BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022 Rss Feed  
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2022-01-28 10:30 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by cdban66

For the record, this is so cold that we have a falling iguana advisory.

I'll see your iguana advisory and raise you a BLIZZARD Warning!
Ordinarily this would excite me, however, we were supposed to fly to Denver tomorrow which has now been cancelled and rescheduled to Sunday.

Stay safe ya'll. And warm!!

2022-01-28 11:50 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by cdban66 For the record, this is so cold that we have a falling iguana advisory.

Upping the level of difficulty for Piggy's Revenge!

2022-01-28 1:17 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by ceilidh

Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.

This has been a pretty miserable winter for us here so far. Several weeks ago we had a pretty good span of about 10+ days where it was -10 to -20 each day. Way too cold, wasn't snowing.

Then in the middle of last week it warmed up a bit to mid 20's and absolutely dumped snow. I knew we'd spend a lot of time over the weekend plowing, but then it immediately warmed up and started raining. I told my wife we should hold off on plowing because if we flatten it all out, it's going to be an ice rink by Monday. By Sunday, everything we got was melted away and there was just a bit of snow left.

Two days ago it started dumping snow again, and there's not an end in sight as of right now. Supposed to continue well into next week.

Right now, I'll take anything I can get above about 5-10 degrees as long as it is consistent!!! I'm tired of snow/rain/ice/snow/rain/ice.

Happy weekend everyone!!!
2022-01-28 2:43 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.
This has been a pretty miserable winter for us here so far. Several weeks ago we had a pretty good span of about 10+ days where it was -10 to -20 each day. Way too cold, wasn't snowing. Then in the middle of last week it warmed up a bit to mid 20's and absolutely dumped snow. I knew we'd spend a lot of time over the weekend plowing, but then it immediately warmed up and started raining. I told my wife we should hold off on plowing because if we flatten it all out, it's going to be an ice rink by Monday. By Sunday, everything we got was melted away and there was just a bit of snow left. Two days ago it started dumping snow again, and there's not an end in sight as of right now. Supposed to continue well into next week. Right now, I'll take anything I can get above about 5-10 degrees as long as it is consistent!!! I'm tired of snow/rain/ice/snow/rain/ice. Happy weekend everyone!!!

You're really selling us on Alaskan winters!

2022-01-28 2:45 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.
This has been a pretty miserable winter for us here so far. Several weeks ago we had a pretty good span of about 10+ days where it was -10 to -20 each day. Way too cold, wasn't snowing. Then in the middle of last week it warmed up a bit to mid 20's and absolutely dumped snow. I knew we'd spend a lot of time over the weekend plowing, but then it immediately warmed up and started raining. I told my wife we should hold off on plowing because if we flatten it all out, it's going to be an ice rink by Monday. By Sunday, everything we got was melted away and there was just a bit of snow left. Two days ago it started dumping snow again, and there's not an end in sight as of right now. Supposed to continue well into next week. Right now, I'll take anything I can get above about 5-10 degrees as long as it is consistent!!! I'm tired of snow/rain/ice/snow/rain/ice. Happy weekend everyone!!!

You're really selling us on Alaskan winters!

The last couple have been rough. I'm becoming less and less sold on them. I've got a ways to go, but am already looking at places outside to retire.
2022-01-31 7:24 AM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Happy Monday Manatees. How did those affected make it through the snow and cold event? My poor Mom thought she was in the arctic circle in an igloo. We had a nice fire pit gathering yesterday afternoon. All was well until sundown. We are low entertainment value people. We got the big thermometer out and watched the temp drop. 20 degrees in 5 minutes!

2022-01-31 8:04 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Monday Manatees. How did those affected make it through the snow and cold event? My poor Mom thought she was in the arctic circle in an igloo. We had a nice fire pit gathering yesterday afternoon. All was well until sundown. We are low entertainment value people. We got the big thermometer out and watched the temp drop. 20 degrees in 5 minutes!

Wow! that is pretty cool!

I am already in the north and we weren't in the blizzard range this weekend so no big change for us. We are forecast to get more snow this week on top of the very frozen snow we already have so we shall see if i will have more snow clearing excitement (last weekend we had our big snow banks cleared and trucked out of the neighbourhood

2022-01-31 8:10 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Monday Manatees. How did those affected make it through the snow and cold event? My poor Mom thought she was in the arctic circle in an igloo. We had a nice fire pit gathering yesterday afternoon. All was well until sundown. We are low entertainment value people. We got the big thermometer out and watched the temp drop. 20 degrees in 5 minutes!

Wow! that is pretty cool!

I am already in the north and we weren't in the blizzard range this weekend so no big change for us. We are forecast to get more snow this week on top of the very frozen snow we already have so we shall see if i will have more snow clearing excitement (last weekend we had our big snow banks cleared and trucked out of the neighbourhood

We had under an inch of snow in Raleigh.  Roads were try by about 10am on Saturday.

That's one crazy temperature drop, Robin!  That happened to me one morning earlier this year.  I went for a run and was dressed appropriately but the temperature dropped five degrees while I was out and I was a popsicle when I got home!

2022-01-31 8:43 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Monday Manatees. How did those affected make it through the snow and cold event? My poor Mom thought she was in the arctic circle in an igloo. We had a nice fire pit gathering yesterday afternoon. All was well until sundown. We are low entertainment value people. We got the big thermometer out and watched the temp drop. 20 degrees in 5 minutes!

Wow! that is pretty cool!

I am already in the north and we weren't in the blizzard range this weekend so no big change for us. We are forecast to get more snow this week on top of the very frozen snow we already have so we shall see if i will have more snow clearing excitement (last weekend we had our big snow banks cleared and trucked out of the neighbourhood

We had under an inch of snow in Raleigh.  Roads were try by about 10am on Saturday.

That's one crazy temperature drop, Robin!  That happened to me one morning earlier this year.  I went for a run and was dressed appropriately but the temperature dropped five degrees while I was out and I was a popsicle when I got home!

Wow, that is quite the drop in temps! Your poor mother needs to come back to the warm climate of Iguanas dropping from the sky Florida!

Thankfully, iguanas haven't gotten into Orlando yet. They are super destructive, so they need to stay away! 

2022-01-31 9:24 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Nothing interesting happening on the weather front here (we usually have beautiful weather when the east coast is getting hammered, and vice versa), but mornings have been very cold by Oregon standards--below 30 and hard frost. Saturday AM the (outdoor) pool was actually closed due to excessive steam. Not fog, steam. I'll let everyone visualize that!

Edited by Hot Runner 2022-01-31 9:26 AM
2022-02-01 9:44 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by cdban66 For the record, this is so cold that we have a falling iguana advisory.
It's falling iguana cold again?!  Take an umbrella!   That is quite mind-boggling to me.  Poor iguanas!

2022-02-01 9:46 AM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by ceilidh Happy Friday, yall. You people from Alaska or Canada have left you winter weather down here. Please come and get it. A high of 25 this Saturday is NOT what I was hoping for.
This has been a pretty miserable winter for us here so far. Several weeks ago we had a pretty good span of about 10+ days where it was -10 to -20 each day. Way too cold, wasn't snowing. Then in the middle of last week it warmed up a bit to mid 20's and absolutely dumped snow. I knew we'd spend a lot of time over the weekend plowing, but then it immediately warmed up and started raining. I told my wife we should hold off on plowing because if we flatten it all out, it's going to be an ice rink by Monday. By Sunday, everything we got was melted away and there was just a bit of snow left. Two days ago it started dumping snow again, and there's not an end in sight as of right now. Supposed to continue well into next week. Right now, I'll take anything I can get above about 5-10 degrees as long as it is consistent!!! I'm tired of snow/rain/ice/snow/rain/ice. Happy weekend everyone!!!

Negative numbers for temp is always too cold in my book, yikes!  Hang in there, stay warm, stay safe.

2022-02-01 9:49 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

We got lucky here in  my part of PA and the blizzard skirted us.  We only got <1" snow and high winds which are yucky but not nearly as yucky as a full-on blizzard.

2022-02-01 10:36 AM
in reply to: melbo55

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by cdban66 For the record, this is so cold that we have a falling iguana advisory.
It's falling iguana cold again?!  Take an umbrella!   That is quite mind-boggling to me.  Poor iguanas!

I'm glad that when it gets really cold here, the bears just sulk away into hibernation rather than falling out of trees on top of us. :-)
2022-02-01 1:14 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by cdban66 For the record, this is so cold that we have a falling iguana advisory.
It's falling iguana cold again?!  Take an umbrella!   That is quite mind-boggling to me.  Poor iguanas!

I'm glad that when it gets really cold here, the bears just sulk away into hibernation rather than falling out of trees on top of us. :-)

LOL! Fair enough

I wish i could hibernate ... 

2022-02-01 6:58 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
How is everyones JoGo going?

2022-02-01 10:49 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

1. It warms my heart beyond belief the Manatees are still here. THANK YOU.

2. I'll tell Jo

3. My best friend (born 6 days apart, met not long after) just moved to Alaska a few months ago. I mean, not Fairbanks, but still Alaska (with husband, two small children and a small menagerie). They chose to, and they love it. They're very active outdoorsy people and remain so in BRRRRR.

4. It's summer here in Perth. We had a few weeks' spell of 104-114F days. Out here where we live it got to 118F. This week is a balmy high 80s to high 90s. The air now feels cool to me, but the seawater feels like warm spit!

2022-02-02 6:48 AM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by cdban66 For the record, this is so cold that we have a falling iguana advisory.
It's falling iguana cold again?!  Take an umbrella!   That is quite mind-boggling to me.  Poor iguanas!

I'm glad that when it gets really cold here, the bears just sulk away into hibernation rather than falling out of trees on top of us. :-)

Now that would be a news story!

2022-02-02 6:50 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

I've sort of stopped tracking, but for the most part feel confident I've been doing not too bad. I am terrible about updating the google sheet.

2022-02-02 6:51 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

1. It warms my heart beyond belief the Manatees are still here. THANK YOU.

2. I'll tell Jo

3. My best friend (born 6 days apart, met not long after) just moved to Alaska a few months ago. I mean, not Fairbanks, but still Alaska (with husband, two small children and a small menagerie). They chose to, and they love it. They're very active outdoorsy people and remain so in BRRRRR.

4. It's summer here in Perth. We had a few weeks' spell of 104-114F days. Out here where we live it got to 118F. This week is a balmy high 80s to high 90s. The air now feels cool to me, but the seawater feels like warm spit!

Good to see you pop in Yanti. I'm not sure how one knows what swimming in warm (or any temp) spit feels like, but I'll take your word for it!

2022-02-02 7:28 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by IndoIronYanti

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

1. It warms my heart beyond belief the Manatees are still here. THANK YOU.

2. I'll tell Jo

3. My best friend (born 6 days apart, met not long after) just moved to Alaska a few months ago. I mean, not Fairbanks, but still Alaska (with husband, two small children and a small menagerie). They chose to, and they love it. They're very active outdoorsy people and remain so in BRRRRR.

4. It's summer here in Perth. We had a few weeks' spell of 104-114F days. Out here where we live it got to 118F. This week is a balmy high 80s to high 90s. The air now feels cool to me, but the seawater feels like warm spit!

Great to see you here, Yanti!  The 80s sound lovely right now.

2022-02-02 7:31 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?

I've sort of stopped tracking, but for the most part feel confident I've been doing not too bad. I am terrible about updating the google sheet.

Well, to JoGo is keeping me on track with yoga and strength.  I'm most likely to drop the ball in that area so there is that.

I signed up for Keep Moving (for me, basically do what I'm supposed to do and get my 10k+ steps on rest days), and strength/yoga (do strength when I'm supposed to and do yoga). 

2022-02-02 9:03 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?
JoGo needs a reset for me.  I swear every time I commit to some sort of weight loss that is tracked, I gain weight.  So yeah, I've been gaining instead of losing.  And I need to work harder on my eat more veggies plan, too.  I love veggies but sometimes they get overlooked.

2022-02-02 10:24 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by ceilidh

How is everyones JoGo going?

Pretty decent on my end considering all I have going at the moment. My daughter is finally over her bout with covid, but half of the staff at my wife's school is still dealing with it, and we've had several here at work too. The numbers are on fire here and I've sort of felt like I've gone from "if" to "when" I catch it.
2022-02-02 10:28 AM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by ceilidh How is everyones JoGo going?
Pretty decent on my end considering all I have going at the moment. My daughter is finally over her bout with covid, but half of the staff at my wife's school is still dealing with it, and we've had several here at work too. The numbers are on fire here and I've sort of felt like I've gone from "if" to "when" I catch it.

I'm glad that your daughter is better.  Fingers crossed that you manage to avoid it -- or at least the worst of it.

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