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2022-02-19 6:18 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

Feb 19-20
Janyne - Run Oak Island half marathon on Saturday

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Go Janyne, race like the wind!

Have a fantastic race!

2022-02-19 4:18 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

Feb 19-20
Janyne - Run Oak Island half marathon on Saturday

Is anyone else racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Go Janyne, race like the wind!

Have a fantastic race!

Have a great race!
2022-02-19 4:20 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by alaskatri
Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by JBacarella My I don't feel that old moment. I've been having foot pain for the last week. I thought it was bad shoes. I went to the doctor (actually my wife and daughter said it first). I was diagnosed with gout. My completely unfair stereo type is 75 year old alcoholic haha. In my defense. shellfish can cause it and Birmingham Al is not that far from New Orleans, and crawfish are in season. I will leave it with I ate A LOT of seafood last week, I'm talking nearly every meal (except breakfast, while I love shrimp not a fan of grits). Hopefully the medication will resolve it quickly and I can start running by the end of the week.
I've heard gout can be quite painful.  Hope your bout with The Gout, as my gout-afflicted brother calls it, resolves quickly and doesn't return!  It sounds like it was worth it for all that authentic, local seafood!

It's probably bad that it took three pills to resolve it. I was concerned that I wouldn't be smart enough not to do it again, before it resolved. I don't know if I have the willpower to control myself when I'm put in this position again next year for the advance school.
Hope your feeling better. I'm headed to Hawaii next week and plan on consuming large amounts of seafood. Hoping for the best.

I hope that you don't feel the need to support Jim by getting gout.  Please limit your support to eating seafood!

Gout is really painful, but I have no regrets. Drink a lot of water and it's supposed to help prevent it.
2022-02-22 7:38 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

2022-02-22 8:01 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

I don't know anything about FasCat, so can only say that it looks promising. It seems very bike centric with a bit of triathlon thrown in, did i overlook the run plan/s? 

I used 80/20 for IM Choo and liked it, but at least when i used it there was no support for the training plans. You could switch levels if you needed, but there was no ability to ask coaching type questions. Did this change or are you looking at a coached option? 

2022-02-22 8:17 AM
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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

I don't know anything about FasCat, so can only say that it looks promising. It seems very bike centric with a bit of triathlon thrown in, did i overlook the run plan/s? 

Nope. FasCat is bike centric all the way.  Plus, they have gravel-spcific plans and experience in many cycling disciplines. Minus, running is not their thing.  If I wanted a run focused something, I'd have to come up with something else.  For the time being, I would like to run a few times a week for cross training because I like running.  I think that there are benefits to doing some running as well.

I used 80/20 for IM Choo and liked it, but at least when i used it there was no support for the training plans. You could switch levels if you needed, but there was no ability to ask coaching type questions. Did this change or are you looking at a coached option? 

No that has not changed with 80/20.  I was mostly commenting on the fact that they do respond to questions in their forums in a timely manner.  It looks like they have three ways to get their plans: (1) buy an individual plan or bundle, (2) monthly subscription that allows you to change up your plans midstream ($20-$30 per month, the more expensive option includes TrainingPeaks premium), or (3) one-on-one coaching at $400/month (or plan customization at $15/week)

ETA: For comparison, FasCat uses (1) buy an individual plan or bundle, (2) monthly subscription ($49 every 4 weeks), (3) one-on-one coaching from $174 every four weeks.  Endurance Nation is $97 every for week.

Edited by jmkizer 2022-02-22 8:26 AM

2022-02-22 9:34 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

2022-02-22 9:46 AM
in reply to: 0

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

Edited by jmkizer 2022-02-22 9:47 AM
2022-02-22 10:19 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

So, your goal/need is similar to mine. I like/need to have long-range plans that also allow me to move things around during the week as my schedule requires. I don't really need too much interaction with a coach -or maybe I do, but don't realize it! But, I do like having someone there to help plan my workouts and ask questions if needed. That's why I've stuck with my Coach Parry program. When I started I filled out a questionnaire and then had a zoom call with 2 coaches to discuss my needs etc. Then the plan was uploaded. When I come to the end or near the end, I go to the forum and say I need another and what I'm looking for/training for and or ask about what I should do. I joined one of the run programs, but have had no issue with them giving me HIM and IM training programs. They have at least one coach responding to questions daily. I did luck out b/c when I signed up I got a great deal and that is locked in for as long as I stay a member. I think it was around $300/year.  One of the guys I run with now uses them. He got in during the holiday sale.  I don't know if this is something that fits what you are looking for -but if it is and you have any questions, let me know.

2022-02-22 12:20 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

So, your goal/need is similar to mine. I like/need to have long-range plans that also allow me to move things around during the week as my schedule requires. I don't really need too much interaction with a coach -or maybe I do, but don't realize it! But, I do like having someone there to help plan my workouts and ask questions if needed. That's why I've stuck with my Coach Parry program. When I started I filled out a questionnaire and then had a zoom call with 2 coaches to discuss my needs etc. Then the plan was uploaded. When I come to the end or near the end, I go to the forum and say I need another and what I'm looking for/training for and or ask about what I should do. I joined one of the run programs, but have had no issue with them giving me HIM and IM training programs. They have at least one coach responding to questions daily. I did luck out b/c when I signed up I got a great deal and that is locked in for as long as I stay a member. I think it was around $300/year.  One of the guys I run with now uses them. He got in during the holiday sale.  I don't know if this is something that fits what you are looking for -but if it is and you have any questions, let me know.

It looks like Coach Parry has plans up to 100k so nothing for the Belgian Waffle Ride :-(  I'll hunt and peck around the site.

2022-02-22 12:31 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

So, your goal/need is similar to mine. I like/need to have long-range plans that also allow me to move things around during the week as my schedule requires. I don't really need too much interaction with a coach -or maybe I do, but don't realize it! But, I do like having someone there to help plan my workouts and ask questions if needed. That's why I've stuck with my Coach Parry program. When I started I filled out a questionnaire and then had a zoom call with 2 coaches to discuss my needs etc. Then the plan was uploaded. When I come to the end or near the end, I go to the forum and say I need another and what I'm looking for/training for and or ask about what I should do. I joined one of the run programs, but have had no issue with them giving me HIM and IM training programs. They have at least one coach responding to questions daily. I did luck out b/c when I signed up I got a great deal and that is locked in for as long as I stay a member. I think it was around $300/year.  One of the guys I run with now uses them. He got in during the holiday sale.  I don't know if this is something that fits what you are looking for -but if it is and you have any questions, let me know.

It looks like Coach Parry has plans up to 100k so nothing for the Belgian Waffle Ride :-(  I'll hunt and peck around the site.

I don't think their website does them justice as it relates to what they offer. I am very confident that if you asked they would put together a plan for the BW without issue.  Tomorrow they are migrating the old site to a new one. I'm not sure if it is the whole site or just the paid side, but hope it is whole and that they do a better job showing what they have to offer. 

2022-02-22 12:43 PM
in reply to: amd723

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

So, your goal/need is similar to mine. I like/need to have long-range plans that also allow me to move things around during the week as my schedule requires. I don't really need too much interaction with a coach -or maybe I do, but don't realize it! But, I do like having someone there to help plan my workouts and ask questions if needed. That's why I've stuck with my Coach Parry program. When I started I filled out a questionnaire and then had a zoom call with 2 coaches to discuss my needs etc. Then the plan was uploaded. When I come to the end or near the end, I go to the forum and say I need another and what I'm looking for/training for and or ask about what I should do. I joined one of the run programs, but have had no issue with them giving me HIM and IM training programs. They have at least one coach responding to questions daily. I did luck out b/c when I signed up I got a great deal and that is locked in for as long as I stay a member. I think it was around $300/year.  One of the guys I run with now uses them. He got in during the holiday sale.  I don't know if this is something that fits what you are looking for -but if it is and you have any questions, let me know.

It looks like Coach Parry has plans up to 100k so nothing for the Belgian Waffle Ride :-(  I'll hunt and peck around the site.

I don't think their website does them justice as it relates to what they offer. I am very confident that if you asked they would put together a plan for the BW without issue.  Tomorrow they are migrating the old site to a new one. I'm not sure if it is the whole site or just the paid side, but hope it is whole and that they do a better job showing what they have to offer. 

I'll see what they have to say. Thanks!

2022-02-22 12:53 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

So, your goal/need is similar to mine. I like/need to have long-range plans that also allow me to move things around during the week as my schedule requires. I don't really need too much interaction with a coach -or maybe I do, but don't realize it! But, I do like having someone there to help plan my workouts and ask questions if needed. That's why I've stuck with my Coach Parry program. When I started I filled out a questionnaire and then had a zoom call with 2 coaches to discuss my needs etc. Then the plan was uploaded. When I come to the end or near the end, I go to the forum and say I need another and what I'm looking for/training for and or ask about what I should do. I joined one of the run programs, but have had no issue with them giving me HIM and IM training programs. They have at least one coach responding to questions daily. I did luck out b/c when I signed up I got a great deal and that is locked in for as long as I stay a member. I think it was around $300/year.  One of the guys I run with now uses them. He got in during the holiday sale.  I don't know if this is something that fits what you are looking for -but if it is and you have any questions, let me know.

It looks like Coach Parry has plans up to 100k so nothing for the Belgian Waffle Ride :-(  I'll hunt and peck around the site.

I don't think their website does them justice as it relates to what they offer. I am very confident that if you asked they would put together a plan for the BW without issue.  Tomorrow they are migrating the old site to a new one. I'm not sure if it is the whole site or just the paid side, but hope it is whole and that they do a better job showing what they have to offer. 

I'll see what they have to say. Thanks!

Welcome. Rereading this it seems like i am trying to strong-arm you to CP! I'm not and know you will only do/pick something that fits for you! 

2022-02-22 12:54 PM
in reply to: amd723

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

So, your goal/need is similar to mine. I like/need to have long-range plans that also allow me to move things around during the week as my schedule requires. I don't really need too much interaction with a coach -or maybe I do, but don't realize it! But, I do like having someone there to help plan my workouts and ask questions if needed. That's why I've stuck with my Coach Parry program. When I started I filled out a questionnaire and then had a zoom call with 2 coaches to discuss my needs etc. Then the plan was uploaded. When I come to the end or near the end, I go to the forum and say I need another and what I'm looking for/training for and or ask about what I should do. I joined one of the run programs, but have had no issue with them giving me HIM and IM training programs. They have at least one coach responding to questions daily. I did luck out b/c when I signed up I got a great deal and that is locked in for as long as I stay a member. I think it was around $300/year.  One of the guys I run with now uses them. He got in during the holiday sale.  I don't know if this is something that fits what you are looking for -but if it is and you have any questions, let me know.

It looks like Coach Parry has plans up to 100k so nothing for the Belgian Waffle Ride :-(  I'll hunt and peck around the site.

I don't think their website does them justice as it relates to what they offer. I am very confident that if you asked they would put together a plan for the BW without issue.  Tomorrow they are migrating the old site to a new one. I'm not sure if it is the whole site or just the paid side, but hope it is whole and that they do a better job showing what they have to offer. 

I'll see what they have to say. Thanks!

Welcome. Rereading this it seems like i am trying to strong-arm you to CP! I'm not and know you will only do/pick something that fits for you! 

Nah, I know that you are recommending them, not pushing them.  I'm happy to look into CP or anyone else that is Manatee-approved ;-)

2022-02-22 2:41 PM
in reply to: amd723

User image

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

I jumped on Slow Twitch this morning and saw this comment: This girl's Olympics have been incredible (emphasis added).

It's a thread about Jessie Diggins (who is in her 30s) who won a couple of medals in cross country skiing. At least someone had the good sense to say something about the girl reference!

2022-02-22 2:44 PM
in reply to: amd723

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

I jumped on Slow Twitch this morning and saw this comment: This girl's Olympics have been incredible (emphasis added).

It's a thread about Jessie Diggins (who is in her 30s) who won a couple of medals in cross country skiing. At least someone had the good sense to say something about the girl reference!

Well, you know my thoughts on that. If you aren't old enough to take responsibility, you are not old enough to compete in the women's event.  Back to juniors with you...

2022-02-22 2:51 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

I jumped on Slow Twitch this morning and saw this comment: This girl's Olympics have been incredible (emphasis added).

It's a thread about Jessie Diggins (who is in her 30s) who won a couple of medals in cross country skiing. At least someone had the good sense to say something about the girl reference!

Well, you know my thoughts on that. If you aren't old enough to take responsibility, you are not old enough to compete in the women's event.  Back to juniors with you...

Ah, I thought that you were referrring to the "So young people can dope....what a bunch of horse sh**t" thread. It looks like that comment was in the "Jessie MF Diggins" thread

2022-02-22 3:05 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

I jumped on Slow Twitch this morning and saw this comment: This girl's Olympics have been incredible (emphasis added).

It's a thread about Jessie Diggins (who is in her 30s) who won a couple of medals in cross country skiing. At least someone had the good sense to say something about the girl reference!

Well, you know my thoughts on that. If you aren't old enough to take responsibility, you are not old enough to compete in the women's event.  Back to juniors with you...

Ah, I thought that you were referrring to the "So young people can dope....what a bunch of horse sh**t" thread. It looks like that comment was in the "Jessie MF Diggins" thread

Yes, that thread.

2022-02-22 3:41 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

I'm sorry I can't offer any advice on those. I've always liked having a coach. And the one I use now is SUPER reasonable ($) but he only does 2 weeks at a time (I know you like longer schedules). I like the shorter range workouts because seeing too much stresses me out (the opposite of you) LOL

Maybe finding a coach/group that matches your current goals (more gravel focused less tri focused) and stage in your career would be a good place to look. Online groups are so hard - people come and go and like you said the dynamics change.

2022-02-22 3:48 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Headed to Kona!!!!

No, not for IM. Haha. Headed there this weekend for a much needed vacation. Our first time to Hawaii. Hoping to find some IM merchandise or at least check out the local tri/bike shops. I'm also secretly hoping my wife loves the place and maybe we can make Lavaman an annual event. Several from AK head to that race every year. We also have a couple rounds of golf scheduled, night snorkeling with manta rays, deep sea fishing, and coffee farm tour, before heading over to the volcanoes. Hoping to avoid gout, but plan on eating a ton of poke while there as well.
2022-02-22 5:51 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

User image

Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri Headed to Kona!!!! No, not for IM. Haha. Headed there this weekend for a much needed vacation. Our first time to Hawaii. Hoping to find some IM merchandise or at least check out the local tri/bike shops. I'm also secretly hoping my wife loves the place and maybe we can make Lavaman an annual event. Several from AK head to that race every year. We also have a couple rounds of golf scheduled, night snorkeling with manta rays, deep sea fishing, and coffee farm tour, before heading over to the volcanoes. Hoping to avoid gout, but plan on eating a ton of poke while there as well.

Have a wonderful time! 

2022-02-23 7:20 AM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

I'm sorry I can't offer any advice on those. I've always liked having a coach. And the one I use now is SUPER reasonable ($) but he only does 2 weeks at a time (I know you like longer schedules). I like the shorter range workouts because seeing too much stresses me out (the opposite of you) LOL Maybe finding a coach/group that matches your current goals (more gravel focused less tri focused) and stage in your career would be a good place to look. Online groups are so hard - people come and go and like you said the dynamics change.

Thanks for the feedback. I know that you have been with your coach for a while so you must really like him. I would still be with Maija if she hadn't stopped coaching :-/  I still miss her.  Right now, having a longer view of my training really helps. Kevin likes to say things like "if the long range forecast can be believed, let's go to the mountains."  I can then look at the calendar and see, 4-hour ride, yes, can do that, etc.  It helps with negotiations. I get that with a coach you could just say, we might be out of town that weekend but I also don't want to "cry wolf" too many times.

I've also received some feedback from Anne, who gives a thumbs up to the FasCat plan, and Jen who likes the look of the 80/20 plans.

2022-02-23 7:21 AM
in reply to: alaskatri

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri Headed to Kona!!!! No, not for IM. Haha. Headed there this weekend for a much needed vacation. Our first time to Hawaii. Hoping to find some IM merchandise or at least check out the local tri/bike shops. I'm also secretly hoping my wife loves the place and maybe we can make Lavaman an annual event. Several from AK head to that race every year. We also have a couple rounds of golf scheduled, night snorkeling with manta rays, deep sea fishing, and coffee farm tour, before heading over to the volcanoes. Hoping to avoid gout, but plan on eating a ton of poke while there as well.


Every time we start to plan a Hawaii trip we end up going to Europe because that's easier to get to from the east coast.

2022-02-23 8:12 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by alaskatri Headed to Kona!!!! No, not for IM. Haha. Headed there this weekend for a much needed vacation. Our first time to Hawaii. Hoping to find some IM merchandise or at least check out the local tri/bike shops. I'm also secretly hoping my wife loves the place and maybe we can make Lavaman an annual event. Several from AK head to that race every year. We also have a couple rounds of golf scheduled, night snorkeling with manta rays, deep sea fishing, and coffee farm tour, before heading over to the volcanoes. Hoping to avoid gout, but plan on eating a ton of poke while there as well.


Every time we start to plan a Hawaii trip we end up going to Europe because that's easier to get to from the east coast.

Also so jealous. My husband and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon in 2010 AND we spectated the Ironman World Championship (which was so awesome). It was so great! But Janyne is right, it's really far from the east coast and for us it's cheaper/more convenient to book Caribbean vacations. But we were on the Big Island and Kauai and loved both - have such an awesome time! And a good time to take a break from Alaska! 

2022-02-23 8:14 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by mtnbikerchk
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by jmkizer

I’m having my semi-annual "do I want to stay with Endurance Nation" talk with myself. I guess if I do this every so often the answer is probably no. The training plans are OK but I don’t feel like I’m getting a lot of guidance. When I ask questions about masters athletes the response was something like "it's important to do strength training twice a week."  When I ask about recovery/adaption weeks, the response was, maybe take a day off every 10 days. 

I also feel like I’m not "epic” enough or else I don’t have a big enough ego to garner mush support/attention.  You know, the typical, "I probably shouldn't have done xyz but I did, aren't I awesome?!"  When this happens, I think to myself, this is a training site/group with actual plans. Why are you celebrating someone who did not follow the plans?

Anyway, last time I had the conversation with myself, it was like, hang in there, you like the OutSeason plan.  Do that one and then...

This is where I need some help from the Manatees:

What do we think of 80/20 Endurance? They have both cycling and running plans so that is good. I’m not sure what I think of their power zones, though. Also they don’t do sweet spot at all I think think that’s been beneficial. Of course that doesn't mean that another type of plan wouldn't work well for me.  And did I mention that they have both cycling and running...  I also like the fact that you can use a plan more than once.

What about FasCat?  They only do cycling plans but their zones make sense and the plans look familiar so it would be an easy transition.

Both 80/20 and FasCat seem to have good support for their plans.

What else am I missing?

What are you looking for most?  Just a reliable, sensible training plan to work on your own with no coaching/feedback?  Do you want a coach/group to give feedback?  And do you want feedback on just the occasional workout or some guidance on most or all?  You mentioned forums and asking other members questions, so I get the impression you'd prefer some sort of human interaction.  Is a dedicated coach a consideration, as someone to work on with you and give workouts/recommendations based on where you are and where you want to achieve?

Sensible plan.  I have found that I like having a longer range plan on the calendar. It's a lot easier to plan other aspects of my life and that reduces stress. Week-to-week plans are more responsive and I get that but it can be stressful for me in other ways.  I'm sure that whatever way I go, I will have some initial questions as I adjust and there is always the "what plan should I load next" question. 

When I first joined Endurance Nation, there was a lot of interaction and that has not been the case recently. I'm sure that part if it is me and my drift away from triathlon but I do think that the group dynamic has changed as well

My humble recommendation would be to go with whichever plan ticks the most boxes of both acceptable workout plans and the interaction which seems to be valuable, too.  Probably I wasn't much help, LOL!  

Thanks for chiming in.  The discussion is helping me continue to work through the options.  I'm open to other suggestions as well.

(edit, fixed formatting woes)

I'm sorry I can't offer any advice on those. I've always liked having a coach. And the one I use now is SUPER reasonable ($) but he only does 2 weeks at a time (I know you like longer schedules). I like the shorter range workouts because seeing too much stresses me out (the opposite of you) LOL Maybe finding a coach/group that matches your current goals (more gravel focused less tri focused) and stage in your career would be a good place to look. Online groups are so hard - people come and go and like you said the dynamics change.

Thanks for the feedback. I know that you have been with your coach for a while so you must really like him. I would still be with Maija if she hadn't stopped coaching :-/  I still miss her.  Right now, having a longer view of my training really helps. Kevin likes to say things like "if the long range forecast can be believed, let's go to the mountains."  I can then look at the calendar and see, 4-hour ride, yes, can do that, etc.  It helps with negotiations. I get that with a coach you could just say, we might be out of town that weekend but I also don't want to "cry wolf" too many times.

I've also received some feedback from Anne, who gives a thumbs up to the FasCat plan, and Jen who likes the look of the 80/20 plans.

Mostly, that the 80/20 plans are basically free right now it appears so it's low financial risk to give it a try. Also a good PSA for anyone else who is interested (and i think these plans are available on Garmin

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