BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered) Rss Feed  
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2014-06-19 4:07 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by Artemis

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

I'm a mom.

I'm a mom.

I'm also a Postdoc at a University because I couldn't handle being home with my child every day and not going insane.  I'm currently working on the Vaginal Human Microbiome project.  Not a fun one to explain at dinner parties.

At first I thought I misread the name of your project.  Then I just laughed  

Good thing I'm alone in the office. This made me laugh

2014-06-19 4:34 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

I'm a mom.

Toughest job there is.  I'm too chicken for it.

Me too.  Fur kids are all I can handle.

Same here... and sometimes even the fur kids can be too much... or at least too annoying.  It's a good thing they're cute! 

I love being an aunt.  That is the sweet spot for me on the children front.  

Yep, I do too - the only problem is that I just don't get to see the kiddos very often.    

My first niece was just born in April but I won't see her much, if at all.  One of my bestest friends just had a little girl 2 days ago, though, so I get to shower all my auntie-ness on her.  Yay!

2014-06-19 5:41 PM
in reply to: 0

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

I'm a mom.

Toughest job there is.  I'm too chicken for it.

Me too.  Fur kids are all I can handle.

Same here... and sometimes even the fur kids can be too much... or at least too annoying.  It's a good thing they're cute! 

Erin I admire you greatly, all Mums actually, especially mine (who turns 58 today). Being an Aunt is my calling in this area. Currently I have 10 nieces and nephews ranging in age from 15 to 6 months (we actually have 18 if you count Phil's nieces and nephews, but I don't really because they are all adults and we don't have much to do with them).

I am a CPA. I work as the Business Manager for Seventh-day Adventist Schools in Western Australia. Which basically means if it is finance related or doesn't relate to curriculum then it ends up on my desk to sort out.

Edited by StaceyK 2014-06-19 5:50 PM
2014-06-19 5:51 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

I hope you have a fantastic day.
2014-06-19 5:57 PM
in reply to: Artemis

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by Artemis

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

I'm a mom.

I'm a mom.

I'm also a Postdoc at a University because I couldn't handle being home with my child every day and not going insane.  I'm currently working on the Vaginal Human Microbiome project.  Not a fun one to explain at dinner parties.

One of two things:You're not waiting til two glasses in or you run in classier circles than me On second thought. may very well be both.
2014-06-19 7:09 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by Artemis

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

I'm a mom.

I'm a mom.

I'm also a Postdoc at a University because I couldn't handle being home with my child every day and not going insane.  I'm currently working on the Vaginal Human Microbiome project.  Not a fun one to explain at dinner parties.

At first I thought I misread the name of your project.  Then I just laughed  

Nope! I'm part of the Vaginal Microbiome Consortium.  Here's our website:

2014-06-19 7:11 PM
in reply to: 4agoodlife

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by 4agoodlife
Originally posted by Artemis

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

I'm a mom.

I'm a mom.

I'm also a Postdoc at a University because I couldn't handle being home with my child every day and not going insane.  I'm currently working on the Vaginal Human Microbiome project.  Not a fun one to explain at dinner parties.

One of two things:You're not waiting til two glasses in or you run in classier circles than me On second thought. may very well be both. be fair, it IS fun to explain to my friends.  It is less exciting to discuss at Christmas dinner.  Especially with the in laws.  

2014-06-19 7:35 PM
in reply to: StaceyK

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by StaceyK
Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by laffinrock

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

I'm a mom.

Toughest job there is.  I'm too chicken for it.

Me too.  Fur kids are all I can handle.

Same here... and sometimes even the fur kids can be too much... or at least too annoying.  It's a good thing they're cute! 

Erin I admire you greatly, all Mums actually, especially mine (who turns 58 today). Being an Aunt is my calling in this area. Currently I have 10 nieces and nephews ranging in age from 15 to 6 months (we actually have 18 if you count Phil's nieces and nephews, but I don't really because they are all adults and we don't have much to do with them). I am a CPA. I work as the Business Manager for Seventh-day Adventist Schools in Western Australia. Which basically means if it is finance related or doesn't relate to curriculum then it ends up on my desk to sort out.

Interesting.  I didn't know exactly where you worked.  I volunteered to help the business manager at the local day academy, but so far they haven't taken me up on my offer.

2014-06-19 9:05 PM
in reply to: Artemis

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by Artemis

Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by Artemis

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

I'm a mom.

I'm a mom.

I'm also a Postdoc at a University because I couldn't handle being home with my child every day and not going insane.  I'm currently working on the Vaginal Human Microbiome project.  Not a fun one to explain at dinner parties.

At first I thought I misread the name of your project.  Then I just laughed  

Nope! I'm part of the Vaginal Microbiome Consortium.  Here's our website:

At a quick glance, the URL looks like it has to do with vacuums.  That plus the name of your project made me snort!

2014-06-19 9:29 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

WOW - so much stuff, so few brain cells still working...

Monica - It's official, YOU WIN THE RACE!!!  

Congrats!  PM me on where you guys end up.  The Better Half and I are heading there Sunday to Tuesday to house hunt.  I'd say let's get a BT run together, but if Salty comes it'd be her all finished with the run, drinkin' beer and eating chili-laced-poutine and us all dehydrated and sweaty (well, at least me)…    Anywho, WOOT Austin!!!

Jen, Jo, Salty - welcome back (from a relative newbie to the pod).    And Jen, I suppose it marks me as a SOOPER nerd, but your avatar is hawt!  


As for the job thing, where to start…   Erin, I'm a Dad (and hubby) - first and most important jobs in my whole life.

Beyond that, I have (as I'm told) more degrees than a thermometer.  Have been a scientist, a physician, a pourer of concrete, digger of ditches, seller and marketer of consumer packaged goods, management consultant, drug discoverer and developer, and general ne'er do well.

Currently about to move to Austin to run another biotech (sold the last one I was running end of March), and I'm very excited about it!  I'm finally in my happy place job-wise, where the science, medicine and management all come together (and what I learned pouring concrete has stood me in good stead no matter what I'm doing).

OK, time to tuck the kiddos in for the night.


2014-06-19 11:43 PM
in reply to: Artemis

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by Artemis

Originally posted by 4agoodlife
Originally posted by Artemis

Originally posted by 4agoodlife

I'm a mom.

I'm a mom.

I'm also a Postdoc at a University because I couldn't handle being home with my child every day and not going insane.  I'm currently working on the Vaginal Human Microbiome project.  Not a fun one to explain at dinner parties.

One of two things:You're not waiting til two glasses in or you run in classier circles than me On second thought. may very well be both. be fair, it IS fun to explain to my friends.  It is less exciting to discuss at Christmas dinner.  Especially with the in laws.  

Wow that's hilarious!

2014-06-19 11:45 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Just swinging by to say hello. So, hello!

I got to go to my first track practice yesterday!!!! I think I was actually more inhibited by a cold than from time off for surgery. Coach just had me do a relatively easy 24 minute tempo @ 7:00 ish then some strides. It was so nice to be back!

Not sure if I will be in shape to make any sort of an attempt to run the 10K at nationals in 3 weeks but we will see. 


Hope all is well in Manatee-land! 

2014-06-19 11:48 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Uh oh, I still want to be an IM.

Edited by jobaxas 2014-06-20 12:11 AM
2014-06-19 11:54 PM
in reply to: jobaxas

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Sheesh, I can't wait to go back to the college in a couple weeks so I am at my computer and keep up in here!!!

Salty, Jen, Jo, so great to see you all!

Congratulations Monica!

I am a Registered Veterinary Technologist; I teach Veterinary Technology plus I work in a clinic one or two days a month during the school year, more in the summer.  I have only fur kids, because you can leave them home alone from birth and not get into trouble.  Plus if they are naughty you can lock them in a cage and not get into trouble.  I too, am an aunt and love it.  My bro and his family live just 30ish min away, so get to see my niece and two nephews quite regularly.  But I give them back before I get to wanting to lock them in cages.

Yanti, glad you and your hubby are in the same country.  That is important in a relationship.  And the new kitties are awfully cute.


2014-06-20 12:10 AM
in reply to: bcraht

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
what do I do - well officially I'm an inventory planner - managing the stocks etc of a couple of menswear brands, Gant and Thomas Pink.

Unofficially - I am race reporter for Macca! I also run his social media for his Team MaccaX stuff. He would love to pay me but he doesn't I am working on it!

I am a pro triathlete stalker. I am obsessed to the point of nerdiness with this crazy sport. Nothing I like more pretty much. Recently launched my website.

I do a weekly wrap for the boys at IMTalk.

My next step is to actually do a report on a race. Challenge Gold Coast, get my media pass and really try and do something with it rather than just hang out with the Bondi Rescue boys.....

I'm also a mom. Little Artemis is 9 years old. She's a great gymnast. Like really great they tell me.....She can also swim very well, and run fast and dabbles on the bike. Very athletic and competitive - but really she loves singing more than anything else.

I have an unhealthy obsession with Terenzo Bozzone.

Also unofficially I transcribe podcasts for Vinnie Tortorich (America's Angriest Trainer podcast) - I also produce his weekly newsletter. Again unpaid!

I'm going to Kona this year have I mentioned that - I am beside myself.
2014-06-20 6:17 AM
in reply to: Artemis

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by Artemis

Originally posted by laffinrock

Feelin' like Old Home Week, with all the prodigal daughters coming back.  Hi, Jen, Adrienne, and Jo!  Welcome back to the Pod!

I can't quit you, Manatees.

Me neither. You are like pop tarts.  I know you are always there and never change no matter how long it has been.  Got to love preservatives.

On that note, did anyone see that Kraft was recalling a batch of Velveeta because it did not have enough preservatives in it?   

2014-06-20 8:14 AM
in reply to: jobaxas

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by jobaxas Uh oh, I still want to be an IM.

Uh oh, indeed!  Is this the start of a plan???

I suspect you could get a few decent training tips from your stalk-ees.  


2014-06-20 8:59 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

WOW - so much stuff, so few brain cells still working...

Monica - It's official, YOU WIN THE RACE!!!  

Congrats!  PM me on where you guys end up.  The Better Half and I are heading there Sunday to Tuesday to house hunt.  I'd say let's get a BT run together, but if Salty comes it'd be her all finished with the run, drinkin' beer and eating chili-laced-poutine and us all dehydrated and sweaty (well, at least me)…    Anywho, WOOT Austin!!!

Jen, Jo, Salty - welcome back (from a relative newbie to the pod).    And Jen, I suppose it marks me as a SOOPER nerd, but your avatar is hawt!  


As for the job thing, where to start…   Erin, I'm a Dad (and hubby) - first and most important jobs in my whole life.

Beyond that, I have (as I'm told) more degrees than a thermometer.  Have been a scientist, a physician, a pourer of concrete, digger of ditches, seller and marketer of consumer packaged goods, management consultant, drug discoverer and developer, and general ne'er do well.

Currently about to move to Austin to run another biotech (sold the last one I was running end of March), and I'm very excited about it!  I'm finally in my happy place job-wise, where the science, medicine and management all come together (and what I learned pouring concrete has stood me in good stead no matter what I'm doing).

OK, time to tuck the kiddos in for the night.


Wooooo hooooooooooo!!!  I think this might be the first race I've ever won!   

I can't wait to live in a city with another Manatee!!!  For the first year, we're planning on renting somewhere close to where my office is (6th & Congress) so that I don't have to commute (since 2004 I've had my commute as low as a block and as high as a 20 minute walk), and because that's where the running/biking trail is by the river... and we'll be somewhat close to Barton Springs pool to get some OWS done.    

I love your job history!  I have to admit that even though I've worked in the legal field for the past decade or so, I'm still a big nerd when it comes to human physiology...  my degree is in Human Kinetics with a minor in Biology.  I've dissected a LOT of stuff.  

2014-06-20 9:00 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

I was starting to write my 'job description' earlier and my computer shut itself off.  Weird, no?

I work in the Research Computing ...

Wait!  You work in the Research Computing department and...  Something is wrong here!

I accidently kicked the surge protector 'off' switch for the SECOND time this week.   Thankfully I wasn't in the middle of something for work!

2014-06-20 9:01 AM
in reply to: jobaxas

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

I'm going to Kona this year have I mentioned that - I am beside myself.

I can't even begin to tell you how jealous I am!!!  

Tony and I have been saying for the last year or so that we'd love to go to Kona to volunteer (cuz I'm NEVER going to get there any other way!) and from what I've read/been told by others, it's an amazing experience!  

2014-06-20 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4996915

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Somewhere on the Tennessee River
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Grrrr. Seems my bottom bracket is failing. Makes a racket it does. This one lasted only 18 months. The LBS is 60 miles away. Might have to use Amazon. Guess I can run these next few days. The solstice is tomorrow. Heat and humidity are at tropical levels. The heat index flirts with 100 and more.

There are no local events this weekend to do. Next race will be a 10K trail run on July 12. It is flat as a pancake as it is a converted rail space. Next event will be a century ride in Tuskaloosa in late July.

Will go sailing today. Will get in an open water swim too.

2014-06-20 9:09 AM
in reply to: jobaxas

User image

Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by jobaxas what do I do - well officially I'm an inventory planner - managing the stocks etc of a couple of menswear brands, Gant and Thomas Pink. Unofficially - I am race reporter for Macca! I also run his social media for his Team MaccaX stuff. He would love to pay me but he doesn't I am working on it! I am a pro triathlete stalker. I am obsessed to the point of nerdiness with this crazy sport. Nothing I like more pretty much. Recently launched my website. I do a weekly wrap for the boys at IMTalk. My next step is to actually do a report on a race. Challenge Gold Coast, get my media pass and really try and do something with it rather than just hang out with the Bondi Rescue boys..... I'm also a mom. Little Artemis is 9 years old. She's a great gymnast. Like really great they tell me.....She can also swim very well, and run fast and dabbles on the bike. Very athletic and competitive - but really she loves singing more than anything else. I have an unhealthy obsession with Terenzo Bozzone. Also unofficially I transcribe podcasts for Vinnie Tortorich (America's Angriest Trainer podcast) - I also produce his weekly newsletter. Again unpaid! I'm going to Kona this year have I mentioned that - I am beside myself.

You've got a lot of cool stuff going on, Jo!!  Mmmm, Terenzo...

2014-06-20 9:29 AM
in reply to: MadMathemagician

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by MadMathemagician Grrrr. Seems my bottom bracket is failing. Makes a racket it does. This one lasted only 18 months. The LBS is 60 miles away. Might have to use Amazon. Guess I can run these next few days. The solstice is tomorrow. Heat and humidity are at tropical levels. The heat index flirts with 100 and more. There are no local events this weekend to do. Next race will be a 10K trail run on July 12. It is flat as a pancake as it is a converted rail space. Next event will be a century ride in Tuskaloosa in late July. Will go sailing today. Will get in an open water swim too.

Yikes, 18 months and it's failing already??  Even if the bike is out of commission until you get a new bottom bracket, it sounds as though you've got some great things to keep you occupied and possibly getting a run or two done before the 10k trail run would be a good thing in between the sailing and the OWS. 

Have a fabulous weekend!   

2014-06-20 9:37 AM
in reply to: MadMathemagician

User image

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)

Originally posted by MadMathemagician Grrrr. Seems my bottom bracket is failing. Makes a racket it does. This one lasted only 18 months. The LBS is 60 miles away. Might have to use Amazon. Guess I can run these next few days. The solstice is tomorrow. Heat and humidity are at tropical levels. The heat index flirts with 100 and more. There are no local events this weekend to do. Next race will be a 10K trail run on July 12. It is flat as a pancake as it is a converted rail space. Next event will be a century ride in Tuskaloosa in late July. Will go sailing today. Will get in an open water swim too.

Given those conditions, sailing and OWS sound perfect!  Annoying about the bottom bracket.  What's up with that?!

2014-06-20 9:37 AM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Somewhere on the Tennessee River
Subject: RE: Manatee Monkey Mentors SHUT (Poptart or pet pic bribes considered)
Originally posted by blueyedbikergirl

Originally posted by MadMathemagician Grrrr. Seems my bottom bracket is failing. Makes a racket it does. This one lasted only 18 months. The LBS is 60 miles away. Might have to use Amazon. Guess I can run these next few days. The solstice is tomorrow. Heat and humidity are at tropical levels. The heat index flirts with 100 and more. There are no local events this weekend to do. Next race will be a 10K trail run on July 12. It is flat as a pancake as it is a converted rail space. Next event will be a century ride in Tuskaloosa in late July. Will go sailing today. Will get in an open water swim too.

Yikes, 18 months and it's failing already??  Even if the bike is out of commission until you get a new bottom bracket, it sounds as though you've got some great things to keep you occupied and possibly getting a run or two done before the 10k trail run would be a good thing in between the sailing and the OWS. 

Have a fabulous weekend!   

Not to worry much. My beach cruiser is fit to ride.
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2006-12-20 4:55 PM Ron
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The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
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Not only is he a great athlete, he is a great mentor. I have been in his mentor group for the last two rounds and he inspires and encourages our entire group daily.
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