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2022-03-18 3:19 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

OK, folks, Strava now offers an option for a "multisport" club which appears to include more than just the SBR that the triathlon club counts.  It looks like it includes strength, etc.  I was thinking that this might be a good change for the Manatee Strava group.  What say you?

This is what the multisport leader board looks like

multisport leader board


And this is the Triathlon one

Tri leader board

On the one hand, the multisport one better reflects that total activity that is being completed.  I really like that it captures the cross training (yoga, strength, BeachBody, etc.) that everyone is doing.  On the other hand, it's sort of nice to see, oh, Jim did a lot of running last week, didn't he?  I do feel like we can get that detail form BT itself though.

How would you feel about swapping to the Multisport club type? Are there any objections?


I don't have any objections. Any downside to having both?

We can have only one or the other -- unless you mean having two groups?

I just thought you could leave the current one going and add the new one, but apparently, that is not possible. It would be too confusing, I think, to have two groups just to have both clubs.

Well, for those who want to take a look before weighing in (request to join)

Personally i am on a bit of break from Tri so the multisport one better suits my current situation but happy with whatever everyone else wants to do. :D Thanks for looking into it Janyne 

2022-03-18 7:55 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
I believe there is an IM 70.3 (Honu) that uses part of the Kona course as well. I'd signed up for the 2019 event but of course missed it due to injury. I agree--I've about melted down just walking from the beach parking lot to the ocean. I can visualize doing the swim at Kona, but the bike and run would be death marches. And saying that as someone who's raced in what *should* be similar conditions: 2X Vietnam 70.3 and 1 X IM Malaysia. But Kona seems hotter! Maybe since both times I've visited it's been coming from Oregon, where we have much cooler conditions, even mid-summer, rather than SE Asia where I would have been acclimated to the heat.

No plans yet for weekend or this year. It's supposed to rain both days, Next week is our spring break and I don't have any plans more ambitious than a bunch of routine maintenance on people, cats, cars, and bikes. (Lots of appointments that are hard to get in when I'm working.) It's supposed to be nice mid-week and there is one of my favorite club rides scheduled for Thursday, as well as a metric century for Saturday (need to check where exactly that goes and make sure it doesn't involve gravel since I don't have the right bike for that anymore) so there might be some extensive time in the saddle in there between various appointments and chores.

I will think about summer events sometime over break. Just feel like making plans is futile these days. And I can't even remember when all my deferred deferrals are anymore!

2022-03-18 10:46 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Some Things By Jim

I'm good with either set up, but most of us do other things outside of S/B/R. I edge toward the multisport option.

Curtis: Great runs and one of the coolest trophies I've seen. Thank you for the IM Texas recon. Hopefully, we have an opportunity to meet. let me know where you are volunteering, I will try to find you. I will have a green and white Michigan State Jersey on. There probably won't be a lot of those in Texas.

I had to give up the Hoka's. They are still shredding my feet. I started to panic about the thought of going 26.2 miles in them. Zoot is selling shoes again, so I picked up a pair of Zoot TT's.

Aggressive low fat, low cholesterol, avoid gout diet is going well. No dairy, pork, beef, or fish has not been bad. Protein coming from Nuts, black beans and chicken. I did lose 8 pounds with the change. I hit race weight a month early. I might actually race light this time.

The changes in nutrition during exercise have been going well. Tomorrow and next week will be the big test. I'm using Honey Stinger gels in a flask and add about 1 oz of water so it drinks easier. I've been taking about a marble size drink of it every 5-10 minutes with a zip of water. My stomach is clearing, so I have not been getting nauseous. I also supplement with Jelly Belly sport beans and bits of banana. The real test will be the next two weekends. I have a 5 hour ride and 7.5 hour rides scheduled.

I am making an attempt at a Knight of Sufferlandria next Saturday. My plan called for a 6 hour ride and I figured what's another hour and a half. Taper starts the next week, and it's a great confidence builder going into Texas.

We are really excited about the vacation attached to the race. It will be nice to spend a week with D#1 and get a look at her new life.

Michigan's High School swim season ended this week. I will actually get pool time in starting next week.

Has anyone used Tribike Transport? Taking a vacation after the race, we don't want to tote my bike around for a week, plus D#1's car won't have room for it.
2022-03-19 9:16 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by JBacarella Some Things By Jim I'm good with either set up, but most of us do other things outside of S/B/R. I edge toward the multisport option. Curtis: Great runs and one of the coolest trophies I've seen. Thank you for the IM Texas recon. Hopefully, we have an opportunity to meet. let me know where you are volunteering, I will try to find you. I will have a green and white Michigan State Jersey on. There probably won't be a lot of those in Texas. I had to give up the Hoka's. They are still shredding my feet. I started to panic about the thought of going 26.2 miles in them. Zoot is selling shoes again, so I picked up a pair of Zoot TT's. Aggressive low fat, low cholesterol, avoid gout diet is going well. No dairy, pork, beef, or fish has not been bad. Protein coming from Nuts, black beans and chicken. I did lose 8 pounds with the change. I hit race weight a month early. I might actually race light this time. The changes in nutrition during exercise have been going well. Tomorrow and next week will be the big test. I'm using Honey Stinger gels in a flask and add about 1 oz of water so it drinks easier. I've been taking about a marble size drink of it every 5-10 minutes with a zip of water. My stomach is clearing, so I have not been getting nauseous. I also supplement with Jelly Belly sport beans and bits of banana. The real test will be the next two weekends. I have a 5 hour ride and 7.5 hour rides scheduled. I am making an attempt at a Knight of Sufferlandria next Saturday. My plan called for a 6 hour ride and I figured what's another hour and a half. Taper starts the next week, and it's a great confidence builder going into Texas. We are really excited about the vacation attached to the race. It will be nice to spend a week with D#1 and get a look at her new life. Michigan's High School swim season ended this week. I will actually get pool time in starting next week. Has anyone used Tribike Transport? Taking a vacation after the race, we don't want to tote my bike around for a week, plus D#1's car won't have room for it.

Lots of good things by Jim here! I'm happy Zoot is making shoes again - especially happy for your feet! I will be interested to hear how your nutrition worked for the race as I am still in the process of figuring what combo of things I want to use for IM Choo. Thankfully, I still have time to figure that out. I hope.  

Good luck on your quest to become a Knight of Sufferlandria! I cannot imagine 7.5 hrs on a trainer. That's hardcore!

I've never used Tribike Transport, so no insight for you there, but hope you enjoy the post-race well-deserved vacation!

2022-03-19 9:20 AM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by alaskatri It is good to catch up reading on what everyone has been up to. We got back from Kona the middle of last week, and then spent a couple days skiing. Walked in to work Monday morning to start a trial, so it’s been a busy return. Hawaii was AMAZING. We did a lot of snorkeling, and saw tons of reef fish and turtles. My daughter and I went out on a night snorkeling tour that was pretty phenomenal as well. We basically laid vertical in the water while holding onto a paddle board that is rigged with blue lights and PVC all around it. The lights attract plankton, which in turn attracts fish and manta rays. We had several huge manta rays come up within feet of us feeding. There were 10 people to each paddle board, with two boards connected together. It was such a great time. Before the sun set, they let us get off the boat and just snorkel around the area. This gave me a chance to do some open water swimming a ways out from the boat and back. We also toured a coffee farm. Alaska has a huge coffee culture and there are drive through coffee stands here on just about every other corner. I was pretty surprised of the lack of coffee culture in Hawaii given the importance of “Kona coffee.” We found a couple good coffee shops though after some diligent searching. My daughter and I also did a fishing trip one day and we landed a 130 lb. blue marlin. My daughter got to sit in the seat and do the heavy lifting. I participated in the reeling, and then when her legs ran out of gas, I stood behind her and worked the seat to assist her, while the deckhand did the reeling. It is definitely a lifetime memory for her. My son and I played three rounds of golf while there as well. Two of the rounds were really fun and had amazing scenery right on the water. One of them was on the Hilo side of the island, and it rained a little during the round, which we were fine with. One of our rounds was north of Kona in an area called Waikiloa. When you see the Kona Ironman race, this is the area of the black lava fields that they bike up into. The announcers during the race routinely describe this area as windy and hot, which is such an understatement. Having now been in the area, it can only be described as “holy hell it’s hot here.” I would describe golf as a very “proper” sport, there are a lot of rules about etiquette and even proper clothing. This is the area where my son and I struggle, as we just want to play for fun and not worry about the uppity aspect of it. Well in Waikiloa, we threw all that out the window. They had a few sprinklers going to water the course. We would play 2-3 holes, and then find a sprinkler and go stand in it, put our heads and hats in it, and then play the next few holes. Wash, rinse, repeat. This experience raised my level of respect for the IM competitors tenfold. Those guys and gals ride 112 miles in that nonsense, and then follow it with a marathon for fun, while my son and I were ready to jump in the ocean just from swinging golf clubs and riding around in the golf cart (we didn’t even walk the course!!!). 90+ degrees there is magnified so much by the surrounding black lava. I can’t imagine trying to survive 112 miles of biking and then a marathon through it. With that said, we absolutely loved the island. Maybe it’s because we are right in the middle of the point of the year where we constantly gripe about how long the winter has been this year, but I’ve already started trying to figure out how I could get into an investment property there that at least breaks even financially, so I can visit more often. And as insane as the IM appears, the do have what they call the Lavaman triathlon there every year, which is an Olympic distance tri along the same course. A lot of Alaskans participate in it every year, and a guy from Anchorage won it at least once in the last few years. I know a couple of middle-of-the-pack attorneys here that run it every year as well. So I am strongly considering this for next year…. Aloha!!!

What a great-sounding vacation! I have to laugh about the heat and humidity - living in central Florida, that sounds par for the course. It's miserable, but like anything else you acclimate to it. Coming from Alaska you must have thought you entered hell!

2022-03-19 5:49 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by JBacarella Some Things By Jim I'm good with either set up, but most of us do other things outside of S/B/R. I edge toward the multisport option. Curtis: Great runs and one of the coolest trophies I've seen. Thank you for the IM Texas recon. Hopefully, we have an opportunity to meet. let me know where you are volunteering, I will try to find you. I will have a green and white Michigan State Jersey on. There probably won't be a lot of those in Texas. I had to give up the Hoka's. They are still shredding my feet. I started to panic about the thought of going 26.2 miles in them. Zoot is selling shoes again, so I picked up a pair of Zoot TT's. Aggressive low fat, low cholesterol, avoid gout diet is going well. No dairy, pork, beef, or fish has not been bad. Protein coming from Nuts, black beans and chicken. I did lose 8 pounds with the change. I hit race weight a month early. I might actually race light this time. The changes in nutrition during exercise have been going well. Tomorrow and next week will be the big test. I'm using Honey Stinger gels in a flask and add about 1 oz of water so it drinks easier. I've been taking about a marble size drink of it every 5-10 minutes with a zip of water. My stomach is clearing, so I have not been getting nauseous. I also supplement with Jelly Belly sport beans and bits of banana. The real test will be the next two weekends. I have a 5 hour ride and 7.5 hour rides scheduled. I am making an attempt at a Knight of Sufferlandria next Saturday. My plan called for a 6 hour ride and I figured what's another hour and a half. Taper starts the next week, and it's a great confidence builder going into Texas. We are really excited about the vacation attached to the race. It will be nice to spend a week with D#1 and get a look at her new life. Michigan's High School swim season ended this week. I will actually get pool time in starting next week. Has anyone used Tribike Transport? Taking a vacation after the race, we don't want to tote my bike around for a week, plus D#1's car won't have room for it.

Lots of good things by Jim here! I'm happy Zoot is making shoes again - especially happy for your feet! I will be interested to hear how your nutrition worked for the race as I am still in the process of figuring what combo of things I want to use for IM Choo. Thankfully, I still have time to figure that out. I hope.  

Good luck on your quest to become a Knight of Sufferlandria! I cannot imagine 7.5 hrs on a trainer. That's hardcore!

I've never used Tribike Transport, so no insight for you there, but hope you enjoy the post-race well-deserved vacation!

Oh my doG! Knight of Sufferlandria!  We'll have to invent an IronButt award for you!

I've used Tri Bike Transport. The good thing was that you just give them your bike after the race and you go on with your vacation.  The bad thing is that you don't have access to your bike for the 10-ish days before your event because it's on a truck. I had a road bike to use so it was not problem. 

2022-03-19 8:51 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
A friend's mom passed away and the funeral is Saturday. It looks like I'm going downstate instead of the KoS. I have a long brick scheduled the next Saturday, so I might move it to that day. I feel like I could use the bike time more that a long brick day. I have a road bike, in a historical sense. I have a 1989 Raleigh Technium the first aluminum bike and the winning bike of the 1989 Tour de France ( not my bike specifically, the make and model). A client gave it to me when I first got into triathlon after he found out I was riding a Montgomery Ward bike that I bought at a garage sale for $10.00.
2022-03-20 7:15 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by JBacarella A friend's mom passed away and the funeral is Saturday. It looks like I'm going downstate instead of the KoS. I have a long brick scheduled the next Saturday, so I might move it to that day. I feel like I could use the bike time more that a long brick day. I have a road bike, in a historical sense. I have a 1989 Raleigh Technium the first aluminum bike and the winning bike of the 1989 Tour de France ( not my bike specifically, the make and model). A client gave it to me when I first got into triathlon after he found out I was riding a Montgomery Ward bike that I bought at a garage sale for $10.00.

Sorry to read about your friend's mom and postponement/cancelation of KoS.  I have come to believe that you can never have enough bike time when it comes to 70.3 and 140.6 races, so I agree with your plan to move your workouts around. I'm sure that makes you feel better about your plan.

2022-03-21 9:22 AM
in reply to: 0

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by jmkizer

OK, folks, Strava now offers an option for a "multisport" club which appears to include more than just the SBR that the triathlon club counts.  It looks like it includes strength, etc.  I was thinking that this might be a good change for the Manatee Strava group.  What say you?

This is what the multisport leader board looks like

multisport leader board


And this is the Triathlon one

Tri leader board

On the one hand, the multisport one better reflects that total activity that is being completed.  I really like that it captures the cross training (yoga, strength, BeachBody, etc.) that everyone is doing.  On the other hand, it's sort of nice to see, oh, Jim did a lot of running last week, didn't he?  I do feel like we can get that detail form BT itself though.

How would you feel about swapping to the Multisport club type? Are there any objections?


Ya...I have noticed that a lot of people are only recording activities in 1-2 categories, especially since Covid Started two years ago. So I get the desire to move away from a three discipline metric when you are taking a zero in one of them every week.  I personally would be taking a zero in elevation every week since I can do a 20-mile in any direction from where I am at and record less than 40 feet of elevation.  The total distance metric has some value, but if I am swimming 10 hours a week the total distance in going to 20 times less than if I am cycling 10 hours a week so I feel that total distance is hiding what is really going on and prefer to see where my hours are logged by discipline.   There won't be any distance or elevation for strength training.  I guess you get it marked as an additional activity, but I see the Multisport Leaderboard as a step in the wrong direction.  :-(

No, there isn't any downside to having both groups.  It is super easy to join multiple groups (I am a member of the local running club, local tri club, tri coaching group, run coaching group, BT mentor group, Embassordor race team etc).  Some groups I am a better match to and I try hard to pace my training with people in those groups.  Others are not a good fit and I just check on those leader boards once in a while to see if I have dropped out of the top 100 yet and to see how people that do 20+ hours week-in and week-out do things.









Edited by BlueBoy26 2022-03-21 9:27 AM
2022-03-21 11:22 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer

OK, folks, Strava now offers an option for a "multisport" club which appears to include more than just the SBR that the triathlon club counts.  It looks like it includes strength, etc.  I was thinking that this might be a good change for the Manatee Strava group.  What say you?

This is what the multisport leader board looks like

multisport leader board


And this is the Triathlon one

Tri leader board

On the one hand, the multisport one better reflects that total activity that is being completed.  I really like that it captures the cross training (yoga, strength, BeachBody, etc.) that everyone is doing.  On the other hand, it's sort of nice to see, oh, Jim did a lot of running last week, didn't he?  I do feel like we can get that detail form BT itself though.

How would you feel about swapping to the Multisport club type? Are there any objections?


Ya...I have noticed that a lot of people are only recording activities in 1-2 categories, especially since Covid Started two years ago. So I get the desire to move away from a three discipline metric when you are taking a zero in one of them every week.  I personally would be taking a zero in elevation every week since I can do a 20-mile in any direction from where I am at and record less than 40 feet of elevation.  The total distance metric has some value, but if I am swimming 10 hours a week the total distance in going to 20 times less than if I am cycling 10 hours a week so I feel that total distance is hiding what is really going on and prefer to see where my hours are logged by discipline.   There won't be any distance or elevation for strength training.  I guess you get it marked as an additional activity, but I see the Multisport Leaderboard as a step in the wrong direction.  :-(

No, there isn't any downside to having both groups.  It is super easy to join multiple groups (I am a member of the local running club, local tri club, tri coaching group, run coaching group, BT mentor group, Embassordor race team etc).  Some groups I am a better match to and I try hard to pace my training with people in those groups.  Others are not a good fit and I just check on those leader boards once in a while to see if I have dropped out of the top 100 yet and to see how people that do 20+ hours week-in and week-out do things.

I'd kind of prefer to have one Manatee group to manage but if the consensus is two groups, we can make it happen

2022-03-21 11:30 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by JBacarella A friend's mom passed away and the funeral is Saturday. It looks like I'm going downstate instead of the KoS. I have a long brick scheduled the next Saturday, so I might move it to that day. I feel like I could use the bike time more that a long brick day. I have a road bike, in a historical sense. I have a 1989 Raleigh Technium the first aluminum bike and the winning bike of the 1989 Tour de France ( not my bike specifically, the make and model). A client gave it to me when I first got into triathlon after he found out I was riding a Montgomery Ward bike that I bought at a garage sale for $10.00.

Sorry to read about your friend's mom and postponement/cancelation of KoS.  I have come to believe that you can never have enough bike time when it comes to 70.3 and 140.6 races, so I agree with your plan to move your workouts around. I'm sure that makes you feel better about your plan.

Agreed. To a large extent, I think that more biking is more better. Also, your run volume has been good.  The swim course looks pretty straightforward so at the very least, you shouldn't be inadvertently adding any distance to it. We'll all be thinking wet suit legal thoughts for you.  That leaves the bike.  Some additional volume could help and there is enough time before your event that you should be able to recover from it and reap the benefits.

2022-03-21 2:26 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by JBacarella A friend's mom passed away and the funeral is Saturday. It looks like I'm going downstate instead of the KoS. I have a long brick scheduled the next Saturday, so I might move it to that day. I feel like I could use the bike time more that a long brick day. I have a road bike, in a historical sense. I have a 1989 Raleigh Technium the first aluminum bike and the winning bike of the 1989 Tour de France ( not my bike specifically, the make and model). A client gave it to me when I first got into triathlon after he found out I was riding a Montgomery Ward bike that I bought at a garage sale for $10.00.

Sorry to read about your friend's mom and postponement/cancelation of KoS.  I have come to believe that you can never have enough bike time when it comes to 70.3 and 140.6 races, so I agree with your plan to move your workouts around. I'm sure that makes you feel better about your plan.

Agreed. To a large extent, I think that more biking is more better. Also, your run volume has been good.  The swim course looks pretty straightforward so at the very least, you shouldn't be inadvertently adding any distance to it. We'll all be thinking wet suit legal thoughts for you.  That leaves the bike.  Some additional volume could help and there is enough time before your event that you should be able to recover from it and reap the benefits.

I will go downstate to the funeral I don't want to go to, but feel emotionally obligated, and move my KOS attempt back one week.
Even with my lack of swimming, I haven't been too distracted by it. I have been using the swim cords when I do my strength work and it is in a ditch that I think I can spit across. I shouldn't have too many opportunities to stray. IMTX is usually right on the line. I do have a swim skin in the event it isn't. I nice cold rain the night before would be helpful, given my history it will happen while I'm on the bike instead!
2022-03-21 3:27 PM
in reply to: alaskatri

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by alaskatri

It is good to catch up reading on what everyone has been up to. We got back from Kona the middle of last week, and then spent a couple days skiing. Walked in to work Monday morning to start a trial, so it’s been a busy return.

Hawaii was AMAZING. We did a lot of snorkeling, and saw tons of reef fish and turtles. My daughter and I went out on a night snorkeling tour that was pretty phenomenal as well. We basically laid vertical in the water while holding onto a paddle board that is rigged with blue lights and PVC all around it. The lights attract plankton, which in turn attracts fish and manta rays. We had several huge manta rays come up within feet of us feeding. There were 10 people to each paddle board, with two boards connected together. It was such a great time. Before the sun set, they let us get off the boat and just snorkel around the area. This gave me a chance to do some open water swimming a ways out from the boat and back.

We also toured a coffee farm. Alaska has a huge coffee culture and there are drive through coffee stands here on just about every other corner. I was pretty surprised of the lack of coffee culture in Hawaii given the importance of “Kona coffee.” We found a couple good coffee shops though after some diligent searching. My daughter and I also did a fishing trip one day and we landed a 130 lb. blue marlin. My daughter got to sit in the seat and do the heavy lifting. I participated in the reeling, and then when her legs ran out of gas, I stood behind her and worked the seat to assist her, while the deckhand did the reeling. It is definitely a lifetime memory for her.

My son and I played three rounds of golf while there as well. Two of the rounds were really fun and had amazing scenery right on the water. One of them was on the Hilo side of the island, and it rained a little during the round, which we were fine with. One of our rounds was north of Kona in an area called Waikiloa. When you see the Kona Ironman race, this is the area of the black lava fields that they bike up into. The announcers during the race routinely describe this area as windy and hot, which is such an understatement. Having now been in the area, it can only be described as “holy hell it’s hot here.” I would describe golf as a very “proper” sport, there are a lot of rules about etiquette and even proper clothing. This is the area where my son and I struggle, as we just want to play for fun and not worry about the uppity aspect of it. Well in Waikiloa, we threw all that out the window. They had a few sprinklers going to water the course. We would play 2-3 holes, and then find a sprinkler and go stand in it, put our heads and hats in it, and then play the next few holes. Wash, rinse, repeat.

This experience raised my level of respect for the IM competitors tenfold. Those guys and gals ride 112 miles in that nonsense, and then follow it with a marathon for fun, while my son and I were ready to jump in the ocean just from swinging golf clubs and riding around in the golf cart (we didn’t even walk the course!!!). 90+ degrees there is magnified so much by the surrounding black lava. I can’t imagine trying to survive 112 miles of biking and then a marathon through it.

With that said, we absolutely loved the island. Maybe it’s because we are right in the middle of the point of the year where we constantly gripe about how long the winter has been this year, but I’ve already started trying to figure out how I could get into an investment property there that at least breaks even financially, so I can visit more often. And as insane as the IM appears, the do have what they call the Lavaman triathlon there every year, which is an Olympic distance tri along the same course. A lot of Alaskans participate in it every year, and a guy from Anchorage won it at least once in the last few years. I know a couple of middle-of-the-pack attorneys here that run it every year as well. So I am strongly considering this for next year….


Redfin. Search for houses for sale in the Kona area and Redfin will start sending you houses on the market. Every day.
2022-03-24 7:57 AM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Good morning Manatees - how's it going everyone?? 

I thought this little podcast episode is very applicable to us endurance athletes who are very motivated by 'finish lines' but also know that achieving a finish line does not mean that you'll always keep going. 

2022-03-25 8:09 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by juniperjen

Good morning Manatees - how's it going everyone?? 

I thought this little podcast episode is very applicable to us endurance athletes who are very motivated by 'finish lines' but also know that achieving a finish line does not mean that you'll always keep going. 

I'll have to check this out. I know my view of participation in sports has evolved somewhat.

2022-03-25 8:10 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Racing Manatees!!!

March 26-27
No racers that I know of -— but we do have some athletes that are tapering for events next weekend so stay tuned!

Is anyone racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Have we come to any decisions about the Strava group(s)? Multisport? Triathlon?

2022-03-25 8:36 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by juniperjen

Good morning Manatees - how's it going everyone?? 

I thought this little podcast episode is very applicable to us endurance athletes who are very motivated by 'finish lines' but also know that achieving a finish line does not mean that you'll always keep going. 

Thanks for sharing, I'll take a listen!

2022-03-25 10:01 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

March 26-27
No racers that I know of -— but we do have some athletes that are tapering for events next weekend so stay tuned!

Is anyone racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Have we come to any decisions about the Strava group(s)? Multisport? Triathlon?

I did a virtual sprint tri today. super duper slow, but not bad for during recovery.
2022-03-25 10:02 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

March 26-27
No racers that I know of -— but we do have some athletes that are tapering for events next weekend so stay tuned!

Is anyone racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Have we come to any decisions about the Strava group(s)? Multisport? Triathlon?

I never could find the Stava group, so I have no say.
2022-03-25 10:19 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022

Originally posted by ceilidh
Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

March 26-27
No racers that I know of -— but we do have some athletes that are tapering for events next weekend so stay tuned!

Is anyone racing or doing anything else fun this weekend?

Have we come to any decisions about the Strava group(s)? Multisport? Triathlon?

I did a virtual sprint tri today. super duper slow, but not bad for during recovery.

YaY, congratualtions!

2022-03-25 10:30 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Proof of life!

I still feel as if it was January, and cannot believe it's almost April...
The year has not started for me as planned - although, I had super optimistic plans for 2022. Nothing to complain about, but rather super depressing mood that did not help, and rather caused apathy.
I decided to buy a home, but the market is crazy, and even though my financial situation looks pretty good, the max I would qualify for is still too low for the competition in Colorado. So that is discouraging. I also had some back and forth at work about my promotion that I finally got (after waiting for almost 3 years!), but that caused a lot of stress.
And the war in Ukraine, and my country's involvement. That depressed me a lot.

I don't know when and how, but three months passed and I finally need to admit we are not in January anymore...

I hope everyone is doing well!

2022-03-25 11:48 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
I hear you. I think for the past three years I have been stuck in day-to-day survival mode--first injury and endless PT, then looking for a job and moving, then the pandemic, etc. I just can't motivate myself to really "train" for an event or make long-range plans. To be honest, it all seems ridiculous and kind of trivial. What really motivated me (qualifying for 70.3 Worlds) no longer does, since I don't feel comfortable doing extensive travel in the near future, and it is always very early in our school year. Even if I did manage to qualify, unless the event is in the US (which makes qualifying more difficult), it's not doable with my current job. Not judging others who can manage to focus on training, set goals, and compete; I just don't have it in me right now.

I'd actually planned to enter a few Oregon events (it's our spring break, and I had time to think about it) but yesterday discovered someone has hacked my credit card (I suspect a chatty youth at our local coffee drive-through) and has been racking up orders on Amazon with it. So I had to shut it down and can't enter anything anyway till I get a new card!

I can't imagine what Europe is like right now. My grandparents were from a small town right on the German/Polish border (in eastern Germany) and we still have relatives there as well as elsewhere in Germany and in France. I don't know what the situation is there right now. It is right where the Russian gas pipeline enters Germany.

Mom also has a good friend here who is Ukrainian and she has not heard from her relatives there. It is amazing how people are helping the refugees but long-term...... I hope a peaceful solution can be found.
2022-03-25 1:08 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by Hot Runner

I hear you. I think for the past three years I have been stuck in day-to-day survival mode--first injury and endless PT, then looking for a job and moving, then the pandemic, etc. I just can't motivate myself to really "train" for an event or make long-range plans. To be honest, it all seems ridiculous and kind of trivial. What really motivated me (qualifying for 70.3 Worlds) no longer does, since I don't feel comfortable doing extensive travel in the near future, and it is always very early in our school year. Even if I did manage to qualify, unless the event is in the US (which makes qualifying more difficult), it's not doable with my current job. Not judging others who can manage to focus on training, set goals, and compete; I just don't have it in me right now.

I'd actually planned to enter a few Oregon events (it's our spring break, and I had time to think about it) but yesterday discovered someone has hacked my credit card (I suspect a chatty youth at our local coffee drive-through) and has been racking up orders on Amazon with it. So I had to shut it down and can't enter anything anyway till I get a new card!

I can't imagine what Europe is like right now. My grandparents were from a small town right on the German/Polish border (in eastern Germany) and we still have relatives there as well as elsewhere in Germany and in France. I don't know what the situation is there right now. It is right where the Russian gas pipeline enters Germany.

Mom also has a good friend here who is Ukrainian and she has not heard from her relatives there. It is amazing how people are helping the refugees but long-term...... I hope a peaceful solution can be found.

I am sorry for the credit card! That is always frustrating :/ But I hope it's "only" the card, and not any other personal info (SSN, etc.)
And sorry for all the factors making it difficult

How is your mom doing?
Has this been 3 years since your move to Oregon??
2022-03-25 1:11 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by jmkizer

OK, folks, Strava now offers an option for a "multisport" club which appears to include more than just the SBR that the triathlon club counts.  It looks like it includes strength, etc.  I was thinking that this might be a good change for the Manatee Strava group.  What say you?

This is what the multisport leader board looks like

multisport leader board


And this is the Triathlon one

Tri leader board

On the one hand, the multisport one better reflects that total activity that is being completed.  I really like that it captures the cross training (yoga, strength, BeachBody, etc.) that everyone is doing.  On the other hand, it's sort of nice to see, oh, Jim did a lot of running last week, didn't he?  I do feel like we can get that detail form BT itself though.

How would you feel about swapping to the Multisport club type? Are there any objections?


Ya...I have noticed that a lot of people are only recording activities in 1-2 categories, especially since Covid Started two years ago. So I get the desire to move away from a three discipline metric when you are taking a zero in one of them every week.  I personally would be taking a zero in elevation every week since I can do a 20-mile in any direction from where I am at and record less than 40 feet of elevation.  The total distance metric has some value, but if I am swimming 10 hours a week the total distance in going to 20 times less than if I am cycling 10 hours a week so I feel that total distance is hiding what is really going on and prefer to see where my hours are logged by discipline.   There won't be any distance or elevation for strength training.  I guess you get it marked as an additional activity, but I see the Multisport Leaderboard as a step in the wrong direction.  :-(

No, there isn't any downside to having both groups.  It is super easy to join multiple groups (I am a member of the local running club, local tri club, tri coaching group, run coaching group, BT mentor group, Embassordor race team etc).  Some groups I am a better match to and I try hard to pace my training with people in those groups.  Others are not a good fit and I just check on those leader boards once in a while to see if I have dropped out of the top 100 yet and to see how people that do 20+ hours week-in and week-out do things.

I'd kind of prefer to have one Manatee group to manage but if the consensus is two groups, we can make it happen

I don't use Strava (because it never worked on my phone - and I tried on iPhone and Samsung, with same crazy results :/ ) so I would not affect the decisions, but based on all the comments I can see both sides.

How difficult it is with managing? What does it take? I can see the reason behind an extra work for managing two groups, but am wondering how much overlap and how much extra work it takes. And if maybe another person could manage the other group, to make it easier for janyne?
Again, I am not there, so you can ignore my comments
2022-03-25 9:04 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Racing Manatees - Better Together in 2022
Not sure if it qualifies as "fun" but I did a 40 mile ride on Thursday and am planning a metric century for tomorrow. Just hoping our typical "morning fog" clears up at some point during the ride, not a few hours after finishing the way it did Thursday. (Thursday's ride featured two of our area's most epic climbs and it was 37 degrees on the first descent. Felt like I wasn't wearing anything. Yikes!) Tomorrow's route features more hills but, to my knowledge, not exactly the same ones. Hopefully a few covered bridges. I haven't done the further part of that loop for a few years and as I recall, there were some nice ones.
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