BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed Rss Feed  
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2011-04-10 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Chatham Ontario

Wow Missed a lot already in a couple days.

I have a question for my runners in the group. Bit of info first.

I am coming back from my running injury. And I continue to aggitate my patella. Well I did a lot of home work on bio mechanics. Video of myself yesterday. Found out I was heel striking for one thing. Also had my wife watch and I don't think I pronate if I do it is VERY little. So I ran today concentrating on hitting mid sole. I had not one single niggle in my knee the whole run for the first time. However my shin and my calves are tight.

Now that aside. I was at a running store when I got my shoes and they placed me in Ascis 2160. Which really is for a pronator. My shoes show wear on the outside heal and the outside toe area nothing on the inside.. or LESS on the inside. Based on the fact my ankles don't turn inward when I squat and I am fairly flat footed.... My guess is I am in the wrong shoe...

Should I consider Neutral or Cusion shoe. The only running store is an hour away and it is apparent by the turn over there I am not dealing with highly educated people.

I am wondering if this is also leading to my issue. I started this issue shortly after I got these shoes. I was running in the brooke's Beast before. But take in mind I was 60lbs heavier so I know why I was put in them when I was 270lbs... At 213 I think I am in need of less shoe..

any thoughts?

2011-04-10 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3437262

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sdalessio - 2011-04-09 6:05 AM

Happy Sat. AM

Sorry about the hamstring Kyla.  Take a few days and let it heal.  You'll be back at it soon enough.

Linda - I hope things work out w/ the new meds.  Stay strong and feel free to use us for some cheering up or a kick in the a$s. :-)

Race went ok last night despite a cold, rainy evening.  Tony sucked it up and came along at well so date night was a success.  My time was a little slower but still consistent.  23:55 about 7 sec slower than last week.  Those 5ks are still hard.  I accomplish my one goal of running a better route.  I shaved .02 off my mileage.  I'd like to figure the official course by the end of the series.

Finally, welcome all new members.  We are a crazy bunch but we have fun.

And for the Richmond person (sorry can't remember your name now), we will be at Rumpass on Sat. as well.  Tony is racing this year.  I opted not to freeze my butt in the water.  I did the Int. 2 years ago.


I hope to see you guys at Rumpus!

2011-04-10 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3437659

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SSMinnow - 2011-04-09 1:37 PM

So, I'm back from my 50K relay.  The good news is our team took first in the over the hill category!!  We took second last year so we're stepping up.....mainly due to my fabulous ability to pick a lightening fast team.  Even my injured athlete kicked butt!  Our prize a case of beer!  Only in WI.

After doing two loops of a very hilly course, I couldn't imagine doing 3 more for the 50K or God Forbid 8 more for the 100K.  The lead male was so smooth.  I saw him at the 50K mark and couldn't believe it.  He looked like he was "jogging".

Linda--I ran with a girl for a smidge who decided to do the 50K when she was locked out of Boston.  She then proceeded to requalify for next year on a training run. 

Sam--doing a 50K is a totally different beast.  I give you credit for committing to how I slipped that in?

Congrats on 1st Place, great start to your season!!

2011-04-10 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3438811

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cherifortin - 2011-04-11 8:09 AM

Hi All,

I am new to the Tri...been training for 8 weeks.  Loving most everything about my trainin.  Had a great day yesterday, Swam 1 hour, biked 90 minutes, strength trained and did run drills in gym on bb court. 

Today, i am supposed to do a long run 50 minutes but I am having some sort of blockwith my running and I am dreading it. I hate evey moment of the running.  I suffer every step, it hurts my knees and my legs always feel heavy and Any advice to make running seem more doable, enjoyable, easier?



I used Jeff Galloways running book when I got back into running, he's a great believer in the run-walk method.

I found that introducing short 1min walk breaks really helped me.

After a while you need fewer walks and after your run you get far less aching.

One of Jeff Galloways suggestions is to tell yourself you're just going do a short run-walk session to get yourself out and moving but after 5 mins see how you feel and if all is good just keep going to complete the planned session.

I'll still occasionally have a quick walk a few mins into a run if I'm not feeling good and I quite often end up doing a really solid session after that. 

Running is something that I find very relaxing and enjoyable now but it's definitely got an element of discomfort and a need for mental toughness - but that's why it's so good!!!

2011-04-10 10:20 PM
in reply to: #3439129

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Techdiver - 2011-04-11 12:01 PM

Wow Missed a lot already in a couple days.

I have a question for my runners in the group. Bit of info first.

I am coming back from my running injury. And I continue to aggitate my patella. Well I did a lot of home work on bio mechanics. Video of myself yesterday. Found out I was heel striking for one thing. Also had my wife watch and I don't think I pronate if I do it is VERY little. So I ran today concentrating on hitting mid sole. I had not one single niggle in my knee the whole run for the first time. However my shin and my calves are tight.

Now that aside. I was at a running store when I got my shoes and they placed me in Ascis 2160. Which really is for a pronator. My shoes show wear on the outside heal and the outside toe area nothing on the inside.. or LESS on the inside. Based on the fact my ankles don't turn inward when I squat and I am fairly flat footed.... My guess is I am in the wrong shoe...

Should I consider Neutral or Cusion shoe. The only running store is an hour away and it is apparent by the turn over there I am not dealing with highly educated people.

I am wondering if this is also leading to my issue. I started this issue shortly after I got these shoes. I was running in the brooke's Beast before. But take in mind I was 60lbs heavier so I know why I was put in them when I was 270lbs... At 213 I think I am in need of less shoe..

any thoughts?

I used to get a lot of shin pain and ITBS; I got some motion control shoes (Brooks Addiction - cheaper version of Beast) and this helped a lot.

The ITBS kept rearing it's ugly head though so I saw a sports podiatrist. He did a biomechanical assessment and foung my right leg is 1cm shorter than the left; since then I've used a thicker firmer insole in my right shoe (for running and cycling) and the symptoms have gone.

I've also managed to move to less supportive shoes (Brooks Trance).

2011-04-10 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California

Nice job, Trevor!!!!  That's a great time drop.  sounds like a great weekend all around for the MG!

Most importantly, however, the SHARKS playoff schedule is posted!!!   #2 seed in the Western Division!  Game one Thursday!!!!

2011-04-10 11:16 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Yes, great results in all the races!

I've got my first Oly in 3 weeks, getting a bit nervous...

2011-04-11 12:56 AM
in reply to: #3439061

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san francisco
TrevorC - 2011-04-10 6:22 PM

whoot here comes a whistle blow.... 1/2 marathon today ...PB prior was 2:02:48

Ran an even 1:56:00 today. Felt incredible. Really starting to learn as per Badger/Suzy et. al about this 'hurt locker.'

About 15k in i was ready to quit/slow down knowing I was well in front of my 2hr goal. But i sucked it up hard, and ran it in.

Will catch up with the posts in the AM.

Congrats on a great race, Trevor!!!!!  what a great PR! 

2011-04-11 6:20 AM
in reply to: #3439129

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Techdiver - 2011-04-10 9:01 PM

Wow Missed a lot already in a couple days.

I have a question for my runners in the group. Bit of info first.

I am coming back from my running injury. And I continue to aggitate my patella. Well I did a lot of home work on bio mechanics. Video of myself yesterday. Found out I was heel striking for one thing. Also had my wife watch and I don't think I pronate if I do it is VERY little. So I ran today concentrating on hitting mid sole. I had not one single niggle in my knee the whole run for the first time. However my shin and my calves are tight.

Now that aside. I was at a running store when I got my shoes and they placed me in Ascis 2160. Which really is for a pronator. My shoes show wear on the outside heal and the outside toe area nothing on the inside.. or LESS on the inside. Based on the fact my ankles don't turn inward when I squat and I am fairly flat footed.... My guess is I am in the wrong shoe...

Should I consider Neutral or Cusion shoe. The only running store is an hour away and it is apparent by the turn over there I am not dealing with highly educated people.

I am wondering if this is also leading to my issue. I started this issue shortly after I got these shoes. I was running in the brooke's Beast before. But take in mind I was 60lbs heavier so I know why I was put in them when I was 270lbs... At 213 I think I am in need of less shoe..

any thoughts?

Hey Spanky

Have you been seeing a PT for your injury?  If so, I would have him take a look at your gait.  It could be that you are in too controlling of a shoe, but you also might be a supinator (rare, but they do exist).  A similar thing happened to me when I was working on a gait modification.  I went to Newton Guidance Trainners and they were too controlling for me and it contributed to my hamstring injury.

If I may, I would also like to caution you on the gait change.   You can't simply one day decide to run on your midfoot.  I started with a one minute run/one minute walk and built up from there.  It still results in an injury because those parts aren't used to carrying the weight. I am now a mid-striker, but it took months.   Another option is to think about shortening your stride and increasing turn-over and letting your foot fall where it falls.  I think you will find there will be a transition from a heavy heel striker, but it will be less severe.

My two cents!


2011-04-11 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3439061

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TrevorC - 2011-04-10 9:22 PM

whoot here comes a whistle blow.... 1/2 marathon today ...PB prior was 2:02:48

Ran an even 1:56:00 today. Felt incredible. Really starting to learn as per Badger/Suzy et. al about this 'hurt locker.'

About 15k in i was ready to quit/slow down knowing I was well in front of my 2hr goal. But i sucked it up hard, and ran it in.

Will catch up with the posts in the AM.

Very Nice!  WTG

2011-04-11 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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You have room for one more in the group? Third year of triathlon training and races. I will post my bio if you have room.



2011-04-11 7:00 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Congrats Suzy, George and Trevor.  I hope I didn't miss anyone.  Looks like there was lots of good training this weekend.  Things are gearing up!!!!! 

And Suzy, I'm still trying to get the ok from my coach about the 50k.  At first he didn't think it was a good idea but I presented a strong case so we'll see. 

And Erica don't sweat the Master's thing.  If it's a nice bunch of people, it doesn't matter how slow you are.  And I can speak from experience.  I am THE SLOWEST person at Masters.  And no I am not exaggerating.  I swim in the last lane as the last person and frequently have to cut things short to stay caught up.  That a goal this year to at least do the last lane workouts.

2011-04-11 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Tosa, WI

I have decided based on my Saturday morning ride that its time for me to start working on finding a contract to ride for a professional bike team.  Any attorneys in the group looking for a client?  I need a good agent! 

Max Watts from the ride on my LYC showed 1999 watts, according to the download was it was actually like 3240 watts or something like that  ....   probably, time to change a hub battery!  The whole group got a good laugh out of this read-out!  

Can't get the damn picture to load, some sort of website issue....maybe later?!

Edited by badgerintx 2011-04-11 8:05 AM
2011-04-11 7:49 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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OK how many parents have has this conversation or something similiar while trying to get out the door for school.

Tony calls me at work mins. before he is supposed to take the kids to school asking me about the location of our daughter's shoes.  She doesn't like any of the ones he picked.  She says they are all too small.  Anyway I help him locate a pair then as he is getting ready to hang up the phone I hear him yelling at our son, "Drew, we do not have time to paint your sister's toenails.  We are leaving."

Ahhh I love my kids.

2011-04-11 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3439368

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
bfwhitt - 2011-04-11 6:59 AM

You have room for one more in the group? Third year of triathlon training and races. I will post my bio if you have room.



YEP....get that bio in PRONTO!

2011-04-11 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3439061

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TrevorC - 2011-04-10 9:22 PM

whoot here comes a whistle blow.... 1/2 marathon today ...PB prior was 2:02:48

Ran an even 1:56:00 today. Felt incredible. Really starting to learn as per Badger/Suzy et. al about this 'hurt locker.'

About 15k in i was ready to quit/slow down knowing I was well in front of my 2hr goal. But i sucked it up hard, and ran it in.

Will catch up with the posts in the AM.


AWESOME run, Trevor! So happy for you!!

2011-04-11 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3439336

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SSMinnow - 2011-04-11 7:20 AM
Techdiver - 2011-04-10 9:01 PM

Wow Missed a lot already in a couple days.

I have a question for my runners in the group. Bit of info first.

I am coming back from my running injury. And I continue to aggitate my patella. Well I did a lot of home work on bio mechanics. Video of myself yesterday. Found out I was heel striking for one thing. Also had my wife watch and I don't think I pronate if I do it is VERY little. So I ran today concentrating on hitting mid sole. I had not one single niggle in my knee the whole run for the first time. However my shin and my calves are tight.

Now that aside. I was at a running store when I got my shoes and they placed me in Ascis 2160. Which really is for a pronator. My shoes show wear on the outside heal and the outside toe area nothing on the inside.. or LESS on the inside. Based on the fact my ankles don't turn inward when I squat and I am fairly flat footed.... My guess is I am in the wrong shoe...

Should I consider Neutral or Cusion shoe. The only running store is an hour away and it is apparent by the turn over there I am not dealing with highly educated people.

I am wondering if this is also leading to my issue. I started this issue shortly after I got these shoes. I was running in the brooke's Beast before. But take in mind I was 60lbs heavier so I know why I was put in them when I was 270lbs... At 213 I think I am in need of less shoe..

any thoughts?

Hey Spanky

Have you been seeing a PT for your injury?  If so, I would have him take a look at your gait.  It could be that you are in too controlling of a shoe, but you also might be a supinator (rare, but they do exist).  A similar thing happened to me when I was working on a gait modification.  I went to Newton Guidance Trainners and they were too controlling for me and it contributed to my hamstring injury.

If I may, I would also like to caution you on the gait change.   You can't simply one day decide to run on your midfoot.  I started with a one minute run/one minute walk and built up from there.  It still results in an injury because those parts aren't used to carrying the weight. I am now a mid-striker, but it took months.   Another option is to think about shortening your stride and increasing turn-over and letting your foot fall where it falls.  I think you will find there will be a transition from a heavy heel striker, but it will be less severe.

My two cents!



This is the advice I followed when I was having calf problems related to overstriding + heel strike. The goal is to have your foot land under your center of gravity instead of ahead of it. One easy way to train yourself to use a shorter stride is to run on softer surfaces like trails or grass. The uneven surface forces you to use a shorter stride, and of course softer surfaces are easier on your legs. As long as you don't trip and fall or twist something. Surprised

2011-04-11 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3439550

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Congrats on the big PR, Trevor!! Awesome awesome awesome!!!
2011-04-11 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Great Racing this weekend you all!!! Nicely done!
2011-04-11 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Horseheads, NY
2011-04-11 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3439687

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gdale - 2011-04-11 10:41 AM

well said.

2011-04-11 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3434069

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Okay MG, I seemed to have misplaced my motivation.  Where do you usually find yours when it goes MIA?
2011-04-11 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3439722

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

tricrazy - 2011-04-11 9:52 AM Okay MG, I seemed to have misplaced my motivation.  Where do you usually find yours when it goes MIA?

John (Fatty) usually has it hidden somewhere ...... I just politely ask him for it back and the world comes back in balance.  Laughing

2011-04-11 10:10 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Did a brick this morning. Biked 18.9 and ran 3.1.

In regards to people worrying about getting laughed out of masters I don't think the swimmers care about the other lanes. The first class I took which was last July I was in the slowest lane and was hypoxic by the end doing a whopping 2100 yards. Since then I've moved up two lanes and do 3000-3400 in the same amount of time and frequently I'm at the head leading which never would have happened back then.

Within our lane we know when somebody is having an off day and sure they'll be some friendly ball busting like hey that piano you're carting around is killing you why don't you take it off for the day? In the other lanes I cannot tell you what's going on most of the time. The one exception one of the lanes that is adjacent to ours is the next fastest lane. Every once in a while I'll be synchronized with a swimmer in that lane. So I'll consciously compare stroke count and speed while assessing my own effort. I breathe one side down and the other back so that I'm always looking at their lane to take advantage of it. Every once in a while they'll catch me doing this and when we hit the wall at the end of the interval they'll say stop looking at me in a good natured way or nice effort you're fast today.

Actually good segway to the one time all the lanes do interact. The coach does this pace-line drill where everybody gets out of the pool and goes to the far end. It starts with the fastest lane and goes to the slowest. Everybody leaves right on the feet of the person in front of them. So I'm right in the middle. You swim up and back in each lane and then have to duck under the ropes and do the next lane. So one rep is 300 yards and we'll do it X2. As soon as you're done with the first you go back to the first lane and it starts all over.

This might sound easy because you're drafting but you put 36 swimmers that close together and there are literally waves. Also ducking under the ropes isn't as easy as it sounds until you've done this drill a few times. Being in the middle is great practice because you are getting bounced around so much it's a good simulation for a crowded start or a windy day.

2011-04-11 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3439722

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

tricrazy - 2011-04-11 8:52 AM Okay MG, I seemed to have misplaced my motivation.  Where do you usually find yours when it goes MIA?

I look here...

Charlotte RaceFest Half Marthon (Run)
4/16/2011 in Charlotte , North Carolina
RaceLink (1 Members) - RaceReports

Mountaineer Triathlon - Half Ironman (Triathlon)
6/26/2011 in Morgantown , West Virginia
RaceLink (3 Members) - RaceReports

Ironman Louisville (Triathlon)
8/28/2011 in Louisville , Kentucky
RaceLink (117 Members) - RaceReports


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