BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket) Rss Feed  
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2015-11-25 9:51 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by rrrunner

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racing Manatees!!!

November 26-29
Melanie - Sticks & Biscuits Thanksgiving Day 5K on Thursday
Janyne- Ridgewood Turkey Trot 8k on Thursday
Chris - EACF Turkey Trot on Thursday
Ann-Marie - Space Coast HM on Sunday

Disabled List
Mary S. - post-concussion syndrome
Lisa - broken ankle on the mend, three more weeks of the boot
Ben - clavical.  still in sling prison.
Judi - under the weather
Gunnar - nasal issues, CT scan on Monday

Good luck racers and hang in there DL'ers.  Hope to see you all dropping off that list soon.

I'm doing this race tomorrow though I use the word "race" pretty loosely.


Ha! Enjoy!

Good luck and have fun racers!
Take care and have rest DL's!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone I am done with cooking for today... Waking up super early tomorrow to deal with my very first turkey prep.
I wish you all a wonderful time!
Mary G

2015-11-26 6:13 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Thanks so much for the Black Friday info--about to bite the bullet on a power meter and Garmin and was looking at Power2Max anyway. After a lot of back and forth with new coach and others, have finally figured out what I need to order. Might actually do it tomorrow or over the weekend if the site will take my credit card. It will be nice to have Santa bring me something like that for Christmas.

No Thanksgiving festivities here today as it's a normal workday. Admin forgot to alert the (Australian/French/Vietnamese) cafeteria management to make turkey. Even my Vietnamese and Malaysian students were displeased with that! (They don't really have a clue about the holiday, but they like turkey!) Staff get-together on Saturday.

On the subject of immigration and changing names, my grandmother had her first name changed when she came through Ellis Island in the late 1920's. It was actually "Lecia" (German nickname for Elizabeth, kind of like "Lizzy") but somehow it got written down as "Louisa". She didn't know much English then, so she thought that was just the way Americans spelled/pronounced her name. She was Louisa all the way through her life in the US (from her early 20's on) to her death at nearly 90. "Louisa" is on her gravestone. No one--even her kids, or me, her only grandchild, knew that wasn't her name until after the fall of the Berlin Wall (much of my mother's family was stuck on the Eastern side) and we visited the East German relatives. We talked family history with the elders and everyone was talking about "Lecia". They were astounded when my mom asked who Lecia was, and they told her, "Your mother!"

Maybe you can add me back to the DL. My right arm has apparently decided to get back for all the attention the left one got a couple of years ago (when three doctors and a PT never could decide if I fractured my elbow or not when I tripped over a brick while running. I still don't know, but got better after about three months and to my knowledge it now functions normally.) Kayak-induced tendinitis is gone, but got a tricep cramp at the end of my workout Monday and now it acts up every time I try to swim. Have tried ice and stretching to no avail. Any advice appreciated!

Edited by Hot Runner 2015-11-26 6:15 AM
2015-11-26 7:42 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by Hot Runner

Maybe you can add me back to the DL. My right arm has apparently decided to get back for all the attention the left one got a couple of years ago (when three doctors and a PT never could decide if I fractured my elbow or not when I tripped over a brick while running. I still don't know, but got better after about three months and to my knowledge it now functions normally.) Kayak-induced tendinitis is gone, but got a tricep cramp at the end of my workout Monday and now it acts up every time I try to swim. Have tried ice and stretching to no avail. Any advice appreciated!
I find that for me cramping issues are cause d by lack of magnesium g this get worse at certain times of the month).
2015-11-26 7:45 AM
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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Happy thanksgiving everyone. For those of you running this morning I hope you have a great time.

I didn't manage to get time to make the pumpkin pies or muffins, just too busy with work. I am really thankful that my boss is leaving and I will be even more thankful when we stop finding and having to put out the fires that she has created in her incompetence. I think boss will be thankful for that too.

Praying for your friends Chris.

Also more fires around our country this week that have killed another 3 people. More around our city too. From now until the end of March it kind of becomes a matter of where are the fires today as opposed to are there any.

Edited by StaceyK 2015-11-26 7:56 AM
2015-11-26 7:53 AM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
So Karen's hooked up with a power meter and a new Garmin. What's on everyone else's Black Friday/cyber Monday list?

Nothing for me this year. The Australia/USA exchange rate has gone to and Phil hasn't had any work for around a month so no Black Friday buy up for me Also I told myself no more buying tri stuff until I have done a solid months training.
2015-11-26 8:38 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Karen's situation reminds me of the year DS2 was in Hong Kong for Thanksgiving and had his usual Chinese fair to eat. Like you he got together with other Americans on the weekend.I think my only Black Friday purchase will be a food processor. I killed mine a few days ago and decided to spend the money to get a good one this time so I'm going to use BBB's 20% off coupon for that. Several years ago I used to burn through several hand held mixers each year until we finally spent the money on a good stand mixer. So when I killed yet another food processor (making GF wrap dough) DH and I decided it was time to go with quality on that too. I'm looking at the Breville Sous Chef but if anyone has one that they put through lots of use I'm open to suggestions. I looked at the Ninja blender/fp combo but the bowl is too small.Missing my sailor today but I'm happy that he gets to spend the day with his cousin rather than at the chow hall on base.Happy Thanksgiving all!!!!

2015-11-26 9:22 AM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Happy thanksgiving to everyone down south of me - some of you aren't exactly 'south' but still. 

Good luck for turkey trotting and then getting filled up on yummy yummy food!

I finally got back at it yesterday with my swim group! YAY! Felt so good to do it. But i had three coffees yesterday and just felt off for the afternoon. Oops

I love the family stories - my parents were both born in Canada but have siblings born in the Netherlands (yes, both sides are Dutch. Other than the fact I am not tall i could easily blend in on the streets in any Dutch city) - my grandmother was actually pregnant with my dad when they took the boat over! And! they already had 7 children. That is some craziness. But just goes to show. They had lived in occupied Holland through the war and then it seemed it would never recover. 

Anyway, I could go on an on but it's actually the nice part of being second-generation is that the stories are much closer. My maternal grandmother is still alive and recently wrote down her war memories which they would never share with the kids. I guess it was all too fresh then. 

As for Black Friday sales - it's only a recent thing here but i will be partaking - going over to buy my running shoes at the Running Room for a good discount! :D 

2015-11-26 12:12 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by StaceyK So Karen's hooked up with a power meter and a new Garmin. What's on everyone else's Black Friday/cyber Monday list? Nothing for me this year. The Australia/USA exchange rate has gone to and Phil hasn't had any work for around a month so no Black Friday buy up for me Also I told myself no more buying tri stuff until I have done a solid months training.

A power meter is pretty high up on my list but it will have to wait until at least xmas. Our shopping excitement is limited to a new oven.  At least my wife is excited about it.  I've been renovating an old house in all my spare time and our current appliances are going in there thus she gets new ones.

Turkey trot went well this morning.  I've had a chest cold and dry, 27 degree air didn't help much but brilliant sunshine made up for a lot of that.  Everyone enjoy your day.

2015-11-27 12:29 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Happy Thanksgiving to all the trotters and gobblers. I was one of the latter today. After spending the last 7 hours at J's aunt's... Stuffed!
2015-11-27 5:08 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Hmmm...could be. Certainly one sweats enough here to get electrolytes off-kilter. I had been coaching outside before the Monday workout in temps well into the 90's (F, of course, maybe 35 or 36C) so think I may have triggered things by getting dehydrated, and/or maybe had a mild strain from lifting the week before that somehow didn't act up noticeably till I got fatigued from swimming. It was just past "that time" of the month. I have some fizzy vitamin C tabs that pack a good punch of magnesium; maybe will try taking one or two of those a day to see if that helps.

Just bummed...unlike a lot of triathletes, I really like to swim. It's not only training, but recovery (it seems to undo running), and sanity (Can't talk to me now--my head's under water!)

Sorry to hear about the fires. One of the teachers for the online course I just finished had to delay her project grades due to poor internet connection, supposedly due to the fires. Smoke must make training difficult.

And a "Thanksgiving" travesty--tomorrow is our Thanksgiving dinner, and it's a rest day before a run threshold test (in a "race") on Sunday (actually just a charity event with no prizes). I was going to do a swim workout, but think I need to give that sport a rest and try again next week. It just seems a sad waste of a good dinner. I'm a big eater when I've worked up an appetite; otherwise probably won't do it justice.

Edited by Hot Runner 2015-11-27 5:11 AM
2015-11-27 10:18 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Karen, I hope your issue work themselves out so you can get back at it the way you like!

Happy Friday everyone! We are definitely getting into the holidays and i think before we can blink Christmas will be here! 

I don't have much on for today - i had hoped to go to lunch yoga but i have a 1pm meeting and the class ends at 1 so ... i'll have to do something else. 

I am going to a potluck with some former colleagues and i am making a super delicious and decadent pumpkin lasagna - my main variation is to roast the garlic. I LOVE roasted garlic. I actually can't wait to make it even though there are lots of bits to do. Cooking the squash with butter and sage makes it smell and taste so amazing! 

2015-11-27 8:13 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Yummm.....A colleague brought pumpkin lasagne to lunch yesterday and it smelled really good. If I could find a cheese-less recipe, that would be great. For some reason, I really hate cheese--smell, texture, taste--and it doesn't like me too well either. My Chinese friends used to joke that I was a "bad Westerner"--pretty much every other ex-pat in China and now here, especially the Europeans, was always obsessed with finding good-quality, affordable cheese. But what I save by not buying cheese, I make up for with nuts. (Almonds this morning--$20 a pound. Apparently no walnuts in country. Bought cashews instead, which are locally grown, and thus marginally cheaper--surprisingly, still pretty pricey.) Off to assemble "Waldorf salad" (my tropical version, with pineapple and cashews in addition to the usual apples and celery) for "Thanksgiving dinner".
2015-11-27 10:39 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

I love cashews.  Very much a treat for me.

Getting lots of running in so far this weekend.  It is very sunny and cold with no wind.  Trying to take advantage of daylight opportunity to run.  Looking for another 5k for tomorrow morning.


2015-11-28 2:16 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Very sad news to report. My Garmin 910 has died. Yesterday, before my run, I tried to turn it on but it would only give a little shutter before immediately turning off again. I tried charging it again and it took 4 hours to get to 3% charged. It worked for the first 5 minutes of my afternoon spin before once again giving a little shutter and turning off. I do have to say that I am super glad, however, that my watch wouldn't turn on at all for my "swim" this morning.

I have suspected that my Garmin was on its last legs for the past few months as it hasn't charged more than 25% since the Boulder IM and I asked Santa for a new 920 because of my suspicions. While we were at Endurance House yesterday for a drawing for race wheels I was hoping to win and then sell so I could buy a new watch, Santa broke down and told me that my new 920 was on back order and would ship on 12/4. I didn't win the race wheels but I did win a free Endurance House team membership for the year so now Mary S. and I are team mates!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

2015-11-29 4:17 PM
in reply to: fortissimo

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by fortissimo Very sad news to report. My Garmin 910 has died. Yesterday, before my run, I tried to turn it on but it would only give a little shutter before immediately turning off again. I tried charging it again and it took 4 hours to get to 3% charged. It worked for the first 5 minutes of my afternoon spin before once again giving a little shutter and turning off. I do have to say that I am super glad, however, that my watch wouldn't turn on at all for my "swim" this morning. I have suspected that my Garmin was on its last legs for the past few months as it hasn't charged more than 25% since the Boulder IM and I asked Santa for a new 920 because of my suspicions. While we were at Endurance House yesterday for a drawing for race wheels I was hoping to win and then sell so I could buy a new watch, Santa broke down and told me that my new 920 was on back order and would ship on 12/4. I didn't win the race wheels but I did win a free Endurance House team membership for the year so now Mary S. and I are team mates! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Happy to hear that Santa is coming to the rescue.  How long did you have the 910?  I've not heard of one breaking down. 

2015-11-29 7:17 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Robin, how cool that we'll be E-House teammates!!  Hope to see you at the kick-off meeting on Thursday evening and/or at the group workouts. Now that you're a team member, you can spend even more money there because you'll be saving 15% every time you do.

TJ, I'm always on the lookout for the first bottle of eggnog every year.  It totally cracks me up that there is now Halloween Nog.  I like both the store-bought stuff and the kind my mom makes from scratch.  They're completely different and delicious in their own special way. Mom's is a lot thinner and has real whipped cream on top, sprinkled with nutmeg.  It's so decadent.  We never had it with alcohol - I didn't even know it was served that way until I was an adult - and it really doesn't need it.  My 83-year-old choir director, on the other hand, makes a very similar recipe and adds a LOT of alcohol.  She says the secret is to marinate the eggs in rum all day.  Needless to say, her eggnog parties are legendary!  I've tried eggnog (the store-bought kind) in coffee but never in chai.  I like my chai made with soy milk so I might actually like it with eggnog. Because, you know, I DO need extra calories this time of year.

Mary, thanks for sharing your story.  It's an excellent reminder of all the things I have to be grateful for.  I think my parents were a little taken aback on Thanksgiving when I said I was grateful to have a warm and safe home, food to eat, and the money to have 3 pets.  It's so easy to take those things for granted when you've never contemplated or experienced what it's like to not have them.  On a lighter note, I can't believe that nobody made a joke earlier about when you said the turkey breast was so big!! (snerk)  DH bought 2 this year, put stuffing between them, and wrapped them in cheesecloth to bake so we got a "turkey" without all the mess of the carcass.  It was really tasty, especially with the bacon-mushroom stuffing.  Then again, I think pretty much everything's better with bacon.

Lisa, waiting for stuff to heal just plain sucks, especially when it takes longer than anticipated.  There's not much comfort in "it could be/have been worse" and anything longer than about a week seems like an eternity when you're in the middle of it.  Sorry you're having to go through that right now.  Sending healing thoughts your way.  (To you too, Ben, and to Judi and Gunnar-pup.)

I always challenge myself to not spend a single penny on Black Friday and I succeeded this year.  I really dislike all the crowds and pressure to buy-buy-buy, not to mention the syrupy Christmas carols that always get played during the holiday season.  Not sure why "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" and "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" annoy me so much; they just do.  DH and I did go to Endurance House today to take advantage of their 25% off everything deal.  I got some Skratch (hot apple cinnamon flavor - yum!) and he bought me cold-weather running pants and gloves with wind covers.  He's very kindly letting me use them right away instead of making me wait a month. I suppose he does have a vested interest - he won't have to listen to me gripe (as much) about being cold! 

Alrighty, now that I'm mostly caught up, I'm off to watch a football game from the comfort of my cozy couch.  DH and I were laughing earlier about all the people who pay hundreds of dollars to sit outside in the cold and snow so they can watch games live.  Have at it, people.  I'll take my coffee and Bailey's and lap cat any day of the week.  At least when I spend hundred of dollars and go out in the cold and snow, I'm actually moving around most of the time.  Then again, those football fans probably think I'm silly too, running around in the freezing cold.

2015-11-29 7:22 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Well, okay, I thought my last post had covered everything.  However, I just found an EPIC article that I had to share.  OMG! The Hyperbole of Internet-Speak from the New York Times.  OGM, literally dying!

2015-11-29 7:50 PM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by laffinrock

Well, okay, I thought my last post had covered everything.  However, I just found an EPIC article that I had to share.  OMG! The Hyperbole of Internet-Speak from the New York Times.  OGM, literally dying!

Hear that? It's our language dying (literally) I (literally) am alone this evening. That NEVER happens. Both my house mates are working. My cleaning is done and the house is (mostly) decorated. So I reheated leftovers for dinner and am watching the game with a nice glass of port, er I mean grape juice.
2015-11-30 7:25 AM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by laffinrock

Well, okay, I thought my last post had covered everything.  However, I just found an EPIC article that I had to share.  OMG! The Hyperbole of Internet-Speak from the New York Times.  OGM, literally dying!

OMG, that was the greatest article ever in the  history of the internet. I can't even.

And linguistics takes yet another punch to the gut. I think I'll just go get another cup of coffee and try to get some work done. And by work, I mean shopping on Amazon.

2015-11-30 9:45 AM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)
Originally posted by laffinrock

Well, okay, I thought my last post had covered everything.  However, I just found an EPIC article that I had to share.  OMG! The Hyperbole of Internet-Speak from the New York Times.  OGM, literally dying!

2015-11-30 10:05 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Hey, kids!  I've returned from the Land of Limited Cell/Internet Service (WV) and have survived the Payton family Thanksgiving.  Since I was in WV, I couldn't do the race I signed up for in PA, but we did do a little 5K while visiting.  It was interesting, to say the least.  Extremely low-key, which I suppose is to be expected from the region where we were.  Maybe 100 entrants?  Less, probably; more, definitely not.  Safety pin and hand-written number on a 5" x 7" piece of paper = bib#.  No maps, no marshals at turns, no police, no real start/finish line.  Directions included, "...turn right at the NEW stop sign..."  Needless to say, I made sure I kept a local ahead of me at all times! Timing was from a  running stopwatch and the same guy reading off numbers as we crossed an invisible finish line. I don't think results get posted anywhere, not that I want that calamity recorded for posterity!  Not my best 5K ever, but not my worst, either.

2015-11-30 10:16 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by melbo55

Hey, kids!  I've returned from the Land of Limited Cell/Internet Service (WV) and have survived the Payton family Thanksgiving.  Since I was in WV, I couldn't do the race I signed up for in PA, but we did do a little 5K while visiting.  It was interesting, to say the least.  Extremely low-key, which I suppose is to be expected from the region where we were.  Maybe 100 entrants?  Less, probably; more, definitely not.  Safety pin and hand-written number on a 5" x 7" piece of paper = bib#.  No maps, no marshals at turns, no police, no real start/finish line.  Directions included, "...turn right at the NEW stop sign..."  Needless to say, I made sure I kept a local ahead of me at all times! Timing was from a  running stopwatch and the same guy reading off numbers as we crossed an invisible finish line. I don't think results get posted anywhere, not that I want that calamity recorded for posterity!  Not my best 5K ever, but not my worst, either.

Glad you survived the wilds of West Virginia!! Those kind of races can be really fun - although, I don't think I've ever done one quite as low key as that!!

2015-11-30 10:56 AM
in reply to: melbo55

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by melbo55

Hey, kids!  I've returned from the Land of Limited Cell/Internet Service (WV) and have survived the Payton family Thanksgiving.  Since I was in WV, I couldn't do the race I signed up for in PA, but we did do a little 5K while visiting.  It was interesting, to say the least.  Extremely low-key, which I suppose is to be expected from the region where we were.  Maybe 100 entrants?  Less, probably; more, definitely not.  Safety pin and hand-written number on a 5" x 7" piece of paper = bib#.  No maps, no marshals at turns, no police, no real start/finish line.  Directions included, "...turn right at the NEW stop sign..."  Needless to say, I made sure I kept a local ahead of me at all times! Timing was from a  running stopwatch and the same guy reading off numbers as we crossed an invisible finish line. I don't think results get posted anywhere, not that I want that calamity recorded for posterity!  Not my best 5K ever, but not my worst, either.

That's funny! Were there banjos?  DH had a manager years ago who was from WV. Whenever DH would start cursing about him it usually involved the phrases "sister kissing" and "possum eating"

2015-11-30 11:00 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by laffinrock

Well, okay, I thought my last post had covered everything.  However, I just found an EPIC article that I had to share.  OMG! The Hyperbole of Internet-Speak from the New York Times.  OGM, literally dying!

OMG, that was the greatest article ever in the  history of the internet. I can't even.

And linguistics takes yet another punch to the gut. I think I'll just go get another cup of coffee and try to get some work done. And by work, I mean shopping on Amazon.

That sums up my work this morning as well.  Coffee in hand, amazon and ebay with some Christmas music playing.

2015-11-30 11:33 AM
in reply to: IndoIronYanti

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.4 CLOSED (or Poptart/pet pic ticket)

Well I guess I'm commited (or should be commited):

Order Number: 718871 - Monday Nov. 30, 2015 9:27 AM
Terresa Lato
Rio Rancho, NM
Gender:F Age:48
Behind the Rocks Ultra
50K - Registration
April 2, 2016   
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2015-02-23 11:27 AM IndoIronYanti
date : January 29, 2013
author : Scott Tinley
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There are races to prepare for and health to be found and a lot of adventure and release to be sought in the oceans of the world.
date : April 23, 2009
author : Team BT
comments : 1
The closed fist drill will ensure that you are pulling with your entire hand and forearm.