BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2016-01-08 5:44 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
NOOOO!! Sending prayers and best wishes, Steve! You have been an inspiration with all you've overcome and encouraging posts over the years. My dad has battled cancer as well and I know it's not easy to come back from both the illness and the treatments. Will dedicate today's workout (on three hours of sleep) to you as well.

2016-01-08 5:59 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

I had the same problem as Adrienne this morning, only I didn't get up.  And now I feel like a total slacker...  I have not been using my light daily and I must.  Steve, sorry to hear that you are having to have more surgery.  Sending good and healing thoughts.

2016-01-08 6:00 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Good luck tomorrow Adrienne and Ann Marie!

2016-01-08 6:22 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Munich, Bayern
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Go Salty, Go Hands!
Have a nice race and enjoy yourself! :-D

To all Disabled: I wish you a speedy recovery.
To Stacie: I hope you get some rain soon.
To Steve: Good Bless you! I hope to run a marathon together soonish.
Root Canal: Is the worst thing I've ever had (well the pain before a root canal that is).
M&Ms vs Smarties: I don't eat either of them, I prefer my simple sugars in liquid form (i.e. Latte). :-D
I was in Switzerland last year and two years before that and yes, Swiss chocolate is not bad.

I have bought a Garmin Vivoactive, it came a day earlier. I am still trying to set it up, I will try to log my bike rides tomorrow (Saturday) and my runs (on Sunday) if all goes well I will try to join the Strava club on Monday.

If I manage to cram enough calories down tonight I will try to go for a short swim tomorrow. The will is there, I just need the calories. :-D
2016-01-08 6:27 PM
in reply to: Lighttower

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed

Originally posted by Lighttower Go Salty, Go Hands! Have a nice race and enjoy yourself! :-D To all Disabled: I wish you a speedy recovery. To Stacie: I hope you get some rain soon. To Steve: Good Bless you! I hope to run a marathon together soonish. Root Canal: Is the worst thing I've ever had (well the pain before a root canal that is). M&Ms vs Smarties: I don't eat either of them, I prefer my simple sugars in liquid form (i.e. Latte). :-D I was in Switzerland last year and two years before that and yes, Swiss chocolate is not bad. I have bought a Garmin Vivoactive, it came a day earlier. I am still trying to set it up, I will try to log my bike rides tomorrow (Saturday) and my runs (on Sunday) if all goes well I will try to join the Strava club on Monday. If I manage to cram enough calories down tonight I will try to go for a short swim tomorrow. The will is there, I just need the calories. :-D

I bought a vivoactive a couple of weeks ago. I also have a 310 and a 910   It was very easy to set up and easily synced with strava.

2016-01-08 6:40 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Munich, Bayern
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by Lighttower Go Salty, Go Hands! Have a nice race and enjoy yourself! :-D To all Disabled: I wish you a speedy recovery. To Stacie: I hope you get some rain soon. To Steve: Good Bless you! I hope to run a marathon together soonish. Root Canal: Is the worst thing I've ever had (well the pain before a root canal that is). M&Ms vs Smarties: I don't eat either of them, I prefer my simple sugars in liquid form (i.e. Latte). :-D I was in Switzerland last year and two years before that and yes, Swiss chocolate is not bad. I have bought a Garmin Vivoactive, it came a day earlier. I am still trying to set it up, I will try to log my bike rides tomorrow (Saturday) and my runs (on Sunday) if all goes well I will try to join the Strava club on Monday. If I manage to cram enough calories down tonight I will try to go for a short swim tomorrow. The will is there, I just need the calories. :-D

I bought a vivoactive a couple of weeks ago. I also have a 310 and a 910   It was very easy to set up and easily synced with strava.

Just to clarify: I used to be a webdesigner for half a year ( just at the time the .com Bubble exploded), I know my way around PCs and stuff.
But I had to buy my first Smart Phone just to be able to sync my Garmin to something.

So yeah, I actually bought a smart phone to be able to use my garmin. :-D
It might take a little longer for me to set it up. :-P
... but it seems to be pretty straight forward. The only thing I am worried about is GPS connection.

2016-01-08 7:08 PM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by Jet Black

I've got a question for our IronManatees.

I've found the info on the on course nutrition, but it doesn't state what flavors of Gu, bars, gatorade, etc. that they'll be providing, just the products. When if ever do they release that info? I'd like to start getting used to the nutrition now if possible.

What race are you training for? when you get close to race day you should be able to e-mail the race director and double check, though I believe they usually have the same flavours for all races in a given year. the year I did wisconsin (2012, so a while ago now) I remember that they had strawberry banana regular gu (and I think another flavour - perhaps vanilla bean?) and blueberry pomegranate gu roctane. they had GU choms that year, I think watermelon and orange mandarin. I trained with the general products from the start of the build and then with the actual flavours when I got closer to race day - wanted to make sure I could stomache the flavour if I got the strawberry banana instead of the other flavour. I was hoping it was going to be the chocolate flavour. that stuff is god's give to endurance athletes - tastes like brownie batter!
2016-01-08 7:18 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

January 9-10
Adrienne - Hill Climb Time Trial today
Ann-Marie - Fl ROC trail HM @ Princess Place on Saturday
Adrienne - New Balance Winter Grand Prix  Road Race on Saturday

Disabled List
Mary S - post-concussion syndrome
Lisa - ankle, gave the boot to the boot and is now weight-bearing without crutches.  Progress!
Ben - clavical.  out of sling prison
Steve - recovery from kidney problems related to scar tissue, surgery 12/20
Stacey - tweaked back


(that goes double for Salty

Steve, I'll be praying for your recovery. I know what its like to have complications with my kidneys.
2016-01-08 7:42 PM
in reply to: CRFTX2001

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by CRFTX2001
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Atlantia
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by TXTriRook
Originally posted by Atlantia
Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by TXTriRook
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by johnthecat
Originally posted by TXTriRook Question for the group. For those of you that take supplements, which ones do you take and why? The reason I'm asking is because for years I've always taken a scoop of whey protein powder mixed with water post workout. I recently got a bag of SFH ( which includes creatine and a bunch of other amino acids and I'm wondering if I'm missing something by just taking the whey protein. I also take a multi and some fish oil but my question is related to a post workout "shake."
Sadly my only supplements are M&M's and Gummy Bears. One bad habit I'm trying to work on this year.

M&Ms = Vitamin C!

Doctors say that a more colorful diet is better for you. At least that's what I've heard.

There are a lot of M&M types now too. Plain and peanut, but also almonds, dark chocolate, mint, crispy, peanut butter, pretzel, mega to name some.

haha, thanks everyone! I'll stick to the whey protein making sure to mix in a variety of M&M's to keep my diet colorful. If only they sold Smarties down here. I know the Canadians on here know what I'm talking about

US Smarties != Canada Smarties, two completely different animals.  One of my Canadian teammates occasionally makes us Smartie cookies for post-game snacks.

Do Canadian smarties = UK smarties? My husband always laments the lack of "proper smarties."
I'm not sure but if they're a better version of a US M&M then they're probably the same. Now that I think about it, we had many better options North of the border. Mr. Big, Ketchup Chips, Oh Henry. Oh the good old days when I could eat all this stuff on not put on a lb!

All-dressed chips take the prize in my book.  Well, that and Kraft peanut butter.  Rumor has it there was a short-term US run of all-dressed chips by Lays, but I never saw any to get them.  Sorry to say in the M&Ms vs. Smarties battle, I choose M&Ms hands down, probably based on my lifelong consumption of them.

M&M's have more chocolate and less shell than smarties and that makes them the winner!

American chocolate is generally pretty gross though, no? I mean, I never thought it was...until I ate UK chocolate, and now American chocolate tastes like wax. And Walker's Prawn Cocktails crisps!! Oh, man, good thing its lunch time here, because this thread's obsession with food is making me hungry.

I can taste the difference between a lot of things, but the magnitude of the difference has always seemed exaggerated to me. So no, not gross. I guess it's still just so high above not having any at all!

I've heard Swiss chocolate is a tier above the rest. My history teacher a few years ago told me that Switzerland won an international chocolate making competition with their "garbage chocolate".

Curious what's considered good then?

2016-01-08 8:15 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Crazy day at work today and wasn't able to keep up. Summary post

Steve, I wish you the best with your recovery and will keep you in my prayers!

To our weekend racers: Good luck

Everyone on the disabled list: I wish you a speedy recovery and depending on what you guys are down with right now might be a good time to do some core work

Smarties vs. M&M's. We had Smarties in Germany. Definitely prefer them over M&M's but can't get them here.

Germany has some decent chocolate: Ritter Sport for example is pretty good and you can get in most grocery stores here. (At least in Texas)

Was hoping I could go on a "real" bike ride tomorrow, but we just had some major rain push in and it's supposed to get below freezing tomorrow. Yikes. Not used to that anymore. I'm too texanized by now plus I've always been a big baby in cold weather anyways and it seems to have gotten worse since my illness.

I'm still contemplating if I should do a half marathon on Feb 6th. I need to decide by Sunday before prices go up. If I do it it will be slow and more of a checkbox that I did it than anything. My Garmin's race predictor tells me I should be able to run it below 2 hours. Not sure how it comes up with these numbers but closer to 2:20 to 2:30 is probably more realistic. I guess i'll see how my long run goes on Sunday and go from there.

2016-01-08 9:09 PM
in reply to: 0

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by johnthecat I need to decide by Sunday before prices go up. If I do it it will be slow and more of a checkbox that I did it than anything. My Garmin's race predictor tells me I should be able to run it below 2 hours. Not sure how it comes up with these numbers but closer to 2:20 to 2:30 is probably more realistic. I guess i'll see how my long run goes on Sunday and go from there.

Haven't used the Garmin predictor before, so no idea on it. How does your expectation of how the race will go compare to what you would want to get out of doing one? Are you itching to do one? Curious why you're looking at it.

I don't understand why Smarties tend to only be compared to plain M&M's? There are 10 types of M&M's now. And that's excluding holiday specials as those tend to be certain colors of existing flavors.

Edited by brigby1 2016-01-08 9:10 PM

2016-01-08 9:29 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by johnthecat I need to decide by Sunday before prices go up. If I do it it will be slow and more of a checkbox that I did it than anything. My Garmin's race predictor tells me I should be able to run it below 2 hours. Not sure how it comes up with these numbers but closer to 2:20 to 2:30 is probably more realistic. I guess i'll see how my long run goes on Sunday and go from there.

Haven't used the Garmin predictor before, so no idea on it. How does your expectation of how the race will go compare to what you would want to get out of doing one? Are you itching to do one? Curious why you're looking at it.

I don't understand why Smarties tend to only be compared to plain M&M's? There are 10 types of M&M's now. And that's excluding holiday specials as those tend to be certain colors of existing flavors.

'Cause 1 Canadian Smarties beats 10 M&M's of course!

2016-01-08 9:30 PM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by johnthecat Crazy day at work today and wasn't able to keep up. Summary post Steve, I wish you the best with your recovery and will keep you in my prayers! To our weekend racers: Good luck Everyone on the disabled list: I wish you a speedy recovery and depending on what you guys are down with right now might be a good time to do some core work Smarties vs. M&M's. We had Smarties in Germany. Definitely prefer them over M&M's but can't get them here. Germany has some decent chocolate: Ritter Sport for example is pretty good and you can get in most grocery stores here. (At least in Texas) Was hoping I could go on a "real" bike ride tomorrow, but we just had some major rain push in and it's supposed to get below freezing tomorrow. Yikes. Not used to that anymore. I'm too texanized by now plus I've always been a big baby in cold weather anyways and it seems to have gotten worse since my illness. I'm still contemplating if I should do a half marathon on Feb 6th. I need to decide by Sunday before prices go up. If I do it it will be slow and more of a checkbox that I did it than anything. My Garmin's race predictor tells me I should be able to run it below 2 hours. Not sure how it comes up with these numbers but closer to 2:20 to 2:30 is probably more realistic. I guess i'll see how my long run goes on Sunday and go from there.

No need to keep up, Markus.  Just jump in now and again with a smartie-azzed comment and you'll be fine

2016-01-08 9:53 PM
in reply to: IronOx

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by johnthecat I need to decide by Sunday before prices go up. If I do it it will be slow and more of a checkbox that I did it than anything. My Garmin's race predictor tells me I should be able to run it below 2 hours. Not sure how it comes up with these numbers but closer to 2:20 to 2:30 is probably more realistic. I guess i'll see how my long run goes on Sunday and go from there.

Haven't used the Garmin predictor before, so no idea on it. How does your expectation of how the race will go compare to what you would want to get out of doing one? Are you itching to do one? Curious why you're looking at it.

I don't understand why Smarties tend to only be compared to plain M&M's? There are 10 types of M&M's now. And that's excluding holiday specials as those tend to be certain colors of existing flavors.

'Cause 1 Canadian Smarties beats 10 M&M's of course!

Said comparison seems to be well hidden.

2016-01-08 10:19 PM
in reply to: #5157817


Philly, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Good luck everyone racing!

To the question regarding GU flavors - an email to the race director may give an answer.
2016-01-08 10:45 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by johnthecat I need to decide by Sunday before prices go up. If I do it it will be slow and more of a checkbox that I did it than anything. My Garmin's race predictor tells me I should be able to run it below 2 hours. Not sure how it comes up with these numbers but closer to 2:20 to 2:30 is probably more realistic. I guess i'll see how my long run goes on Sunday and go from there.

Haven't used the Garmin predictor before, so no idea on it. How does your expectation of how the race will go compare to what you would want to get out of doing one? Are you itching to do one? Curious why you're looking at it.

I don't understand why Smarties tend to only be compared to plain M&M's? There are 10 types of M&M's now. And that's excluding holiday specials as those tend to be certain colors of existing flavors.

I think I'll be fine doing the race and it's more a bucket list thing for additional proof that I beat that darn autoimmune disease. The hesitation I have is if I should wait until I can finish closer to a 2:00 hour timeframe or does it really matter. It's not necessarily a cheap entry either.

I mainly compare Smarties to the plain M&M's because that's what they resemble the closest. And ever since we started talking about Smarties I have the German Smarties commercial slogan stuck in my head. "Viele Viele bunte Smarties". Translates into "Many many colorful smarties"

2016-01-08 10:54 PM
in reply to: 0

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
YESSS.....RITTER SPORT CHOCOLATE!! They should sponsor me..... I actually did my best HIM time last summer using only Ritter Sport chocolate on the bike. I've struggled for years with gagging on gu, and one day last year the only appealing thing I had in my fridge before a long brick happened to be a bar of Ritter Sport dark chocolate with mint, and it went down really well. For the first time riding in the heat here, I was enjoying my "nutrition" instead of force-feeding myself, and my energy levels remained steady instead of spiking and dipping the way they tend to do with pure carbs. Had a great run after too. I also used Ritter Sport as my main bike nutrition for IM Vietnam 70.3 last year (though had to go to gu at the end due to melting) and it worked well for the first 65 km or so, even in tropical conditions.

Back in Vietnam today. Beautiful weather as it is now our dry season and "winter"--low 80's and sunny. Talk about stupid--I packed everything I needed for my personal, professional, and athletic life for the next six months (my living room floor looks like stocking day at a combo tri store, pet store, and gourmet food store) except my run hydration belt. Of all things to forget--that and my Nuun tablets keep me alive! (You can't drink the tap water here, there are no water fountains, and they almost never sell electrolyte tabs in country.) Fortunately, a nearby Taiwanese run bike shop often stocks the kind I like (Nathan) and they happened to have two left, one pink/purple and one blue. Got the former--hope there weren't any couples in the market for his'n'hers belts!

RE Gu flavors--I would always carry some of my own favorite flavors. I did try to live off the course once, at Pacific Crest (my first attempt at HIM, got partly snowed out). They did NOT end up having all the flavors (Hammer) they sad they would, and all a couple stops had was blueberry pomegramate. Did I mention I have issues with nausea and gagging on gu? I COULD NOT get that stuff down--ended up gagging and retching at miles 6 and 11 of the run. I swear it tasted the way rubber cement smells. Not sure what I would do in a full IM, but pretty much since then I have been self-catering for my events. YMMV--I basically don't have a sweet tooth (dark chocolate excepted), have a world-class gag reflex, and often have issues with nausea in races, so the gu flavor/texture thing is probably a bigger deal for me than for most people.

Okay--enough fooling around on BT. Need to go deal with the pile on my living room floor before I crash. Cats standing by to assist--they know there are catnip critters and kitty treats somewhere in that mess.

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-01-08 11:04 PM
2016-01-08 11:18 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by Asalzwed

I sooooooo didn't want to get out of bed this morning. But I did. I got to the trail and was totally cranky. But I was there. So I ran. As I made my way up through the dark forest the first light came. Finally I was able to turn my headlamp off and run in the faint glow. I broke through the low layer of clouds and fog and suddenly the sky was clear and bright with the sunrise, illuminating Mt. Rainier. I couldn't help but smile. I was completely exhausted from a week of pushing myself (a little too hard IMHO) but knocked 40 seconds off of my last time trial!


Glorious photos!

2016-01-09 3:35 AM
in reply to: #5157817

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016 - Closed
Jumping into th chocolate debate, I could live off Cadbury's dairy milk but would be the size of a house though! Peanut m&m's for me and they a healthy as they have nuts in surely!
2016-01-09 7:23 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by johnthecat I need to decide by Sunday before prices go up. If I do it it will be slow and more of a checkbox that I did it than anything. My Garmin's race predictor tells me I should be able to run it below 2 hours. Not sure how it comes up with these numbers but closer to 2:20 to 2:30 is probably more realistic. I guess i'll see how my long run goes on Sunday and go from there.

Haven't used the Garmin predictor before, so no idea on it. How does your expectation of how the race will go compare to what you would want to get out of doing one? Are you itching to do one? Curious why you're looking at it.

I don't understand why Smarties tend to only be compared to plain M&M's? There are 10 types of M&M's now. And that's excluding holiday specials as those tend to be certain colors of existing flavors.

If it's like my garmin, it's calculating his vdot based on his run history with the watch. Then it's using vdot so estimate race results.

So Markus, that's basically best case scenario if you have the endurance to match your current vdot. Mine says I could run a 3:03 marathon, but there's no way I have the endurance for that right now. But it basically nails my 5k time since it doesn't require a ton of endurance.
2016-01-09 7:30 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by Daffodil

Originally posted by Jet Black

I've got a question for our IronManatees.

I've found the info on the on course nutrition, but it doesn't state what flavors of Gu, bars, gatorade, etc. that they'll be providing, just the products. When if ever do they release that info? I'd like to start getting used to the nutrition now if possible.

What race are you training for? when you get close to race day you should be able to e-mail the race director and double check, though I believe they usually have the same flavours for all races in a given year. the year I did wisconsin (2012, so a while ago now) I remember that they had strawberry banana regular gu (and I think another flavour - perhaps vanilla bean?) and blueberry pomegranate gu roctane. they had GU choms that year, I think watermelon and orange mandarin. I trained with the general products from the start of the build and then with the actual flavours when I got closer to race day - wanted to make sure I could stomache the flavour if I got the strawberry banana instead of the other flavour. I was hoping it was going to be the chocolate flavour. that stuff is god's give to endurance athletes - tastes like brownie batter!

I'm doing IMTX May 14. Thanks, yeah I guess an email to the race director is in order.

I'll definitely start out on the bike with my own stuff, but not sure I can carry enough for the whole ride. I'd like to be completely living off the course on the run, I hate carrying around any extra weight.

2016-01-09 7:58 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by StaceyK

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

January 9-10
Adrienne - Hill Climb Time Trial today
Ann-Marie - Fl ROC trail HM @ Princess Place on Saturday
Adrienne - New Balance Winter Grand Prix  Road Race on Saturday

Disabled List
Mary S - post-concussion syndrome
Lisa - ankle, gave the boot to the boot and is now weight-bearing without crutches.  Progress!
Ben - clavical.  out of sling prison
Steve - recovery from kidney problems related to scar tissue, surgery 12/20
Stacey - tweaked back

Go Salty and Ann-Marie.

I have an appointment with steamroller Jill today. Hopefully after that I will be good to go. I can manage to ride on the trainer sitting up so I have been doing a bit of that.
My appointment with steamroller Jill did not go so well. I thought that I was ok just stiff, but apparently I was very crooked. Jill has fixed me again but said I MUST take it easy for the next week - no SBR or gardening. Not sure what I am going to does I am meant to do a sprint next weekend and there is only 3 weeks until my Oly (A race for the season) and I am way under trained.
2016-01-09 8:02 AM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016

Originally posted by johnthecat 

 I think I'll be fine doing the race and it's more a bucket list thing for additional proof that I beat that darn autoimmune disease. The hesitation I have is if I should wait until I can finish closer to a 2:00 hour timeframe or does it really matter. It's not necessarily a cheap entry either. I mainly compare Smarties to the plain M&M's because that's what they resemble the closest. And ever since we started talking about Smarties I have the German Smarties commercial slogan stuck in my head. "Viele Viele bunte Smarties". Translates into "Many many colorful smarties"

My thought on racing is that doing one beats not doing one, especially if the desire is proving something to yourself. In this case you vs disease is the only true "Goal".  Time to complete said event rarely factors in to that particular equation.  Money on the other hand is always a factor, so I'm not one to tell you how to spend yours.  Not sure if that makes any sense or not.

There is always the standard Manatee answer "DOOOOOO EEEETTTTTTTT".

2016-01-09 9:07 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Happy racing, Ann-Marie! Princess Place? Gotta love it! :D
2016-01-09 9:28 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Manatee Mentors 2016
Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by johnthecat 

 I think I'll be fine doing the race and it's more a bucket list thing for additional proof that I beat that darn autoimmune disease. The hesitation I have is if I should wait until I can finish closer to a 2:00 hour timeframe or does it really matter. It's not necessarily a cheap entry either. I mainly compare Smarties to the plain M&M's because that's what they resemble the closest. And ever since we started talking about Smarties I have the German Smarties commercial slogan stuck in my head. "Viele Viele bunte Smarties". Translates into "Many many colorful smarties"

My thought on racing is that doing one beats not doing one, especially if the desire is proving something to yourself. In this case you vs disease is the only true "Goal".  Time to complete said event rarely factors in to that particular equation.  Money on the other hand is always a factor, so I'm not one to tell you how to spend yours.  Not sure if that makes any sense or not.

There is always the standard Manatee answer "DOOOOOO EEEETTTTTTTT".

People enter races for so many different reasons other than being on the podium, right? If it will help you feel better mentally...and therefore possibly complete it, then chalk up the entry to "treatment" costs. Just don't go crazy RACING it to think you need to hit a time goal right now. Run it for joy of health. My first HM was RnR Phoenix. It was benefitting the National MS Society...I ran it for my dad who is now in a wheelchair. Very emotional race.
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