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2011-06-27 2:44 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

One special treat I forgot to mention.  I ran nearly 3 miles with Julie Dibens.  Literally right next to her.  It was mile 3-5 for me and 16-18 for her.  She looked beat on the run and was only doing a 8:40ish pace at that point.  She walked some too.

Craig Alexander looked fast on the run as he was going up the hill when I was going down. 

Desiree Ficker also looked like she was moving. 

2011-06-27 3:28 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
So glad to hear about some great races today but bummed for those that had issues. I didn't get to meet any of you at the practice swims, but Brit introduced herself as she passed me on the b@tch of a hill (The Wall) during the bike, and I saw somebody with a Happy Birthday Honey Badger shirt on the run. I think fellow Lber The Wolf was ahead of me on the run for a bit and that would make sense since he finished about 20 minutes ahead of me.My race was fantastic!!! This was my first race longer than an OLY after only training for tris since last May. The day started of amazingly with the swim. I had zero problems with the cold and all I had on was the issued cap and my Vortex suit. I started right in the middle and three rows back. Some minor contact the first 5 minutes, but generally had no problem finding clear water. Even the turns at the buoys were uneventful. Could have sworn I heard Reilly say 32 minutes at the first lap, but I ended up with a 1:09. Bike was pretty good, but I was getting really annoyed with those hills. Actually, it wasn't the hills, it was that long- ride back to town that seemed to take FOREVER! First loop was faster, but the second I took a bit easier to set myself up for the run. 6:14 bike time. The run started off kind of rough. Wasn't really ready for that hill out of transition, and the hills through the houses, but once I hit the trail, I was able to get my breathing and HR under controls. First lap went great. Stayed around 10 minute miles which I thought was sustainable. At mile 8 or so, my right IT started acting up (probably after running down that big ol hill! Not long after that my quads were getting angry with me. I figured out that I could walk at real nice brisk 13 min pace and had no pain. So from there I started walking the uphills and aid stations and running most of the flats and downhills. Of course the pain got worse, but I never let it get me down. I was all smiles all day long. As I was walking up that side street onto Sherman in order to compose myself for the last stretch, a really nice volunteer took me by the arm and told me "when you turn that corner, you will e periwigs one of the best moments of your life. The sun is shining, there will be thousands of people screaming for you and you are going to put a smile on your face and enjoy every second of it.". It was one of the most touching things I've ever had said to me. She was was awesome. Crossed the mat in 12:23 happy as a clam! Felt fantastic and had no problems. Got a quick massage (no wait!) and linked up with my family where we waited for my dad to finish. We actually all drove out onto Lakeview to find him and make sure he was okay since my mom was all kinds of nervous. Found him at Mile 24 and my mom ran with him a bit before hopping in the car so we could get back to the finish. Even while suffering from intense hip pain and naseua, he finished in 15:41. So was. Great day!
2011-06-27 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
12:47, a little off my target but I'm totes happy with it, especially for my first tri.Sorry to hear your race day went poorly Bonnie. That water was a bit brisk, I had to be careful not to get any leg cramps which started popping up pretty early, no doubt due to the cold.

Edited by beanmj 2011-06-27 8:24 AM
2011-06-27 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3568049

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Sunnyvale, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

leopard8996 - 2011-06-26 3:49 PM In case anyone's wondering what happened to me: The 54 degree water ended up wrecking many people's days including mine. For those who are tracking our group. I ended up in Medical at Mile 40 of the bike due to severe cramping and disorientation possibly still lingering from my epic 1:54 in the water - UGH! I managed to make it back to transition where they took my chip at Mile 56. I'll be heading down to the finish line later to cheer in our late finishers. I rode the first 20 miles with Ashley (Nerdjock) and she looked awesome! Just wanted everyone to know I was okay and I'm actually cool with the DNF. It just wasn't my day today.


So sorry to hear that!  Must have been pretty hard abandoning the race...  That water was freaking cold.  I too had to spend a good 20 min in the warming tent just to regain my body functionality as I was shivering so badly.

Thank you very much for posting those HB signs on the course.  They were "inspirational" to me

2011-06-27 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3568049

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
leopard8996 - 2011-06-26 3:49 PMIn case anyone's wondering what happened to me:The 54 degree water ended up wrecking many people's days including mine. For those who are tracking our group. I ended up in Medical at Mile 40 of the bike due to severe cramping and disorientation possibly still lingering from my epic 1:54 in the water - UGH! I managed to make it back to transition where they took my chip at Mile 56. I'll be heading down to the finish line later to cheer in our late finishers. I rode the first 20 miles with Ashley (Nerdjock) and she looked awesome!Just wanted everyone to know I was okay and I'm actually cool with the DNF. It just wasn't my day today.
I'm sorry your day turned out that way, Bonnie. I hope you are feeling much better now. 54 degrees? Where did they have that posted? That would explain why i couldn't get my hands to work for such a long time after the swim.
2011-06-27 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3568461

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
leopard8996 - 2011-06-26 10:42 PM
3Aims - 2011-06-26 9:35 PM

leopard8996 - 2011-06-26 5:49 PM In case anyone's wondering what happened to me: The 54 degree water ended up wrecking many people's days including mine. For those who are tracking our group. I ended up in Medical at Mile 40 of the bike due to severe cramping and disorientation possibly still lingering from my epic 1:54 in the water - UGH! I managed to make it back to transition where they took my chip at Mile 56. I'll be heading down to the finish line later to cheer in our late finishers. I rode the first 20 miles with Ashley (Nerdjock) and she looked awesome! Just wanted everyone to know I was okay and I'm actually cool with the DNF. It just wasn't my day today.


I'm so sorry to hear about your race.  I was fine in the water until the 1.8 mile mark.  I started to get chills in the water at that point, even with a neo cap and booties.  The last 20 minutes of the swim for me was very tough.    


Edit: Did you put out the BT Don't Care HB sign on the run?  I touched it both times for good luck. 

Yep - those were mine We made them all yesterday!Thanks for good thoughts everyone.
Thanks for the signs Bonnie! They made me smile every time I went by them.

Edited by citaltfort 2011-06-27 9:17 AM

2011-06-27 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Hats off to everyone! No matter what the outcome, each of you took on a huge challenge that relatively few people would even consider. Well done!
2011-06-27 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Hey folks. Congrats to all participants. Getting to start line of ironman is daunting challenge. Finishing ironman is just icing in my opinion. I had interesting day. My plan to go under 1130 was detailed when my rear derailleur exploded at mile 60. Bike levy told me I could either call. It a day or convert to single speed. So I told myself hb don't give a about gears. Had her put it in a 35x20 gear and proceeded to bike rest of course. My run decided to go for it as my race was already off plan. So honked around 10 miles and struggled in. Finished in 12:40. Glad I sawit through.
2011-06-27 10:44 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Bonnie, so sorry about your race.  Just know your HB signs gave me inspiration long the way.

Swim was good 1:20ish (started to get cold towards the end).  First bike loop was good, second suffered (not near enough hill training for this boy from FL).  The first 1/2 of the run was OK.  The third 1/4 was horrible.  I then was able to pull it together and finish the last 6.7 strong.

Saw Nerdjock (the tutu gave her away) on the run at one point and another BTers shouted out to me (did not see who it was).  Finished in 14:19 well below my goal of 15 hours for my first IM.

Running down Sherman is something I will never forget.

2011-06-27 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I had a great day out there. Didn't feel too cold while swimming, but couldn't do anything with my hands in T1 so had to have help getting dressed and shifting the bike the first few miles was interesting. Bike went really well. 135 BPM heart rate all the way except for the hills. Had a little GI at start of the run, but after that, felt pretty good the whole time. Decided to walk that hill both loops. Didn't wear a HR monitor on run, but definately felt like I was working too hard trying to run up that thing. Did a really fast walk up it both loops.
Bonnie: thanks for the signs!

Who's in for next year? I'll start the thread after we see if this one makes it to 200 in the next couple of days.
2011-06-27 12:21 PM
in reply to: #3569221

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Congratulations to everyone that took on this challenge - incredibly insprirational!!!  That swim start was amazing to watch.

I was a finish line catcher and witnessed everything from exaltation to dejected disapointment and from energized euphoria to utter and complete exhaustion.

One thing I'll always remember was the guy that reached over the fence to grab his infant son as he came down the shoot. Reilly shouted out, "Don't do it John, don't do it".  But the guy went ahead and crossed the line holding his son - instant DQ!  He forfeited it all just to experience that moment.

2011-06-27 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Congrats to all the finishers--Bonnie sorry you had a rough day! Thanks for the signs out there though, they gave me some smiles when I needed them.  Fairly pleased with my swim given the slug fest crowded mess that it was.  Cold water didn't bother me at all--I think aback to it and don't think cold, I think "fight, fight" cause that's what it felt like 75% of the time.  Bike was pretty solid as well, and I knew I had the legs for a good run. Unfortunately I didn't have the lower back or the uterus for a good run (I'll let you figure out the 2nd part on your own--if I could've left it on the side of the road, I would've!)...major pain that really sucked the energy out of me and reduced me to walking aid stations and portions of the hill.  So, not the run time I know I am capable of throwing down.  But, it required me to persevere and just keep going. Which I did, and finished in 11:52...just glad to go sub-12 on this course. I will say this--I beat Julie Dibens. In T2. WITH a 1:11! YEAH! Beat lots of pros with that one!! I was just efficient and felt great--till about 1 mile into the run.  Oh well, that's all part of Ironman, and Sherman street was a still a blast.  Thanks to everyone that said hi, if I didn't acknowledge you, it was not intentional! I'll stick to flatter courses from here on out as I think climbing is what does it to lower back.  Congrats everyone--what a day!!
2011-06-27 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Oh the ups and downs and smiles and frowns of the monday after Ironman!  I hope that as you hobble around town and gladly get robbed at the finisher's gear tent, you each begin to reflect on what you went through.  I hope you each find lessons, regardless of your outcome, in the events of the day.  It's okay to be frustrated or sad or angry at a DNF, unexpected mechanical, or freak injury... and it's okay to celebrate and boast about a smashed goal, huge PR, or busted IM cherry.  As gimp converts to gait in the coming days, I hope you all begin to see the parallels between yesterday and, however cliche, the larger journey you're taking... of which the race was just a blip (yes, a potentially amazing blip) on the radar. 

My hat's off to each of you, no matter how you feel about your day.  Regardless of what happened, you are not the first and there will be more that come after you (welcome to a new community).  The greatest joy of ironman, in my opinion, is the role it plays in the larger schemes of life.  In some ways it is an amplifier for parts of us that are not as easily quantified as a finish clock.  I hope you each find something valuable as you listen (or learn to listen) to (or through) the noise.  I know there are some of you tempted to define yourself by the numbers (positive or negative) today.  Within the larger scheme, I assure you that part is virtually irrelevant.

Group hug!


2011-06-27 1:29 PM
in reply to: #3569493

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Nice job out there everyone...

2011-06-27 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3569506

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Great day for me--- probably one the best in my life. I didn't finish in the time I thought I would but I finished and relatively few problems but that hypothermia. Stayed in the warming tent for 30 minutes just trying to get my body from shaking uncontrollably. Strangest sensation. I'm sorry that Bonnie had it rough but what a great attitude. And thanks from me for the inspirational signs. Did anyone like all this bee signs on the bike? Thought those were pretty cool.Congratulations everyone! Glad I got to meet some you. Peace out!LynnOh, Josh, once again I loved your wrap up and words of wisdom.

Edited by lmscozz 2011-06-27 3:00 PM
2011-06-27 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Who did the Bee signs?  I loved those!  Also enjoyed the "don't care" signs.  Big hill don't care, so true!

IMCDA is my 'B' race for the year.  It was my 8th IM, I had a good day out there overall.  I don't set time goals, I set execution goals and see what time I get.

The swim I screwed up by thinking I'd get time at the beginning to get used to the water.  Didn't happen, so all I got was some splashing water on my face before the gun went off.  Totally insufficient, and thus a tough very slow swim (1:37 instead of typically 1:25-1:30).  I didn't get "normalized" until the first turnaround. T1 was slow - hands didn't work :-)

Bike was great, loved the course. I executed my plan well (even power on flats and downhills, watch HR on the hills).  My 6:30 time was fine.  I faded on the hills on the 2nd loop so clearly more time is needed on hill work before I do that course again.  My new cockpit setup with PD aerobottle, ski bend areobars, etc. worked really well.

The run was disappointing.  My lower back started hurting really badly up the big hill on the run, perhaps from a lot of aero on the bike or perhaps from the crappy mattress at the rental house or both together.  Each step was increasing torture from there back to special needs where I got some Advil. That fixed it by mile 17 and my pace was back up. I decided to not kill myself and just enjoy the run, wave at people, etc. on the way in for 4:45 run.  At T2 I was thinking a sub-4:30 was possible.  Total time was 13:11, which is totally in line with the training I did for this race. 

2011-06-27 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Awesome race for me.  My goal was 13:30.  Did a 12:43:55.

Sorry for those who did not enjoy as good of a day.

Thanks for the HB posters.  They made me grin while I was in a dark, dark place on the run.

2011-06-27 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Parker, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I had a great day out there as well - still amazed by the spectacular weather we were blessed with. My goal was to leave everything I had out on the course, and I feel like I did that. Leaving T2, I thought I would make sub 12, but a combination of lack of legs, followed by lack of energy, followed by monstrous foot blisters made miles 14 thru 21 mostly a walk. I got energy back from a mix of water and coke, and decided to just run to the end no matter what it took. My back locked up completely running up the hill past the library, so I ran down Sherman focused entirely on keeping from falling over, as opposed the finish I had been imagining, but this way will end up meaning more. I also really enjoyed the last hour and a half of the finish line scene, cheering for all the BTers that came through. What a day, I'll never forget it.
2011-06-27 6:41 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
First off, thanks for all of your support during training. This community is fantastic. I hope I have the opportunity to train and race with at least some of you in the future. Bonnie, I'm so glad we got to meet at the Friday practice swim. Sorry your race didn't go as hoped, but I think you should put all your training to work and go kill that HIM. I planted a finger kiss on the run HB. Thanks for putting the signs out. Sarah, it was a blast leap frogging with you on the bike. I kept looking for you on the run, but somehow missed you. Brit, it was inspirational seeing you multiple times on the run. You had your game face on every time. Way to work through the pain to an awesome time. Sorry I didn't spot the rest of you, but it made the race feel more friendly just knowing you were out there with me. I didn't pull of the day I was hoping for, but any finish is awesome in my book. I didn't feel super cold on the swim, but my chest felt constricted for all of the first loop. I actually had the least amount of contact ever during an imcda swim. My bike was just weird. I couldn't get my heartrate up and felt off and lacking power the whole time. I was around 50 minutes off my time last year, disappointing since I put more miles in this year. I didn't accomplish my goal of running the whole marathon, but I was within 4 minutes of last years time on a hillier course. I think my greatest accomplishment was staying focused and positive when I saw early in the bike that this wasn't going to be a PR type of day. This was the first time my Dad has ever seen me race an ironman, and there was no way, barring catastrophe, that I wasn't going to finish.

Edited by kiki_zen 2011-06-27 6:44 PM
2011-06-27 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Just want to brag on Jody (mrwrite) for a minute.  He killed it!  I leapfrogged with him on the run and every time he was smiling and had a positive attitude.  Amazing how far he's come.  I'm really proud of him!

I highly recommend wearing a rainbow tutu for the run portion. You get lots of energy from the crowd Laughing

You guys are all wonderful.  So proud of EVERYONE!  Coming back in 2013...with my honey this time.  He has always thought doing an Ironman was insane but came to the athlete dinner with me and decided there that he wants to tri.  Awesome!

2011-06-27 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
You guys rocked it on a much tougher day and course than advertised! Sorry about the injuries and mishaps. That is a downer but your attitudes are awesome. Slayer was proud to be a part of the BT army and I, like all of you, gave it all I had even if the time was worse than other IMs I've done. I hope I get to race with you guys again. Thanks again for enriching the experience. Recharge, heal and keep in touch. HBDC

2011-06-27 7:56 PM
in reply to: #3569221

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Mesa, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
achen2iron - 2011-06-27 10:31 AMI had a great day out there. Didn't feel too cold while swimming, but couldn't do anything with my hands in T1 so had to have help getting dressed and shifting the bike the first few miles was interesting. Bike went really well. 135 BPM heart rate all the way except for the hills. Had a little GI at start of the run, but after that, felt pretty good the whole time. Decided to walk that hill both loops. Didn't wear a HR monitor on run, but definately felt like I was working too hard trying to run up that thing. Did a really fast walk up it both loops. Bonnie: thanks for the signs!Who's in for next year? I'll start the thread after we see if this one makes it to 200 in the next couple of days.
That's impressive!!!I too had a horrible swim experience that I am not in the mood to go into right now but executed the bike and run to plan. Wanted sub 14 went 14:07 which was still 1:50 (as in hour fifty) faster than St George. I'm ready for some warmer water and flat lands for my next one. But definitely enjoyed this.Good job everyone and the honey badger Signs made my day!!!
2011-06-27 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Mesa, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
2011-06-27 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I'm super glad everyone liked the Don't Care Honey Badger signs. I had a blast making them and I hoped that while I was off at Urgent Care dealing with my issues they were inspiring you all.

After making my way back to PDX and getting some time to reflect I have to say a few things:

#1 - BT is truly a remarkable community! The support we've all given to each other and the veteran resources like Josh are truly awesome. I feel so blessed to be part of this group.

#2 - Despite my day going wrong I felt like a proud parent watching our newbies (Lynn, Ashley and Jody) all cross the finish line well before midnight with huge grins on their faces. It was awesome to see and I'm super proud of you all!

#3 - I used to believe that the swim wasn't really much of a factor in an IM and that a bad swim could be overcome. After my swim experience yesterday I'm now a huge believer that the swim sets up every other thing you do that day. I was battling between the head cold and major female issues to start the day and those coupled with the soul sucking almost 2 hour swim left me for dead along that 1st lap of the bike course. I'll be doing other Ironmans but I doubt I'll be back to CDA unless the date changes ensuring at least a chance for a warmer swim.

#4 - As Josh said so wisely, IM is just a day and it's the lessons we learn from it that truly define us in our larger worlds. Up until yesterday I'd raced 8 seasons without a DNF and I really had no idea how I would respond when the situation required me making/forcing myself into that tough spot. I'm really proud of the lessons I learned in yesterday's race despite my early departure and I'm hopeful that my next IM experience will allow me to put some of those lessons into practice.

Congrats to everyone on a great day yesterday! I look forward to reading race reports especially from our 1st timers! As for me I'm planning on doing the PDX Rev3 next weekend. Any suggestions on training between now and then?
2011-06-27 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3570096

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-06-27 6:46 PMYou guys rocked it on a much tougher day and course than advertised! Sorry about the injuries and mishaps. That is a downer but your attitudes are awesome. Slayer was proud to be a part of the BT army and I, like all of you, gave it all I had even if the time was worse than other IMs I've done. I hope I get to race with you guys again. Thanks again for enriching the experience. Recharge, heal and keep in touch. HBDC
I tried to advertise truthfully. The maps and elevation charts do not tell the full story. The bike course is just a b*tch. It can be kinda a fun challenge on a good day and a dream killer on a bad day. Even before the added hill on the run the marathon course is more difficult than most open marathons I've done. I have to hold myself back whenever it's described as flat. The swim is unpredictable and crowded. I haven't done enough other IM course to know for sure, but I think the swim at imcda might be in the top three for challenge.I've felt like a cobra bit sleepy f*ck sugar badger today, but I'm starting to come back to life though (oh the amazing restorative power of beer!). I hope you all are starting to recover as well

Edited by kiki_zen 2011-06-27 9:09 PM
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