General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-05-20 11:27 PM
in reply to: #3940536

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I too was on the Portland (many hills) Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon, and that race course was a real confidence builder!  I swear every mile had a hill!  Can't wait for Boise even if I'm a MOP guy!  This thread has been awesome!

2012-05-21 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3940536

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I was checking out the run course on the website, looks like a slightly different run course from last year.  I don't think it materially changes anything, but if I'm reading the map correctly, its slightly different from last year.  Looks like it goes further east on the greenbelt before crossing over.   Should be very little two way traffic on the run with this course.  Again, don't think its a big difference.
2012-05-21 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3940536

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Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

We're getting close!!!

So close that I'm starting to dream about my trip...The other night I had a dream that I accidentally brought my mountain bike! Man, was I disappointed in myself! Still a little nervous about a choppy swim course because I have no way to train for that here. Yesterday at the lake, though, some wake boarders got a little too close to the cove and for about 30 seconds I was able to swim through some pretty good size waves...just enough to let me know that I would hate it in a race! I plan on swimming everyday I'm in town before the race (tues, weds, thurs, fri) to get used to the cold water and hopefully get a windy day in there even it's it's just a 1000m.

My phone number is, 480.600.2886 if you wanna get in contact with me to join in on a swim, bike the course or find me after the race for the post-eat Pie Hole...I thought about PMing everyone in here, but I'm just trusting that no one will sell my number to the telemarketers.

2012-05-21 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3940536

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I just entered your number into every porn/spam database that I could find...

We'll will be arriving on Thursday hopefully before 3pm and may go straight out to swim.
2012-05-21 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3940536

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Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

It is getting close.  I have to say I'm a bit nervous.  This weekend we had almost 90 degree weather and I died doing a stacked brick.  Nothing to do now except taper and get everything packed and loaded.  Our plan is to leave the great state of Michigan on tuesday and take our time getting out there.  We should be there friday morning.  As long as I'm on my feet I'll be up for pizza.

I've done some chop swimming.  The key for me isn't the waves it's getting my breathing timed with when the waves smash me.  It usually takes me about 100 yards to figure it out then I usually do ok.  The biggest I've delt with is only about 1-2 foot waves on local lakes.  Nothing too crazy.  Good luck with the prep everyone and safe travels.  It won't be long now.   

2012-05-21 2:26 PM
in reply to: #3940536

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I learned a lesson Saturday running a marathon that I thought I'd pass along.  I had the stamina and strength to hit my goal but got derailed at mile 21 because of severe cramping in my legs.  They served HEED on the course which I do not like so I just drank water.  Usually, I take a few endurolyte capsules in a longer race to be on the safe side but didn't and really paid the price.  I think with the afternoon bike and run at Boise it will be important to think about this.  I remembered nutrition with my gels and felt strong, remembered to drink water at each aid station but I was thickly crusted with salt on my forehead after the race and think I just underestimated the electrolyte replacement.

2012-05-21 2:45 PM
in reply to: #4221078

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

popsracer - 2012-05-21 12:26 PM I learned a lesson Saturday running a marathon that I thought I'd pass along.  I had the stamina and strength to hit my goal but got derailed at mile 21 because of severe cramping in my legs.  They served HEED on the course which I do not like so I just drank water.  Usually, I take a few endurolyte capsules in a longer race to be on the safe side but didn't and really paid the price.  I think with the afternoon bike and run at Boise it will be important to think about this.  I remembered nutrition with my gels and felt strong, remembered to drink water at each aid station but I was thickly crusted with salt on my forehead after the race and think I just underestimated the electrolyte replacement.


Thanks for the great reminds popsracer.  Does anyone know if the IronmanPerforman is a rebranding of another electrolyte??  I want to use it some before the race to make sure my body can handle it.

2012-05-21 3:28 PM
in reply to: #4220771

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2012-05-21 3:58 PM
in reply to: #4220901

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

PeteDin206 - 2012-05-21 12:21 PM I just entered your number into every porn/spam database that I could find... We'll will be arriving on Thursday hopefully before 3pm and may go straight out to swim.

I thought I saw in last year's guide that they don't allow swimming before race day.
Is this strict or is it mainly in reference to training?

I was thinking of swimming Friday around lunch.

2012-05-21 5:24 PM
in reply to: #4221382

Denver area
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

I had a funny dream Saturday night about the run couse.  So, in reality, the run is flat flat flat.  In my dream, the run course was on a steep road which was marked by orange rope.  It was so steep that some women needed to pick up the rope to pull themselves up the hill.  Funny!

geauxtri - 2012-05-21 3:58 PM

PeteDin206 - 2012-05-21 12:21 PM I just entered your number into every porn/spam database that I could find... We'll will be arriving on Thursday hopefully before 3pm and may go straight out to swim.

I thought I saw in last year's guide that they don't allow swimming before race day.
Is this strict or is it mainly in reference to training?

I was thinking of swimming Friday around lunch.

LP is closed and they are pretty strict about it pre-race.  There's a Corps of Engineers pond at the base of the dam that you can swim in (for a fee).  The water comes out of the bottom of the reservoir, so its even COLDER than what we'll be swimming in.  I did that in 2010 and I'm glad I did it.

Edited by mountain_erin 2012-05-21 5:50 PM
2012-05-21 5:43 PM
in reply to: #3940536

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I just ordered an aero helmet for Boise. Got a good deal on an Giro Advantage 2. I had access to some LGA ones, but I wasn't happy with the fit and they were 4-5 years old/well used. Throw that in with some Zipp 808 FC's and a nice new tri-suit and I'm about as ready as possible for the bike. Had a decent 41mile bike/7mile run on Saturday that made me feel a bit better about nutrition also. While I've had a rough month of training with a sinus infection and some foot issues early on, those are worked out now... I just have to be confident the work I put in early in the season will pay off come race day. One more tough workout this weekend and some shorter ones this week and it will be taper time.

Edited by PeteDin206 2012-05-21 5:44 PM

2012-05-23 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4221542

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

PeteDin206 - 2012-05-21 3:43 PM I just ordered an aero helmet for Boise. Got a good deal on an Giro Advantage 2. I had access to some LGA ones, but I wasn't happy with the fit and they were 4-5 years old/well used. Throw that in with some Zipp 808 FC's and a nice new tri-suit and I'm about as ready as possible for the bike. Had a decent 41mile bike/7mile run on Saturday that made me feel a bit better about nutrition also. While I've had a rough month of training with a sinus infection and some foot issues early on, those are worked out now... I just have to be confident the work I put in early in the season will pay off come race day. One more tough workout this weekend and some shorter ones this week and it will be taper time.


I'm going to be leaving you with my crappy bike and non aero helmet unless you beat me out of the water .

I'll ask my friend (she has done it twice and lives in Boise) tonight about where we can swim prior to the race.  Clock tower pond is one place but not the best place to swim.  Wondering however if we go past the real start and up around where there is a second boat launch.  

I'm headed out to Lake Coeur d'Alene tonight to swim.  Weather here somewhat sucks today and I have no idea how warm the water will be this evening.

I'm hoping to be down there in Boise around 3:30 on Thursday. I plan on attending the athlete briefing that evening and on Friday I have about hour and half workout scheduled so if anyone feels like getting together that would be cool.

As to the change in the run route. I could of sworn that earlier this year I looked at the map and it stated going further past Broadway than it does on the current run map.  Either way, it doesn't really matter all that much but I think that just maybe you get a touch more shade if it continued past Broadway.  

2012-05-23 4:48 PM
in reply to: #4225821

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
spie34 - 2012-05-23 1:20 PM

I'm going to be leaving you with my crappy bike and non aero helmet unless you beat me out of the water .

I know your race number... I'll be looking for you! Although you will be starting 12 minutes behind me, so if you are coming out of the water first, you can probably have my bike.

That being said, I went for my last really hard run last night. Similar to the last hard run I did before my 13.1 in the end of March. My previous run was 7.15 miles at a 7:02 average pace which put me pretty close to cracking. Last night I extended that to 9.65 miles at the same 7:02 pace, but this time I still had a bit left in the tank. Obviously I don't expect to run that pace at Boise, but I feel pretty comfortable to be shooting for a 7:30-7:40 pace to start and dropping the hammer on mile 7.

Edited by PeteDin206 2012-05-23 4:50 PM
2012-05-23 4:56 PM
in reply to: #4226043

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
PeteDin206 - 2012-05-23 2:48 PM
spie34 - 2012-05-23 1:20 PM

I'm going to be leaving you with my crappy bike and non aero helmet unless you beat me out of the water .

I know your race number... I'll be looking for you! Although you will be starting 12 minutes behind me, so if you are coming out of the water first, you can probably have my bike. That being said, I went for my last really hard run last night. Similar to the last hard run I did before my 13.1 in the end of March. My previous run was 7.15 miles at a 7:02 average pace which put me pretty close to cracking. Last night I extended that to 9.65 miles at the same 7:02 pace, but this time I still had a bit left in the tank. Obviously I don't expect to run that pace at Boise, but I feel pretty comfortable to be shooting for a 7:30-7:40 pace to start and dropping the hammer on mile 7.


Ah you guys make me chuckle   I'll be a long ways behind you

2012-05-23 5:40 PM
in reply to: #4226051

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
katpopovich - 2012-05-23 2:56 PM

Ah you guys make me chuckle   I'll be a long ways behind you

Finishing is all that matters... Unless you are in the same race as a sibling who hasn't been training, then it is about how much you beat them by.
2012-05-23 6:19 PM
in reply to: #4226113

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
PeteDin206 - 2012-05-23 3:40 PM
katpopovich - 2012-05-23 2:56 PM

Ah you guys make me chuckle   I'll be a long ways behind you

Finishing is all that matters... Unless you are in the same race as a sibling who hasn't been training, then it is about how much you beat them by.


I am definitely going just to finish.  Of course I am competitive enough with myself that I have some goal times in mind, but heck when I remember I'd never been on a road bike until last June I'm pretty pleased with where I'm at.

2012-05-24 2:10 AM
in reply to: #3940536

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

Almost prepared for this race, but wondering about the cold water.

Does the temp require a cap and boots?
Swam in Lake Sammamish last year when the water was cold and it was tough on the face and head.

Also, how much has changed with the athlete's guide?
The 2012 hasn't been posted. 

2012-05-24 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3940536

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

I'm shooting for 5:45, but I'm with the group who is there for my first HIM and want to soak up the atmosphere of the race.  Good luck you fast suckers.  8:02 would be fast for me, but 7:02 is out of the question. 

Look for a FRED wearing bib 802 and you'll see me.  I ran out of money after buying my bike so nothing left to buy a fancy race kit.  I have a yellow helmet, black and orange blue seventy top, and black and red LG shorts, but at least I'll be comfy on my new P2.  My wife says I should have a sign that says "I'm ugly and my mother dresses me funny."

Edited by maverickbassets 2012-05-24 6:54 AM
2012-05-24 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3940536

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

As far as the water I would recommend a swimcap if you can stand it. The chin strap can be tight but I find once Im in the water I concentrate of the swim and not the 'little' things. When I did CdA last year I actually had 2 swim caps AND a neoprene swimcap. But everyone has their strategy.

I did the Issaquah Tri last year and the water was cold. It took a few out-n-backs to get somewhat comfortable for me. Im doing that race again this year as a shake down for Boise. Perfect distance (1/4mile swim sprint) to get the cobwebs out of the system and a week before Boise. My goal is to beat last years time and I should based on how I feel now and my run improvements but its another race and things can happen.

Ive done 4 1900m TT swims in the pool the last 6 weeks and all are within 45secs of each other so I have what I have now and wont improve any. Will keep swimming but do controlled relaxed workouts.

Getting close.


2012-05-24 10:49 AM
in reply to: #3940536

Denver area
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

I'm slow too.  I have a time goal in mind, but my prior experience on this course is that your time is HIGHLY dependent upon what mother nature decides to throw at you that day.  So basically, time goals are nice, but be prepared to let them go.  I have qualitative goals for this race too.  Last year during IMTX, I came off the bike feeling rock star awesome and my legs felt great.  (crazy, right?)  So, instead of the bike course owning me (2010), I want to finish the bike feeling like I OWNED it.  And then I want to run like I stole something (although compared to you, it will be a slow run).

In other news, I'm facebook friends with Linsey Corbin.  She posted the other day about being in Hawaii, prepping for the Hawaii 70.3 and Boise.  I commented that I hope to meet her in Boise and she "liked" my comment.  Cool!  I love Lins and it would be awesome to meet her.

As for finding me.... I'll be easy.  I'm on Team SunRype this year and I'll be wearing fluorescent orange Newtons.

2012-05-24 11:11 AM
in reply to: #3940536

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread

Awesome, guys.  Great to hear about everyone's race plans, and particularly appreciate the pics of our cool (we think) tri outfits.  :-)

Overdid it in my 10K time trial on Saturday, and pushed too hard on another "quality" run of 1200s Tuesday.  Left achilles flared hard, and it's taking a couple of days off resting comfortably in a boot.  Think I'll forgo any speedwork on the calendar for the remainder, and just go for recovery/aerobic endurance pace.  Would rather show up on race day ungimpy. 

On another note, did the first uphill on the bike course six times yesterday, recovering on the descents. As usual, windy as hell.  Some of you better bikers with a good tuck will hit 40MPH+ coming back the other way toward the end of the ride.

2012-05-24 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3940536

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
A neoprene cap is definitely a must. Boots are really up to you. I'm not planning on wearing them.

In terms of goals, first and for most is to finish. That is all that really matters. I don't care if I have to crawl across the line, I'm getting across the line on my own power. Now if we are talking about times, I'll be happy with anything under 6 hours with minimal issues, excited with anything under 5:30 and if somehow the race is flawless, weather is perfect, nutrition dialed in and my body allows it, I'd love to go under 5 hours (pipe dream here people). I've got all the tools to throw down a time like that, but just having the tools doesn't mean we know how to use them.
2012-05-24 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3940536

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Question (perhaps a silly one) to those who've done M-dot events before:  How is liquid aid (like Ironman Perform) distributed on the bike leg?  I mean, is it in a cup?  A screw-top plastic bottle?  Or do they go so far as to put the elixir in a bike bottle suitable for your cage?  Thanks.
2012-05-24 11:55 AM
in reply to: #4227258

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
rbhancock1 - 2012-05-24 9:11 AM

Awesome, guys.  Great to hear about everyone's race plans, and particularly appreciate the pics of our cool (we think) tri outfits.  :-)

Overdid it in my 10K time trial on Saturday, and pushed too hard on another "quality" run of 1200s Tuesday.  Left achilles flared hard, and it's taking a couple of days off resting comfortably in a boot.  Think I'll forgo any speedwork on the calendar for the remainder, and just go for recovery/aerobic endurance pace.  Would rather show up on race day ungimpy. 

On another note, did the first uphill on the bike course six times yesterday, recovering on the descents. As usual, windy as hell.  Some of you better bikers with a good tuck will hit 40MPH+ coming back the other way toward the end of the ride.

Take it easy and rest/recover at this point. I'm definitely looking forward to checking out some of the ride when we arrive in Boise... I'm especially excited to see that "40mph+ descent"....

In terms of apparel, I'll be in an all black one piece tri suit and all black shoes...

Edited by PeteDin206 2012-05-24 12:01 PM
2012-05-24 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4225821

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
spie34 - 2012-05-23 2:20 PM

PeteDin206 - 2012-05-21 3:43 PM I just ordered an aero helmet for Boise. Got a good deal on an Giro Advantage 2. I had access to some LGA ones, but I wasn't happy with the fit and they were 4-5 years old/well used. Throw that in with some Zipp 808 FC's and a nice new tri-suit and I'm about as ready as possible for the bike. Had a decent 41mile bike/7mile run on Saturday that made me feel a bit better about nutrition also. While I've had a rough month of training with a sinus infection and some foot issues early on, those are worked out now... I just have to be confident the work I put in early in the season will pay off come race day. One more tough workout this weekend and some shorter ones this week and it will be taper time.


I'm going to be leaving you with my crappy bike and non aero helmet unless you beat me out of the water .

I'll ask my friend (she has done it twice and lives in Boise) tonight about where we can swim prior to the race.  Clock tower pond is one place but not the best place to swim.  Wondering however if we go past the real start and up around where there is a second boat launch.  

I'm headed out to Lake Coeur d'Alene tonight to swim.  Weather here somewhat sucks today and I have no idea how warm the water will be this evening.

I'm hoping to be down there in Boise around 3:30 on Thursday. I plan on attending the athlete briefing that evening and on Friday I have about hour and half workout scheduled so if anyone feels like getting together that would be cool.

As to the change in the run route. I could of sworn that earlier this year I looked at the map and it stated going further past Broadway than it does on the current run map.  Either way, it doesn't really matter all that much but I think that just maybe you get a touch more shade if it continued past Broadway.  


The run course changes from the map almost every year because of the water released from the dam. It often floods the greenbelt where the run course is supposed to take place. 

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