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2013-12-21 11:01 AM
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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by karen26.2

I'm guessing the email toggle will show up when we go live. Right now we are in stealth mode I think.I tried training & racing with HR and it just does not work for me. Running yes, but biking I never figured it out. Maybe because I ride mostly hills so it spikes for the climbs, but quickly drops at the top and then is basically not even bottom Z1 on the downhills. Average at the end of rides (both training & racing) would be Z1 - leading me to believe I went too easy. But my legs would be dead for the run.

Indoor training was better with HR, but then i could never figure out how to coorelate it for outdoors.

Hence the reason I finally bought a power meter. I think it's going to be a game changer! (Hoping anyway...)

Here is an interesting chart.
It's a workout i did this week. I had to do 7x3' @ VO2max

The bottom line, nice and symetrical was my power. I was using a computrainer that 'forced' me at a pre-determined power level that is why it is so smooth On a trainer may have been a little more jagged but still smooth

The upper line is my HR. For the first 25min, the two kind of follow each other. As my power went up, so did my HR

But look at when I started doing the hard intervals, My HR didn't peak until well into the interval. Imagine trying to do these intervals with HR. It would be really hard.

This was a hard workout. Yet, my average HR was about 4-5 beats lower than I would race HIM, Those VO2 intervals may have been like some of your steeper climbs.

There are a bunch of things we will go over as this group evolves. For example, that VI number. While it make sense in this type of workout for it to be greater than 1.0, but for your hilly IM efforts, you will learn how to pace to keep it low

You will learn the difference between the average power I produced (213 here) and Normalized power (236w)

What is interesting here is the 213w average power and 136average BPM do kind of line up. But the 236w normalized power was the real physioligal cost to my body, not the 213w.

I am getting ahead of myself, just throwing out things we will cover as this goes along

Step 1 is to get everyone setup so Shane can give us workouts to do that we can then look at and learn from.

Edited by marcag 2013-12-21 11:12 AM

2013-12-21 1:05 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Hi Everyone, if you have any folks drop out and a spot in the group opens I would be interested in joining. Thx, Lynne
2013-12-21 3:38 PM
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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Name: Mitch

Story: Was big into cycling in my high school years. Got out of shape in the 90's and 00's. In 2007 began getting back into shape. Started with spin classes, then mountain biking. Then a client taught me about shorter tri's and I did my first sprint. Then got into running. My endurance track was delayed through a 3rd child and some injuries. Had a great running year last year - big PR in the HM distance. Looking to get back to tri's in earnest next year and want to improve my cycling.

Current Training: Been taking a few weeks easy. Ready to get back into it. Want to keep running consistently with biking. Need to swim 2 to 3 days a week.

2013 Races: Spring HM and Fall HM (5 min PR!!!)

2014 Races: Maybe a sprint tri in June, modified half (Battle of Waterloo in Michigan) in August, maybe a 70.3 in September and a couple or three HMs sprinked in for fun (April, June and October).

Weightloss: I had gotten down to 151 for my fall HM. Would like to get back there and mayber to high 140's.

What would make me a good mentee: I want to learn but like being in groups and motivating the team. Overly religious about logging workouts and usually very good about keeping up with dialog on the message board.

Equipment: Trek 1500 with a soon to be installed Power2Max. Trainer is a Kurt Kinetic. Have aero bars on the bike, No computer nearby the bike (but big fan is there!) Already have Golden Cheetah installed on my desktop and have loaded a bike trainer ride on it with virtual power file created by SportTracks.

Edited by trisuppo 2013-12-21 4:09 PM
2013-12-21 4:02 PM
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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by cdkayak

Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by cdkayak

Is this your first full ? Are you on a specific plan ?

Yup, first full!

Right now I've been working on the bike and maintaining the run. I'll be following the Endurance Nation 20 week plan starting 3/10. Was planning on doing a BT maintenance plan with bike & run focus to lead into that starting in Jan. I'll revise that once I see how it will tie in with what we'll be doing here.

FWIW, I am doing the ST100/100 challenge to keep my run going. Between that and this you'd probably be in pretty good shape when March rolls around

Marc - I too am working in the ST 100/100 challenge. Tough first week due to needing to cram for a regulatory license test requirement...lost two days of running due to late nights of studying. I find that as I get older I can't compromise on sleep and expect to remain healthy. The stresses of work, family, and training can negatively affect the body if you cut corners on basic health (diet, sleep, etc.).

Edited by trisuppo 2013-12-21 4:03 PM
2013-12-21 5:09 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by marcagare a bunch of things we will go over as this group evolves. For example, that VI number. While it make sense in this type of workout for it to be greater than 1.0, but for your hilly IM efforts, you will learn how to pace to keep it low

And on the other extreme, I just got done with a group ride where my VI was 1.31.  Lots of variation between short hard VO2 efforts (and above), steady tempo/threshold, and easy spinning. 



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2013-12-21 5:57 PM
in reply to: marcag

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

The upper line is my HR. For the first 25min, the two kind of follow each other. As my power went up, so did my HR

But look at when I started doing the hard intervals, My HR didn't peak until well into the interval. Imagine trying to do these intervals with HR. It would be really hard.

This was a hard workout. Yet, my average HR was about 4-5 beats lower than I would race HIM, Those VO2 intervals may have been like some of your steeper climbs.

This is just fascinating to me!

I am trying to absorb just this chart and thinking that some things that I thought to be true about HR on the bike really are true -especially when it comes to evaluating physiological costs.

I will now buy a few books on power. I have so many of Coggan's articles printed out so I must buy the book, truly a bible. I have followed the thread on 'training with power'-which is about the book by Skiba, so I'll get that one too.

Any other books recommended?

BTW, here's a fun thread where Skiba and Coggan make some comments on ST long ago

The book on LT training by Janssen also fascinated me years ago. This should be an incredible journey. I want my wheel back right now (with my PM installed!)

2013-12-21 6:10 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by dtoce

Any other books recommended?

Between Skiba's and Cogann's books you have a lot covered.

We will try to not totally geek this group out too quickly so as to not intimidate people but what I am hoping is that you guys will "get it" looking at your own data. To read about it is one thing. To feel it is another.

Gonna be fun !!
2013-12-21 6:16 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by trisuppo

Marc - I too am working in the ST 100/100 challenge. Tough first week due to needing to cram for a regulatory license test requirement...lost two days of running due to late nights of studying. I find that as I get older I can't compromise on sleep and expect to remain healthy. The stresses of work, family, and training can negatively affect the body if you cut corners on basic health (diet, sleep, etc.).

Welcome Mitch

You have lots of time to do some catching up. Doubles are great for that 1/2 hr in the morning 1/2 hr at night. To hit 70 or 80 is really good.

This is my 3rd year doing it. I usually start off strong, fall of a bit and finish strong. This year I am doing it with some small foot problems so going easy at first rather than make things worst.
2013-12-21 6:43 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by trisuppo

Marc - I too am working in the ST 100/100 challenge. Tough first week due to needing to cram for a regulatory license test requirement...lost two days of running due to late nights of studying. I find that as I get older I can't compromise on sleep and expect to remain healthy. The stresses of work, family, and training can negatively affect the body if you cut corners on basic health (diet, sleep, etc.).

Welcome Mitch

You have lots of time to do some catching up. Doubles are great for that 1/2 hr in the morning 1/2 hr at night. To hit 70 or 80 is really good.

This is my 3rd year doing it. I usually start off strong, fall of a bit and finish strong. This year I am doing it with some small foot problems so going easy at first rather than make things worst.

I have an odd double planned in the morning, - running to the local mall, waiting in line for 1.5 hours to make an appt for my 3 year old to visit with Santa later in the day and then running home. I also host a run club for my 11 year old and her friends on Sunday afternoons. 3 miles very easy. Are we allowed to have triples?
2013-12-21 11:00 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Been traveling and just catching up on BT. I'm looking forward to learning a lot with this group.

Name: Kim

Story: Did my first tri about 7 years ago. I don't race a lot but have done a number of sprints and oly's over the years, plus a handful of HMs and one marathon. I did my first 70.3 (Patriot in MA) last year. It was a learning experience. I've struggled with injuries in the past, usually when ramping up run mileage. Out of the 3 disciplines, I enjoy biking the most and believe its my greatest opportunity to improve

Current training: I'm running about 20 mpw and following an approximation of the BarryP plan. 5-6 runs. Longest run is currently 5-7 miles. I'm running as much on trails as possible right now. I just started getting back on the trainer a couple hours a week. My plan is to ramp that up over the winter, hence the interest in this group. Last year I did a lot of z2 training indoors over the winter but not enough intensity given the amount of time spent.

2013: Patriot 70.3 and while not a race I did a Gran Fondo that had 8k+ climbing. That ride was probably the most enjoyable event I've ever done.

2014: Some shorter trail races this winter. Signed up for Timberman in August. I'll probably do the NJ Fondo again in Sept. I also have a guaranteed entry into the NYC marathon.

Weight loss: I'm up a few lbs right now at 130 but will drop once I get back into a routine. Last year I got a little thin at 122 lbs. 5'10". I struggle with nutrition and have to work at eating well.

Equipment: I'm still riding a 2006 Specialized Roubaix. It's really more of a touring bike geometry-wise but I've just added clip-ons for races. Garmin 910, cadence sensor, cycle ops fluid2. I ride with VP and trainer road when inside.

My logs are up to date. I'm looking forward to getting smart about how I spend my time on the bike. Thanks for the opportunity.

2013-12-22 12:06 AM
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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Edited by braciole 2013-12-23 9:03 AM

2013-12-22 7:25 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by trisuppo
I have an odd double planned in the morning, - running to the local mall, waiting in line for 1.5 hours to make an appt for my 3 year old to visit with Santa later in the day and then running home. I also host a run club for my 11 year old and her friends on Sunday afternoons. 3 miles very easy. Are we allowed to have triples?

Yes, triples are allowed. I think the rule is there has to be at least 1 hour between runs
In 2012 I did it. The last week I was in Paris and about 6 runs short. I would run 1/2hour. drink coffee and watch people on the Champs Elysees for an hour, run 1/ make up my runs.
2013-12-22 7:27 AM
in reply to: braciole

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by braciole

2014 RACES: Disney Marathon, probably the same two sprints and Olympic that I did last year, Survival of the Shawanagunks

Welcome DJ. It probably will ne hard to do both, but hey, it will never be too late to start when you are ready
2013-12-22 7:31 AM
in reply to: kcarroll

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by kcarroll

Been traveling and just catching up on BT. I'm looking forward to learning a lot with this group.

Welcome Kim !

Kim, Jason, Neil, Nicole and I are all part of SBR Utopia group which is always fun and where everyone is always welcome. Some fun and knowledgeable people in there to talk about general stuff.

2013-12-22 8:40 AM
in reply to: marcag

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by marcag

You are going to be the most aero on the trainer !

"This, or this?"

2013-12-22 9:33 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Thank you Marc for letting me join the group.

My name is Lynne and 2014 will be my 3rd year doing tris. I'm a 47 year old married mom of one lovely daughter. I have a full time job in the operating room as a CRNA, so I'm at work by 6am with no set finish time, usually its between 4-5pm when I get home.

Last year my big race was the Door County Half Ironman. I volunteered at IMWI and signed up for 2014. A week after that, my mom had a major stroke. The months following that, my training ground to a halt. I still did some running, but being there for my mom (and dad) as she went through rehab/hospice was all I could focus on. I've been having a very hard time motivating since then. Also, its the busiest time of year at work because everyone wants their surgery while their deductible is met.

During this hectic time, I had a power meter installed on my bike. I've done a handful of rides and did the threshold test. I have a coach, but she is fairly new to power meters also. I've got a couple books, but really need the power meters for dummies version.
My BT training log is mostly empty because I have been keeping my log at Garmin Connect and trying to figure out the best program for my Mac computer that I can understand. Lynne

2013-12-22 11:38 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Arlington, VA
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
So I was trying to set up GC like you showed in the youtube video, and I think I did everything you showed. But I was wondering if it is possible to upload from a Garmin 910 directly? I see things like download from strava or download from training peaks, but I was hoping I wouldnt have to go the extra roundabout step of uploading it only to download it again.

I see "Download from Device" but there is no option available for Garminy things.
2013-12-22 12:02 PM
in reply to: __sugar__

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

One quick post from a lurker.  

Can't tell you how psyched I am that you both decided to do this mentor group.  I've been riding with power for about a year and half and feel like I'm about half way to really getting as much as I'd like out of it, so vicariously learning through this group is high on my list!

I have a HM in late Feb, so I'm on a run focus, but I'm hoping to integrate some of what y'all do into my riding the next couple months, too (otherwise I'd have been one of the first knocking on the door for this one, but I didn't want to jump in if I couldn't focus as much on the bike as I am guessing you will).

Anywho, Marc and Shane: many thanks.  I suspect a LOT of the BT community will be lurking and learning.  I know I will!

That is all - I'll stop cluttering your thread now (jumps behind a tree and hides whilst looking on).   


2013-12-22 12:48 PM
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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Originally posted by __sugar__ So I was trying to set up GC like you showed in the youtube video, and I think I did everything you showed. But I was wondering if it is possible to upload from a Garmin 910 directly? I see things like download from strava or download from training peaks, but I was hoping I wouldnt have to go the extra roundabout step of uploading it only to download it again. I see "Download from Device" but there is no option available for Garminy things.

You can import .gpx files (when you upload to Garmin Connect, a file also gets saved on your computer, which can be imported to GC).  The only thing about that is that you won't be able to use Golden Cheetah for creating and executing workouts.  That's the way I've been using GC since I bought my power meter....still trying to figure out how to get GC to find my devices.  

If anyone's had issues and been able to resolve them, I'd be grateful for some hints.  Mine can't seem to find the devices.  I suspect it may be that the ANT Agent is enabled, but I'm not sure how to disable it....hah!

Edit: ANT Agent is what allows one to upload to Garmin Connect....if I'd realized that, it would have been very easy to disable.  I think everything is working now.

Edited by ligersandtions 2013-12-22 1:05 PM
2013-12-22 1:29 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by __sugar__ So I was trying to set up GC like you showed in the youtube video, and I think I did everything you showed. But I was wondering if it is possible to upload from a Garmin 910 directly? I see things like download from strava or download from training peaks, but I was hoping I wouldnt have to go the extra roundabout step of uploading it only to download it again. I see "Download from Device" but there is no option available for Garminy things.

You can import .gpx files (when you upload to Garmin Connect, a file also gets saved on your computer, which can be imported to GC).  The only thing about that is that you won't be able to use Golden Cheetah for creating and executing workouts.  That's the way I've been using GC since I bought my power meter....still trying to figure out how to get GC to find my devices.  

If anyone's had issues and been able to resolve them, I'd be grateful for some hints.  Mine can't seem to find the devices.  I suspect it may be that the ANT Agent is enabled, but I'm not sure how to disable it....hah!

Edit: ANT Agent is what allows one to upload to Garmin Connect....if I'd realized that, it would have been very easy to disable.  I think everything is working now.

Hi Nicole,

Did you get it to work ? I posted a youtube video for disabling the ant+ agent but I suspect you figured it out.

Did you manage to use the training tab in GC ?

2013-12-22 1:29 PM
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Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.

Edited by marcag 2013-12-22 1:39 PM

2013-12-22 1:39 PM
in reply to: __sugar__

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by __sugar__

So I was trying to set up GC like you showed in the youtube video, and I think I did everything you showed. But I was wondering if it is possible to upload from a Garmin 910 directly? I see things like download from strava or download from training peaks, but I was hoping I wouldnt have to go the extra roundabout step of uploading it only to download it again.

I see "Download from Device" but there is no option available for Garminy things.


Go To the "Activity" Menu -> Import from File
On my disk it's in c:\Users\Marc\AppData\Roaming\Garmin\Devices\1123640\History

There you will find a bunch of workout files

AppData is a "hidden"
Marc will be different on your PC
1123640 will be unique to your 910 so will be different

Let me know if that works for you

2013-12-22 1:40 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

One quick post from a lurker.  

Can't tell you how psyched I am that you both decided to do this mentor group.  I've been riding with power for about a year and half and feel like I'm about half way to really getting as much as I'd like out of it, so vicariously learning through this group is high on my list!

I have a HM in late Feb, so I'm on a run focus, but I'm hoping to integrate some of what y'all do into my riding the next couple months, too (otherwise I'd have been one of the first knocking on the door for this one, but I didn't want to jump in if I couldn't focus as much on the bike as I am guessing you will).

Anywho, Marc and Shane: many thanks.  I suspect a LOT of the BT community will be lurking and learning.  I know I will!

That is all - I'll stop cluttering your thread now (jumps behind a tree and hides whilst looking on).   



anytime, any question, you are welcome here.
2013-12-22 3:04 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.
Goldent Cheetah will be used for several things

a) One will be as a tool in which to do workouts. We will give you a workout file and you do the workout. It's an environment a lot like TR
  • You can do the workouts outdoors and the analysis post workout

  • b) Another use of GC is as an analysis tool. You can analyze a workout you did in the training tab or you can download a file from your Garmin

    c) There are other cool features in GC we will learn to use such as the Aerolab tool for analyzing your aerodynamics

    There are cool features like a CP calculator which you will use pretty quickly. Shane to provide more info very soon
    Once we get going, we can even create a Strava group and upload our workouts there.
    If Jason provides Hawaii video we can watch those in the trainer tab.

    Here is the youtube video on downloading and installing GC, and configuring a trainer to be able to use the training tab

    Here is the youtube on disabling the Ant+ Agent. THis is necessary so the training tab can use the USB Ant stick to communicate with the trainer

    Here is a youtube of doing a workout

    We will be providing workout files that you will load into the training tab and just ride. This is a quick example of a session

    Give me feedback if these are useful, overwhelming, too fast, too slow.....

    We are throwing a lot at you. The idea is for us to get the tools in place, everyone be comfortable with them and then we can really start.

    We will take the time to get everyone up and running.

    AND very important....ignore the power levels in these videos. We will all have different power levels. Some will think these are the levels of a wimp, others will think they need PEDs to achieve them. They are just examples.

    The one thing I can promise is follow this mentor group, put in the efforts and you will be faster. Guaranteed !!!

    2013-12-22 3:41 PM
    in reply to: marcag

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    Melbourne FL
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    Subject: RE: Power Mentor Group with Shane & Marc - Closed.



    Not sure if I missed it, but what duration (months) are we looking at for this group?

    Also, how many times per week are we looking at?

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