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2013-12-08 6:33 AM
in reply to: powerman

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Originally posted by powerman

Ciera was right to do it... she is 4th... duh. Hayden was right in pointing it out. He did all he could do to stay alive, and he is still alive. To me... all that worked best for him. He just made a big case if he makes it to final 3 for getting a win by swinging Ciera.

As far as the bottom alliance of Katie, Hayden and Ciera... they are not the bottom at all. Right now, who ever comes back from RI will be on their side. Tina and Laura M are big threats if they come back, and Ciera and Katie are more than alive. 

Tyson is really playing a good game. Nothing to complain about. Everyone has to know he is #1 right now... but Hayden playing Jervis against him as #2... brilliant. Way to hit that ego. And Jervis better do something if he wants to make a case for being #1. He has played well, but don't know about a big move.

Agreed on all.  Tyson will win if he makes it to the finals...he may be arrogant in the interviews but he isn't to the actual tribe.

More later.

2013-12-09 7:19 AM
in reply to: powerman

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Originally posted by powerman

Originally posted by ChrisM

Originally posted by powerman

Ciera was right to do it... she is 4th... duh. Hayden was right in pointing it out. He did all he could do to stay alive, and he is still alive. To me... all that worked best for him. He just made a big case if he makes it to final 3 for getting a win by swinging Ciera.

As far as the bottom alliance of Katie, Hayden and Ciera... they are not the bottom at all. Right now, who ever comes back from RI will be on their side. Tina and Laura M are big threats if they come back, and Ciera and Katie are more than alive. 

Tyson is really playing a good game. Nothing to complain about. Everyone has to know he is #1 right now... but Hayden playing Jervis against him as #2... brilliant. Way to hit that ego. And Jervis better do something if he wants to make a case for being #1. He has played well, but don't know about a big move.

In general, I think he was, but comments like his to Katie after getting voted out (if it wasn't already clear) really cause bad blood among the jury.  Then we'll get the speech "do you vote for the guy that played the game (Tyson) or the one that coat tailed (Gervase, Monica) without rubbing people the wrong way - although there is no love loss for Monica on the jury either

Monica is just plain tough and I do not see her as a coat tail rider. For what ever reason she is not a popular person when she plays. She has been on the bottom all the time. But she has worked, and she is tough as nails in challenges. She has worked.


Laura M is not out at all. She is tough too. It is more than possible for her to win immunity all the way to final 3. If she get's back in the game and makes it to the end... she wins. RI twice, on the bottom and still makes it... come on. I don't feel the same about Tina.... or Katie for that matter.

I have no idea how it would work if Laura and ciera made it to the end... it's possible

I agree. Monica played hard in challenges and is seen as someone who needs a lot of reassurance but is a player deserving of being there. Gervase is Tyson's right hand man and he made that clear at tribal. Ciera seems to be floating along until she made this either brilliant move or dumb move. Hayden is playing finally and I give him a ton of respect for that. Katie was the only one left you could legit call a coat tail rider.

IIRC, all the RI contestants that came back at the end were voted out quickly . It upsets their plans as they get to the end and jury and if you win your way back in you have a really good shot at the $1 million in front of the jury.

From the editing it seems that Vytas and Aras have some sour grapes about being there. They were the biggest threat and I would have voted them out too. I would think they would respect the game and the plays a little better. Really they should have taken care of business at RI and they wouldn't have to worry about it.
2013-12-09 3:05 PM
in reply to: Jtiger

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Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

I am not saying M is a coat tailer, but Tyson will certainly portray her as one, as Tyson has been the main strategizer and she has simply agreed.

2013-12-09 3:22 PM
in reply to: ChrisM

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Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Certainly... I would make the same case if it was me.


They are all doing pretty well, it is anyones game at this point. It's the scramble to the final 3. And then... it's who on the jury is the least pi$$ed. But as far as the game... who ever it comes down to... Tina/Katie and Laura/Ciera are still in it and have a guaranteed vote from their loved one... the rest are solo. And you can obviously see Laura is helping Tina big time... which might become favorable... the loved ones thing on the jury is a big deal in this game.

2013-12-11 6:48 AM
in reply to: ChrisM

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Originally posted by ChrisM

I am not saying M is a coat tailer, but Tyson will certainly portray her as one, as Tyson has been the main strategizer and she has simply agreed.

It really all depends on the mood of they jury

are they bitter

do they respect the way he played the game and hit them before they could hit him

I would hope returning players respect the outwit, outplay and outlast aspects of the game without sour grapes
2013-12-12 7:02 AM
in reply to: Jtiger

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Pretty good episode last night. Ciera came from behind and won immunity and foolishly took Hayden to reward instead of Monica.

Maybe it's the editing but Tyson didn't seem to defend himself much when they were throwing him under the bus at tribal. I think after all the trash talk Monica decided she had a better chance at the end of winning by sticking with the two most hated people in the jury's eyes and she can play the loyalty card. She has a really good resume to win the million dollars if the jury is at all bitter toward Gervase and Tyson.

What is up with Gervase yelling at tribal? I like the coconut bandits but that is bad for business when you're trying to get the jury to hand you $1 million dollars.

Finale this Sunday and it should be a good one. This season is much better than I expected.

2013-12-12 7:11 AM
in reply to: Jtiger

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Yes, Ciera probably should have taken Monica to reward.

Monica was in a no-win situation.  I don't think she can win against Tyson OR the Hayden/Ciera combo at this point.  I think she figured her best bet was to keep the loyalty and/or eventual jury votes of Tyson/Gervase and hope that she can link up with whomever comes back from RI.  So we have four now, right?  RI person will make 5 again?  If it's Hayden or Laura M or she can choose to flop at that point because in all likelihood Hayden and Laura M would both side for Ciera.  I am not sure what Tina will do.  She doesn't have a dog in the fight at the moment but seems to be rooting a bit for Ciera probably. 

But Monica also knows Tyson has an idol....which may have influenced her decision to stick with him.  I bet next tribal is the last one he can play it...if he wins immunity he'll play it to keep a supporter.  If he doesn't he'll play it to save himself.

Bottom line though, I think Tyson wins if he makes it to final 3.  Only Ciera or Hayden can give him a run for his money at this point IMHO...

2013-12-12 8:42 AM
in reply to: jldicarlo

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Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Generally agree... Haden and Ciera did all they could do. They said everything they had to say... some really good digs too... and it still didn't matter even if Monica believed them... no way she wins switching to their side. She wins by sitting next to Gervis and Tyson and hoping enough on the jury are against them. It is is those 3 at the end, I think Tyson still can win, Monica can from challenge wins/loyalty/and not stabbing a bunch of them in the back.... and I really do not see Jervis having a chance. I bet many still don't like him from the beginning of the game when he talked a bunch of trash.

Laura M is killing it in challenges and very easily can be at final 3 and she wins hands down. Ciera... ehhh. I don't see Tina winning immunity or the show... Hayden could be sitting there at the end, and he has a good chance at winning. 

It all comes down to how the jury splits with what alliance. I do not see them going for the Tyson/Gervis alliance... I think enough of them will go for the underdogs of all the others.

But I was actually surprised Tina took out her daughter. I can't really say it was wrong... just can believe she did it. They had to have talked about who they thought had the best chance at the Jury if one of them got there. I think if either made it, Tina "probably" has the best chance... but she won before and that alone might sway a jury.... I just thought it was very surprising. Once Laura won, I fully expected Tina to step aside.


I don't dislike any of them though, and who ever wins deserves it with how it would have to shake out for each of them. Sort of rooting for Hayden just because. He's a likable guy. Laura M is also great. Either of them would be cool.

2013-12-12 9:52 AM
in reply to: powerman

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

As tribal progressed last night I realized that Monica definitely was smarter to stick with Gervase (who will get zero votes) and Tyson.  Tyson hasn't played the social game well enough to win, I don't think.  I'd put money on Monica if those three make it.  They also have a tight alliance!  They WILL make it to the end if they can accept being there together.

Ciera is very very very dangerous.  She looked Monica right in the eye and laid it on thick.  I believe that Monica believed her and somehow thought what Ciera was saying made any difference at all.  It was a really good try on Ciera's part. 

My money's on Monica if she keeps it together!

2013-12-12 10:42 AM
in reply to: BikerGrrrl

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Originally posted by BikerGrrrl

As tribal progressed last night I realized that Monica definitely was smarter to stick with Gervase (who will get zero votes) and Tyson.  Tyson hasn't played the social game well enough to win, I don't think.  I'd put money on Monica if those three make it.  They also have a tight alliance!  They WILL make it to the end if they can accept being there together.

Ciera is very very very dangerous.  She looked Monica right in the eye and laid it on thick.  I believe that Monica believed her and somehow thought what Ciera was saying made any difference at all.  It was a really good try on Ciera's part. 

My money's on Monica if she keeps it together!

No matter how it goes down. Monica is going to the final 3 with either alliance.

Tyson has one more tribal and he will surely burn his idol just in case. So he makes final 4 and with any luck depending on who is voted out final 3. He has controlled the game from the beginning and maybe the jury will respect that. He's very arrogant in interviews but he doesn't seem that way when he interacts to others at camp. He is careful, usually, at tribal. Other than the dig at Katie "you're seat is over there" after the hug he hasn't rubbed anyone's nose in it like Gervase. He goes over the top to taunting which is what cost Russell Hantz 2 victories.

No idea how this will go down but this finale will be fun.

2013-12-15 8:32 PM
in reply to: Jtiger

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Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Anybody watching yet? I always forget all the details but right now I feel like everyone is badgering Monica to "make a big move" but I feel like for her, staying with the alliance IS the big move. How many of the other players have gone down because Monica did not swing? 

I was disappointed that Laura lost that last challenge. Nothing against Tina, I'm just sure that was very disappointing to win so many other times but not when it mattered most.

I always hate the speeches and questions so I may have to go fold laundry during that part.

2013-12-15 8:52 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

And the questions are annoying. Why is everyone so set on tearing Monica down? I'm totally missing something. Why is important for them to see her cry or "vulnerable" but not the other 2 sitting up there?

2013-12-16 12:05 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
wow 27 seasons.
2013-12-16 1:53 AM
in reply to: BellinghamSpence

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Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

The jury wasn't bitter and voted for the best player.

I thought Monica played a good game had had a good case. I did not get what more they wanted from her. There just must be something about her in person that is unpersonable to people. Tough woman though.

Tina had to go, and I was bummed Laura M lost to her.

Jervis had ZERO chance, and of all the ones left, he was most certainly one I would take to the end.

Can't stand the fact they wasted one more second talking to Colton. Serious waste of air time. And Jeff said it was official that he quit the first time... then at the reunion he stated a technicality after DB corrected him. I think there is some legal issues involved. He wants to claim a "medical" reason for the first time he quite... but it certainly was not an appendix as first reported. I really hop I never hear of him again.... but Caleb is a really nice guy. He can certainly do better. Ditch the hag.

Officially over Rupert. I don't get it.

I don't know that I would want to see another "Blood" season... but it certainly did offer a new twist. Lot's to think about... but pleace do not over do it.


2013-12-16 6:58 AM
in reply to: powerman

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

All Monica had to do was make one move (ie vote Jervis or Tyson off) and she would have won the game.

2013-12-16 7:05 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Originally posted by powerman

The jury wasn't bitter and voted for the best player.

I thought Monica played a good game had had a good case. I did not get what more they wanted from her. There just must be something about her in person that is unpersonable to people. Tough woman though.

Tina had to go, and I was bummed Laura M lost to her.

Jervis had ZERO chance, and of all the ones left, he was most certainly one I would take to the end.

Can't stand the fact they wasted one more second talking to Colton. Serious waste of air time. And Jeff said it was official that he quit the first time... then at the reunion he stated a technicality after DB corrected him. I think there is some legal issues involved. He wants to claim a "medical" reason for the first time he quite... but it certainly was not an appendix as first reported. I really hop I never hear of him again.... but Caleb is a really nice guy. He can certainly do better. Ditch the hag.

Officially over Rupert. I don't get it.

I don't know that I would want to see another "Blood" season... but it certainly did offer a new twist. Lot's to think about... but pleace do not over do it.


Agree on all of that - definitely over Rupert.

For me, when I kept watching with Monica, the questions of what makes you want to be here, her bawling answer about being the poor pitiful football wife did not move me to want her to win in the slightest. There really has to be more to you than that. That is the hardest thing you have ever had to overcome in your life - being a football wife and wanting to show your kids Mom is tough too? Lame, in my opinion. So then I could see why they were searching for something more.


What was all the weirdness with Hayden and Kat? I'm over Kat too. Of course I never would have brought her back to begin with.

Nice to see Cochran doing well .

Would you want to see any of these players back again? I think I could stand to see Cierra and Hayden back for another round.

Brawn vs Beauty vs Brains should be pretty interesting!


Edited by trigal38 2013-12-16 7:09 AM

2013-12-16 7:07 AM
in reply to: 0

Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Really good ending to one of the best seasons in a long time. Kudos to Tyson for being the mastermind of his alliance and the game and won immunity when it really counted.

When Gervase made his pitch about letting Tyson look like the bad guy but hey I made decision too.. that don't work. The one that looks the worst "like a villain" as Ciera put it so many times is the one that took the risk and should be rewarded.

It seemed the jury wanted something more out of Monica. Maybe at camp she came off as phony or something and being out there for 39 days you should really get to know someone.

The only player they didn't talk to was Gervas' niece. That has to feel pretty bad, yet they talked to Cochran for 5 minutes.

Laura M. did you really ask Tina to let her give you the win that would have sent her to the jury? How dare you. I always hate it when players ask for something like that at the end of the season. I think it was Cochrans first season where the girl that won, alicia?, asked him for more card pieces for the challenge.

I don't understand the fascination with Rupert either. He isn't a very good player. I don't think he has ever mad the jury. Constantly talking like a pirate is really annoying and claiming he is going to win over and over and over at RI then goes out in the first challenge. Can Survivor lose his number now?

With the straight hair Tyson looked like Sebastian Back from Skid Row. Yes I'm showing my age a little.

Very proud of Tyson and the coconut bandits. They played their game and it worked out for them in the end.

Edited by Jtiger 2013-12-16 7:09 AM
2013-12-16 9:08 AM
in reply to: Jtiger

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Even though I kept my money on Monica to the end, I am definitely okay with how it turned out.  I think someone (or more) people here said that he didn't often show his jerkiness to the players, that was more of a confessional type of thing.  I guess that must be true, so good for him!  But yeah, the hair... Men simply should not have their hair "blown out", under no circumstances.  That is what sets men's long hairstyles apart from women's hairstyles.    I am not a long hair fan, period, but that was the LIMIT of ugliness. 

I couldn't stand to watch the reunion part, but it sounds like I didn't miss anything.  The show was delayed 25 mins in MN and 9:30 is my bed time

2013-12-16 4:48 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

Originally posted by trigal38


Agree on all of that - definitely over Rupert.

For me, when I kept watching with Monica, the questions of what makes you want to be here, her bawling answer about being the poor pitiful football wife did not move me to want her to win in the slightest. There really has to be more to you than that. That is the hardest thing you have ever had to overcome in your life - being a football wife and wanting to show your kids Mom is tough too? Lame, in my opinion. So then I could see why they were searching for something more.


What was all the weirdness with Hayden and Kat? I'm over Kat too. Of course I never would have brought her back to begin with.

Nice to see Cochran doing well .

Would you want to see any of these players back again? I think I could stand to see Cierra and Hayden back for another round.

Brawn vs Beauty vs Brains should be pretty interesting!


Ya I can get that. I was watching her and taking her words at face value. I thought sure OK... but it was in the back of my head and you put it in print.... that ya, it probably stuck hollow that she had to endure being second fiddle to a NFL player. I mean it's no different that any woman that decides to be a stay at home mom or what ever. When she went on about it... it did sort of hit me like "what's so bad about that"... but it didn't dawn on me till you said it.

Curious off camera what they talk about. I wonder if they asked or she talked about Brad and the NFL or what. They are both college grads, if he wasn't stupid and blew all their money living like a rock star then they should be able to spring board into something, live pretty good..... who knows. Maybe she comes off as stuck up or fake... no telling. Regardless... I think she had a case, but the whole package, what ever they all saw, it did not ring true.

Even still, they could have actually believed her, and took her at her word... but Tyson really was the best player, and winning the last two immunity challenges sealed the deal. And his story also seemed true... that he played for his girl... and maybe they took that as genuine when he told them in his statement. I mean I believed him cause of his interviews... but he said it to the jury and you have to wonder if it is just a story or what.... but maybe they believed it.

2013-12-16 6:28 PM
in reply to: Jtiger

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Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Originally posted by Jtiger

Really good ending to one of the best seasons in a long time. Kudos to Tyson for being the mastermind of his alliance and the game and won immunity when it really counted.

When Gervase made his pitch about letting Tyson look like the bad guy but hey I made decision too.. that don't work. The one that looks the worst "like a villain" as Ciera put it so many times is the one that took the risk and should be rewarded.

It seemed the jury wanted something more out of Monica. Maybe at camp she came off as phony or something and being out there for 39 days you should really get to know someone.

The only player they didn't talk to was Gervas' niece. That has to feel pretty bad, yet they talked to Cochran for 5 minutes.

Laura M. did you really ask Tina to let her give you the win that would have sent her to the jury? How dare you. I always hate it when players ask for something like that at the end of the season. I think it was Cochrans first season where the girl that won, alicia?, asked him for more card pieces for the challenge.

I don't understand the fascination with Rupert either. He isn't a very good player. I don't think he has ever mad the jury. Constantly talking like a pirate is really annoying and claiming he is going to win over and over and over at RI then goes out in the first challenge. Can Survivor lose his number now?

With the straight hair Tyson looked like Sebastian Back from Skid Row. Yes I'm showing my age a little.

Very proud of Tyson and the coconut bandits. They played their game and it worked out for them in the end.

Yeah, if Sebastian Bach got smacked with an ugly stick, yeah he'd look like Tyson.
Listen, I'll give Tyson credit for a very well-played game. His personality though, just turns me off big time.
In fact, I'll say this season was pretty darn predictable.
Looking back, Monica and Tina were probably my favs. I'm looking past Monica's tear-fest...the whole, "What about me?" fest was just ridiculous. "Everything all these years was about Brad and my kids, etc." Oh puh-leeeze.
So what, a bunch of young, back-stabbing punks make fun of you. Just go grow a pair.
That said, for whatever reason, I still like her.
  • ..and how 'bout Tina in her 50's jumping out of trees? Love it!

  • I wonder if ratings are down a bit with the coming of the played-out "Brains-Brawn-Beauties" format next season. Hmm.
    2013-12-16 6:37 PM
    in reply to: powerman

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    Bellingham, Washington
    Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
    Would like to see back:

    Ethan Zohn
    Coach/dragon master
    Hunter Ellis
    Alicia Calaway
    Shane Powers
    Richard Hatch

    Would NOT like to see back

    Russell Hantz
    Brandon Hantz

    2013-12-17 12:00 AM
    in reply to: 0

    User image

    Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water

    Originally posted by BellinghamSpence Would like to see back:

    Ethan Zohn

    Coach/dragon master

    Hunter Ellis

    Alicia Calaway

    Shane Powers


    Richard Hatch

    Would NOT like to see back Russell Hantz Brandon Hantz Rupert Colton

    Fixed it.

    Edited by powerman 2013-12-17 12:02 AM
    2013-12-17 7:36 AM
    in reply to: powerman

    Memphis, TN
    Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
    My favorites I'd like to see come back are:

    Coach/Ben Wade
    James "grave digger guy"
    Terry Deitz
    Kim Spradlin
    Yul Kwon
    Earl Cole
    Bob "the physics teacher guy with the bowtie"

    Hope to never see:

    Sophie Clark
    any Hantz
    2013-12-17 10:06 AM
    in reply to: Jtiger

    User image

    Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
    Jury got it right. And I was wrong, props to Tyson for not calling Monica a coat tailer. But maybe he was impliedly calling gervase one

    and I have had enough returning players. Let's keep new blood only.

    2013-12-17 12:07 PM
    in reply to: ChrisM

    Memphis, TN
    Subject: RE: Survivor: Blood vs. Water
    Originally posted by ChrisM

    Jury got it right. And I was wrong, props to Tyson for not calling Monica a coat tailer. But maybe he was impliedly calling gervase one

    and I have had enough returning players. Let's keep new blood only.

    I don't think he really addressed the other players at all. He just made his case and didn't throw anyone under the bus that I heard. He cleared up what his role was in the alliance and made a good point of telling that each vote was not done out of malice but strategic to further his game.

    Gervase sealed his fate at the tribals where he started yelling at people. I think he was never seen as the decision maker so he was just a follower and not in any risk.
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