!  That started with a thread about sharing swimming lanes back in April (I think).  The saga about the duck continues to grow...(if you want to know the whole story, you'll have to PM me...)

2004-09-13 9:15 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

I guess mine is pretty obvious...I just like to keep things simple.

Cavu...I like it...better than W0X0FF.....

2004-09-13 9:19 AM
in reply to: #60689

Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Well, it's kind of a long story... But, I'll give you the short version:

I was restoring a 69 Camaro and had it stripped down with the exception of the windshield. I mean, there wasn't a nut, bolt, screw, ... NOTHIN' on that car, except for the windshield and the rearview mirror.

Well, my buddy comes over to help pull the windshield, reaches in and pulls a MountainBreeze air freshener off the rearview and says, "How's that MountainBreeze workin' out for ya'?" LOL! :D

Edited by MountainBreeze 2004-09-13 9:19 AM
2004-09-13 9:19 AM
in reply to: #60689

Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

I used to use my first initial, last name combo for any boards I posted on. However, I was never happy with that. I just lack any sort of imagination. Once I got in to Tri's and started posting on another Tri related board, I wanted a nickname that had to do with with Tri's. I didn't want to use TriRob as I felt it was too easy. Finally remembered that I graduated UCLA (Go Bruins!). So TriBruin it was!

Funny thing is that so far I have been able to use it on most boards I frequent. However, someone already had it on eBay (and has never used it ) So I had to use TriBruin90 (my graduation year).

2004-09-13 9:27 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Mine is simple - 2 years ago I weighed 310LBS - I am only 5'9" tall. When I joined this forum I was still in the 240's. Now I am at 215.

When I finally hit my physician ordered goal weight of 155 I am going to ask Ron to change my handle to something else - I'm thinking of "Half" since my weight will be exactly half of what it was when I started to lose.

2004-09-13 9:39 AM
in reply to: #60729

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
I love to play craps hence the dice! It's got nothing do to with the wacky weed tho maybe it was a subconsious reference to my youth plus I get a kick out of causing the confusion! . Like Triman tho, I used it on a craps forum and now just use it everywhere.
2004-09-13 9:39 AM
in reply to: #60689

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molto veloce mama
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
um, real original, i know - but my name is autumn.

on other boards, like, i'm mamarsupial - a mama who carried her young. i've worn both my daughters on my body in slings and other carriers since they were born. i don't carry my 3 year old anymore, since she opts to bike or walk now, but i still carry fi (almost 12 months). good strength training!
2004-09-13 9:47 AM
in reply to: #60689

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New user

Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Oh no, now I feel inadequate.

Regards, Duds
2004-09-13 9:52 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Elite Veteran
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
I was dubbed madeye by some friends who said they could see me sneaking up behind them and shouting "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" like Madeye Moody in the Harry Potter books. I'm a computer security nut, and being paranoid about the implementation of technology has a lot in common with being paranoid about magic....
2004-09-13 9:53 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Extreme Veteran
Manitoba, Canada
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

It is so interesting to hear peoples stories.

My mom is from Denmark and while listening to the lull of Danish growing up (with out ever really understanding it), I fell in love with some of the sounds/words.  Also my mum is a person who just goes - and goes and goes.

I wanted to call my daughter Laerka (the a & e are attached when spelt properly), but since I had 2  boys instead ... my bike got named Laerka!   So the name for me is an inspiring reminder to always keep at it.

The picture was simple, it was the only picture I had when I registerd on the forum that was from a tri and not a blur!

Edited by Laerka 2004-09-13 10:02 AM

2004-09-13 9:54 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

My last name is Wisz. Sounds like "Whiz". So Whizzer it is...

Has nothing to do with peeing or Cheeze Whiz. (At least not directly)

Also has nothing to do with my perceived speed.  (yet!)


PS the photo is just an updated tri-picture. I think I look rather scary... (!!!!)

Edited by Whizzer 2004-09-13 9:55 AM

2004-09-13 9:58 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Extreme Veteran
Kennesaw, GA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Pretty straight forward for me Tom Plauche' is shortened to tplauche (pronounced Plo-sha - long "o" long "a") I just put it in when I signed up. Now I wish I would have put a little more thought into it. Oh well!

Edited by tplauche 2004-09-13 9:58 AM
2004-09-13 9:59 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

As my son grew up, my wife coined a little name for him as Pikle, eg "come here Pikle". This then also got used on me, so to distinguish between us, my son became Iklepikle and I got Bigpikle. I have also been known to get into a big pickle with things from time to time.....

No story on the image but 'stole' it from another site on a different subject because I thought it looked fun. It will change later this week when the new bike arrives.......

2004-09-13 10:10 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Colchester, CT
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
cdf - my initials

26.2 - the marathon distance (was a 10 time marathoner prior to starting the Tri.)

2004-09-13 10:19 AM
in reply to: #60759

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Mine, is kind of a long story but... I work in a crime laboratory and worked a case where the first responding officer had read that the victim was suffering from Madcows disease. I was freaking out because neither I or anyone else could find any info on the subject. I stressed out for a few days until I read the victim's medical paperwork stating that he was suffering from dementia, NOT consistant with Madcows disease. So after that everyone in my office started giving me crap and called me Madcow. :-O

2004-09-13 10:28 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Elite Veteran
Smyrna, Georgia
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Whit is short for Whitney. I first used it in another forum because it was genderless. That way, people could get to know me without any biases. It's not really a problem in this forum, but in the other one, you wouldn't believe how many people were shocked to find out that I was a woman. They thought I had to be a male because I "made sense." One person even continued to think I was a man after I made references to my "hubby" -- he missed the obvious explanation and just thought that I was gay!

The pic is my first kitty as an adult. His name is Ohmi and he is the coolest cat ever. The photo was taken by my bro-in-law who is an excellent photographer.
2004-09-13 10:39 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Marietta, Ga
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
Hmmm...this is a cool thread.

The pics change based upon the mood or season. I went to FSU and follow the football program quite closely and the baseball program less so. I enjoy seeing other's photo's. One of my hobbies is photography, so its also cool to see the pictures contained in the album section of this site.

"Motivated" was just a great descriptor of how I felt about this new project I undertook beginning back in June of this year (although my friends and family would probably describe it more as "Obsessed"). Until that time, I'd spent nearly 2 years gaining 25 additional pounds by ignoring my health. My blood pressure was high and I was on the verge of having to buy a new wardrobe to accomodate my expansive waistline. I truly begain by getting off the couch.

Now, at 42, I'm back to my college weight and feel great. After finishing my first tri-season as a consistent MOP'r, I'm more motivated than ever to improve. I'm presently working on my 2005 schedule of races/events. Based upon other's experiences here on the forum (Tiger Phil, Twelshy, Cindyk), I've also decided to undertake the training in preparation for a 1/2 IM next summer.

Edited by Motivated 2004-09-13 10:40 AM
2004-09-13 10:47 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Sonoma County, CA
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym
carpe diem

seize the day...

Each time I use it as my screen name (in an assortment of places from other boards to email addresses I've had in the past) I try to find some other catchy screen name to use because I figure if I was being stalked people would be able to find me pretty quickly and all the places I've posted..."ahhh, it's crpadiem again"

but I can't find anything that seems to fit me as that does. I try to live by the motto...want few regrets...want to take opportunities when they happen.

As for the "naked dance" just makes me giggle every time I see it.
you can find some other cool avatars and a tad more risque ones at

2004-09-13 11:18 AM
in reply to: #60689

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: Tell us the secret behind your pseudonym

Um, my first name is Kim. My last name starts with a J. I was born in '81. I am also unoriginal and boring.

The pic is me rowing Hell's Half Mile rapid on the Green River. That was the best rapid ever. It's a III+ to IV- rapid with one really tough move. I watched everyone else in my group botch it and get stuck on one rock or another. Then I hit it better than anything I've ever done. It was awesome. That's my boat, Little Purple. She's the best. :-) We've had some good times together. *wishing she was on a river right now, instead of in a cubicle*

I tried to change the pic the other day, but it refused to change....

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