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2010-04-23 7:18 AM
in reply to: #2809576

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

runnergirl - 2010-04-22 5:58 AM A lot of people have recommended that I get some ear plugs for the CDA swim so the cold water won't make me dizzy.  Has anyone done the CDA with ear plugs?  If so which ones do you recommend?  I've never had to wear ear plugs before and have no idea which ones work better.

I swim in Lake CDA 3 or 4 times a week during the summer (May through Sept) and I always wear ear plugs.  Just got in the habit years ago to prevent dizziness and have never had a problem since then.  Any silicone type plug should work fine. 

I've been watching this thread so I can live a little vicariously through all of you.  Won't be racing with you this year but am captain of the Medical tent.  Hopefully none of you will need to come see me but if you want to hobble by after the race and say hi that'd be great!  Good luck in your training and travels.

2010-04-23 7:54 AM
in reply to: #2811516

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The Original
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Baowolf - 2010-04-22 11:18 PM Well, went to the sports doc today.  He said I have a calf tear and recommended no running for  1 month.... with CDA 2 months away.   So that will give me 1 month of walk run building before the race.... not ideal.  I might be able to pull off a run walk thing for CDA.  I will just have to see how that all goes.  

Aside from that we had snow yesterday... and I got a flat on my trainer!  Sigh.

Ouch!  Sorry to hear about your calf tear.  At least it should heal up before the race so you can do the run/walk.

Hve you considered aqua jogging?  I've known several BT'ers who aqua jogged during IM due to injuries and were able to run decent IM marathons.  Aqua jogging is the best way to maintain your run fitness without actually running.
2010-04-23 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2811796

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

runnergirl - 2010-04-23 8:54 AM
Baowolf - 2010-04-22 11:18 PM Well, went to the sports doc today.  He said I have a calf tear and recommended no running for  1 month.... with CDA 2 months away.   So that will give me 1 month of walk run building before the race.... not ideal.  I might be able to pull off a run walk thing for CDA.  I will just have to see how that all goes.  

Aside from that we had snow yesterday... and I got a flat on my trainer!  Sigh.

Ouch!  Sorry to hear about your calf tear.  At least it should heal up before the race so you can do the run/walk.

Hve you considered aqua jogging?  I've known several BT'ers who aqua jogged during IM due to injuries and were able to run decent IM marathons.  Aqua jogging is the best way to maintain your run fitness without actually running.

You can maintain cardio fitness equivalent to running via aqua jogging, but not muscular fitness.  I would recommend a combo of aqua jogging and run/walking when cleared from your doc. Keep your chin up-you never know what will happen.

2010-04-23 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2236122

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
The problem with aqua jogging is that the closest pool is 100 miles away.. each way.  I am allowed to walk all I want,  so , so I will probably be just doing that.  I am getting in 10 hours a week of bike and swim, so if I add in 2-3 hours of walking I should start to approach a training plan.   
2010-04-23 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2812168

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The Original
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Baowolf - 2010-04-23 11:11 AM The problem with aqua jogging is that the closest pool is 100 miles away.. each way.  I am allowed to walk all I want,  so , so I will probably be just doing that.  I am getting in 10 hours a week of bike and swim, so if I add in 2-3 hours of walking I should start to approach a training plan.   

YIKES!  100 miles!  Ok- so that would explain your endless pool
2010-04-23 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Yep, all last year I drove 200 miles twice a week to get my swims in in the winter.  The local outdoor small pool is only open for about 2 months, maybe 7 weeks in the summer. Having the Swimex in my home saved me 8 hours of driving to the pool weekly and well pool hours are no longer an issue.  Now if I could just figure out how to swim faster... that would be cool. 

I tried jogging in the pool against the current, to reduce the impact, but my leg is not up to that.  Maybe in a month I can expand my recovery with jogging in my 5 fingers in the pool against he current to reduce impact.  We shall see. 

Edited by Baowolf 2010-04-23 5:00 PM

2010-04-24 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

My family and I do not do a lot of travelling in RV parks, so I anted to throw this question out there becuz it seems a bit shady....

We made a reservation at the Cedar Park Motel & RV Park a few months ago. The agreement was we would send in a cheque for 50% of what we owed for our 4 night stay, I got some bizarre story about why they do not take credit cards... but whatever, sometimes smaller businesses do that. So today, I receive an e-mail from the owner that our payment is due, in full by May 15th, again via cheque. Is this a normal operating procedure? I'm guessing at a busy time like IM the businesses are trying to cover their butts... but seems weird and I really do not want to drive all the way there from Canada to find out we've been screwed over. If anyone has experience with travelling and could let me know what they think I'd feel much better... have enough to worry about in terms of training, I don't want to worry about our accomodations too!!

2010-04-24 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

You might check online with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been logged against them.....

2010-04-25 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2236122

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Anyone on here have some advice about ITB issues?? I've dealt with them before, but always post race, never in the middle of training for something when it's do or die time...

Last weekend my training came to a halt as my 28 km run turned into an exercise in pain management at 20 km. I took it easy this week, lots of icing, stretching once the pain subsided, rode the bike really easy yesterday to test it out a bit, it felt okay but now I'm scared. 9 weeks until race day... going to do a treadmill run today to see how things feel, but not sure how to ease back into training, I'm in panic mode but I need to be smart right now, or I will be walking a marathon:-(
2010-04-25 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2814871

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
bheemeryck - 2010-04-25 11:17 AM

Anyone on here have some advice about ITB issues?? I've dealt with them before, but always post race, never in the middle of training for something when it's do or die time...

Last weekend my training came to a halt as my 28 km run turned into an exercise in pain management at 20 km. I took it easy this week, lots of icing, stretching once the pain subsided, rode the bike really easy yesterday to test it out a bit, it felt okay but now I'm scared. 9 weeks until race day... going to do a treadmill run today to see how things feel, but not sure how to ease back into training, I'm in panic mode but I need to be smart right now, or I will be walking a marathon:-(

Try a foam roller. You can find youtube videos on how to use the roller. My sports Doc recommended it and it has worked well for me.

Good luck!
2010-04-25 4:38 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Foam roller and stretching the hips!

I fought IBT issues for 7 months last year.  I know your pain.  The pain may be in the outside of the knee, but the cause is in the hips.

Edited by Scottt 2010-04-25 4:38 PM

2010-04-25 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Hope things turn out with te ITB.  If not you can join me on the walking the marathon club 8).  Injuries for huge events like an IM sooo suck.  Huge time, mental energy, $$, just sucks to be such high stakes and then have something go wrong.  Have heat on my calf atm, I also feel your pain.  Was able to walk 3 miles today woot !

2010-04-26 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2814871

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Wrong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
"Anyone on here have some advice about ITB issues?? I've dealt with them before, but always post race, never in the middle of training for something when it's do or die time... 

Last weekend my training came to a halt as my 28 km run turned into an exercise in pain management at 20 km. I took it easy this week, lots of icing, stretching once the pain subsided, rode the bike really easy yesterday to test it out a bit, it felt okay but now I'm scared. 9 weeks until race day... going to do a treadmill run today to see how things feel, but not sure how to ease back into training, I'm in panic mode but I need to be smart right now, or I will be walking a marathon:-(
Having worked through ITB issues all last Spring/Summer, I can tell you one thing - don't push it.  If its giving you grief, give it rest - continuing to run will only aggravate it worse.  

Stretching seemed to help me considerably, as did adopting a more POSE-style run methodology.  I've been clear of any ITB issues since September.  I know from speaking to other tri-folks that the foam roller can work wonders, as well as trigger-point therapy.  

Now, if I could just get over the medial achilles tendinopathy that has brought my run training to a complete halt lately, everything would be golden!  On the flip side, doing no running has forced to to get in my mega distance rides with no plausible excuse, so there's some silver-lining to injuries in preparing for a multisport event.  61 days and closing fast.... :)


Edited by TheWolf 2010-04-26 1:12 PM
2010-04-26 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2809421

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
D-Smoke - 2010-04-22 8:16 AM Quote KKCBELLE "Me, tomorrow I'm off to CDA for a training camp with my coach's mentor and several other local athletes. Have never been to CDA, and I am looking forward to running and riding the course. We won't be doing any lake swims, just two pool workouts. But I hope I can stick my hand in the lake, at least!! The weather looks lovely on Thurs/Fri. Saturday we are biking the course, so I hope the rain holds off!" I am very jealous of your training camp. Please share all the details so I may live vicariously through you. That goes for all you other folks able to train on the course as well. I love hearing the details!

You can check my logs for the weekend, and if you're still interested in reading all about the weekend I'll point you to the super-long post I left in my MG.

But it was a great weekend and I logged about 20 hours of training. I know the bike and run courses like the back of my hand now (save a few city streets on the bike leg, which we cut out). First afternoon there we slowly biked the run course (and out to the bike turnaround at Higgins Point, twice, to hit about 2 hours), stopping to discuss transition areas, run turn-around, etc. Then we did a T-run on the course. Saturday we did a pool workout, then biked a loop of the bike course (plus filler to Higgins Point again to hit 4 hours), then did a 60-minute T-run on the run course. Saturday we swam and then biked the full bike course (well, I only hit 108 miles due to cutting some streets out in town) in some crazy-heavy-windy weather (plus some rain/hail for good measure). Sunday we did a long run on the run course before heading home. Great for the confidence and really cool to know the course now. I did go in the lake three times... for ice baths!!! I'd go and soak my legs for about 5-10 minutes when training was done. The water is BRRRRRRRRRRR right now!!

Can't wait to get back there in June. It's gonna rock. 
2010-04-27 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2236122

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Thanks for the advice... been doing an anti inflammation diet/supplements, icing, foam rollering, strectching, hip strengthening exercises, so now my fingers are crossed that it starts to work. Did a light run on the weekend on the treadmill, and have done two easy rides, so far so good. Now I just need to try to get my head mentally back in the game, I almost feel like I"ve just given up. 60 days to go...
2010-04-28 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
For those of you who have booked a place to stay, have people been charging you "Ironman Participant Fees / Tax"?

Is this a legitamite fee or are these people just taking advantage of us coming into town for the weekend?

2010-04-28 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Colorful Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Call me slow, but I just discovered this thread.  I did IM CDA in 2009, and it was so much fun, I'm back to do it again in 2010.  Like everyone else, I am always tired and hungry right now.  In fact, yesterday, I came home from swimming and made an huge salami and mayo sandwich with pickles -- sounds gross but boy did it hit the spot.

Good luck to everybody training, especially everyone nursing injuries.
2010-04-28 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
The IM tax sounds like BS to me.  I don't think they have the right to ask what activities you are doing in the area unless they work for the FBI or something.  "Oh well, if you are fishing it is x price, but if you are shopping it is y price but if you are IM ing it  Z + $100 price.  Seriously the itty 10x10 cabin thing that rents for $80 a night the week before going for $800 a night is a tad bit of a markup already dontchathink.  I mean like sure mark it up some... but really that much?  Yaya I know free market, I'll be in a tent for $35 a night or whatever.  I will buy a good post race meal for $765 to make up the difference 8).  

I am way behind on everything due to my calf and all.  But I will eak out 440 ish miles on the bike, not great but shrug.  I am just happy the doc is letting me walk.  So I plan to walk 25 miles or so this week 8).  It is so nice just to be a movin along the road in my runnin shoes.  

How's everyone else doin with tranin?     
2010-04-28 8:04 PM
in reply to: #2814256

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
bheemeryck - 2010-04-24 5:36 PM

My family and I do not do a lot of travelling in RV parks, so I anted to throw this question out there becuz it seems a bit shady....

We made a reservation at the Cedar Park Motel & RV Park a few months ago. The agreement was we would send in a cheque for 50% of what we owed for our 4 night stay, I got some bizarre story about why they do not take credit cards... but whatever, sometimes smaller businesses do that. So today, I receive an e-mail from the owner that our payment is due, in full by May 15th, again via cheque. Is this a normal operating procedure? I'm guessing at a busy time like IM the businesses are trying to cover their butts... but seems weird and I really do not want to drive all the way there from Canada to find out we've been screwed over. If anyone has experience with travelling and could let me know what they think I'd feel much better... have enough to worry about in terms of training, I don't want to worry about our accomodations too!!

Hello Becky:

My husband and I are renting the same house we rented last year. It's a wonderful place, and they have asked for 1/2 payment last year and the remainder plus damage deposit (which will be returned) was paid end of March (so I am thinking that there is precedence). One difference, perhaps, is that they sent a contract that outlined their responsibilities and ours. See if you can get them to send a receipt or a contract or any piece of paper that proves you paid.

2010-04-28 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I called the RV park today and chatted with the owner, explained my concerns and they will send me a confirmation. I feel a little better about that now, thank-you for the response.

Now I just have to find my motivation, it seems to have abandoned me this evening.... supposed to do a ride and it's snowing outside so I guess it's down to the dungeon I must go...
2010-04-29 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Wow, I just had my butt handed to me my bike today.  The wind is brutal!  Still better than the trainer which I have done way to much of this April....

There was some chatter this past month regarding the nutriton sponsor on IMCDA course.  Are there any updates.  I think someone mentioned PowerAide?

2010-04-29 2:54 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Hugo, MN
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I guess now's as good a time as any to post up.  Are we 8 weeks out now?  The toughest part of training is about to come up, but I am very excited. 
The only major setback I've had so far was a spectacular solo crash last Friday.  I'm mostly healed up, but the bike shop is still inspecting my frame *fingers crossed*. 
IMCDA is going to be
awesome.  I get jazzed just reading the St. George posts right now and trying to imagine what some of them are feeling. 
Soon enough!

Edited by silentcs42 2010-04-29 2:55 PM
2010-04-29 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2746950

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

mallen4574 - 2010-03-25 1:11 AM Had some interesting news tonight at a local tri club meeting.  We had the IMCda race director speak and he told us about a few changes to the race this year.

2.  There most likely will not be practice swims this year due to insurance reasons.  Apparently WTC is involved in a couple of ongoing law suits, primarily in Florida and Wisconsin and this made it too expensive to host these practice swims.
Just thought I would share these things.  Surprises the week of the race are never good.
Happy training everyone. 

Has anyone heard anything new on the practice swims?  Will we still be able to swim on Friday and Saturday even if they are not officially sponsored?

58 days and counting!

2010-04-29 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Meh pleanty of time left yet then.... I think I won't even bother working on my run for another 3 weeks then.  Although biking is sorely lacking... at least my neck is sore one even these short 70 milers, gona have to be going longer soon.  I wish that darn 20+ mph wind would stop on my bike days and well that the temp would be 60+ also, and that it would stop snowing 8)..  
2010-04-29 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2236122

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Salt Lake City
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I was up in CDA last weekend at the multisport camp led by Paula Newby-Frasure.  Some of the people involved in organizing and running the race were there too.  They told us that the bouys would be up each morning for swim practice (starting Thursday, I think), but that it wouldn't be sponsored by anyone due to insurance reasons.  Thus, you can practice the swim course, but can't check your bag in or count on a kayaker to save you.

The multisport camp was great by the way.  We did a long hard ride in the wind and rain, (one loop plus some).  It was tough, but gave me a good feel for what was in store (a whole lot of steep climbing)!  We also did one loop of the run.  Not as flat as it looks by the way.  There is quite a long climb before the turn around, so I highly recommend doing hill repeats and running some courses with long gradual elevations (you've probably heard that before!). 

They told us other stuff about the race, so I may be able to answer some questions (but then again, maybe not).

Happy training!


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