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2014-02-23 6:56 AM
in reply to: KOM

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: So what's your first race/plan?

Kathy read through the thread?  I went back a couple of pages --was reading all along but not really posting anywhere but my blog because al that has gone on with my mother.  She is not doing very well.  I doubt she will make it to the end of March.  She is nauseated after taking a little bit of clear liquids, is very weak and fatigues easily.  She wants to have us all around whenever we are there so it is nearly impossible for her to get adequate rest.  She had a really bad day on Friday (after we drove home on Thursday)  but is on a little upswing at least.

My challenge update  Wt loss over 2 weeks  = 2.8 pounds  or  28 points

No Gain  x 2 weeks =   10 points

Workouts over 2 weeks = 33.5 points

Total= 71.55 points

2014-02-23 7:33 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: So what's your first race/plan?
Originally posted by QueenZipp

Kathy read through the thread?  I went back a couple of pages --was reading all along but not really posting anywhere but my blog because al that has gone on with my mother.  She is not doing very well.  I doubt she will make it to the end of March.  She is nauseated after taking a little bit of clear liquids, is very weak and fatigues easily.  She wants to have us all around whenever we are there so it is nearly impossible for her to get adequate rest.  She had a really bad day on Friday (after we drove home on Thursday)  but is on a little upswing at least.

My challenge update  Wt loss over 2 weeks  = 2.8 pounds  or  28 points

No Gain  x 2 weeks =   10 points

Workouts over 2 weeks = 33.5 points

Total= 71.55 points

Judi-I went back to Monday after Super Bowl which is what I last remembered reading. Not that many posts since everyone has been either sick or shoveling snow!
2014-02-23 12:26 PM
in reply to: KOM

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Subject: RE: challenge update
2 pound lost 20pts
No wt gain 5pt
472 min exercise 15 pts
Total 40pts

I had a much better exercise week. 3 weeks until my half marathon, and I'm starting to stress myself out. I wish I had a running partner because I do much better with someone pushing me. I'm running alone at the race, so I don't expect a PR, but it's hard seeing friends that have training buddies PR a lot . I just wanted to vent , sorry. I'm happy with how my swimming is coming along- not that it's easy, but I look forward to the workout and feel proud of myself when I get it done. 2 more months to improve
2014-02-23 2:19 PM
in reply to: Kris67

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Subject: RE: challenge update
Hey gang, I have been awol for a while, mostly just been too busy with work to do much more on BT than log my workouts. Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do.
2014-02-23 5:44 PM
in reply to: Kris67

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: challenge update
Originally posted by Kris67

2 pound lost 20pts
No wt gain 5pt
472 min exercise 15 pts
Total 40pts

I had a much better exercise week. 3 weeks until my half marathon, and I'm starting to stress myself out. I wish I had a running partner because I do much better with someone pushing me. I'm running alone at the race, so I don't expect a PR, but it's hard seeing friends that have training buddies PR a lot .

Kristen--I can kind of empathize. Because my job requires a lot of travel and changing hours, I've pretty much have never been able to link up with anyone as a training partner. When I was solely a runner--and now as a triathlete--most of my training was and is alone. Fortunately I found a buddy that can make an early Saturday morning long run work, so that's really the only workout that I have someone to train with.

What works for me is having pretty specific workouts planned so I can keep mentally engaged. It's pretty easy to slow down and not fulfill the plan once my mind starts to wander. So if I'm on the bike, I've got usually got 1,3, 6, 9 minute intervals planned to help me keep my head in the game. Or a 20 minute steady pace segment followed by 10 minute recoveries...anything to stay engaged. On runs, I have some consistent places to train and I create time markers so I can hit the lap timer on my watch and track my progress. Better still, we have a trail along the Columbia River that has markers every quarter I can use the splits to really dial in on a specific pace, be it fast or slow.

And headphones with killer music makes the run like moving through a music video. If its a long, slow run, I'll listen to a podcast.

The other important thing to keep in mind is a training partner can be as much of a liability as a benefit. With someone else in the mix your workouts can easily be dictated by the abilities/condition of the other person. If that person is having a bad day, you run slower. If that person is feeling aggressive, you push your pace when you really shouldn't.

Don't let someone else (or the lack of someone else) as a training mate determine your success. In the end, we're engaged here in individual sport competition. These are not team events. Like you said, you'll race alone, so isn't training alone the ideal preparation?

Hang in there!

2014-02-23 6:49 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: challenge update
This week's numbers aren't too good.

Weight +1.4, so net is -14pts.
exercise 324 min, worth 10 pts

Total: - 4points for me this week.

On the positive side, I had a fun workout today. Did my first "indoor tri" with the local YMCA tri club. I must say that I really enjoyed the concept even though it was held indoors.

This test confirmed a few things that I suspected. First, my swimming fitness needs lots more work. I got through the swim, but it was a struggle for me. I clearly need to continue to remain focused on improving my swimming. Second, my run fitness is coming along. I jumped on the treadmill and did the run at an 8 minute pace. I may be overlooking the challenges of biking, but I won't worry about that until the weather warms and I can do a bit of outdoor riding. I'm still thinking about a road bike.

This week will be a travel challenge, since I'm heading to Buffalo Tues-Wed, and then New Jersey on Thurs-Friday. That means I'll give the hotel treadmills a pounding.

Hope the cold and flu bugs are leaving us and everyone has a great week.


2014-02-23 6:58 PM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Subject: RE: challenge update
Thanks Steve for the words if wisdom.
2014-02-23 7:17 PM
in reply to: Kris67

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: challenge update

0.4 lbs lost -> 4 points

No gain -> 5 points

Workout 743 minutes -> 24.8 points

Total -> 33.8

2014-02-23 9:04 PM
in reply to: k9car363

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2014-02-23 9:33 PM
in reply to: 0

East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: challenge update

Catch Up Numbers

Wt loss: 1/2 pound= 5 points

Three weeks no weight gain=15 points

465 minutes of Workouts over 3 weeks= 15.5 points (one of Judi's week)

Total Points: 35.5 points

Edited by KOM 2014-02-23 9:36 PM
2014-02-24 6:06 AM
in reply to: Kris67

Dublin, Ohio
Subject: RE: challenge update
Originally posted by Kris67

2 pound lost 20pts
No wt gain 5pt
472 min exercise 15 pts
Total 40pts

I had a much better exercise week. 3 weeks until my half marathon, and I'm starting to stress myself out. I wish I had a running partner because I do much better with someone pushing me. I'm running alone at the race, so I don't expect a PR, but it's hard seeing friends that have training buddies PR a lot . I just wanted to vent , sorry. I'm happy with how my swimming is coming along- not that it's easy, but I look forward to the workout and feel proud of myself when I get it done. 2 more months to improve


I do all of my training in the winter on the treadmill or bike trainer. I do what Steve does in that I have a planned workout (intervals, tempo or progression run) to ease the monotony. Also, I have watched A LOT of great series - Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Homeland - which has really helped. I aim for 1 or 2 episodes instead of thinking of the time or mileage. Oh the mental games!

Regarding a training parter, Steve is right - it can be a blessing and a curse. I had a training partner a couple of years ago and after a year, she became really competitive with me. It was really discouraging because it took the fun out of running with her.

Hope this helps! Can't wait to hear how you do in your half marathon!

2014-02-24 6:08 AM
in reply to: wsummerhill

Dublin, Ohio
Subject: RE: challenge update
Congrats on your indoor tri Dave! I have my first this weekend. Yikes!

My short term race goal is Boston in 8 weeks. That would be 56 days and 24 run workouts. Not that I'm counting....... I'm ready to be done with the hard run workouts and concentrate on tri stuff.

Happy Monday everyone!
2014-02-24 6:42 AM
in reply to: wsummerhill

East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: challenge update
Originally posted by wsummerhillCongrats on your indoor tri Dave! I have my first this weekend. Yikes!My short term race goal is Boston in 8 weeks. That would be 56 days and 24 run workouts. Not that I'm counting....... I'm ready to be done with the hard run workouts and concentrate on tri stuff.Happy Monday everyone!
Yay Boston!There should be big crowds. The news a couple of weeks ago said that most of the hotels were nearly fully booked. It will be a very emotional race for all I think.
2014-02-24 7:09 AM
in reply to: KOM

Bronze member
Subject: RE: challenge update

Happy New week

Stats for last week were

0 on wt.

5 no gain

8 for workout =

13 total

However I got 10000 points for fun this week.


2014-02-24 7:13 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

Falls Church
Subject: RE: challenge update

Weight = 2 lbs lost = 20 points

No Weight Gain = 5 points

Training = 366 minutes = 12 points

Total = 37 points.

2014-02-24 7:37 AM
in reply to: KOM

Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: challenge update
1 lb gain = -10
300 min training = 10
Net = 0.

So the flu thingie certainly put a crimp in the last two weeks of numbers, but I think that is finally behind me and my weight is back up to normal. Based on recent workouts though, it took a toll, though. Just haven't felt very strong in training. Hopefully, I will have a normal week this week.

Steve, I wish I could say that I have great race plans, but my travel schedule in the upcoming months is making for some tough transitions. My two favorite spring races - our local 10 miler and a nearby sprint tri are both the morning after I get back at midnight from a business trip (and that's only if all connections go well). Plus, we're still waiting to find out if my wife will have a overseas teaching assignment in June / July. All good stuff, but wreaking havoc with planning. So, I have to be content to work toward rather nebulous goals. Fortunately, the mug contest is giving me some motivation, but I am starting to get the itch to find something to aim for. Patience grasshopper.

Ah well, St. Paddy's celebrations/workouts are beginning... 5 hours of Irish tunes last night. Wish I could count that toward training, but alas, it only makes for a sloth-like Monday morning.

Have a great week everyone!


2014-02-24 8:53 AM
in reply to: juneapple

Newport News
Subject: RE: challenge update
No weight gain = 5
630 Training = 21
Net = 26
Started up with cycling this week. First race will be Smithfield Sprint 5 April. Right now there are 10 of us signed up for the 65-69 men group.
2014-02-24 10:35 AM
in reply to: tkatzhyman

Bronze member
Subject: RE: challenge update

My first race was to be a HM in 3 weeks. I had hoped that my foot would be ready for that. I was terribly over estimating my recovery time. That puts my first race as my Olympic distance in May. I do have a couple of metric century rides before then, but those aren't races.

2014-02-24 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4915093

East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: weekly weight and plan
Well, I write this from my exit row seat on Alaska Airlines, heading from Seattle to Chicago. I had my alarm set for 3:00 a.m. to get up and do an easy spin, but I bailed out and went back to sleep until 4. I needed that extra hour, plus today is supposed to be a rest day anyway. Maybe I'll get my mojo up when I get to the hotel by jumping on their treadmill.

It will be a tough training week for me this week. I'm in Chicago for two days, then Harrisburg, PA, finally finishing the week out in Orlando. Hopefully I'll be able to hit the hotel fitness rooms along the way. And I'm really hopeful that I'll be able to swim at the Hyatt pool in Orlando. It won't be a lap pool, but it should be big enough to get in some distance. I'm really hoping I can get in a long run over the weekend...I need the heat conditioning in Orlando because we sure haven't had anything called heat up in Wa. State so far this year.

Pretty solid training week given I was on the bounce back from the stomach virus last weekend. Here are my totals:

Weight = 163.5, down 1/2 from last week for 10 points.
Training = 660 minutes for 22 points. Solid three hours on the indoor trainer yesterday which is great for making your butt sore.

Total for the week = 32.

Happy training everyone. Spring is coming according to the calendar. Now somebody please inform the weather gods.

2014-02-24 7:25 PM
in reply to: 0

New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: weekly weight and plan
Still no weight loss but no gain either for 5 pts and 6 hours working out for 12 points = 17 total ppoints this week.

Hey Scott - starting to feel a little bit better in the pool. It is amazing what a little consistency can do.

Grid will be posted tomorrow night - too much stuff going on but just wanted to check in.

James Patrick

Edited by JREDFLY 2014-02-24 7:26 PM
2014-02-24 7:41 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: challenge update

Originally posted by ceilidh

My first race was to be a HM in 3 weeks. I had hoped that my foot would be ready for that. I was terribly over estimating my recovery time. That puts my first race as my Olympic distance in May. I do have a couple of metric century rides before then, but those aren't races.

My first race is supposed to be the 10K late Mother's situation may change that.  I honestly don't see her surviving to the end of March.....I have a mini sprint in May and an Oly in June.  After that I am just not sure what I want to do.

2014-02-25 7:31 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

Falls Church
Subject: RE: challenge update

Good morning everyone!  Hope Tuesday is treating you well so far.

Congrats on your tri Dave!  And good luck to anyone with races this upcoming weekend.

No running really impacted my motivation to do anything and events seemed to conspire to limit my other workouts (like forgetting bathing suit!).

Looking forward to a good strong swim today.

2014-02-25 4:36 PM
in reply to: hoffsquared

Subject: RE: challenge update

Hey guys/girls...

My turn to be sick.  Felt pretty bad most of Friday night so didn't get much sleep.  Then made the mistake of trying to do the 15k trail race I was signed up for on Saturday.  I made it through 2.25 miles before I bailed.  Shouldn't have even tried it, but I love this race and it was my last day in the 45-49 age group (I turned 50 on Sunday) so I was really hoping to make it through.  Unfortunately I think it probably made the sickness worse.  I'm finally feeling almost back to normal - stomach is still a little off but my energy is starting to come back at least.  I'll probably take another day or two off then try to get back into training.  I have a 10k scheduled for this Saturday but it's iffy right now.  I'll have to see how I feel later in the week.

Can I wait until next week to post my numbers for the challenge and then just include both weeks together?  I know I'm down a couple of pounds (not eating for almost 3 days will do that) but I'm sure I'll put it back on once I start eating normally again so I think it will all balance out.  Workout minutes are pretty low too for both weeks so I'll just combine those too if that's alright. 


2014-02-25 8:02 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: weekly weight and plan

Originally posted by JREDFLY Hey Scott - starting to feel a little bit better in the pool. It is amazing what a little consistency can do.

Hey James -

Dare I suggest you may be ready to take those 'floaties' off your arms?!? 

Good job James!  I seem to recall it was only a few short months ago that it was a challenge to swim the length of the pool!  Keep it up!

2014-02-25 8:29 PM
in reply to: lutzman

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: weekly weight and plan

Originally posted by lutzman Hopefully I'll be able to hit the hotel fitness rooms along the way.

Good luck with that!

Do you despise hotel 'fitness rooms' as much as I do?  I have yet to find one where you could get anything close to a real workout - thank goodness for the abundance of LA Fitness Gyms!

Originally posted by lutzman

. . . I'm really hoping I can get in a long run over the weekend...I need the heat conditioning in Orlando because we sure haven't had anything called heat up in Wa. State so far this year.

Be careful of heat stroke!  It may feel like your in the tropics after the winter you have had. 

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2014-04-02 11:34 AM lsousa
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