BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-03-27 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Kim just an amazing job.  You're truly a rock star.  

Sam congrats on a top 3 finish!  I can't wait to read the race report.

2010-03-27 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Congrats Kim.  You really are a rock star.

And bravo Tony and Sam.

2010-03-27 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2752897

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
fattyfatfat - 2010-03-27 6:41 PM CONGRATS SAM!!!  Awesome way to start to the season.  Tony filled me in a little on his day.  Running down 13 year olds.  LOL!!!

If you talk to Linda she'll send you you're Lone Star swim time.  She's got me at 28:34. 

Yeah, john but she had me at 38, so does that mean you will swim a 42:00???? 

Congrats, Sam, on your race!  Man, if we didn't have to swim, we'd be golden! 
2010-03-27 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2752861

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
sdalessio - 2010-03-27 8:09 PM Tony and I are finally back home after our 7 hrs. of driving today to make it down and back for our 1 hr. race.  LOL

Anyway - I had good race.  Swim ok (still needs lots of work) - bike awesome - run good.  I finished 3rd in my AG so all in all a great way to start the race season.

I'll get the race report up as soon as the race posts splits.  Now I'm off to pack up for a long ride tomorrow.  At least mine is only 2 hrs. Tony has a 3 1/2 ride / 20 min run brick. 

That is soooooooooo cool!!! Congratulations, Sam!! Awesome awesome awesome!!! Enjoy the ride tomorrow. No rest for the weary, eh? 
2010-03-27 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2752698

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
kt65 - 2010-03-27 4:43 PM Well, you guys sure do make me feel like a rockstar! Wow. 
Linda, I sure do wish it had been 38:xx!!!  I'm not sure what happened there other than I am still just a nervous swimmer...that was slightly discouraging to come up with a 52 minute swim, but I was happy to get it done without resorting to the backstroke or breaststroke...once again the wave behind caught up and made me freak out.  Water was 59F, so not too bad, probably should practice OWS before my first race of the season! 
The bike however was just amazing...I was literally flying along (keeping HR in zone 3 so as not to blow up on the run)--that's for you, birdy!--yeah, I was following that little discussion but didn't want to get involved   The monster hills were as advertised, but I was able to stay in the saddle and keep a straight line...lucky to live in SF where the hills are probably worse...funny no one passed me on any of those hills!  They sure did pass me on the flats, though, whirrrr, whirrr, whirrr was all I heard when those men went by me
My run was actually not bad even though it was alot slower than my standalone, but I was able to keep the effort really strong even when I started getting emotional at the turnaround point (2 lap course).  I saw Kathy hollering and she started filming me...I started to think how lucky I am that we are both healthy and I was thinking of Cora...and how much fun she had when she would do races...she was a solid BOP'er who always matched her made me determined to keep the effort strong...and I thought of John at mile 11 as usual...I thought of all of you guys probably tracking me and figured I scared the bejesus out of you with a 52 min swim and a 6 min transition...what's up with that!!!  I was emotional in transition and couldn't freaking think straight...well, T2 was slow because I had an Austin Powers just unfrozen sort of potty visit...NO, I could not pee on the bike as usual...I guess I'll have to get some pointers from Tracy and Kyla

I'm exhausted, mentally and physically and got 3 hours of sleep last night and the same the night before it's off for some delicious and hopefully bad for me food and drink and I pray that I can sleep a straight 8 hours!
Thanks to ALL of you for your inspires and support, my goodness, I am just so floored...I definitely felt the love


Awesome, awesome job kim. Enjoy your night, kick back and relax. Eat some good bad food!!!
2010-03-27 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2752861

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
sdalessio - 2010-03-27 7:09 PMTony and I are finally back home after our 7 hrs. of driving today to make it down and back for our 1 hr. race.  LOL

Anyway - I had good race.  Swim ok (still needs lots of work) - bike awesome - run good.  I finished 3rd in my AG so all in all a great way to start the race season.

I'll get the race report up as soon as the race posts splits.  Now I'm off to pack up for a long ride tomorrow.  At least mine is only 2 hrs. Tony has a 3 1/2 ride / 20 min run brick. [/QUOTE

1st podium of the year!! Nice work. You're going to roast that boy in a few weeks. I'm going to sit back and watch the show!

Edited by TrevorC 2010-03-27 9:24 PM

2010-03-27 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2752861

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

this post is just a double triple waste of a post.

Edited by TrevorC 2010-03-27 9:24 PM
2010-03-27 10:27 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Awesome job on that race Kim.  The run looked OUTSTANDING!
2010-03-28 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2555972

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Good Sunday morning.....

YEAH SAM!! It has got to be a good boost to have done that race before Lonestar.  Nice job!

Kyla/George-thanks for the visual image while I am drinking coffee and nursing a headache from last night!  I have definitel over-achieved on the hot stomach for running and even biking, but not sure how to do that in swimming.  I appreciate both of you helping me with terminilogy.  Now I need to figure out how to deliver.  Instead of going faster, I think I just go frantic swimming....not very productive.

Doug--that is pretty funny.  Did Ron and Marmadaddy know you were in the group?

Twin--how is the body today?

I have a short ride and swim today......we are supposed to hit 70F by the end of the week and my bike is coming outside NO MATTER WHAT!
2010-03-28 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2555972

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Congrats to both Kim and Sam on great races!  Can't wait to read the RR's.
2010-03-28 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2555972

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
I just posted my race report. 

I'm so excited - the splits were posted this morning.  Over 19mph on the bike and 7:55 run pace w/ a new 5K PR even over my stand alone 5k best.  I finally broke the 25 min. mark.  Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010-03-28 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2555972

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

Kim- Incredible!!!  What a way to rock a race and start a season!  Nice job.

We are all very proud of you.

Sam- You were smokin girl!  Way to go.

You both deserve a rest day and ice cream!!!   (My personal tradition after a HIM is Cold Stone ).


2010-03-28 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2753204

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
sdalessio - 2010-03-28 6:09 AM

I just posted my race report. 

I'm so excited - the splits were posted this morning.  Over 19mph on the bike and 7:55 run pace w/ a new 5K PR even over my stand alone 5k best.  I finally broke the 25 min. mark.  Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great job on your race! Besting your standalone 5k time in a tri? WOW! Well done!
2010-03-28 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2753204

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
sdalessio - 2010-03-28 9:09 AM I just posted my race report. 

I'm so excited - the splits were posted this morning.  Over 19mph on the bike and 7:55 run pace w/ a new 5K PR even over my stand alone 5k best.  I finally broke the 25 min. mark.  Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome job!  What a great way to top off a podium finish...with a PR!  Congrats!
2010-03-28 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Hi everyone,

I just completed a short 'clinic' for an upcoming tri that included an OWS using my new wet suit.  I was pleased that the suit seems to fit well such that I could not even tell I was wearing it.....other than I was more buoyant and it was keeping me warm in the 64 degree waters.

I do have a couple of random questions from this morning that I could use some advice.  

1.  My feet and toes were cold and numb as I started into the run portion of the clinic (no bike this morning, just the swim and run).  It was almost 2 miles before I got full feeling in both feet.  Any suggestions on how to warm up the feet after the swim.  I suspect it would have been even colder had I been on the bike.  Maybe I am being wimpy here because it was not that cold....but it was a strange sensation running on cold numb feet this morning.

2.  In the upcoming tri, the bike route starts out with a steep bridge that peaks in the middle.  The route takes us up then down, loop around underneath then back up and down the same bridge in the opposite lane.  It looks a bit daunting given 99.99% of the rides I have done so far have been of coastal flat plains.  Anyone have tips/suggestions are how to gear/pedal on a steep incline like that?  Its not like I have any options close by to test out and practice but I could use any suggestions are how to approach these climbs.  


2010-03-28 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2753561

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
gdctex - 2010-03-28 2:00 PM Hi everyone,

I just completed a short 'clinic' for an upcoming tri that included an OWS using my new wet suit.  I was pleased that the suit seems to fit well such that I could not even tell I was wearing it.....other than I was more buoyant and it was keeping me warm in the 64 degree waters.

I do have a couple of random questions from this morning that I could use some advice.  

1.  My feet and toes were cold and numb as I started into the run portion of the clinic (no bike this morning, just the swim and run).  It was almost 2 miles before I got full feeling in both feet.  Any suggestions on how to warm up the feet after the swim.  I suspect it would have been even colder had I been on the bike.  Maybe I am being wimpy here because it was not that cold....but it was a strange sensation running on cold numb feet this morning.

2.  In the upcoming tri, the bike route starts out with a steep bridge that peaks in the middle.  The route takes us up then down, loop around underneath then back up and down the same bridge in the opposite lane.  It looks a bit daunting given 99.99% of the rides I have done so far have been of coastal flat plains.  Anyone have tips/suggestions are how to gear/pedal on a steep incline like that?  Its not like I have any options close by to test out and practice but I could use any suggestions are how to approach these climbs.  


Running on cold feet is the WORST!!! I did a T run a couple of weeks ago and my feet were so cold/numb I swore I had rocks in my shoes, and actually stopped once to get them out. Nope, just weird pokey feelings due to the cold. The only thing I have ever done in terms of running on cold feet is to keep on running. Dry socks help, so if you can do that, I'd suggest it. I've run in a few tris that were pretty chilly (high 40's, no sun, damp) and my feet just felt like stumps for 10-15 minutes. So, my only suggestion is to HTFU, but I'd love to hear what others think!!

Just thinking to myself now... If a race were really cold, what if you activated some handwarmers and put them in your socks inside of your running shoes in transition? Then, at least, you'd have a warm feeling in socks/shoes when you first put them on your feet. Just remember to take them out of your socks before you put them on! I wouldn't want to do the foot/toe warmers in my shoes as I'd hate running with hot feet, I think. I do have a girlfriend who puts them in her cycling shoes (for training rides, at least) when the weather here is chilly, but I've never tried that.

2010-03-28 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2753561

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
gdctex - 2010-03-28 2:00 PM Hi everyone,

I just completed a short 'clinic' for an upcoming tri that included an OWS using my new wet suit.  I was pleased that the suit seems to fit well such that I could not even tell I was wearing it.....other than I was more buoyant and it was keeping me warm in the 64 degree waters.

I do have a couple of random questions from this morning that I could use some advice.  

1.  My feet and toes were cold and numb as I started into the run portion of the clinic (no bike this morning, just the swim and run).  It was almost 2 miles before I got full feeling in both feet.  Any suggestions on how to warm up the feet after the swim.  I suspect it would have been even colder had I been on the bike.  Maybe I am being wimpy here because it was not that cold....but it was a strange sensation running on cold numb feet this morning.

2.  In the upcoming tri, the bike route starts out with a steep bridge that peaks in the middle.  The route takes us up then down, loop around underneath then back up and down the same bridge in the opposite lane.  It looks a bit daunting given 99.99% of the rides I have done so far have been of coastal flat plains.  Anyone have tips/suggestions are how to gear/pedal on a steep incline like that?  Its not like I have any options close by to test out and practice but I could use any suggestions are how to approach these climbs.  


glad it went well glen!

for number 1 don't worry about it.  bring an extra pair of clean socks and you can get the feet warm when the race is over! but i do suspect even with two weeks to go it'll be significantly warmer than it was this morning.   i rode bluebonnet and when i got out of the truck i was amazed how low the temp was.  the 25 + wind didn't help any either. 

as for #2, very good question btw,  make sure your bike is in the correct gear to approach that thing when you rack the bike in the morning.  small ring up front and one of the easier gears out back.  don't worry about the bridge itself.  first off you can't change the course.  second you are going to be so ramped up coming out of T1 you'll be over that thing before you know it.  my fat a$$ climbed that thing before... it can't be THAT hard!  and this is all just good practice for you for buffalo springs in june.  you wanna see a hill or canyon or whatever its called pretty much starting at the mount line. 

2010-03-28 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2753654

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED

A similar thing happened to me when doing the Green Bay Oly last year.  It was 38F, drizzling and the water temps was in the low 50s...I was a popsicle coming out of the water.  The bike was 32m long and my feet were frozen the whole time and thawed at the 4m mark of the run.  I agree with John on the socks, but also think that toe caps for your bike shoes might be a good idea.  I didn't have them and it was an error.  If you are really worried you could consider neoprene booties...I have them for our lake house but haven't raced with them.  They will cost you time in T1, but probably not much to worry about.

My September HIM had a 10% grade hill within .3m of transition.  There isn't a lot you can do but get in your SCR and a low gear (note not the lowest) and spin up your chest up and take deep breathes as you continue to climb.  Do not lean over your bars, but sit back on your seat.  The more weight you have over the cranks the easier it me.  My HR was the highest I have ever seen on that hill, but I let myself recover on the down and was good to go....until I got to the run and saw 3 more 10% hills!  You'll be fine.

fattyfatfat - 2010-03-28 3:04 PM
gdctex - 2010-03-28 2:00 PM Hi everyone,

I just completed a short 'clinic' for an upcoming tri that included an OWS using my new wet suit.  I was pleased that the suit seems to fit well such that I could not even tell I was wearing it.....other than I was more buoyant and it was keeping me warm in the 64 degree waters.

I do have a couple of random questions from this morning that I could use some advice.  

1.  My feet and toes were cold and numb as I started into the run portion of the clinic (no bike this morning, just the swim and run).  It was almost 2 miles before I got full feeling in both feet.  Any suggestions on how to warm up the feet after the swim.  I suspect it would have been even colder had I been on the bike.  Maybe I am being wimpy here because it was not that cold....but it was a strange sensation running on cold numb feet this morning.

2.  In the upcoming tri, the bike route starts out with a steep bridge that peaks in the middle.  The route takes us up then down, loop around underneath then back up and down the same bridge in the opposite lane.  It looks a bit daunting given 99.99% of the rides I have done so far have been of coastal flat plains.  Anyone have tips/suggestions are how to gear/pedal on a steep incline like that?  Its not like I have any options close by to test out and practice but I could use any suggestions are how to approach these climbs.  


glad it went well glen!

for number 1 don't worry about it.  bring an extra pair of clean socks and you can get the feet warm when the race is over! but i do suspect even with two weeks to go it'll be significantly warmer than it was this morning.   i rode bluebonnet and when i got out of the truck i was amazed how low the temp was.  the 25 + wind didn't help any either. 

as for #2, very good question btw,  make sure your bike is in the correct gear to approach that thing when you rack the bike in the morning.  small ring up front and one of the easier gears out back.  don't worry about the bridge itself.  first off you can't change the course.  second you are going to be so ramped up coming out of T1 you'll be over that thing before you know it.  my fat a$$ climbed that thing before... it can't be THAT hard!  and this is all just good practice for you for buffalo springs in june.  you wanna see a hill or canyon or whatever its called pretty much starting at the mount line. 

Edited by SSMinnow 2010-03-28 3:20 PM
2010-03-28 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2753665

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
SSMinnow - 2010-03-28 3:11 PM Glen

A similar thing happened to me when doing the Green Bay Oly last year.  It was 38F, drizzling and the water temps was in the low 50s...I was a popsicle coming out of the water.  The bike was 32m long and my feet were frozen the whole time and thawed at the 4m mark of the run.  I agree with John on the socks, but also think that toe caps for your bike shoes might be a good idea.  I didn't have them and it was an error.  If you are really worried you could consider neoprene booties...I have them for our lake house but haven't raced with them.  They will cost you time in T1, but probably not much to worry about.

glen these are a good thing to have anyways.  but if you don't want to buy them now as it will be 105 degree's here by april 23, i can get you mine before the race if you want to borrow them.
2010-03-28 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2753688

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
fattyfatfat - 2010-03-28 3:25 PM
SSMinnow - 2010-03-28 3:11 PM Glen

A similar thing happened to me when doing the Green Bay Oly last year.  It was 38F, drizzling and the water temps was in the low 50s...I was a popsicle coming out of the water.  The bike was 32m long and my feet were frozen the whole time and thawed at the 4m mark of the run.  I agree with John on the socks, but also think that toe caps for your bike shoes might be a good idea.  I didn't have them and it was an error.  If you are really worried you could consider neoprene booties...I have them for our lake house but haven't raced with them.  They will cost you time in T1, but probably not much to worry about.

glen these are a good thing to have anyways.  but if you don't want to buy them now as it will be 105 degree's here by april 23, i can get you mine before the race if you want to borrow them.

x3 on toe caps or booties. I won't offer to loan mine because they are permanently on my shoes these days!! I have some neoprene booties and I can honestly say that every time I have used them, my feet have been HOT! Nice!! Also, I use wool socks on cooler rides (SmartWool). Toe covers you can have on your shoes already. Booties would take time, but probably not more than 1 extra minute.

Just did my part keeping the bike industry and my LBS alive and well. I am the proud owner of 4 new saddles, new pedals (for my new bike when I get it -- used the REI dividend+20% on those!), and have a new seat post on order. Yeah!! The saddle on my road bike is shot, so my fitter gave me a shopping list. Now I get to go back to him and we'll try to figure out which one stays.  Wish I had the new saddle on for tomorrow's ride, as storms are here and I have 4:00 on tap. Looks like it'll be on the trainer. Oy. At least I can get through a big backlog of The Biggest Loser...
2010-03-28 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2555972

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
Happy Sunday all, hectic weekend is over, raced yesterday, lotsa driving, then a 3:30 ride + 20 min run today.

I need a beer.

My race went ok, lol had my usual moronic episodes in races that I normally seem to have.

Run was good for me also, but man gotta run in the low 6's in sprints around here to get FOP run in my AG.  Few sub 20 5k's in my AG yesterday. 

Very proud of Sam and her podium, just think what she could do if she learned to swim ; )

Congrats again Kim, awesome race yesterday!

2010-03-28 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2753561

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
gdctex - 2010-03-28 1:00 PM Hi everyone,

I just completed a short 'clinic' for an upcoming tri that included an OWS using my new wet suit.  I was pleased that the suit seems to fit well such that I could not even tell I was wearing it.....other than I was more buoyant and it was keeping me warm in the 64 degree waters.

I do have a couple of random questions from this morning that I could use some advice.  

1.  My feet and toes were cold and numb as I started into the run portion of the clinic (no bike this morning, just the swim and run).  It was almost 2 miles before I got full feeling in both feet.  Any suggestions on how to warm up the feet after the swim.  I suspect it would have been even colder had I been on the bike.  Maybe I am being wimpy here because it was not that cold....but it was a strange sensation running on cold numb feet this morning.

2.  In the upcoming tri, the bike route starts out with a steep bridge that peaks in the middle.  The route takes us up then down, loop around underneath then back up and down the same bridge in the opposite lane.  It looks a bit daunting given 99.99% of the rides I have done so far have been of coastal flat plains.  Anyone have tips/suggestions are how to gear/pedal on a steep incline like that?  Its not like I have any options close by to test out and practice but I could use any suggestions are how to approach these climbs.  


HTFU!!! You are in Texas!!! Undecided or borrow John little-boy booties...
2010-03-28 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2753912

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
I KNEW someone from up north was going to tell me that......hey, its all relative....

Anyway, Kyla, you mentioned it felt like a pebble in your shoes.  That is exactly how it felt as the feeling was coming back...and I almost stop to check but convinced myself that was not likely. 

Thanks for the ideas regarding the toe caps and booties.  I think I will invest in them as it would be a good long term item to have when needed.    I had thought about hot packs I have seen that you can put in your gloves or something like that....but it still 2 weeks John says, it could be 100 degrees here by then.....

John, I guess it is a good thing it is at the beginning of the route when I am fresh.  After the bridge, it is straight as an arrow and flatter than flat the rest of the way.....seriously, no turns (except at the turnaround), or curves or even a dip in the will be a fast run for the speed demons....which I am not, yet.  But if it is windy like it was today, one way will be easy street and the other way will be h*ll.....
2010-03-28 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2753999

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
gdctex - 2010-03-28 8:04 PM I KNEW someone from up north was going to tell me that......hey, its all relative....

Anyway, Kyla, you mentioned it felt like a pebble in your shoes.  That is exactly how it felt as the feeling was coming back...and I almost stop to check but convinced myself that was not likely. 

Thanks for the ideas regarding the toe caps and booties.  I think I will invest in them as it would be a good long term item to have when needed.    I had thought about hot packs I have seen that you can put in your gloves or something like that....but it still 2 weeks John says, it could be 100 degrees here by then.....

John, I guess it is a good thing it is at the beginning of the route when I am fresh.  After the bridge, it is straight as an arrow and flatter than flat the rest of the way.....seriously, no turns (except at the turnaround), or curves or even a dip in the will be a fast run for the speed demons....which I am not, yet.  But if it is windy like it was today, one way will be easy street and the other way will be h*ll.....

I highly recommend the performance neoprene boots.  Cheap, warm and waterproof.
2010-03-28 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2753912

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN- Miles and Miles ahead!!!! CLOSED
TrevorC - 2010-03-28 6:07 PM
gdctex - 2010-03-28 1:00 PM Hi everyone,

I just completed a short 'clinic' for an upcoming tri that included an OWS using my new wet suit.  I was pleased that the suit seems to fit well such that I could not even tell I was wearing it.....other than I was more buoyant and it was keeping me warm in the 64 degree waters.

I do have a couple of random questions from this morning that I could use some advice.  

1.  My feet and toes were cold and numb as I started into the run portion of the clinic (no bike this morning, just the swim and run).  It was almost 2 miles before I got full feeling in both feet.  Any suggestions on how to warm up the feet after the swim.  I suspect it would have been even colder had I been on the bike.  Maybe I am being wimpy here because it was not that cold....but it was a strange sensation running on cold numb feet this morning.

2.  In the upcoming tri, the bike route starts out with a steep bridge that peaks in the middle.  The route takes us up then down, loop around underneath then back up and down the same bridge in the opposite lane.  It looks a bit daunting given 99.99% of the rides I have done so far have been of coastal flat plains.  Anyone have tips/suggestions are how to gear/pedal on a steep incline like that?  Its not like I have any options close by to test out and practice but I could use any suggestions are how to approach these climbs.  


HTFU!!! You are in Texas!!! Undecided or borrow John little-boy booties...

after today he might need my pacifier to. 

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