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Sitting down in T1/T2
FOP - No18 Votes - [14.17%]
MOP - No49 Votes - [38.58%]
BOP - No20 Votes - [15.75%]
FOP - Yes2 Votes - [1.57%]
MOP - Yes27 Votes - [21.26%]
BOP - Yes11 Votes - [8.66%]

2008-08-14 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
yeah I sit down, have to to put my socks on. Also sit down in t2 when I put my running shoes on, I don tmake a picnic of it but bending over, the invariable runny nose and head rush.....just feel safer for now sitting down. That being said I am not really racing anyone.

2008-08-14 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
My first season and some of my second I did... but then I learned the value of a fast transition. It's something I practiced in my driveway - being able to do everything quickly without sitting down. It does take practice, just like everything else.
2008-08-14 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1604026

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

lisac957 - 2008-08-14 2:56 PM My first season and some of my second I did... but then I learned the value of a fast transition. It's something I practiced in my driveway - being able to do everything quickly without sitting down. It does take practice, just like everything else.

Yea, maybe the rest of you should be working on balance during training as well.  Try this:  stand on one foot, put your arms out to your sides, take your right index finger and touch your nose.  Oh wait, that's for something else.

2008-08-14 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1603710

portland, or
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
In an ironman - yes. Anything shorter - no.

2008-08-14 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
I need socks. I sit... on a...
2008-08-14 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

Almost everytime I race I finish higher than people who swam, biked and ran faster than me -- cause of my transitions.  No time to sit.  If you do, I suggest planting quick and popping up even quicker once your done.

2008-08-14 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Only if I FALL down. Which has happened...
2008-08-14 3:49 PM
in reply to: #1604426

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Dream Chaser - 2008-08-14 3:40 PM

Almost everytime I race I finish higher than people who swam, biked and ran faster than me -- cause of my transitions.  No time to sit.  If you do, I suggest planting quick and popping up even quicker once your done.

Everytime I race, I finish LOWER than people who transitioned faster than me. Of course they also swam, biked, and ran, faster than me. Bet I drank a six pack faster than most at the last race though! (Hey, gotta celebrate mediocraty)
2008-08-14 4:46 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

I sit down to put on socks in transition.  I also put on my cycling shoes as long as I'm down there.  For my last tri I had a T1 of :58 and a T2 of :55.  I think if I avoided the socks and stood I might have saved 8 seconds.  I'm willing to forgo 8 seconds and the truth is there are a lot of people who dont sit down that don't get :58 second transitions.

2008-08-14 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
T1 no. T2 depends on how shaky I am. I slip feet out of shoes coming into T2 but sometimes just plop down, pull runners on, take a quick drink of water, pop up, and off I go. Might add 10 seconds to my total time but I savor taking pressure off my legs even for just a few seconds.
2008-08-14 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1604426

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Dream Chaser - 2008-08-14 1:40 PM

Almost everytime I race I finish higher than people who swam, biked and ran faster than me -- cause of my transitions.  No time to sit.  If you do, I suggest planting quick and popping up even quicker once your done.


Me too...and I sit in T1. I'm just a really fast runner.

2008-08-14 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Put me in with the "bucket brigade". One day I may get bold and go without socks, but for now I gotta wear socks. I can take my wetsuit off standing up, but I can't put on my socks over wet feet without sitting down. Love my 5gal bucket!
2008-08-14 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Yup...I sat down in T1, at my first OLY last weekend. Wasn't planning on it, but was feeling extremely cold, shaky, and unsteady...I sort of just teetered over and plopped down onto the grass. Since I was already down there, I put on my socks and shoes. Hopefully, that won't happen in future races.
2008-08-14 7:59 PM
in reply to: #1603710

Extreme Veteran
West Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Roll your socks...never a need to sit down.

Its the standard tri-motto: If you're screwed

P.S. This is from a sprint-er perspective. If you're are in HIM/IM world...sit. You deserve a "little" rest.

Edited by JohnAgs3 2008-08-14 8:00 PM
2008-08-14 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
I've never sat down in T1/T2 other than Ironman..why?If only transitions were longer I'd be a kick butt triathlete....seriously I'm best in transitions..I think it is from having 5 kids and living in chaos all the time..or a former life as a stripper
2008-08-14 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1604959

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

OF course I sit down in transitions.. gotta catch my breath, have a snack and take a drink and prepare for the next grueling leg..

..but seriously, I sat in my first triathlon to put my socks on but I'm ditching those in my next one so I'm hoping not to take a seat there

2008-08-14 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Guess I didn't know it was such a big deal.  I sit and have lost everyone of my tri's.  Well even if you took my transition time I'd still lose.  Oh wait I finish I win.  I finish feeling well and happy I win. As soon as I learn to pull my feet out on the bike I'll stop sitting. 
2008-08-15 1:58 AM
in reply to: #1603710

Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

I voted no but I did sit at IMAZ. Honestly, I think I did just because everyone else was...

Thinking back...a guy let me borrow his towel to dry my feet!!!  I could have been DQd!

2008-08-15 3:15 AM
in reply to: #1603710

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The Whites, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
Taking the hijack even farther, I've always wondered about those people who have finished and come back to help you run in those last 100 yds or so when you are about to fall over. Isn't that "pacing" or something? Anyway, sorry, back to not sitting, or sitting, or screwing, or whatever it was we were doing...

2008-08-25 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
I usually sit b/c Im not coordinated enough to do it fast standing up. This is NOT my chair, merely one that I had to hurdle over in transition this weekend. This, IMO, is a bit much...

(Image116 (Small).JPG)

Image116 (Small).JPG (74KB - 2 downloads)
2008-08-25 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Jackson, MS
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
I sit down to put on (dumb) socks as well....I have never had a transition over 2:00 and most of the time within 15s of fastest in AG. Normal times are 1:00 - 1:20 depending on length of run from swim to bike etc. In all, i don't think it matters.... but i will say that if i didn't wear socks (don't like to run without them) I wouldn't sit down.

2008-08-25 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1625999

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

kristinc0916 - 2008-08-25 1:24 PM I usually sit b/c Im not coordinated enough to do it fast standing up. This is NOT my chair, merely one that I had to hurdle over in transition this weekend. This, IMO, is a bit much...

Damn .. we've got a bucket, a milk crate AND a chair!

Please tell us that was a HIM or an iron distance race!!  Because if it wasn't, these people need a good smack with the 'shovel of wisdom' ........

2008-08-25 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1603710

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2
IMO I really don't think plastic containers, buckets, chairs, etc should be allowed in transition at all.  The TA was TIGHT at the tri I did this weekend and those things just make it tighter.  Bags can be folded up and don't take up much space.
2008-08-25 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1626111

Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

vball03umd - 2008-08-25 2:02 PM IMO I really don't think plastic containers, buckets, chairs, etc should be allowed in transition at all.  The TA was TIGHT at the tri I did this weekend and those things just make it tighter.  Bags can be folded up and don't take up much space.

That's a good point. There really isn't a lot of room in Transition, usually. Regardless of whether or not buckets are lame, it's really inconsiderate to set up a campground in transition. If there's a lot of crap in TA, the odds are better that you might trip and knock people's stuff all over the place. And who wants to come to TA and find their helmet is not where it should be, etc.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2008-08-25 1:05 PM
2008-08-25 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1626117

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Sitting down in T1/T2

wurkit_gurl - 2008-08-25 2:04 PM If there's a lot of crap in TA, the odds are better that you might trip and knock people's stuff all over the place. And who wants to come to TA and find their helmet is not where it should be, etc.

Easiest solution there ...... get out of the water and off the bike in the front!!  Nice empty transitions then.

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